Ard, ARD, Ards or ARDS may refer to:
Edward Christopher "Ed" Sheeran (born 17 February 1991) is an English singer-songwriter who is currently signed to Asylum / Atlantic Records. Sheeran broke through commercially in June 2011, when his debut single "The A Team" debuted at number 3 on the UK chart.
Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire to Irish and English parents, before moving to Framlingham, Suffolk; he is a cousin of TV journalist and presenter Gordon Burns. He learned guitar at a very young age, and began writing songs during his time at Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham. His early childhood memories, referred to in a interview on the Zane Lowe show, included listening to Van Morrison on his countless trips to London with his parents and going to an intimate gig with Damien Rice in Ireland when he was 11. He also opened for Nizlopi in Norwich in April 2008 after being one of their guitar technicians. Sheeran began recording in 2005, which led to the release of his first EP, The Orange Room EP. Sheeran also released 2 albums, a self-titled one in 2006 and Want Some? in 2007. He moved to London in 2008 to play gigs, starting off in very small venues, playing every day, to as little as five people. In 2008, he auditioned for the ITV series Britannia High.
Karl Wolf Biermann (born 15 November 1936) is a German singer-songwriter and former East German dissident.
Biermann was born in Hamburg, Germany. His mother, Emma (née Dietrich), was a Communist Party activist, and his father, Dagobert Biermann, worked on the Hamburg docks. Biermann's father was Jewish and a member of the German Resistance.
Biermann was one of the few children of workers who attended the Heinrich-Hertz-Gymnasium (high school) in Hamburg. After the Second World War, in 1953, he became a member of the Free German Youth (Freie Deutsche Jugend, FDJ) and in 1950 1953, he represented the Federal Republic of Germany at the FDJ's first national meeting.
On finishing school at the age of 17, Biermann decided to emigrate from West to East Germany where he believed he could live out his Communist ideals. He was helped in this move by Margot Honecker who knew him from their youth. Until 1955 he lived at a boarding school near Schwerin. Then he began studying political economics at the Humboldt University of Berlin. From 1957 to 1959 he was an assistant director at the Berliner Ensemble. At university he changed courses to study philosophy and mathematics.
Helene Fischer (Russian: Елена Петровна Фишер (Jelena Petrowna Fischer); born August 5, 1984 in the Soviet Union) is a German singer and entertainer. Since her debut in 2005 she has won several awards, including four Echo awards and three "Krone der Volksmusik" awards. According to record certifications she sold at least 2,905,000 albums.
Helene Fischer was born in the Siberian town of Krasnoyarsk, Russia, where she spent her early childhood. In 1988 her ethnic German family emigrated to Germany. In Germany, the family settled in the State of Rhineland-Palatinate.
After graduating from school, Helene Fischer attended the Frankfurt Stage & Musical School for three years, where she studied singing and acting. During this time, Helene performed on stage at the State Theatre of Darmstadt, as well as on the stage of National Theatre in Frankfurt.
During her time at the Stage & Musical School, her mother secretly copied a demo CD with six songs of Helene and sent it to different recording studios to gauge the reaction of professionals.
Ard Adz - I See Fire (Ed sheeran Cover) @ArdAdz
ARD Monitor: Die NATO als Kriegstreiber in der Ukraine (22.8.14)
Deutschland gegen Argentinien das Tor von Götze...ard tv
ARD Die Reportage: Der Arbeitsmarktreport - das Märchen vom Fachkräftemangel (Doku, 2014)
Vollstreckungsbeamter wurde von GEZ (ARD,ZDF & Deutschlandradio) geschickt und abgewiesen
ARD - #TTIP - Der große Deal - Geheimakte Freihandelsabkommen - 4.8.2014
Die Wahrheit über Coca-Cola Markencheck ARD HD
Wolf Biermann: "Man schlägt keine toten Hunde tot." | ARD-Morgenmagazin | DAS ERSTE
ARD-Sommerinterview mit Gregory Gysi | 10.08.2014 | Bericht aus Berlin
Sascha Grammel begeistert beim Bambi | BAMBI 2013 | ARD
ARD: Immer auf Putin - Breite Kritik an Medien. ZAPP NDR
ATEMLOS | Helene Fischer | Live bei Willkommensparty | Brandenburger Tor | ARD
Propaganda - Berichterstattung der ARD und ZDF
A sweeping story of the battle of good against evil is told through an anthology of short animated films about a glowing green orb (the Loc-Nar) that is the personification of ultimate evil in the universe. Based loosely on the French magazine "Heavy Metal."
Keywords: 2d-animation, abduction, accidental-death, actor-playing-multiple-roles, adult-animation, alien, alien-abduction, alternative-reality, animated-nudity, animated-zombie-horror
A Step Beyond Science Fiction
Louder And Nastier Than Ever
Columbia Pictures takes you beyond the future into a universe you've never seen before...... A universe of mystery. A universe of magic. A universe of sexual fantasies. A universe of awesome good. A universe of terrifying evil.
Den: [as the Queen presents her disrobed body to him] Wow, 18 years of nothing, and now twice in one day ! What a place.
[after sex]::Robot: Earth women who experience sexual ecstasy with mechanical assistance always tend to feel guilty!
Harry Canyon: Hey, kiss my ass!::Hooker: I'll do it for twenty bucks !
Edsel: [completely wasted from Nyborg] I think... you're coming in a little high, man.::Zeks: [wasted from Nyborg, but more lucid] Look, man, if there's one thing I know, it's how to drive while I'm stoned. It's like you know your perspective's fucked so you just let your hands work the controls as if you were straight.
Taarak the Defender: [voiceover] To defend: this is the pact. But when life loses its meaning and is taken for naught, then the pact is to avenge!
Den: There was no way I was gonna walk around this place with my dork hanging out!
Harry Canyon: [as a nude redhead begins intercourse with him] Sucker play or not, I must have turned her on somethin' fierce. I mean, this dame was goin' for broke. Maybe it was her first time with a New Yorker, I dunno. Anyway, nothing beats good old American know-how. And I was givin' this broad the Stars And Stripes For Ever.
Ard: If you refuse, you die; she dies... everybody dies!
Desk Sergeant: Before you go any further, pal, I gotta tell ya it's cash up front. A thousand bucks a day for a full investigation, another thou' if the assailant is caught. Do you understand?::Harry Canyon: Yeah. Hey, here's a dollar. Thanks for nothin'.::Desk Sergeant: Think you can do better?... Punk.
Harry Canyon: The U.N. Building. What a joke! They turned it into low rent housing. It's a dump.
Ard Adz - I See Fire (Ed sheeran Cover) @ArdAdz
ARD Monitor: Die NATO als Kriegstreiber in der Ukraine (22.8.14)
Deutschland gegen Argentinien das Tor von Götze...ard tv
ARD Die Reportage: Der Arbeitsmarktreport - das Märchen vom Fachkräftemangel (Doku, 2014)
Vollstreckungsbeamter wurde von GEZ (ARD,ZDF & Deutschlandradio) geschickt und abgewiesen
ARD - #TTIP - Der große Deal - Geheimakte Freihandelsabkommen - 4.8.2014
Die Wahrheit über Coca-Cola Markencheck ARD HD
Wolf Biermann: "Man schlägt keine toten Hunde tot." | ARD-Morgenmagazin | DAS ERSTE
ARD-Sommerinterview mit Gregory Gysi | 10.08.2014 | Bericht aus Berlin
Sascha Grammel begeistert beim Bambi | BAMBI 2013 | ARD
ARD: Immer auf Putin - Breite Kritik an Medien. ZAPP NDR
ATEMLOS | Helene Fischer | Live bei Willkommensparty | Brandenburger Tor | ARD
Propaganda - Berichterstattung der ARD und ZDF
Ard Adz & Sho Shallow - 9 To 5 (Prod By RicioBeats)
SEX Sklavinnen Frauenhandel in Europa. ARD EXKLUSIV *Part1*
ARD Monitor - #TTIP Freihandelsabkommen: Das Märchen vom Jobmotor - 30.01.2014
Die Macht des Unbewussten (ARD Mediathek Reportage / Folge 1)
Ard Adz - Tell me Why (@Therealkiss Cover) @Ardadz
Das Riester-Dilemma - Die Riester-Lüge - ARD Reportage 09.01.2012
[DOKU] Wie gut sind No-Name-Lebensmittel (ARD-Reportage)
Kriegserklärung - So denken Zuschauer wirklich über die ARD
Interview Schweinsteiger Podolski Scholl ARD Deutschland Weltmeister 2014
Russlands Präsident Putin im ARD-Exklusivinterview | Günther Jauch | NDR
Владимир Путин: Реакцию Запада на присоединение Крыма в Москве считают абсолютно неадекватной
Die dunkle Seite von Red Bull - ARD Reportage
English: Exclusive ARD interview with Russian President Putin | Günther Jauch | ARD
Männliche Escorts (Folge 11) | Nadia auf den Spuren der Liebe | Einsfestival | ARD
Geheimsache Doping: "Wie Russland seine Sieger macht" - Doku Sportschau ARD 2014
Sterben für Allah - Deutsche Gotteskrieger in Syrien (ARD-Doku 2014)
Gefährliche Glückspillen - Milliardenprofite mit Antidepressiva - ARD Reportage
82 ARD Radio Tatort Stand der Dinge
Ranga Yogeshwar in Fukushima (ARD, 03.11.2014, 22:45)
Bornholmer Straße - ARD TV film 2014 about the fall of the border in Berlin
Grenzgänger: 11 Jugendliche und ihr Erfahrungstrip | ARD-Themenwoche | #Toleranz
Empfang der Deutschen Weltmeister-Nationalmannschaft 2014 in Berlin in der ARD
Steh zu dir! | ARD-Themenwoche "Toleranz"
WM 1990 - Zusammenfassung/Rückblick (ARD Sportschau) - YouTubeDE-Version (ohne GEMA-Musiktitel)
Gorenje F 6152 ARD Gefrierschrank / A++ / 145 cm Höhe / 198 kWh/Jahr / 206 Liter Gefrierteil
Rea Garvey - Oh My Love - Boxen (ARD)
ARD-Spezial - Der einsame Putin in Brisbane zum G20-Treffen
Jason Ard
... " PePee "_ ŞARKILARI ..!! _ (( 12 ŞARKI ARD ARDA ))
... " PePee "_ ŞARKILARI ..!! _ (( 12 ŞARKI ARD ARDA ))
PSI - Todeserfahrung Dokumentation deutsch ARD ARTE Reportage Bildung Dimension teil 2
Öffentlich Rechtliche ARD ZDF Lügen
#ARD: Little Ill (21/11/14)
ARD Toleranz: Sex mit Hunden im Jugendsender "You FM"
Parteitag der Grünen: R. Becker, ARD Berlin, zur neuen Line der Partei
Star-Umfrage: Wo hört die Toleranz auf? | DASDING | ARD
ARD MittagsMagazin Islam Karimov
Путин ответил жестко об Украине в интервью телеканалу ARD Новости сегодня
Anthony Marsden and Andrew Woodhead - Response to work by Marina Ard for Echo exhibition
ARD-Themenwoche: Unterstützung für behinderte Eltern
Dr. Leid: Ein Fall von Fuselitis oralis | ARD-Morgenmagazin | DAS ERSTE
Ard mafia Tregimi Nasradin hogja
Vodafone – der lange Arm des britischen Geheimdienstes? | Monitor | Das Erste | ARD
Ausländerbehörden in Deutschland: Von wegen willkommen! - Monitor vom 20.11.2014 (ARD)
Campino: "Die Eier muss man haben, das auszuhalten." | ARD-Morgenmagazin | DAS ERSTE
Ausländerbehörden in Deutschland | Monitor | Das Erste | ARD