- published: 15 Feb 2017
- views: 104534
A fansub (short for fan-subtitled) is a version of a foreign film or foreign television program which has been translated by fans (as opposed to an officially licensed translation done by professionals) and subtitled into a language other than that of the original.
The practice of making fansubs is called fansubbing and is done by a fansubber. Fansubbers typically form groups and divide the work up. The first distribution media of fansubbed material was VHS and Betamax tapes.
Early fansubs were produced using analog video editing equipment. First, a copy of the original source material or raw was obtained, most commonly from a commercial laserdisc. VHS tapes or even a homemade recording could be used as well, though that would entail a lower quality finished product. The dialogue was then translated into a script, that was then timed to match the dialogue, and typeset for appearance. The two most popular programs used in this process were JACOsub for the Commodore Amiga and Substation Alpha for MS Windows. The next step was to produce one or more masters, a high quality copy of the finished fansub from which many distribution copies could be made. The fansubber would play back the raw video through a computer equipped with a genlock in order to generate the subtitles and then overlay them on the raw signal. The hardware of choice was an Amiga PC as most professional genlocks were extraordinarily expensive. The final output of this arrangement was then recorded. The master was most often recorded onto S-VHS tape in an attempt to maximize quality, though some fansubbers were forced to use inferior but less expensive VHS or Beta. Once completed, the master copy was then sent to a distributor.
BONUS - Les perles du Fansub : https://youtu.be/NHGS9jHX35M ********** On est nombreux à avoir découvert les anime grâce aux sous-titres fait par des fans...mais c'était pas toujours l'idéal ! L'Ermite Moderne vous fait donc une liste de 7 défauts majeurs du fansub. - Soutenez-nous !! http://www.voxmakers.fr/soutenez-voxmakers#topresque - Rejoignez-nous sur http://www.VoxMakers.fr, et Facebook http://fb.VoxMakers.fr ! - Pour soutenir les chroniques de l'Ermite Moderne : https://www.tipeee.com/ermite-moderne - Liens-sources et documents qui ont servi à faire cette vidéo : http://www.mediafire.com/file/yhtcvsc69734t4p/7+pires+d%C3%A9fauts+fansub+source.zip - Miniature - Vegeta avec une tête étrange par OneyNG : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYa5aQb3YGE
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/prozdkp My Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/prozd My Instagram: https://instagram.com/prozd My Tumblr: http://prozdvoices.tumblr.com/ My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/prozd Use this link and code to get 10% off any Loot Crate! https://lootcrate.com/ProZD Coupon Code: ProZDCrate
- VIDÉO ASSOCIÉE AU BONUS : https://youtu.be/NnnCivzYZ9Y Dans ce bonus, l'Ermite Moderne va devoir se taper les pires exemples de sous-titres ratés qu'on est obligé de supporter dans le monde du fansub d'anime. (Cette vidéo n'aurait jamais été possible sans mes fans et followers, merci pour m'avoir envoyé ces belles perles !) - Miniature - Freezer avec une tête choquée par OneyNG : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pSmhZFbCy0
Banyak sekali yang bertanya kepada saya tentang opening yang di pakai oleh Fansub Islam dalam setiap videonya, dan saya selalu menjawabnya. Namun masih saja ada yang bertanya lagi, maka saya putuskan untuk mencoba mengupload nya dulu disini nasheed aslinya, yang mungkin gak akan lama, akan langsung kami hapus lagi. Jadi judul soundtrack opening nya adalah : Al Habib - The Loved One Talib Al habib
Le CHEF parle de FANSUB et du simulcast...ça va chier. Rejoignez la page Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MenuManga Suivez nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/MenuManga Tipeee : https://www.tipeee.com/projects/lechefotaku-1 Site partenaires : Manga sans frontières : http://msf-fr.com/ Gaman studio : http://www.gamanstudio.com/ Happy Cat : http://happy2cats.wordpress.com/partenaires/ Radio Anime : http://radio.fun-animes.fr/index.php REMERCIEMENT TIPEEE: Romain## kilian nowas987 dieu marwin ceced90 chocapeace kilian bentherabbit Michel Denisot nowas987 Tanuki Elie-G sangroventre sangroventre Jalounet Kurosora24 Daggoth18 Dimitri Lionel floodeurfou TrollTintin Timarou974 Michel Denisot Krazus bentherabbit Binou anthonyo06 anthonyo06 maxouro Valderek ChimisteQuentin theBman94 topset...
Part one of the THE RISE AND FALL OF ANIME FANSUBS - a documentary I compiled over half a year. Enjoy it, agree with it, or be enraged by it... but you cannot deny the academic points it makes! ...INCIDENTALLY... that opening sequence took bloody ages to make, so do watch it at least fifty times if you can. Thanks. Lol I think it shows the beautiful things you can do with parallax scrolling (anyone remember the sea in the background of the original Sonic the Hedgehog game?).
L'OAV Super Danganronpa 2.5 Nagito et le destructeur du monde en version sous-titré français. C'est une fan sub, alors j'espère que vous pardonnerez les fautes d'orthographes (bien que je n'ai vu que deux fautes, chacune de frappe) J'ai seulement fait la traduction et les sous-titres, rien d'autre n'est de moi. Les sous-titres français sont au dessus de ceux anglais car je n'ai pas trouvé la version originale.
※Chúc các bạn xem phim vui vẻ 😉😘💻 ➡ ➡ ➡ Like & Share cho bạn bè cùng xem nhé ⬅ ⬅ ⬅ -------------------------------------------------- © Sản phẩm này có bản quyền phụ đề. ● NGHIÊM CẤM RE-UPLOAD DƯỚI MỌI HÌNH THỨC -------------------------------------------------- ★Phim được dịch bởi:Thái Tuấn & P.Long ❤ ★Tất cả những sản phẩm của Mon Fansub đều phi lợi nhuận. Vui lòng không sao chép và sử dụng với mục đích thương mại. Nếu các bạn muốn re-up vui lòng ghi rõ nguồn . ★Fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/MonFansub ★Xem nhiều hơn tại:http://www.derbymanches.com/ ☘Nhóm Dịch Phim:Mon Fansub ❤
♚♚♚♚Read Me For Info + Download✠✠✠✠✠ ----------------------------------------------------- First you need to read this page : https://gamerotaku.com/threads/how-make-fansubs-or-subtitles-for-anime-movies.1968/ all the info is here ? Activision, Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sony, Rockstar & Every Other Company Watching This Video Please Read ? ## Activision, Sony, Microsoft, Treyarch ## Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Music (in order): Download: Source of the T...
Anime Fansub Grundkurs! In diesem Video wird dir der komplette Prozess vom Download einer neuen Animefolge bis hin zum Upload des gesubbten Videos erklärt! ║ ÖFFNE MICH ║ "Fansubs 101", "Der komplette Anime Fansub Guide" oder auch nur "ein wirklich wahnsinnig tolles (g) Video von meinem Lieblings-YouTuber Yoma: In diesem Video erfährt ihr alles, was ihr über Fansubs schon immer wissen wolltet. ;) Nach der "Anleitung" im Video handeln selbst große Fansub Gruppen wie "Chinurarete Subs", "MagicalGirlSubs", "NanaOne", "Akatsuki-Subs", "Cookie Subs", "Yamayurikai Subs", "Gruppe Kampfkuchen" und wie sie alle heißen. Es ist zwar kein Video über Fandubs, aber hey! Fansubs sind doch auch keine schlechte Sache! :D Als Bonus gibt es auch noch die Antwort auf die Frage: "Sind Fansubs illegal?" grati...