
Página de bienvenida en español

MAAF welcomes you. Nontheistic service members serve honorably throughout the world -- always have; always will. However, nontheists are the last unprotected minority. Humanists, atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, or other nontheists have a home with MAAF. MAAF provides a unique service in building community for atheists and humanists in the military. Whether you are a MAAFer or just looking for information, we are here to help.

Get your MAAF member tag

Join today and receive a Humanist-Atheist-Patriot ID tag from MAAF. These are available exclusively to donors and members who pay the $25 annual membership fee. This is a small token of appreciation to those who help MAAF to be successful. If every unpaid member paid $25 dues in full, current MAAF operations would be fully funded for the year. I hope this shows how every dollar counts.

You can join at any time and click the tag to pay dues or donate. There is also information about Donor Societies, legacy gifts, and special giving options.

Get MAAF Merchandise

MAAF has t-shirts, buttons, hats, and other items for sale through cafepress, Amazon, and partner Godless Patriots.
First, Check Amazon Smile to ensure your purchases support MAAF.
Get MAAF-logo t-shirts, buttons, stickers, and more at Cafepress: