Research Laboratory

Research on Development and Control of Distributed Applications
National School of Engineering of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia


The laboratory on Development and Control of Distributed Applications (ReDCAD) was created in October 2005 at the Department of Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics of the National School of Engineers of Sfax. The main activities carried on by the members of this unit include: scientific research, training and advising of young researchers, participation in the socio-economic life, contribution to national and international research projects and organization of national and international scientific conferences and workshops.



Recently Accepted Papers

  • We congratulate Ghofrane Fersi, who has Successfully defended her PhD Thesis at the National School of Engineers of Sfax on April 03, 2014.

  • Ikbel Guidara has an accepted paper in IEEE ICWS 2014. (Conference Rank: A*). Ikbel Guidara, Nawal Guermouche, Tarak Chaari, Said Tazi, Mohamed JMAIEL, Pruning based Service Selection Approach under QoS and Temporal Constraints, 21th IEEE International Conference on Web Services, Alaska, USA, IEEE Computer Society

  • Saoussen Cheikhrouhou has an accepted paper in IEEE SCC 2014. (Conference Rank: A*). Saoussen Cheikhrouhou, Slim, Kallel, Nawal Guermouche, Mohamed JMAIEL, Enhancing Formal Specification and Verification of Temporal Constraints in Business Processes, 1th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, Alaska, USA, IEEE Computer Society

  • We congratulate Nadhmi Milaidi, who has Successfully defended his PhD Thesis at the National School of Engineers of Sfax on March 19, 2014.

  • Afef Jmal Maalej and Moez Krichen Study on the Limitations of WS-BPEL Compositions Under Load Condition, In The Computer Journal, OXFORD, 2014. [doi]

  • Akram Eddahech, Sofien Chtourou, Mohamed Chtourou, Hierarchical neural networks based prediction and control of dynamic reconfiguration for multilevel embedded systems, In Journal of Systems Architecture, ELSEVIER, volume 59, 2013. [doi]