Total Philosophy: Why René Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am'
Total Philosophy: Why René Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am'
Total Philosophy: Why René Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am'
In this video, we explain why René Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am'. Feedback is much appreciated. If you liked the video then please like and subscr...
Three Minute Philosophy: Rene Descartes
Three Minute Philosophy: Rene Descartes
Three Minute Philosophy: Rene Descartes
It's back at last! Pull up a stool as I take you through another fascinating, often painful, rapid-fire journey through the history of philosophy.
René Descartes - The Great Philosophers
René Descartes - The Great Philosophers
René Descartes - The Great Philosophers
René Descartes 31 March 1596 -- 11 February 1650 Perhaps best known for the philosophical statement "Cogito ergo sum" ( I think, therefore I am ) found in pa...
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Meditations, 1-2
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Meditations, 1-2
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Meditations, 1-2
In this session from my Fall 2011 Introduction to Philosophy class at Marist College, we begin our foray into Descartes' philosophy by examining Meditations ...
Biografias Universales : René Descartes
Biografias Universales : René Descartes
Biografias Universales : René Descartes
La Biografía de René Descartes !!! También conocido como Cartesius, que era la forma latinizada en la cual escribia su nombre, nombre del que deriva la palab...
René Descartes - Filosofía - Educatina
René Descartes - Filosofía - Educatina
René Descartes - Filosofía - Educatina
Más sobre este video en: http://bit.ly/16pDWoK ▷ Suscríbete: http://bit.ly/SubscribeEducatina ▷ ¡No olvides dar un "Like" y Comentarnos! - - - - - - - - - - ...
The Philosophy and Epistemology of René Descartes
The Philosophy and Epistemology of René Descartes
The Philosophy and Epistemology of René Descartes
This is a short video about the philosophy and epistemology of René Descartes, discussing his "method of doubt" and his famous statement "Cogito ergo sum."
01 - Filosofia (René Descartes) - aula 01
01 - Filosofia (René Descartes) - aula 01
01 - Filosofia (René Descartes) - aula 01
Acompanhe esta ótima aula de filosofia do Projeto Eureka. Bons estudos!
Aula 17 - Filosofia - René Descartes
Aula 17 - Filosofia - René Descartes
Aula 17 - Filosofia - René Descartes
Saiba Mais: Filosofia. Aula ministrada pelo professor Gui de Franco. Crédito da imagem Livro do SEP, Filosofia, PV, p. 99.
Bernard Williams on Descartes: Section 1
Bernard Williams on Descartes: Section 1
Bernard Williams on Descartes: Section 1
I think, therefore I am. Rationalist philosopher and mathematician René Decartes, considered the father of modern philosophy, held this as self-evidently tru...
Meditations on First Philosophy (FULL Audiobook) by René Descartes - part 1/2
Meditations on First Philosophy (FULL Audiobook) by René Descartes - part 1/2
Meditations on First Philosophy (FULL Audiobook) by René Descartes - part 1/2
Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes (1596-1650). Translated by John Veitch (1829-1894). http://free-audio-books.info/philosophy/meditations-on-...
Meditations on First Philosophy (FULL Audiobook) by René Descartes - part 2/2
Meditations on First Philosophy (FULL Audiobook) by René Descartes - part 2/2
Meditations on First Philosophy (FULL Audiobook) by René Descartes - part 2/2
Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes (1596-1650). Translated by John Veitch (1829-1894). http://free-audio-books.info/philosophy/meditations-on-...
René Descartes Biography
René Descartes Biography
René Descartes Biography
René Descartes 1596 - 1650 http://cloudbiography.com Descartes has been referred to as the "Father of Modern Philosophy." Much of work laid the foundation fo...
Filosofia - Aula 13 - Conceitos Cartesianos (René Descartes)
Filosofia - Aula 13 - Conceitos Cartesianos (René Descartes)
Filosofia - Aula 13 - Conceitos Cartesianos (René Descartes)
Zoom Poliedro: Foco no Enem. Aula de Filosofia ministrada pelo professor Gui de Franco.
Filosofía aquí y ahora - Colón descubre América; Descartes, la subjetividad
Filosofía aquí y ahora - Colón descubre América; Descartes, la subjetividad
Filosofía aquí y ahora - Colón descubre América; Descartes, la subjetividad
Sinopsis: René Descartes y el descubrimiento de América para el capitalismo. El discurso del método: dudo de todo. Pienso, luego existo; las filosofías ideal...
Rene Descartes Biography
Rene Descartes Biography
Rene Descartes Biography
Rene Descartes Biography
René Descartes
Academic, Philosopher, Mathematician, Scientist
March 31, 1596
February 11, 1650
Jesuit College of Henri IV, University of Poitiers
La Haye, Touraine, France
Stockholm, Sweden
Descartes and Cartesian Coordinates
Descartes and Cartesian Coordinates
Descartes and Cartesian Coordinates
Bridging algebra and geometry. What makes linear equations so linear. More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=N4nrdf0yYfM.
Rene Descartes: Ich denke, also bin ich & Gottesbeweis einfach erklärt | Let's Explain #7
Rene Descartes: Ich denke, also bin ich & Gottesbeweis einfach erklärt | Let's Explain #7
Rene Descartes: Ich denke, also bin ich & Gottesbeweis einfach erklärt | Let's Explain #7
Rene Descartes revolutionierte mit seiner Erkenntnis "cogito ergo sum" und dem Cartesischen Dualismus zwischen Geist und Materie die Philosophie. Außerdem beweist er zumindest scheinbar die Existenz Gottes. Was der genius malignus ist, wie der Gottesbeweis von Descartes funktioniert und warum "Ich denke also bin ich" die einzig sichere Erkenntnis ist, seht ihr in diesem Video! :)
Let's Explain ist eine Serie, in der ich verschiedenste Theorien kurz, anschaulich und verständlich zu erklären versuche. Dabei steht vor allem das einfache Verständnis im Vordergrund, sodass die Theorie auch für nicht interessierte schnell klar wird. Ich versuche
Ep. 4: Can We Be Certain of Anything? (Descartes) - 8-Bit Philosophy
Ep. 4: Can We Be Certain of Anything? (Descartes) - 8-Bit Philosophy
Ep. 4: Can We Be Certain of Anything? (Descartes) - 8-Bit Philosophy
I think, therefore I SUBSCRIBE! Press Start: http://goo.gl/N4Fse9 Welcome back to 8-Bit Philosophy, where gaming makes you smart. Facebook: http://facebook.c...
Descartes - Breve Vida e Obra
Descartes - Breve Vida e Obra
Descartes - Breve Vida e Obra
Animação. Como o filósofo francês René Descartes desenvolveu o método investigativo e como ele revolucionou o pensamento filosófico e cientifico. Era conside...
Epistemology: Rene Descartes Part I (new)
Epistemology: Rene Descartes Part I (new)
Epistemology: Rene Descartes Part I (new)
Part I of my new lecture on Rene Descartes epistemology.
René Descartes: Reglas para la dirección del espíritu
René Descartes: Reglas para la dirección del espíritu
René Descartes: Reglas para la dirección del espíritu
Cómo dirigir nuestro entendimiento en la búsqueda de la verdad
Grandes filósofos - Rene Descartes
Grandes filósofos - Rene Descartes
Grandes filósofos - Rene Descartes
Un ciclo que recorre la vida y obra de los grandes filósofos desde sus orígenes en la Antigua Grecia hasta la actualidad. Estos hombres marcaron el rumbo del pensamiento actual.