Old Norse is a North Germanic language that was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and inhabitants of their overseas settlements during the Viking Age, until about 1300.
Proto-Norse developed into Old Norse by the 8th century, and Old Norse began to develop into the modern North Germanic languages in the mid- to late 14th century, ending the language phase known as Old Norse. These dates, however, are not absolute, since written Old Norse is found well into the 15th century.
Old Norse was divided into three dialects: Old East Norse, Old West Norse, and Old Gutnish. Old West and East Norse formed a dialect continuum, with no clear geographical boundary between them. For example, Old East Norse traits were found in eastern Norway, although Old Norwegian is classified as Old West Norse, and Old West Norse traits were found in western Sweden. Most speakers spoke Old East Norse in what is present day Denmark and Sweden. Old Gutnish, the more obscure dialectal branch, is sometimes included in the Old East Norse dialect due to geographical associations. It developed its own unique features and shared in changes to both other branches.
Old or OLD may refer to:
Song In (in hangul 송인, in hanja 宋仁) was a civil official in the mid-Goryeo era who became the intermediary founder of the Jincheon Song clan. His highest post was munha pyeongjangsa (문하 평장사). This was the highest government position in the period. Song In was responsible for administration, judicial affairs and economy in the district.
As he performed meritorious deeds during the King, he was conferred with Chanhwagongsin and Jincheonbaek. Baek was a position of politicians who were responsible for administration, judicial affairs and economy in the district. As the government created him Jincheonbaek, his family started regarding Jincheon as their origin. Hence, the family origin became Jincheon Song.
When he was in the position of Sangsanbaek, he tried to be just and fair in all the administrative affairs and strived to enhance the welfare of his people. He also focused on education for the youth and courtesy for people, which made his district famous for most excellent behaviors in the nation. After that, the people have long paid tribute to his feats.
Old Norse Pronunciation
Old Norse: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews
The Lord's Prayer in Old Norse
How to Pronounce Old Norse [Classical/Reconstructed]
Steindinn okkar - Víkingar
Song in Old Norse from a Medieval Manuscript
Runes, Old Norse, Skyrim and Draug(a)r
Þat Mælti Mín Móðir - Icelandic Folk Song (sung in Old Norse)
Old Norse - Aarhus University -
Old Norse - University of Copenhagen
FROZEN - Old Norse Language (subtitled) in Elsa Coronation Scene
Snorri Hestrinn (Charlie the Unicorn in Old Norse)
Old Norse - HQ
Thor and Electricity Conduction in ancient times - Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths Pt 2
Old Norse Pronunciation
Old Norse: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews
The Lord's Prayer in Old Norse
How to Pronounce Old Norse [Classical/Reconstructed]
Steindinn okkar - Víkingar
Song in Old Norse from a Medieval Manuscript
Runes, Old Norse, Skyrim and Draug(a)r
Þat Mælti Mín Móðir - Icelandic Folk Song (sung in Old Norse)
Old Norse - Aarhus University -
Old Norse - University of Copenhagen
FROZEN - Old Norse Language (subtitled) in Elsa Coronation Scene
Snorri Hestrinn (Charlie the Unicorn in Old Norse)
Old Norse - HQ
Thor and Electricity Conduction in ancient times - Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths Pt 2
That which is disguised in runes - Hidden knowledge in Old Norse Myths pt.7
Part of Sigrdrifumol in old-Norse
Voluspa 1-4 Poetic Edda Recital in Old Norse with Throat Singing
Old norse language. Recitation of Völuspá, stanza 31.
Myth and Parable - Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths pt.3
Conversational Old Norse
The Son of Earth (pt.2) Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths pt.20
Enslaved: Talk Old Norse
PANTHEISM PT.2: ÓÐINN -- THE SPIRIT- Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths pt.29