The Wayback Machine -
Vinicius de Moraes - Tomara
Pablo do arrocha - TOMARA (Renato Moreno) 2013
Thiaguinho - Tomara (DVD Ousadia & Alegria Oficial)
Pablo - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014
Thiaguinho - Tomara [Audio Oficial DVD Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo]
Pablo - Tomara
Vinicius de Moraes. Maria Creuza. Toquinho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''
Luís Represas | Tomara
Tomara -Pablo a voz romantica
Destiny, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!


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'Tomara' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:

Angel Trumpets, Devil Trombones (2009)


In this short, the use of German expressionistic symbols and metaphors convey the underlying meaning of not only the context of the story, but establishes and defines Tomara, a modern surrealist artist, who finds herself not in Purgatory, but in the actual equilibrium moment were life meets death. As her suicidal tendencies become her living reality, her intentionally obscure fantasy becomes war itself, when Angel Trumpet, an angelic presence, whose symbolic persona signifies the good intentions of her life, and the countless affections of her spouses love, are overshadowed by Devil Trombone, a demonic presence, whose symbolic persona signifies, the evil intentions of her life, and how violence, lust, and hatred from her spouse, consumed her very existence.



A young TOMARA breathes her last breath, but not before good (ANGEL TRUMPET) and evil (DEVIL TROMBONE) duel in dance for her soul.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013


En "La Fusa" - Buenos Aires (1970)
Vinicius de Moraes - Tomara
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Vinicius de Moraes - Tomara

1971 Como Dizia o Poeta (Com Marilia Medalha, Toquinho & Trio Mocotó)
  • published: 01 Jul 2008
  • views: 267422
  • author: arkiteta de Moraes - Tomara
Pablo do arrocha - TOMARA (Renato Moreno) 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:53
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Pablo do arrocha - TOMARA (Renato Moreno) 2013

Hoje eu decidi, Não vou ficar correndo atrás De que não gosta mais de mim Você venceu, Vou procurar alguém pra me fazer feliz Vai ser melhor assim... Mais is... do arrocha - TOMARA (Renato Moreno) 2013
Thiaguinho - Tomara (DVD Ousadia & Alegria Oficial)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:17
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Thiaguinho - Tomara (DVD Ousadia & Alegria Oficial)

Compre o CD e DVD Ousadia & Alegria na loja da Som Livre: Faça o DOWNLOAD da música TOMARA: | ...
  • published: 13 Aug 2013
  • views: 13228
  • author: Inovashow - Tomara (DVD Ousadia & Alegria Oficial)
Pablo - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:54
  • Updated: 12 Feb 2014

Pablo - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014

"Tomara que você tenha feito a escolha certa".. no Pida de Verão.
  • published: 12 Feb 2014
  • views: 760 - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014
Thiaguinho - Tomara [Audio Oficial DVD Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Thiaguinho - Tomara [Audio Oficial DVD Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo]

Audio oficial do novo DVD do Thiaguinho Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo Direitos reservados: Letra... - Tomara [Audio Oficial DVD Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo]
Pablo - Tomara
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:53
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Pablo - Tomara

Pablo: A Voz Romântica - Êee... Paixão! Vol. 3 Tomara Letra: Hoje eu decidi Não vou ficar correndo atrás, De quem não gosta mais de mim Você venceu Vou procu...
  • published: 03 Mar 2013
  • views: 3489
  • author: matchola100 - Tomara
Vinicius de Moraes. Maria Creuza. Toquinho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:07
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Vinicius de Moraes. Maria Creuza. Toquinho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''

TOMARA Tomara que você volte depressa que você não se despeça nunca mais do meu carinho E chore, se arrependa e pense muito que e melhor se sofrer junto que ... de Moraes. Maria Creuza. Toquinho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''
Luís Represas | Tomara
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:20
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014

Luís Represas | Tomara

Luís Represas no Facebook: Realização. Tiago Soares; Produção executiva. Tiago Soares; Produção: These are films; Direcção de fotografia: Tiago Soares, João Sousa; Make up: Helena Almeida; Bailarinos: Liliana Garcia; Valter Fernandes;
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 3890ís Represas | Tomara
Tomara -Pablo a voz romantica
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Tomara -Pablo a voz romantica -Pablo a voz romantica
Destiny, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:51
  • Updated: 06 May 2014

Destiny, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!

INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL - Facebook - Parceria - Siga no twitter - Link do canal do Destiny - Link da notícia -;_medium=twitter Seja um caçador de Easter Eggs - Siga no Twitch - Conheça a nossa loja -
  • published: 06 May 2014
  • views: 18437, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 28 Feb 2014


Lançamento 2014 Brilha Som - Tomara que Caia. Direção de Vídeo: Adelar Elegeda. Produção:Dicas Vídeo Produtora. Imagens: Adelar Elegeda/Vinicius Zardo. Iluminação: Sider
  • published: 28 Feb 2014
  • views: 2486 SOM - TOMARA QUE CAIA (Clipe Oficial)
04 - Pablo a Voz Romantica - (DVD 2013) - Tomara
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:53
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

04 - Pablo a Voz Romantica - (DVD 2013) - Tomara

Siga-me no instagram: Curta a Página do Pablo:
  • published: 12 Jan 2013
  • views: 58271
  • author: netolimaa - Pablo a Voz Romantica - (DVD 2013) - Tomara
Fernando Mesquita - Blusinha Tomara Que Caia  (Clip OFICIAL)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014

Fernando Mesquita - Blusinha Tomara Que Caia (Clip OFICIAL)

Gravado e no Estúdio O2. Captação de Audio: Fábio Adames Mixagem: Fábio Adames Direção e Produção PROGRESSIVEE | LenniSantos Captado em Dourados - MS * 2014
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 1376 Mesquita - Blusinha Tomara Que Caia (Clip OFICIAL)
  • Tomara
  • Vinicius de Moraes - Tomara
    Vinicius de Moraes - Tomara
  • Pablo do arrocha - TOMARA (Renato Moreno) 2013
    Pablo do arrocha - TOMARA (Renato Moreno) 2013
  • Thiaguinho - Tomara (DVD Ousadia & Alegria Oficial)
    Thiaguinho - Tomara (DVD Ousadia & Alegria Oficial)
  • Pablo - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014
    Pablo - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014
  • Thiaguinho - Tomara [Audio Oficial DVD Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo]
    Thiaguinho - Tomara [Audio Oficial DVD Ousadia & Alegria ao vivo]
  • Pablo - Tomara
    Pablo - Tomara
  • Vinicius de Moraes. Maria Creuza. Toquinho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''
    Vinicius de Moraes. Maria Creuza. Toquinho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''
  • Luís Represas | Tomara
    Luís Represas | Tomara
  • Tomara -Pablo a voz romantica
    Tomara -Pablo a voz romantica
  • Destiny, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!
    Destiny, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!
  • BRILHA SOM - TOMARA QUE CAIA  (Clipe Oficial)
    BRILHA SOM - TOMARA QUE CAIA (Clipe Oficial)
  • 04 - Pablo a Voz Romantica - (DVD 2013) - Tomara
    04 - Pablo a Voz Romantica - (DVD 2013) - Tomara
  • Fernando Mesquita - Blusinha Tomara Que Caia  (Clip OFICIAL)
    Fernando Mesquita - Blusinha Tomara Que Caia (Clip OFICIAL)


En "La Fusa" - Buenos Aires (1970)

En "La Fusa" - Buenos Aires (1970)...
pub­lished: 13 Jun 2009
au­thor: Luis Cebrián
Vini­cius de Moraes - Tomara
1971 Como Dizia o Poeta (Com Mar­il­ia Medal­ha, To­quin­ho & Trio Mocotó)...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2008
au­thor: arkite­ta
Pablo do ar­rocha - TOMARA (Re­na­to Moreno) 2013
Hoje eu de­ci­di, Não vou ficar cor­ren­do atrás De que não gosta mais de mim Você venceu, Vou...
pub­lished: 14 Jan 2013
Thi­aguin­ho - Tomara (DVD Ou­sa­dia & Ale­gria Ofi­cial)
Com­pre o CD e DVD Ou­sa­dia & Ale­gria na loja da Som Livre: http://​som.​li/​ousealeg Faça o DO...
pub­lished: 13 Aug 2013
au­thor: In­o­vashow
Pablo - Tomara - Pida de Verão! 2014
"Tomara que você tenha feito a es­col­ha certa".. no Pida de Verão....
pub­lished: 12 Feb 2014
Thi­aguin­ho - Tomara [Audio Ofi­cial DVD Ou­sa­dia & Ale­gria ao vivo]
Audio ofi­cial do novo DVD do Thi­aguin­ho Ou­sa­dia & Ale­gria ao vivo http://​www.​facebook.​com/...​
pub­lished: 17 Jul 2012
au­thor: Miky MacLovin
Pablo - Tomara
Pablo: A Voz Romântica - Êee... Paixão! Vol. 3 Tomara Letra: Hoje eu de­ci­di Não vou ficar ...
pub­lished: 03 Mar 2013
au­thor: matchola100
Vini­cius de Moraes. Maria Creuza. To­quin­ho (TOMARA) ''LA FUSA''
TOMARA Tomara que você volte de­pres­sa que você não se despeça nunca mais do meu car­in­ho E ...
pub­lished: 06 Oct 2010
Luís Repre­sas | Tomara
Luís Repre­sas no Face­book: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​luisrepresas Re­al­ização. Tiago Soares...
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
Tomara -Pablo a voz ro­man­ti­ca
pub­lished: 21 Jan 2013
Des­tiny, o FPS que pode mudar TUDO. TOMARA!
IN­SCRE­VA-SE NO CANAL - http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​Gameplayrj Face­book - http://​www.​facebo...
pub­lished: 06 May 2014
Lançamen­to 2014 Bril­ha Som - Tomara que Caia. Direção de Vídeo: Ade­lar Elege­da. Produção:D...
pub­lished: 28 Feb 2014
04 - Pablo a Voz Ro­man­ti­ca - (DVD 2013) - Tomara
Siga-me no in­sta­gram: http://​instagram.​com/​netinholimaaa Curta a Página do Pablo: https://...
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2013
au­thor: ne­toli­maa
Fer­nan­do Mesqui­ta - Blus­in­ha Tomara Que Caia (Clip OFI­CIAL)
Grava­do e no Estúdio O2. http://​www.​facebook.​com/​o2estudio Captação de Audio: Fábio Adame...
pub­lished: 07 Feb 2014
Youtube results:
pub­lished: 25 Jan 2014
Hellen Car­o­line - Tomara (CD O Sonho Acon­te­ceu)
TOMARA O meu coração não aguen­ta mais Tanta hu­mil­hação, pre­cisa de paz Tenho que dizer, n...
pub­lished: 29 Apr 2014
Non è raro che gran­di con­certisti di mu­si­ca clas­si­ca si ci­menti­no di tanto in tanto con i ...
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2008
Tomara Que Caia - Lucas e Diogo Part. Is­rael No­vaes
Lucas e Diogo Part. Is­rael No­vaes - Tomara Que Caia Clica Gostei (y) e In­scre­va-se!!...
pub­lished: 13 Jan 2013
au­thor: SuSer­tane­jo
photo: AP / Sarah El Deeb
A Sudanese woman refugee walks past the site of four mass graves, with the raised earth marked by white sacks, in the Kalma refugee camp in Darfur, Sudan, Friday, Nov. 14, 2008.
Edit Voa News
15 May 2014
VOA News. A court in Sudan has sentenced a pregnant woman to death by hanging for refusing to renounce her Christian faith. Twenty-seven-year-old Mariam Yahya Ibrahim, who is already the mother of a 20-month-old son, was convicted of apostasy on Sunday and given four days to abandon her faith ... The U.S ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
Women attend a demonstration calling on the government to rescue the kidnapped schoolgirls of the Chibok secondary school, in Abuja, Nigeria, Tuesday, May 13, 2014.
Edit Mail Guardian South Africa
15 May 2014
Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan has ruled out the release of Boko Haram fighters in exchange for the freedom of more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by the militants a month ago. Britain’s Africa Minister Mark Simmonds, in Nigeria for talks about the international rescue mission, told reporters on Wednesday that he raised the issue with Jonathan during a meeting in Abuja ... International involvement ... Special powers....(size: 5.0Kb)
photo: AP
Miners carefully carrying a rescued friend hours after an explosion and fire at a coal mine killed at least 17 miners and left up to 300 workers trapped underground, in Soma, in western Turkey, late Tuesday, May 13, 2014, a Turkish official said.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
14 May 2014
SOMA. At least 201 people were killed and hundreds more remained trapped underground after an explosion at a coal mine in western Turkey, the government said today, warning that rescue efforts faced a race against time. The toll has risen rapidly since Tuesday’s disaster in the province of Manisa, when a total of 787 mineworkers became trapped inside the mine ... “I have been waiting for my son since early afternoon,” she told AFP ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)
photo: AP / Saurabh Das
Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and India's next prime minister Narendra Modi greets the gathering at the home of his 90-year-old mother in Gandhinagar, in the western Indian state of Gujarat, Friday, May 16, 2014.
Edit The Guardian
16 May 2014
Simple beginnings, ascetic ways and unapologetic Hindu nationalism help sweep BJP's leading candidate to victory. Narendra Modi, pictured on the campaign trail, is from the caste categorised as Other Backwards. Photograph. Divyakant Solanki/EPA. Narendra Modi's journey to the front step of the prime minister's office in the heart of New Delhi has been long – and unlikely ... He only joined formally at a later date ... Then there is Modi himself....(size: 6.6Kb)
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite
Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., joined at left by Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., responds to statements by Democrats on the House Rules Committee about political motivations as lawmakers work on the creation of a special select committee to investigate the attack on the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the ambassador and three other Americans, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, May 7, 2014.
16 May 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. If hypocrisy is trying to show or make others believe that one has higher moral standards than one in fact does, then Republicans are on their way to becoming professional hypocrites. The moral lapse at hand was a sharply partisan vote by the Republican controlled House of Representatives to create a select committee charged with investigating the Sept ... It is also worse than a moral lapse....(size: 5.0Kb)

Edit noodls
30 Mar 2014
(Source. South Coast Wolves) ... The Wolves began with the same line-up as in the previous week and Sydney Olympic were minus their guest player, Sotirios Kyriakos, and Taiga Soeda, with Christos Tomaras and Troy Danaskos restored to the starting line-up ... The deadlock was broken near the half hour mark ... Zucco was there to take ... Not long after, Tomaras won the ball in the midfield and moved forward ... Christos Tomaras (8.Cris Godoy-Bascur 74')....(size: 7.7Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Mar 2014
Tomaras, Ph.D., director of the Laboratory of Immune Responses and Virology at Duke Human Vaccine Institute ... Tomaras and colleagues examined two HIV vaccine trials previously conducted in Thailand ... Tomaras and colleagues found that participants in the RV144 vaccine trial were more likely to have HIV-specific IgG3 antibodies, compared to individuals in the VAX003 trial ... Tomaras said....(size: 4.4Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
20 Mar 2014
Tweet ... Tomaras, Ph.D., of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute, and Galit Alter, Ph.D., of the Ragon Institute, with funding in part from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. In the study led by Dr. Tomaras, scientists found that V1V2-specific IgG3 antibodies correlated with a decreased risk of infection in RV144 vaccinees and were linked to HIV-eliminating activity ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Mar 2014
(Source ... ​WHAT. ... Tomaras, Ph.D., of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute, and Galit Alter, Ph.D., of the Ragon Institute, with funding in part from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.  ... Tomaras, scientists found that V1V2-specific IgG3 antibodies correlated with a decreased risk of infection in RV144 vaccinees and were linked to HIV-eliminating activity ... WHO.....(size: 4.3Kb)
Edit Rooster GNN
13 Mar 2014
ESPAÑA. El cuerpo está lleno de dioses, de espíritus, de almas. Pensemos como lo pudiera haber hecho un presocrático, estando como estaban, en el alba de nuestra civilización, antes de que ésta tomara giros, eligiera direcciones y abandonara otras. El cuerpo es, de suyo, espiritual, pero pluralmente espiritual ... En cambio, como diría Spinoza, no sabemos cuánto puede un cuerpo, y tal interrogante, es, por excelencia, el interrogante vital....(size: 5.7Kb)
Edit noodls
15 Jan 2014
(Source. State of Kentucky). Kentucky Court of Justice. Supreme Court of Kentucky to hear arguments Feb. 12-14 in Frankfort Press Release Date. Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Contact Information. Susan Stokley Clary. Supreme Court Clerk. 502-564-5444. http.// FRANKFORT, Ky. -- The Supreme Court of Kentucky will convene Feb ... in Frankfort ... WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12, 2014. 11 AM EST. 2012-SC-707-DG ... V ... ST ... V ... and Rachel Tomara Caudel....(size: 5.5Kb)
Edit noodls
13 Jan 2014
(Source. Supreme Court of Ohio) ... Lauren Baker, a ninth grader at Stivers School for the Arts, has been studying legal terms and courtroom procedures to make her case. "You have to ask the question just right or they'll object or say the wrong thing. And that's embarrassing ... Stivers School for the Arts tenth grader Tomara Dorsey enjoys being the prosecutor but is prepared for whatever role she needs to play during the competition ... (noodl....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit Journal Online
12 Dec 2013
A cop was killed while three others were wounded as suspected members of New Peoples’ Army (NPA) attacked their police station yesterday morning in Kibawe, Bukidnon ... Tomaras, Kibawe, and the Damulog area on board their vehicle ... Provincial. ....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit The Miami Herald
06 Dec 2013
One hint of the family’s financial distress ... There was no sign of a struggle ... His father then tried to choke him, but the son managed to escape ... In August, they were so desperate that one of Maldonado’s business partners, Dimitrios Tomaras, reached out to his ex-wife, Carol Tomaras, to see if she had any ideas on how to help. Carol Tomaras, who now lives in Arizona, was once politically active in Palm Beach County politics....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Oct 2013
(Source. IAS - International AIDS Society). Author. Mark Mascolini. 17 October 2013. Results of the HVTN 505 randomized trial in the United States, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, detail failure of a DNA vaccine with an adenovirus-vector boost to prevent HIV infection in US men and transgender women who have sex with men ... Source. Scott M. Hammer, Magdalena E ... Tomaras, Nicole Frahm, John Hural, Chuka Anude, Barney S ... DOI....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit noodls
02 Oct 2013
(Source. Noble Group Limited) 30/09/2013. NOBLE GROUP, TPG AND X2 PARTNERS ANNOUNCE INVESTMENT IN MINING VENTURE, X2 RESOURCES, TO PURSUE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MINING AND METALS SECTOR. X2 Partners ("X2"), Noble Group Limited ("Noble") and TPG today announce that they have agreed to invest in a newly established private mining venture, X2 Resources ... Mick Davis said ... ENDS ENQUIRIES ... Argentus PR ... Brett Olsher Christos Tomaras Stephen Whitnell....(size: 6.3Kb)
Edit City A.M.
01 Oct 2013
FORMER Xstrata chief executive Mick Davis reinforced his comeback into the mining sector yesterday, with the announcement that his new mining venture has raised $1bn (£618m) ... Noble will be X2’s preferred marketer and provider of supply chain management and logistics services ... ADVISERS X2 RESOURCES. BRETT OLSHER ... GOLDMAN Sachs is advising X2 on the deal, with Brett Olsher, Christos Tomaras and Stephen Whitnell as key members of the team ... ....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
30 Sep 2013
LONDON, September 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --. X2 Partners ("X2"), Noble Group Limited ("Noble") and TPG today announce that they have agreed to invest in a newly established private mining venture, X2 Resources. Under the terms of the agreement with X2, Noble and TPG will each invest US$500 million ... Mick Davis said ... Yusuf Alireza, Chief Executive Officer of Noble, said ... Jim Coulter, founding partner of TPG, said ... TPG ... Christos Tomaras ... ....(size: 5.9Kb)

Tomara (also called Tomar, Tanwar and Tuar) is a Hindu clan, the members of which ruled parts of North India at different times. The Tomars claim descent from the Puruvanshi lineage of Indraprashtha of Mahabharata times. People belonging to the Tomar clan are found among the Rajputs and the Gurjars of northern India.

According to historic genelogies in puranas, the Tomars are the descendants of the Pandava prince Arjuna, through his great grandson Emperor Janamejaya, son of Emperor Parikshit.[citation needed]Prince Dhritrashtra, blind by birth and the elder son of Kuru scion Vichitraveer abdicated the throne in favor of his younger brother Pandu whose sons were called Pandavs. King Pandu later abdicated the throne back to his elder brother due to his ill health. Their sons were involved in a great battle and finally Yudhishthira became the king after defeating Duyodhana.[citation needed] King Yudhishtra founded the city of Indraprastha in the Kuru kingdom and later abdicated in favour of Parikshit, the grandson of his brother Arjuna. Capital city after Mahabharata war remained Hastinapur which was later flooded and the capital of the Pandava kingdom was moved eastwards in times of King Nishchakra. Indraprastha remained one of the major cities of Kuru-Panchala Empire for many centuries. Kuru Kingdom was one of the 16 Maha Janapads (or great states) under the Magadh Empire, around 300 BC. King Kshemaka, 28th in descent from Yudhisthira was last ruler to have absolute power in the Kuru kingdom, he was overthrown by his ministers and his sons relocated near Godavari River in south India. His grandson Uttungabhuja established a small kingdom near Godavari and his descendants later re-established Indraprastha a few centuries later, under Anangpal Tomar I in the eighth century AD.[citation needed]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Vinicius de Moraes interviews

Marcus Vinícius da Cruz e Mello Moraes (October 19, 1913 – July 9, 1980), known as Vinícius de Moraes (Portuguese pronunciation: [viˈnisius dʒi moˈɾajs]) and nicknamed O Poetinha (the little poet), was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Son of Lydia Cruz de Moraes and Clodoaldo Pereira da Silva Moraes, he was a seminal figure in contemporary Brazilian music. As a poet, he wrote lyrics for a great number of songs that became all-time classics. He was also a composer of bossa nova, a playwright, a diplomat and, as an interpreter of his own songs, he left several important albums.

Son of Clodoaldo da Silva Pereira Moraes - a City Hall officer, as well as poet and amateur guitar player - and Lidia Cruz - a housewife and amateur pianist - Vinicius was born in 1913 in the neighborhood of Gávea, then a rural suburb of Rio de Janeiro. In 1916, he moved with his family to various addresses at the downtown quarter of Botafogo, where he attended classes at Afrânio Peixoto Primary School. In 1920, through his maternal grandfather, he gained entrance at a Masonic lodge. In 1922, Moraes's parents, shocked at the 18 of the Copacabana Fort revolt, were to move to another suburb, Governador Island, while young Vinicius stayed at his grandfather's downtown home in order to finish primary school, going to his parents' home only at weekends and during holidays. During his visits to his folks' home, Vinicius was to get in touch with various musicians, among them the composer Bororó.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Paula Morelenbaum interviews

Regina Paula Martins Morelenbaum (born July 31, 1962) is a Brazilian singer, born in Rio de Janeiro. She and her husband Jaques Morelenbaum were in the band that toured with Antonio Carlos Jobim from 1984–1994.

In addition to Jobim's group, Paula Morelenbaum has been part of Quarteto Jobim-Morelenbaum, with her husband Jaques, Jobim's son Paulo, and his son Daniel. She has also been in the trio Morelenbaum2/Sakamoto, also with her husband, and with Japanese composer/keyboardist Ryuichi Sakamoto.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Que você volte depressa
Que você não se despeça
Nunca mais do meu carinho
E chore, se arrependa
E pense muito
Que é melhor se sofrer junto
Que viver feliz sozinho
Que a tristeza te convença
Que a saudade não compensa
E que a ausência não dá paz
E o verdadeiro amor de quem se ama
Tece a mesma antiga trama
Que não se desfaz
E a coisa mais divina
Que há no mundo
É viver cada segundo
