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"Awakening from the dream" performance - The Chinese New Year Gala - NtdTv
【NTDTV】 新唐人電視台簡介【中國熱點視頻_ 新唐人電視台】
Chinese Authorities Lose Control as Village Revolts
flute NTDTV
World's Best Husbands are Chinese???
Natural Mummies Found in Cemetery
Brown Panda Appears In NW China
Chinese State Media Reveals PLA's Cyber Attack Efforts
Archaeologists Enter Sealed Ancient Mayan Tomb
NTDTV Zooming in: Red Shadow over the Free World - Part 1
Palestinian Draft Resolution Fails in UN Council, U.S. Votes Against
First Successful Dead Heart Transplants
Japanese Mom Turns Her Sleeping Infant into Art
Hidden Treasures Discovered In Bolivia Lake
Enjoy this wonderful song " Awakening from the dream", composed by Zhiping Kolouch, lyricist by Ming Jing, Arrangement by Tony; performed by Soprano Min Jiang Lyric: Awakening from the Dream Born into the world time and again, thousands of years, For what possibly would one come so many times? Fame and wealth—but wisps of smoke are these, 'Tis the heavens that govern life's vicissitudes. Divine, above, was each life at first breath, Success and failure pass here like but fleeting clouds. Our ordeals have reasons, each just, from before, May we gain the way, and awaken from the dream To scale the heights of the deep azure sky! 梦醒 轮迴转世几千年, 進進出出为哪般? 功名利禄不长久, 世道兴衰全在天。 生命本是天上仙, 人生成败过眼烟。 是非本是前世怨, 得法破迷上青天。
【NTDTV】 新唐人電視台簡介【中國熱點視頻_ 新唐人電視台】 【中国热点视频_ 新唐人电视台】【NTDTV】 新唐人电视台简介 新唐人電視台是由海外華人聯合創辦的國際性、獨立、非盈利電視台。成立於2001年12月,新唐人電視台宗旨在于促進中國新聞自由,弘揚中華傳統文化,並構建東西文化橋樑。 自建台以來,新唐人致力於以真實信息服務於全球華人,建立起獨一無二的信息通道,為全球觀眾提供第一手與民生息息相關的在中國發生的重要消息,包括對弱勢群體和信仰團體的人權侵犯,食物安全,環境污染,傳染病疫,以及貪污腐敗等問題。2003年,新唐人提前北京官方媒體三周首先報導了SARS爆發的消息。 同時,新唐人通過系列的文化節目和大型活動,推廣傳播中華傳統文化,並促進東西方文化交融。其中,自2007年起隆重推出的新唐人全球華人系列大賽,是新唐人致力於此宗旨的又一努力。賽事包括中國舞、武術、漢服設計、中國菜廚技、小提琴、聲樂、鋼琴、人物寫實油畫、和攝影等。 新唐人總部設在紐約,在全世界有60多個記者站。於2002年2月在美國首播,新唐人目前透過衛星,有線和無線電視,以及網絡電視全天候向亞洲,歐洲,和北美洲的上億觀眾播放。自2004年4月起,新唐人成為第一家、也是唯一一家通過衛星對中國大陸播放未經過濾節目的獨立中文電視網絡。 ttachanel
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United Nations draft resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian territories fails in Security Council. Full Story: The U.N. Security Council on Tuesday rejected a Palestinian resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian territories by late 2017. The resolution called for negotiations to be based on territorial lines that existed before Israel captured the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war. It also called for a peace deal within 12 months. Even if the draft had received the minimum nine votes in favor, it would have been defeated by Washington's vote against it. The United States is one of the five veto-wielding permanent members. There were eight votes in favor, two against and five abstentions. Australia joined the United States in voting against the measure. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power defended Washington's position against the draft in a speech to the 15-nation council by saying it was not a vote against peace between Israeli and the Palestinians. "We voted against this resolution, not because we are comfortable with the status quo. We voted against it because we know what everyone here knows as well; peace will come from hard choices and compromises that must be made at the negotiating table." Power added, "Today's staged confrontation in the UN Security Council will not bring the parties closer to achieving a two state solution. We voted against this resolution not because we are indifferent to the daily hardships or the security threats endured by Palestinians and Israelis. But because we know that those hardships will not cease and those threats will not subside until the parties reach a comprehensive settlement achieved through negotiations." Jordanian Ambassador Dina Kawar expressed regret that the resolution was voted down. "The fact that this draft resolution was not adopted will not at all prevent us from proceeding to push the international community, specifically the United Nations, towards effective involvement in achieving the resolution for this conflict. We will continue our work to resume the peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis," she said. The defeat of the resolution was not surprising. Washington, council diplomats said, had made clear it did not want such a resolution put to a vote before Israel's election in March. The Palestinians, the diplomats said, insisted on putting the resolution to a vote despite the fact that it was clear Washington would not let it pass. Their sudden announcement last weekend that Ramallah wanted a vote before the new year surprised Western delegations on the council. Luxembourg's Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn was among the votes in support of the resolution. "In voting today in favor of the draft resolution presented by Jordan on behalf of the Arab group, Luxembourg has voted in favor of the two state solution," he said. French Ambassador Francois Delattre also voted in favor. "There is urgency that we act because of the deep need to adapt a method based on the responsibility incumbent on each member of the Security Council and it is for this reason that we voted in favor of the resolution that was submitted by Jordan. This does not mean that this text is perfect. We have reservations over some of the terminology as well as the method in which it was presented." Britain was among the five abstentions. "We consider President Abbas a man of peace and understand the pressure that the Palestinian leadership has been under to act and their frustration at the lack of progress. But we are disappointed that the normal and necessary negotiation did not take place on this occasion. The United Kingdom supports much of the content of the draft resolution. It is therefore with deep regret that we abstained on it," said Lyall Grant. The Palestinians, frustrated by the lack of progress in peace talks, have sought to internationalize the issue by seeking U.N. membership and recognition of statehood via membership in international organizations. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛
Australian doctors say they have successfully transplanted a heart that had stopped beating, for the first time - a development which could increase the number of hearts available for transplant. Full Story: Surgeons announced the successful transplant of 'dead' hearts, a breakthrough they said could dramatically increase the number of hearts available for transplant, local media reported on Friday. Up until now, transplants only used a beating donor heart from brain-dead patients. Now, researchers are able to resuscitate hearts that have stopped beating, media reports added. "I'm alive again and I'm a different person altogether. I feel like I'm forty years old again." said 57-year-old Michelle Gribilas from Sydney, one of three patients to have undergone the new procedure. The technique involves a preservation solution that works in conjunction with a so-called 'heart in a box' machine. "Blood is flowing through, all the the nutrients are going through it and that allows the heart to start. The heart just needs volume to come into it and if it's a good working heart it'll work. Sometimes we have to kick start it with a little bit of an electric shock," said St. Vincent's Hospital's Cardiologist Kumud Dhital. Local media reported the hospital as saying that the use of hearts 'after circulatory death' would have a major impact on transplant waiting lists. One 'dead' heart recipient, Jan Damen, gave his reaction to the procedure. "Wild thing to get your head around that your hearts gone and a stranger, someone you don't know, part of them is now inside you," said 40 year old Damen. Asked if he feels a bond with Gribilas, Damen replied, "I only just met her but I do now. We've got the same scar". The hospital said a third patient was recovering well after receiving a new heart using the procedure on Wednesday, local media reported. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛
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Qatar presents plans for a totally modernised Khalifa stadium, which will be one of the centrepieces of the 2022 World Cup. Full Story: Plans for a revamped Khalifa international stadium for the 2022 Qatar World Cup were unveiled on Monday in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. The iconic stadium, which staged the 2006 Asian Games, will be renovated as Qatar prepares for a tournament that might be played in winter because of the severe heat during the summer months. The new structure will also house the proposed Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum, and the futuristic design is set to be one of country's main future attractions. The museum will also be the final destination of the 'We Speak Football' exhibition, which tours the world from this year until 2022, starting in Brazil and ending in Doha to coincide with the World Cup. The plans were unveiled by by Hassan Al Thawadi, the General Secretary of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy in charge of the preparations for the Qatar World Cup. The iconic stadium was showcased at a ceremonial dinner ahead of the Arabian Gulf Cup's final on Wednesday (November 26) which is being contested by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Speaking at the event, Qatar's Sports Minister Salah Bin Ghanem Bin Nasser Bin Al-Ali praised Saudi Arabia for its efforts. "We thank the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz. We also congratulate ourselves, the Saudi people, and the Gulf championship on this occasion," he said. The revamped structure, originally built in 1976, will feature 40,000 seats for spectators in 2022, along with a number of upgraded facilities. The World Cup organisers want to achieve a top environmental certificate, known as LEE Gold, underlining Qatar's commitment to sustainability. "We congratulate Qatar and its football Union and we hope to celebrate together in 2022 by holding an opening ceremony that will be up to Qatar's standards," said Fahd bin Khaled bin Abdullah, the Chairman of the Al-Ahli Saudi Football Club. FIFA and Qatar World Cup organisers have been fending off allegations of corruption ever since the tiny Gulf state was awarded the 2022 tournament. Qatar has little domestic soccer tradition and its desert climate is widely seen as too hot for the game to be played in summer when the cup is normally staged. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛
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For quite a while we've heard reports that young Americans have hammered the final nails into their Facebook coffins. "These young people just feel embarrassed even to be associated with it," Scarlet Fu said on Bloomberg. "Executives admit the site's fallen out of favor. Especially with teenagers," an anchor said on KOBI ... The Pew Research Center just released its 2014 social media update ... (Video via NTDTV) ... ....
Dayton Daily News 2015-01-11Media outlets in Taiwan — including the Liberty Times (the Taipei Times’ sister newspaper) — have speculated that the Chinese government detained Hsu to seek his assistance in a corruption investigation, or that it was unhappy with his company for allowing the New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) channel to register as a participant in the Taipei TV Festival last year....
Taipei Times 2014-07-16Suspicions have surfaced about the new qualification rules that the Ministry of Culture has set for this year’s Taipei TV Festival, with critics alleging that the regulatory overhaul is aimed at excluding the New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV, 新唐人電視台) channel, which is known for its critical stance on China, from the event ... NTDTV’s outspoken stance ......
Taipei Times 2014-07-07("the Company") a Toronto based public company, partners with the Canadian Chinese language television network, NTDTV Canada ("NTDTV") to distribute an initial order of 10,000 units ... Providing that the minimum of 10,000 units are ordered and delivered to NTDTV, NTDTV will receive a percentage of net revenue per unit and a minor equity position in the Company....
Canada Newswire 2014-06-16Ringo, a male sea lion, believed to be about a year and a half old, was discovered on a beach near Lima, the capital of Peru, according to a report in The Christian Science Monitor. The young sea lion was found by members of Peru’s Organization for Research and Conservation of Aquatic Animals, who suspect that fishermen may have intentionally harmed the animal ... [Video via YouTube/NTDTV] ... ....
The Inquisitr 2014-06-12Asian Culture in the Spotlight in NYC and Times Square. NEW YORK, May 27, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Asian Restaurant Month (May 16–June 30) International Chinese Culinary Competition in Times Square (June 25–26) Taste Asia Cultural Performances & Kitchens in Times Square (June 25–26) ... An Event Six Years in the Making ... http.// ... Asian Restaurant Month ... EVENTS ... Location ..., 917-572-1498 ... ....
PR Newswire 2014-05-27(Source. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) ... Kshetri was also interviewed by the New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) for a story about China's position in The Global Information Technology Index, published this month by the World Economic Forum. (Note ... distributed by ... (noodl....
noodls 2014-05-01First Lady Michelle Obama's in China — her third trip abroad without the president. (Via ). But the fact she's not giving interviews or letting reporters travel with her has a few bloggers a little upset. (Via, The Weekly Standard, Daily Mail). New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof even suggested the move was a sign of weakness and fear of scrutiny ... Read more trending stories ... and China, Mrs ... (Via NBC) ... (Via NTDTV) ... ....
Atlanta Journal 2014-03-20As the six-nation hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane continues, officials say they’re now investigating whether the jetliner may have first turned back before vanishing ... Investigators said Saturday said they hadn’t ruled out terrorism as a cause. (Via Fox News) Adding to the speculation — two of the passengers listed on the plane’s manifesto weren’t on board the flight ... (Via NTDTV) The U.S ... ....
Palm Beach Post 2014-03-09Largest Independent Broker in California subject of three major reports on Chinese buying of luxury estates throughout market. Irvine, CA (PRWEB) January 27, 2014 ... "First Team Real Estate and its agents have deep and long term connections with China that are helping buyers identify values and sellers to get the best price for their properties." ... Click here for more http.//
San Francisco Chronicle 2014-01-27A theme park in China's landlocked Sichuan province is getting an unusual and expensive attraction. A local energy firm plans to spend 1 billion yuan — or $165 million — on a replica of the Titanic. China's Seven Star Energy Investment Group announced at a news conference Sunday that it intends to build a full-size replica of the doomed ocean liner ... (Via NTDTV, British Pathé) ... (Via Paramount Pictures / "Titanic") ... ... Sounds like fun....
Austin American Statesman 2014-01-14You know,
I'll always come back.
An army of them,
Can't stop what we have.
Their footsteps move,
are creeping up so fast.
Let's sneak out the back door,
and ditch them finally.
Let's sneak out the back door,
and ditch them finally.
I love the sound,
when no ones around.
And I can hang out with you.
I'll let them all,
see what they want.
But no one can take me away from you.
Go where there arms cant reach for this.
I'll take you along,
we can be alone at last.
Let's sneak out the back door,
and ditch them finally.
I love the sound, [x2]
when no ones around.
And I can hang out with you.
I'll let them all,
see what they want.
But no one can take me away from you.
Won't let them wage war [x2]
Won't let them wage war on what we found. [x4]
I love the sound,
when no ones around.
And I can hang out with you.
I'll let them all,
see what they want.
Baby baby baby baby (baby yeah)
Yeah this is so (this is so)
Unlike mi (yeah)
But I'm gonna open my mouth
And let di words from my heart come out (uhm uhm)
Mi tired of di groupie life
Rite now mi need a wife, mi need mi wife
God know mi need a wife, yeah
The way mi livin it nuh feel so right
Mi madda seh mi son yuh need a wife
Mi need mi wife, so baby can you be my wife
Seh yeah
[Verse 1:]
I've been through all type of girls God kno
Mi go through every crevis and corner
Got a few things but I never catch di big one
Thanks to di grace of di fadda
The factory fi di good girls dem lock dung
But yuh sleep through di window deh (yeah)
So mi nuh hav nuh time fi linga, mi waan put a ring pon da finger deh
Uuuh yeah
Mi tired of di groupie life
Rite now mi need a wife, mi need mi wife
God know mi need a wife, yeah
The way mi livin it nuh feel so right (the way mi livin)
Mi madda seh mi son yuh need a wife (mamma say)
Mi need mi wife (mamma say), so baby can you be my wife
Seh yeah
[Verse 2:]
Mi hav mi likkle son and mi hav mi likkle daughta
And wey a seh that I'm a pretty good fadda
Although the money nah flow like wata
Mi still a do mi savin and show mi likkle partner yeah
House a build up and car a buy
Fly go anyweh mi waan fi fly
And mi respect tall outta street
One ting fi mek mi life complete yeah
Mi tired of di groupie life
Rite now mi need a wife, mi need mi wife (mi need mi wife)
God know mi need a wife, yeah
The way mi livin it nuh feel so right
Mi madda seh mi son yuh need a wife (yeah yeah)
Mi need mi wife, so baby can you be my wife
[Verse 3:]
Mi a gyallis from mi lil bit
Whole heap a gal mi hav a road and di whola dem kno haffi live with it
Some a dem cyan see with it
Whole heap heart mi mek jump outta chest and mi get fi mi broke too suh
Mi know how love guh
And from a born I never love another gyal suh
Gimme di tuxedo with di tie and di vest mammy
And u put on yuh white dress mammy
Mi tired of di groupie life
Rite now mi need a wife, mi need mi wife
God know mi need a wife, yeah
The way mi livin it nuh feel so right
Mi madda seh mi son yuh need a wife
Mi need mi wife, so baby can you be my wife
Jeg var ferdig med et liv, skulle begynne om igjen
Begynne på ny skole, kanskje finne meg en venn
Det begynte ganske bra, mamma hadde fått det til
Problemet var vell kanskje det at mamma var for snill
Hun kunne ikke se det, hun kun ikke forstå
At lille gutten hennes fikk en egen vei å gå
Jeg fikk mangen nye venner, ikke alle like bra
Men venner er vell venner, å det må alle ha
Men en sitter her igjen, vi gikk vår egen sti
Jeg mistet alle andre den tiden var forbi
Så møtte vi på Feysal, han var vår beste venn
Det var bare oss tre, vi var vår egen gjeng
Vi kokket på butikker, begynte å røyke fast
Lekeplassen var vår standar drikke plass
Altså det må jeg si, vi hadde det fett
Men jeg tok til fornuften, å då ble det rett.
Det kom et brev i posten fra Fana politi, jeg tenkte for meg selv at det livet var forbi, jeg trodde det var over, jeg trodde jeg var dau. Jeg satt der på stasjonen, min mor hun var så flau. Jeg må tenke på de dagene jeg aldri skulle hatt. Skulle aldri begynt å røyke, iallefall ikke fast.
Men i livet gjør vi tabber, alle gjør vell det.
Ta livet i betraktning, sett deg ned å begynn å le.
Vi var der for hverandre, vi støttet altid opp
Men siste gang kom snuten, da sa det virkelig stopp
Jeg var ferdig med det liver, skulle begynne om igjen
Det var faen ikke lett, måtte trykke ned på bryteren
Jeg tenker på det hverdag, det var som igår
Måtte vokse ut på hode, måtte få meg hår
Men det ligger litt igjen, når jeg går en tur på byn
Skulle gjerne gjort det omvent, men jeg er blitt en lovlig fyr
Hva mener de med lovlig, jeg kan ikke gjøre en dritt
Jeg blir altid tauet inn, men jeg har ikke gjort en shit
Du blir stemplet fort av snuten, du får ikke sagt et ord
For alt det du gjord, sier de til din mor
Men livet mitt er endret, det skjedde ganske fort
Når jeg trykket på den bryteren, så var alt gjort
Det jeg prøver å fortelle, prøver å si
Er at ingen her i verden får livet på gli!
Det kom et brev i posten fra Fana politi, jeg tenkte for meg selv at det livet var forbi, jeg trodde det var over, jeg trodde jeg var dau. Jeg satt der på stasjonen, min mor hun var så flau. Jeg må tenke på de dagene jeg aldri skulle hatt. Skulle aldri begynt å røyke, iallefall ikke fast.
Men i livet gjør vi tabber, alle gjør vell det.