In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm i/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ (originating from al-Khwārizmī, the famous mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī) is a step-by-step procedure for calculations. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning.
More precisely, an algorithm is an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions for calculating a function. Starting from an initial state and initial input (perhaps empty), the instructions describe a computation that, when executed, will proceed through a finite number of well-defined successive states, eventually producing "output" and terminating at a final ending state. The transition from one state to the next is not necessarily deterministic; some algorithms, known as randomized algorithms, incorporate random input.
A partial formalization of the concept began with attempts to solve the Entscheidungsproblem (the "decision problem") posed by David Hilbert in 1928. Subsequent formalizations were framed as attempts to define "effective calculability" or "effective method"; those formalizations included the Gödel–Herbrand–Kleene recursive functions of 1930, 1934 and 1935, Alonzo Church's lambda calculus of 1936, Emil Post's "Formulation 1" of 1936, and Alan Turing's Turing machines of 1936–7 and 1939. Giving a formal definition of algorithms, corresponding to the intuitive notion, remains a challenging problem.
ALGORITHM: The Hacker Movie
What's an algorithm? - David J. Malan
Lec 1 | MIT 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503), Fall 2005
THE ALGORITHM - Trojans (Official Music Video - Basick Records)
How Google makes improvements to its search algorithm
[Pathfinding Tutorial] The A* Algorithm
Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world
15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes
Algorithms Lesson 1: Bubblesort
Concepts of Algorithm, Flow Chart & C Programming
The Big Bang Theory - The Friendship Algorithm
Algorithm - Trailer
What is an algorithm and why should you care?
ALGORITHM: The Hacker Movie
What's an algorithm? - David J. Malan
Lec 1 | MIT 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503), Fall 2005
THE ALGORITHM - Trojans (Official Music Video - Basick Records)
How Google makes improvements to its search algorithm
[Pathfinding Tutorial] The A* Algorithm
Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world
15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes
Algorithms Lesson 1: Bubblesort
Concepts of Algorithm, Flow Chart & C Programming
The Big Bang Theory - The Friendship Algorithm
Algorithm - Trailer
What is an algorithm and why should you care?
The Algorithm - neotokyo
The Extended Euclidean algorithm
THE ALGORITHM - synthesiz3r (Official HD Audio - Basick Records)
The Algorithm - Access Denied [HQ]
Sorting: Heapsort Algorithm with Example
Floyd's Algorithm - step by step guide
How to find Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm
Teaching Multiplication - The Standard Algorithm
Midpoint Circle Drawing Algorithm in Computer Graphics Part-2 Solved Example
Algorithms Lecture 7 -- Insertion sort algorithm and analysis
Ҭhe Ąlgorithm ''Octopus4'' ⌠Full Album 2014⌡
Mod-01 Lec-18 HMM, Viterbi, Forward Backward Algorithm
The Paxos Algorithm
Lecture - 33 Prims Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees
Bellman Ford Algorithm (Single Source Shortest Paths Negative Length Edges)
Merge Sort Algorithm : Divide and Conquer Technique : Think Aloud Academy
Algorithms lecture 9 -- Quick sort algorithm
Programming Interview: Single Source Shortest Path Dijkstras Algorithm
C Program (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
Lecture -10 Greedy Algorithms -I
Algorithms Lecture 1 -- Introduction to asymptotic notations
10.7 - Computing Strong Components: Algorithm - Graph Search - [DSA 1] By Tim Roughgarden
Programming Interview: Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal's Algorithm
13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms
Computer Networks Lecture 17 -- back off algorithm for CSMA/CD
The Algorithm - London Show (Complete)
8.1 - Randomized Selection Algorithm - Linear Time Selection - [DSA 1] By Tim Roughgarden
lecture 31 - D - Algorithm
Major SEO Hack / Algorithm Flaw (2014)
IT 210 Week 6 CheckPoint Algorithm Verification
The Geometric Efficient Matching Algorithm for Firewalls
A Distributed Algorithm for Finding All Best Swap Edges of a Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree
Random4 An Application Specific Randomized Encryption Algorithm To Prevent SQL Injection
ch4 9: Romberg Algorithm
February 17, 2015: The Algorithm of Love
pattern matching
A Study of Slanted-Edge MTF Stability and Repeatability
CITP Luncheon Speaker Series: Joshua Kroll – Accountable Algorithms
Algorithm Choice, Generic Implementation - Design a Median with ANSYS SCADE (Part 3 of 6)
Rayada va ! The Algorithm - Logic Bomb
fast powering algorithm
euclidean algorithm
Videantis Demonstration of a Pedestrian Detection Algorithm
Pixelmon Lapis Blue! ep.7- ALAKAZAM ALGORITHM!
I failed an algorithm!
Book Review | Algorithm Synthesis: A Comparative Study By David M. Steier
Synopsis | Data Structures And Algorithm Analysis In C By Mark Allen Weiss
A Temporal Pattern Search Algorithm for Personal History Event Visualization
Algorithm project from 8c Buiucani
Algorithm project from 8c Buiucani
A poet of the streets who struggles with his own derangement
The meek are skeletal remains under the pavement
Made my peace with god we've made an arrangement
He won't interfere in my affairs provided I make truthful statements
That translates into people's feelings dead by the wayside
Bruised egos remain when I slay pride
No faith in the masses y'all won't see me stage dive
This type of solitude plagued Van Gogh to hear in mono
Multiple personalities second guess themselves and squabble
A heart encased in cold metal
A stubborn demeanor that makes the bold settle
Bare feet scented with the fragrance of rose petals
Russian roulette with five shots
Soon I'll be at peace with the stress I've got
This revolver's mine
This revolver shines
Irrational logic of the faltered kind
This bum right here's the prince and the pauper combined
This peasant rich spirited
This prince inconsiderate
Divine disenchanted genius illiterate
This so-called life must get rid of it
While the sun's in a coma the moon envies
Happy ball of fire never sees the bowels of hell empty
into the streets/ The glowing orb jealous of the warmth and the heat
The witness from above never feels peace he sees
In the dead of night alter boys molested by priests
Pious men behind closed doors cuddle close with the beast
Battered wives raped on bloody sheets
Innocent men of color slaughtered by police
Neglected children starving and thirsty drink tears as they weep
Corrupt lawyers on the edge overdose in they sleep
Addicts so far gone rehab clinic gave 'em release
Neighbors gossip 'bout each other when the fake smiles cease
Grave robbers seek wealth when they steal from deceased
Possessive pimp creeps/ smack their prostitute freaks
Evil industry dispose of toxic waste with leaks
Betray public trust politician lies through his teeth when he speaks
The sanity of citizens fully decreased/ Superstition
dictates the mind of the weak
And they all/ got the gaul/ to blame it all/ on the full moon
Darkness consumes
But the sun awakens soon
I find myself drowning in shallow cup is half empty symbolism
Yoko Ono stank puss growth stunted by simple jism
Shame held them captive
Lack of love
full of lust
kept them active
Fleetwood Mac(k)-ing
these phrases
Goin' my own way emotional laxative
Releases rages
Relations go through phases
Nothing new to pseudo bible banger Jezebel Magdalene
Her shoulders pinned up against stone wall outside the club handlin'
Strange private parts she just met over a couple of drinks babblin'
Then she got the balls to show up to her Sunday cult church gatherin'
Hypocrites to the highest power
Slice of lime in her drink to remind her about her
bitter life going sour
Where's the redeeming quality
Living life in the fast lane losing control of velocity
A bratty little girl sees you as role model-what an atrocity
Two women with bad self images do what they know best to raise a child
One lives the life of a lifeless doll while
The other roams comatose in a carcass used as a mobile/ Sperm bank
For any Tom, Dick and Hank
The little girl ain't got a chance
Future in agony, perfect murders
Patterns of destiny, demand blood
Death is necessity, vague the meaning of reasoning
Painful fatality, torture you, pain so true
Instant depravity, psychopath on task to maim
Calculate languishing.
Axiom of hatred, equated
Shackled in, pure torture
Inhumane, measuring
Torn and splayed, twisted legs
Dungeon of, torment and disease.
Demonstrate, how much pain, you will take
Excited, I become, with your fate
Intensely, calculate, how you die
My needs are, satisfied, as you cry.
Injecting, vile poison, in your veins
Blood thickens, the sickness, freely reigns
Tissue bleeds, and decays, dissolved brains
Horrid mess, pours from you, still alive
Methods to, dismember, slow and sure
One by one, your limbs fall, to the ground
Flesh peeled to, wear your skin, as you watch
With your blood, I will paint, your last words.
Algorithm of death,
Theory of murdering.
Methods taking life,
Algorithms to pain.
Art from a, mind that is, soon to die
Muffled screams, agony, fills your mind
Eyes chewed out, by the rats, I have fed
There's no turning back- I left my home burning in flames this morning
Knowing the day after creates a new day dawning
This is the season of the non-conformist
The arms race where the hare is beaten by the tortoise
More like the bald eagle getting' scalped from within his fortress
The higher purpose issues
Put this in your headline news
The hateful man from Iraq
I wrap
a long stem of thorns around the heartland of America
hate me
scarin' ya
Oklahoma bombing blame me
Suspect unknown stereotype and name me
Then you wonder why we extremists
we dealing with a nation run by demons
Concocting devious government bodies, F-U-C-K
all your D.E.A.'s
and F.E.M.A.'s
Your regime
to steam
roll all opposing themes
Those with the slightest melanin in genes
always considered the away team
Foreign policies transform into broken promises
Can't even fathom exactly what honest is
Dirty rotten lowdown scoundrels dispense the cruel
promise blacks 40 acres and a mule
All they got was 40 ounces and a stool
Description of existence- life's a bitch and breathing's for fools
tragedy rules
Inhale gas and choke on toxic fumes
Blue skies tremble at the mercy of grey smoke from fossil fuels
Did we all want chaos to run amok
Livin' a vampire's life
Reality bites and blood sucks
'Til your zombie like
and don't give a fuck
But that's all gonna change now
Never exercising their rights- freedom of speech atrophy
Fear of conflict with bully big brother watching breeds apathy
Torture loyal citizens
of this wicked system/ leavin' 'em with severed tongue
Let freedom ring but it never rung
Mute affluent bumbs
force rambles
of shabby renditions of a national anthem left in shambles
Half-hearted patriotism
Parents now slaves to their children
Columbine high school reunion sensationalism
21 gun
atomic salute
for this government and its self-destructive attributes
Chickens coming home to roost
This act you call terrorist provides third world populace with ego boost
Aggressions eliminate possibility of truce
Us considered minority but you comb the streets for new recruits
Uncle Sam your nephews wanna show what you've trained them to do
Stress blue collars in the name of increased tax revenue
Children work their fingers to the bone in sweatshops
Rest at night in mud huts
Adolescent have-nots
nourished in economic cell blocks
acquire nutrition from well developed in god we trust
blood lust
They claw, scratch
and scrape for scraps
Asthma grips and grabs
hold they breath with iron grasp
until they lungs collapse
Sick and tired choosin' lesser of two evils in ballot box booby traps
Behemoth industrial complex shall be made simpler
The world ends with a bang as you whimper
My reasons for doing this are noble
The grievances of my people must be made vocal
This global
world cursed with the same destiny of Chernobyl
Under their fearful breaths they sing songs of freedom
Each individual aware the greater good supercedes 'em
A powerful peace comes over your grand cities
Rebels in the trenches doing the dirty work with hands shitty
No sympathy for Mephisto the oppressed won't ever grant pity
Beware, be cautious
Armed forces weakened by heavy losses
Police departments blown to bits with countless grenade tosses
Poisonous chemicals spewing from faucets
got the upper class feeling nautious
Nuclear winter the coldest equalizer
Racist power structure destabilizer
What if the wretched victims of imperialism were to rise up
The ignorant were to wise up
Underground radiation shelters too quickly use supplies up
New World Order conspirators break their ties up
Revolutionaries organized crossed their T's and dot their I's up
The greatest opposition to liberty were sized up
Flip the Earth like a coin, hope for the right side up
Self-defeated suicide down war criminal homicide up
Global warming melt polar caps and raise the tide up
What would you do? Time's up
These tunes we perform
be only a score
for ritual endured
When we uphold the pure cure
Humanity- The all-time great ungifted
Needing presence in the present to lift it
Spiritual growth a breath away but still resisted
These thoughts valid for our time
This flame shines
Its aim
to inspire
before we expire
Hear psalms happily sung by the angel's choir
Fire back don't let the escalator backfire
A man born to fight reckless for his ideals
Food for thought, deep concentration, struggle for the meal
Never at odds with what my gut feels
I rush to my destiny with the speed of the wings on
Mercury's heels
It gets me to move swiftly
Chances of success fifty-fifty
Cut corners off these squares and give 'em 360
The ills of society are in us
We the sinners
looking for someone to forgive us
In a wicked world hoping our children outlive us
Some offspring meet the doctor's saber and never the cradle
Homicide committed in pre-natal
Most crime stories end as death fable
Seth P. mortician, magician, musician
whose music is fatal
Realm Disciples struggle with the mud in the soul
Our cold stares are bold
I relate to the book of Job
Claw my way to the apex on knee and elbows
Such thoughts terrifies those
who never chose
to think with such imagination
This is liberation
poison in the rat race
Pavlovian salivation
rabid slobberin' salvation
It all began with the crying of children
Searching the cold landscape for something to get the blanks filled in
Boiling temperatures had the paint on the walls peeling
The shit done hit the fan now maneur dripping off the ceiling
I directly below showered in excrement
Bitterly refusing the recommended daily dose of medicine
Bible scriptures just a play thing, making spitballs
out of the new and old testament
Immersed in a demented game of chicken with my own shadows
Screaming let my image go to the silhouette pharoah
He won't budge
I won't shake/ He won't move/ I won't escape
There's no judge, it ain't safe
I must soothe
These headaches
Unrest got me biting my fingernails down to the knuckle
Solitaire with a deck of cards unshuffled
My land lady provided me with a patch of leathery
flesh to keep my mouth muffled
I must repent I scuffle
with a couple
of heavy belt buckles
Whipping 'em across my back creating welts and sore muscles
It shall never cease until I cleanse my soul
A dozen picture frames picture frames shattered on the bathroom floor
A spouse who chose adultery over matrimony forever yours
Blood stains the tile
Tic Tac Toe style
My X won it all- The dog, the house, the cars, the
bank accounts, the kids and all the while
I'm slowly going down
the stairway to heaven like a slinky hellbound
I'm lost in a spiral defeated fetal position
A train of thought with an altered course headed for fatal collision
The jagged glass stepping stones as I hopscotch with wounded feet
Misery serenades me with tunes of mystique
Hide and seek
Enchanting isn't it
This damning dizziness
In a whirlwind twister raving and ranting silliness
The night the music stopped
and blind thieves with horns watched
and stared
As I wallow in self-pity and despair
No reason to keep up the pace but no place to take
five they've stolen my chair
The odd man out- I'm it tagging Jack daniels with alcohol abuse
I duck duck goose
a makeshift noose
hanging from the ceiling fan
Pinata loathing the tattered remains of a broken down family man
What went wrong, what was missing, I try to spell it out
The grief overwhelms I gotta yell it out
Pass out on a sofa bed couch
It'll be a new day tomorrow
I must suppress the sorrow
Or face the possibility of losing my profession
I'll do my best to counsel that dysfunctional family
during their next session