Hadrian's Wall -The Complete Story @1080p
Timewatch Hadrian's Wall The Complete Story
HADRIAN'S WALL - LOST TREASURES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD - Discovery/History/Science (documentary)
Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall
Time Team S07E05 hadrian's.wall,.birdoswald
Timewatch Hadrian's Wall BBC2
Hadrian's Wall Walk in five days
Extreme Hadrian's Wall Walk: Day One
The History Channel: My Favourite Place - Hadrian's Wall
Blackadder: Back & Forth- Hadrian's Wall.
The complete Hadrian's Wall path ©
Hadrian: building the wall
North England: Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall -The Complete Story @1080p
Timewatch Hadrian's Wall The Complete Story
HADRIAN'S WALL - LOST TREASURES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD - Discovery/History/Science (documentary)
Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall
Time Team S07E05 hadrian's.wall,.birdoswald
Timewatch Hadrian's Wall BBC2
Hadrian's Wall Walk in five days
Extreme Hadrian's Wall Walk: Day One
The History Channel: My Favourite Place - Hadrian's Wall
Blackadder: Back & Forth- Hadrian's Wall.
The complete Hadrian's Wall path ©
Hadrian: building the wall
North England: Hadrian's Wall
Black Country Communion- The Battle For Hadrian's Wall (Audio Only)
Hadrian's Wall
Black Country Communion - The Battle For Hadrian's Wall - Live Over Europe
Scottish Independence 2014 MUST WATCH FUNNY VIDEO!!! - Hadrian's Wall
The Hadrian's Wall in England (en)
King Arthur Soundtrack - Another Brick in Hadrians Wall
Hans Zimmer feat. Moya Brennan - Another Brick In Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall - NewCastle Roman Fort 3D Reconstruction
05 - Hans Zimmer - Another Brick in Hadrian's Wall
Coordinates: 55°01′27″N 2°17′33″W / 55.02417°N 2.2925°W / 55.02417; -2.2925
Hadrian's Wall (Latin: Vallum Aelium, "Aelian Wall" – the Latin name is inferred from text on the Staffordshire Moorlands Patera) was a defensive fortification in Roman Britain. Begun in AD 122, during the rule of emperor Hadrian, it was the first of two fortifications built across Great Britain, the second being the Antonine Wall, lesser known of the two because its physical remains are less evident today.
The wall was the most heavily fortified border in the Empire. In addition to its role as a military fortification, it is thought that many of the gates through the wall would have served as customs posts to allow trade and levy taxation.
A significant portion of the Hadrians wall still exists, particularly the mid-section, and for much of its length the wall can be followed on foot by Hadrian's Wall Path or by cycle on National Cycle Route 72. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Northern England. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. English Heritage, a government organisation in charge of managing the historic environment of England, describes it as "the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain".
As I woke up this morning, at 7:45
So happy I was this morning just to find meself alive.
I harnessed up me horses, my business to resume,
and back to haulin' cord was the thing we used to do.
'Cause we were haulin one cord; we should have been haulin' four.
We stopped so long in Martintown, we couldn't haul no more.
The tavern doors were open, the whiskey it was free,
and when me glass was empty, another was there for me.
The four prettiest maidens that ever sailed from France,
the four prettiest maidens just got up on the floor and danced.
Gerry O'Neil was fiddler 'cause his arm was strong.
He played the reels of Ireland for four hours long.
Well, I harnessed up ol' Doplin, we rode away so still.
We scarcely took a breath until we reached ol' Apple Hill.
The people there were lookin' at us; exactly what did they say?
"The must have used a spyglass, or they'd never have found their way."
So come on all you women who tattletale about.
You'd better watch your chat because we're better off without.
We'll go back to haulin' cord, we'll whistle and we'll sing,
and surely we'll never go on such a helluva spree again.