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KGB Duet with CL 참여 영상
Жорж Брак мой любимый художник. Здесь лишь некоторые его темы. Кубизм в живописи - это не просто новый эффект. Это реальное отражение действительности. Наш взгляд не всегда рассматривает. Он скользит по тому видеоряду, что вокруг нас. Возможно, кубизм - самое реалистичное искусство живописи.
They Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll
cười ^.^
gypsy new years 2011 we had a blast I DO NOT INTEND TO MAKE MONEY OF THIS VIDEO
Please take this video to consideration and help search for it.If you enjoy,spread the word. Thanks to mrcolddeadfingers for uploading footage! http://www.yo...
subscribe FOR more. Created by VideoFX for Android.
GB against Repukk 😝 (17559147), Repukk drops host 1st map on raid and fails to get within the time limit of the next gb.
Tekst podpowiedział: darnon100 - Znaleziono na: Gra do pobrania: .exe - .gb -!MU5XRCYT!DqLyxAobWqcCbwkDOgqkf2H1AfIyJBHOWR7ExnuM2vc
gb dispute proof.
zui ... zui ^.^
dedicado pra elas Monique Maranhão, Caline Gb, Uiri.dominici Lily santana.
ola gentucica! Mr Brownii al habla: Seguimos con el quinto episodio de esta serie encuentro al fin los cachirulos rohos en la fortaleza del nether. Quiero pedir disculpas si hacia el final del video eructo o hago mucho ruido con la botella, pero es que empecé a encontrarme bastante mal. Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
Hola gentuza! Mr Brownii al habla: Este es mi primer video de mi primera serie en solitario de Minecraft. Sé que tiene muchos fallos en el sonido ya que se m oye bastante bajo, pero prometo! arreglarlo en el próximo episodio. Esta serie va ir poco de como me desenvuelvo por Minecraft no sé si durara muchos episodios o si solo será llegar a matar al dragón algo que nunca hice cuando jugué a minecraft..jeje Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
Hola gentucica! Mr Brownii al habla: Seguimos con el quinto episodio de esta serie hoy empezamos hacer la mina y la posición de los cultivos Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
Hola gentuza! Mr Brownii al habla: Seguimos con el tercer episodio de esta serie en el que empezamos las contrucción de SUPER HOME!!!! Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
Hola gentucica! Mr Brownii al habla: En este episodio me adentro en el mundo del Nether,..con extrañas? consecuencias.. ejej Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
Hola gentucica! Mr Brownii al habla: Seguimos con el sexto episodio de esta serie hacemos la zona de encatamientos Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
Hola gentuza! Mr Brownii al habla: Seguimos con el cuarto episodio de esta serie hoy terminamos la construcción de la casa! :D Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
ola gentucica! Mr Brownii al habla: Seguimos con el quinto episodio de esta serie hoy damos con la fortaleza!!! YUHU!! he acelerado algunas partes del video, porque se hacía un poco largo de más Espero que os Guste!! Like y Sub ¡! Si os gustó
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Vizionata de milioane de oameni la diferite posturi de televiziune: Gospel Channel, Romanian Television Network Chicago, OTV. De peste 40 de ani a calatorit in 155 de tari pentru a vesti Evanghelia lui Isus Hristos.g b 10 web:
Por mucho que se cambie el nombre y utilice otro tipo, todos sabemos quién es Brock. Después de vencerle avanzamos hasta la siguiente ciudad, Hayward City, donde nos esperan un par de combates para los que se necesita entrenamiento. Link del hack rom:
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Las batallas del último vídeo fueron terribles. Inadmisibles. Ha llegado la hora de resarcirse. La hora de tomar venganza con el miembro del Team Rocket que ...
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"пуантилизм... кубизм... абстракционизм... ? РОНДИЗМ" * 22 декабря открылась выставка в Всероссийской Библиотеке Иностранной Литературы (ул. Николоямская д. ...
Hej. Od ostatniego odcinka poprawiłem nieco siłę ataku! Nie tylko podwyższyłem expa swojego startera, ale dodatkowo złapałem nowego pokemona!
В лекции затронуты аспекты творчества Казимира Малевича, Эль Лисицкого, Николая Суетина, Ильи Чашника, Густава Клуциса и других художников, в работах которых «проекции сверху» стали воплощением специфически авангардистской концепции переустройства мироздания. Александра Семеновна Шатских - известный исследователь русского авангарда, специалист по творчеству Казимира Малевича и Марка Шагала, доктор искусствоведения, составитель и комментатор первого 5-томного собрания сочинений Казимира Малевича. Лекция организована Культурным Фондом «АртХроника» в рамках образовательной программы Премии Кандинского. Москва, "Ударник", 10.12.2013. Камера: А.Великанов.,
India TV on Friday night exposed a prostitution racket carried out in high profile hotels in Delhi, with the help of hidden cameras. The sting was carried out in government run hotels, Ashoka and Smarat. Hotel Ashok is the foremost of Delhi's five-star hotels and the flagship hotel of the Ashok Group which is set in a prime location in Delhi's diplomatic enclave and a stone's throw distance from the high-security Prime Minister's residence.
Ирина Кулик. С 1989 года регулярно печатается в газетах, журналах, онлайновых изданиях и академических сборниках. Автор многочисленных публикаций, посвященны...
Полный материал смотрите на сайте Эта беседа о художниках начала ХХ века, которые дожили до 1950-х -- 1960-х годов, и воспринимались тогда стариками из прошлой жизни. Многие были забыты, исключены из жизни. А молодые искусствоведы Сарабьянов и Мурина ходили к ним в гости -- и по работе и так, чтобы потом открыть всем нам позабытое и забитое тогда русское искусство начала ХХ века. И упоминаемые в этой беседе Павел Кузнецов, Роберт Фальк, Владимир Татлин и многие другие своей посмертной биографией обязаны им. И мы все им тоже каждый по своему -- обязаны. С Д.Б. Сарабьяновым и Е.Б. Муриной беседовал историк Дмитрий Споров.
Кубизм Пабло Пикассо прямо вытекает из живописной системы Поля Сезанна. Это очевидно. Но гораздо менее очевидно, что кубизм можно рассматривать как форму ком...
Expecting the Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons? TO BAD-EXPECTING WALUIGI?! TO BAD! Pokèmon Yellow! (Yes. I'm on the bathroom floor lol) Twitter: @mariofan128 @nexttechknow WebHax Files: Better Video/First Comment has Tutorial: EDIT: Tutorial Comment (+Red Shard) "Make sure code.bin and your rom.gbc of choice is on the root (first folder) of the SD card. Start up your 3DS and go to the web browser. Pick a bookmark and edit the title to code.bin. Edit the link of the bookmark to the site linked in the description. After this, clear your history and cookies. Then restart your system. After that, open Awakening DX. Go to the file select screen (make sure you have a save file?) and reset the game - but as soon as the box confirming to reset the game leaves after you press the button, hit the home button and go to the web browser. Go to your bookmarks and tap on the code.bin bookmark you should have by now. It should proceed like it does in the video, by giving you an error. Go back to Awakening DX and the ROM should be playing provided it's 1) under 1 MB and 2) you followed the steps correctly. If you want to try again, I suggest restarting your system, but I think I've gotten it working by just resetting and trying the process again." And another commenter (+RylanVids20): "So, this has actually been updated and is way easier to use, here are the instructions! 1) Load files (in description) onto the root of the SD card, include a rom of your choice that is equal to or lower than the file size of the game you're injecting the rom into (If you are unsure, either check the size online, or just to be safe only use 1MB rom sizes) and name it rom.gbc (Even if it's regularly a .gb rom, it must be .gbc, change it!) 2) Load the game you want to inject the rom into, then open virtual console menu by pressing X or tapping the bottom screen. After doing so, press the home button 3) Turn off Wi-Fi (Optional, but I have found it works better, just use the switch on the side of the 3DS) 4) Go to Web Browser, clear your history and cookies, and open up, after doing so turn on the Wi-Fi and reload page 5) Wait a few moments and your bottom screen should flash a color. If the color is Green, you're good to go and the injection should work, if it's yellow that means that your rom size is too big, and if it's red that means there was a problem injecting the rom. Soon after, your browser will close and it will display an error, this is normal and means that it's working. (Hint: If it's red, make sure your file is named rom.gbc) 6) After it crashes to the home menu, click OK on the error screen, after doing so, go back to the game you're injecting into and click reset. After doing so, your rom should show up instead of your normal game! Hope I could help, took me a few tries, but I finally got it!"
MECHNIFIZENT'2K15 - A Mimicry Concept For Inviting All Engg Students To Our Mechanical Symposium ;) A national level Symposium on 7th Jan 2k15 @ PBCE Concept: Ajit villers & Team Cast: Prem Kumar .G.B D.O.P: Sarath Simonzz Editing: Arasan(GFM) Sound Engineer: Dhamu(GFM) To Be Continued ....
According to an official source, the GB governor sent letters to the heads of GB government ...
Dawn 2015-04-08NEW DELHI: ... Consumers purchasing the phones between now and June, will get 1 TB or 1000 GB of One Drive storage.
The Times of India 2015-04-08QVGA touchscreen display and offers 1GB flash storage on board, with an additional 4 GB on a pre-installed SD card ... p.
Seattle Post 2015-04-08GB Group plc ). Pre-Close Trading Update - April 2015 GB GROUP PLC ... GB Group intends to provide a ... gb.
noodls 2015-04-07... and will no longer be part of the GB Boxing squad which is training for the Rio Olympics in 2016.
noodls 2015-04-07For the electricity market in GB, the Department for Energy and Climate Change is making two policy changes.
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-07Click here to purchase tickets for GB against Poland in Nottingham ... for GB aginst Poland in Coventry.
noodls 2015-04-07On the storage front, the new devices get 8 GB onboard storage each that is expandable up to 128 GB ...
Deccan Herald 2015-04-07PGA - Professional Golfers' Association of GB&I; ).
noodls 2015-04-07... 8GB internal memory (30 GB free OneDrive and micro SD support up to 128 GB) and 2,500 mAh battery.
The Hindu 2015-04-07It has got 32GB onboard storage and will be available in two variants-1 GB and 2 GB RAM. Price: ... Price: ... Price:
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-07Jonas makes female boxing history 05 Aug 2012 Olympics Watch video Rio countdown begins for GB stars ...
BBC News 2015-04-07... will be travelling to Spain later this month to represent GB in the European Duathlon Championships.
noodls 2015-04-07GB may stand for:
We're a bunch of desperados, a brave and fearless crew.
We will work for anyone, we'll even work for you.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
Money is the cause we fight for
We don't mind facing the dangers, when we're fighting for strangers.
Have no conscience who we kill as long as you can foot the bill.
We'll get your country out of any crisis, as long as you can meet our prices.
From the slums to the suburbs there's a rallying cry,
people are kicking authority, blacking its eye.
It's sure time to party when your freedom comes,
flowers poking out of the barrels of guns.
Like a punch-drunk fighter, I see your power fade,
talking your place in this mad, mad, mad parade.
You pulled the pin from the last hand-grenade,
.. .. It's the start of a new decade.
You'll get your liberation from the soldiers and the cops,
the new wall is built and that is where the buck stops.
The underground has risen, select a chosen few.
So throw out the old, bring in the new.
You've over-run the ignorant, the bigots and the fools,
The end of a decade closes in, the oppressed fight back but still can't win.
A blind eye sees more than pain, expressions on heads look so feign.
Four men died today, someone's gotta pay.
Why did four men die today ?
The culprits can't be found, they're hiding underground.
Why did four men die today ?
Hoboes and underdogs strike a new chord, they're sick and tired of acting bored.
Legions of damned citizens try, while all around the rotting die.
Concerned committees study and gen, the final word from Number Ten.
The worried gasp a sigh and frown as all the walls come crashing down.
The end of a decade closes in, the oppressed fight back and still can't win.
You want a house and a child but you don't want a man.
You'll live off the state as long as you can.
Claim you're equal with your feminist wit.
If you are you'd better act like it.
With a glass plate in your stomach,
everyone will look at you
The only woman in the world,
to have a womb with a view
Men are the evil, women are good.
You joined the CND just like you should.
Greenham Common the new Babylon.
Campaign all you want they'll still drop the bomb.
Burn your bra then whine for support.
Independence is a thing that can't be taught.
Live was busy for the little girl.
Bring me your poor, give me your weak,
'cos I can make strong, the man who can't speak.
I'm out on my own in the field of life,
harvesting souls for your children and wife.
Sam is your leader,
the eagle has flown.
He's making mountains,
out of skin and bone.
Sam is your leader,
the eagle is here.
I'd like to hate you ..
but I love you dear.
A nation of nations where wisdom are pearls,
the lip of anger is starting to curl.
The immigrants rally, hand on their hearts,
bearing the load that's stacked on the cart.
In the Tinsel Town country where a cowboy is king,
a fortified pheonix takes to the wing.
Defending old glory and turning invader,
The night air's cool but your system's not,
you stand for what you care for, not for what you've got.
The streets are mean, keep your conscience clean,
you've gotta wrap up from the cold.
An' no-one cares with the stairy eyes,
an' no-one cares in the neon rays.
An' no-one cares if you're laughing or crying,
an' no-one cares if you're lving or dying.
Paranoia hits me like a bolt from hell,
you don't don't know what they're thinking, ain't no way to tell.
Throat gets tight, knuckles go white,
this is one ride you don't get off.
No-one cares, no-one cares,
he who wins is he who dares.
You cling to your posessions, make sure you make your claim,
'cus in this dirty jungle, stayin' alive is the aim.
Gotta be bold, don't trust a soul,
Well we're all packed up and we're Iroquois bound,
tuning our ears for the F.M. sound.
We got a million problems, we're on our way,
44th, New York, U.S.A.
That big crazy city don't blink an eye,
anytime we pass by.
It just keeps strechting up so high,
like a rocket, shooting, to the sky.
Iroquois ! Iroquois !
Special Branch got their feelers out,
our names and addresses 'cos we're in doubt.
Down the corridor, keep in lane,
find the worst seats on the plane.
Find a tacky statue three inches high,
dirty rain falls from a dirty sky.
On the corner of the street there's a big black fella' ..
trying to sell me an umberalla.
Get the Kraut boys round for a smoke an' a beer,
there's gotta be a pizza delivery near.
Call the barf patrol, there's a stain on the floor,
You're a freak I guess you know .. ..
you're belong in a side-show.
The shape of your head, length of your neck,
on the whole you're a fucking wreck.
Freak .. of nature, freak, god I hate yer ..
You get victimised wherever you go,
and you're too thick to even know.
You grow uglier everyday,
it's not your fault you look that way.
But you've got friends and lots of money ..
behind your back they think you're funny.
Sticking to you like a lot of leeches,
Meanwhile, Back in the ping pong pit...
Woke up this morning feeling blue
Woke up this morning feeling blue
Woke up this morning feeling blue
I'm sick and tired had nothing to do
Woke up this morning feeling blue
I'm sick and tired had nothing to do
Woke up this morning feeling Red
Woke up this morning feeling Red
Woke up this morning feeling Red
Woke up this morning feeling Red
Had pains in my body and pains in my head
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Woke up this morning feeling green
Woke up this morning feeling green
Woke up this morning feeling green
Woke up this morning feeling green
Feelin' green I'm feelin' really mean
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
Skanga Skanga Skanga Herby Weed
I wanted you cause of your bust .
And now I want a night of lust.
Can't wait around here anymore.
So take me home you dirty whore.
Slut, slut ..
Dirty bitch
I've had too many pints of poison,
now I wanna try your pants on.
I don't care if you're really crude,
I wanna see you in the nude.
Suppose you think it's fun to. tease.
Spread around social disease
Don't care how many you have had.
Just lie down I want it bad.
You think you look pretty cute.
Black and shiny diving suit.
High heels with a nine inch spike.
Well I've got a real hot feelin',
in this real cold world.
I'm in love, with a humongous girl.
She sleeps all day in a ruined church,
night time comes, she's got me in her lurch.
Still air explosions with her silent touch,
oh, oh, I want her too much.
Too much (ah I want her too much),
too much - humongous.
She's got an evil eye and a wicked streak.
And when she kisses me, you bet my knees turn weak.
She'll eat you up and spit out your bones,
See the man see him run,
where's he going where's he coming from ?
What's he carrying under his arm ?
Stay away it'll do you harm.
See the man run.
Why's he sitting in the dark ?
Who's he meeting in the park ?
Who's he calling .. on the phone ?
Counting out cash all alone.
What's in the box being wrapped ?
Why's his phone being tapped ?
Under surveilance every day.
Special branch got nothing to say.
What was he arrested for ?
Selling junk, breaking the law.
Addicting kids just looking for fun.
You've got a fast brain,
it's like a bullet train.
You've been branded,
Your scream's like gasoline,
it burned me to the core.
You used to stand for something,
but not any more.
And when I turned to you,
in my hour of need.
I looked into your eyes,
and saw the pure greed.
Yeah when I turned to you,
on my bended knees.
I looked into your eyes,
and they shone a pure green.
Domino skyscrapers and thunder,
not just another face, just another number.
Domino skyscrapers and thunder,
not just another face, just another number.
You've got a big life,
but I heard that it's broken.
Now I'm gonna' sit and laugh,
No survivors in this game of hate, we all get changed in a certain way.
Our ideals changed by mortar, there isn't a person who doesn't pay.
No survivors, burst the bubble.
No survivors, too much trouble.
No survivors, your just a pawn.
No survivors, don't conform.
Boys mature to men in weeks, while rivals stay on the boil.
The time is right, the 'real' cowards, we all suffer at this toil.
So patriots who wear your flag, can enlist and die together.
I'll stay at home, protect MY world, do two years and wear a white feather.
The fields in France are full of heroes, now only poppies remain.
My momma, can I climb on the trees in the park?
My momma, can I stay up til late in the dark?
My momma, don't over protect me now
I just want to have some fun at night
And I'm gonna be saying....
Because you're not old enough
Because you've been told enough
I really should have listened to my pa
What's wrong with the kids running round in the town?
?? The always want to be around
Hey momma, don't underestimate me now
We're gonna have fun when the sun goes down
And I'm gonna be saying....
Because you're not old enough
Because you've been told enough
I really should have listened to my pa
Hey baby, shall we go for a stroll in the park?
Hey baby, shall we stay up til late in the dark?
Hey baby,?? to be now
Maybe we can have a little fun tonight
And I'm gonna be saying....
Because you're not old enough
Because you've been told enough
Face on face all totally sane
Living on eggs in a bullet train
The answer comes with a sage like nod
And we're ringing the bell like Pavlov's dog
I'm all fuelled up I'm wearing a crown
When the lights go up and the kids get down
Now I'm a stranger in this town
But the lights go up and the kids get down
Thinking sideways immune from shock
Going on stage at 28 o'clock
Staying in a place where we can't afford to eat
Getting used to that eastern beat
Mustn't grumble I got some perks
But all I want is a phone that works
Endless routine I need a release
The poor man he had no dreams, had no vices all he had was himself.
Spent his days walking around, thinking of things to do with his time.
It's like a dream when I wake and scream.
I'm lost and alone and living in a hellhole.
Looked at himself then looked at the world, decided things weren't going too well.
Just a man with a sense of justice, would his days of misery never end.
Bought a gun disciplined himself, shoot those those bastards right between the eyes.
Crime figures fell like dead leaves, the city breathed a sigh of relief.
It's not easy when you're making a stand, when it seems that all the world is mad.
It's easy to fall by the wayside, but if you act like a sheep you'll get eaten by the wolf.
Now the streets are safe for children to play, couples can go walking in the park.
Hey, hey, did you hear the news today ?
Someone just got killed in Boston.
Say, say, you'll get to hear it anyway,
they smoked him out with a gas bomb.
Future fugitives, future fugitives,
You're getting in the way.
Future fugitives, future fugitives,
No time to have your say.
When, when will the streets be safe walk ?
With none there to harm me.
Why, why, should we listen to the talk,
the blind are leading those who can see.
Now, now, is the time we've gotta act,
and save our skins from desruction.
Go, go and seal the pact,
I've got a turbocharger, on my car,
without that power .. we wouldn't get far.
Let me take you back to when power first began,
rubbing sticks together can't be a lot of fun.
High octane fuel ..
I've got fuel injection, on my Cadillac,
when I push that button, I ain't coming back.
I've got a rocket booster, on my saloon.
If we waste power, we'll run out soon.
I've got solar panels to keep me warm,
Exempt from the laws which you created,
your thought out lies becoming dated.
Ruin our lives then plead for support,
the noose around your neck is getting taught.
Slit your own throat.
Your ignorance is hard to believe,
do you want this country to bleed ?
Stuck in a rut full of rot,
complain about things you haven't got.
Disrupt the lives of those around,
it's time you lot were underground.
But no-one hears when you start to moan,
All the boys and girls from round the world are gathering here today.
They're gonna' run and jump, dance and sing and play.
But you'd better think twice on the merchandise.
Lost in the fog and no way out ..
Lost in the fog and no way out ..
Lost in the fog and no way out ..
The gate's been shut.
The flag on your chest don't mean thing as long as you're having a go, go.
The colour of your skin or the shape your in,
do as you're told, you've gotta' go for gold.
Drowning in commercials, washed up as a joke.
Contracted all the sponges, due for a soak.
Into the Valley of Death,
you'll take your last breath.
But you don't realise,
that the heat can fry your eyes.
Down in the Valley of Death .. ..
Not a soul can live,
because the heat's too much to bear.
If you battle in the sun,
you've got no chance, it's already won.
There's nothing there to be found,
'cept skeletons on the ground.
You can stand there and weep,
over things that used ot be sheep.
Water there is just like gold,
people kill for it, I've been told.
Melting sorrow, the suffering cry,
Everywhere I go, everyone I see,
knows the secret languishing down inside of me.
A change of scene could be the key,
go to the cupboard, take out the bottle and splash it all over me.
But it's Transylvanian Perfume swirling round,
release the beast that hides behind your brow.
Transylvanian Perfume drink it in,
it's the musk of lust as it'll take you up where you've never ever been.
It's duty free,
it's real scary.
It's a magnet glue,
it's the stuff for you .. this stuff is tough !
Ply 'em with a drink to get 'em hooked,
I'm an evil essence, no odour clone, I can't be overlooked.
Watch 'em for a while I gotta' choose,
I've been guilty too, I ain't so pure,
you get a little bit, you just want more.
Go on destroying what little we got,
two steps forward three steps back.
In this crazy world you get no chances,
no-one bothers with the new dances.
Gotta get on with the pain of living,
don't look for handouts there's none been given.
It's easier to hate than to understand,
it's easier to hate than to understand.
A clenched fist or an open hand,
it's easier to hate than to understand.
Confusion reigns in vicious circles,
too much violence too many hurdles.
Peace of mind isn't much to ask for,
hangs in the air like burnin' sulphur.
There's carrots dangling everwhere,
the price you pay for a livin' nightmare.
The stench of death in every nation,
decay, disillusion and desperation.
Perpetual torture, from those we love to hate.
It's meant to be, you can't change fate.
We got a time bomb ..
.. 5-4-3-2-1 go
The time will come when we gotta say no.
Decide ourselves who's friend or foe.
It's in our hands, above your head.
Think carefully or you'll be dead.
It's happened before, been called a traitor.
In the desert with a bottle of J.D.
The red pipe glows with lines of c.
Things are normal but they won't be soon.
Hairy monsters in the next room.
Frogsheads and midgets going oingoboingo ..
Take my hand and we'll explore,
the forbidden zone.
When you're in your own tree,
But don't know if anybodys home.
Thugs in lingerie greet you.
Bitch queens with tattoos eat you.
You haven't got a watch but it's nearly 4.
And there's armed police knocking at your door.
When you've jumped the fence into the bath
we'll understand if you have the last laugh.
Just as things seem as they were before,
Broken glass is everywhere, crunchin' underfoot,
the windswept streets preparing for the flood.
A priest with a bible is doing all the plugs,
jobs now are seconary to sex and drugs.
Honesty is our only weapon,
walls come tumbling down.
There's a panic in the West,
and there's a rumblin' underground.
Sniff the air it only brings a stench of the Neu Smell.
Faceless icebergs burnin' down in Hell.
"Don't worry son you know you'll go far",
Daddy's gonna' buy you a brand spanking new guitar.
Sometimes I think the whole world's against me,
somethimes I think I'm gonna' win.
In the depths of the quagmire,
the only thing is never to give in.
Subterranean vibrations as the masses start to rise.
Pseudo zombies can't believe their eyes.
Light a fire in our hearts, things begin to boil,
Put us on a life support machine from the day we're born,
didn't realise it was just our dawn.
By the media we've been accepted, but in reality still rejected.
From the start it won't last,
but now that's all in the past.
Never admit to being wrong,
five years on and we're still going strong.
Given a year to pack up and die,
take the taking, run and hide.
Said 'race against time', thought it was clever,
time is immortal and we're forever.
So five years on and we should be dead,
new ideas in the same old head.
Don't need help, don't need a tutor,
you're our past and we're your future.
It's a race against time, but whose racing ?
Shocked the world cause they wanted to live.
They had no food, no alternative.
Lost in the snow weak in the mind.
Starving and cold; they ate their own kind.
Had no charts: lost, alone.
Eat the flesh, spit out the bone.
Malnutrition was setting in.
They needed protein, a will to win.
Cannibalism the only way.
the logical answer to live another day.
A code of conduct they must go by.
No sign of help from the sky.
How much longer can they survive?
Lying on my back, staring up to the sky,
thunder black clouds, I hear a distant cry.
Needle sharp start like diamonds on velvet,
and the snail trail of a shooting comet.
Everything I do - it all goes down, it all goes down,
Everything I see - it all goes down, it all goes down ..
.. it all goes down in my nocturnal journal.
Bats are flying high but, the owls don't give a hoot,
no birds singin', seems the whole world's mute.
The slightest noise, echoes through the streets,
slumber-lands bounce, to a tiny heartbeat.
Walls of old houses, still creak after all this time,
explanations don't contain no reason or rhyme.
The moon stays awake with ease,
bangin' car doors are annoying me.
The rain is coming down, started to lash,
and I'm waiting for the glass to smash.
Empty cans rattle just like skeleton shakes,
to live by night is a chance I take.
Seedy streetlamps spill, a pool of white light,
Make love to you your eyes are closed,
your body is rotting it's decomposed.
Your hair straggled in a spider's web ..
you're dead.
No remorse ..
screw the corpse.
Your clothes are in a state of decay,
just like you they're thrown away.
Your body's filled with lava flies,
why oh why did you have to die ?
I come and see you every night,
unlike my girl you don't put up a fight.
I'm close to you, put flowers on your womb ..
I grew up in the deep South, and wore dungarees.
We lived in a little shack, and ate bacon grease.
I slept with my sister, and she slept with my pa.
It didn't bother my mother, 'cus we kept him in a jar.
I ain't got no moonshine, I ain't got no wife.
Oh Lord help me, rebuild my life.
Since I was a young boy, travelled far from home.
Oh Lord don't let me die on my own.
I ended up in prison, down in Tennessee.
There were 14 bad dudes, in the cell with me.
I felt so dirty, I felt like a pig.
Got raped in the showers by Mr Big.
Now my life's nearly over, it's been a pain.
And my eyes are getting bad, I didn't see that train.
Now as I lay dying, I hear coyote hoots.
(USA) Staring through the boring Monatana skyline,
wishing that this journey would come to an end.
Rolling stoned I'm listing to the gussler,
I want a wash, I wanna' phone my friend.
When the sun comes down, we enter our forbidden zone.
When the sun comes down, you can't reach us on the phone.
Oh no, oh no, bang the drum, beat the gong ..
Midnight madness and beyond ..
(Japan) I'm only five foot eight but I'm a giant,
Ginseng roots have many mystic powers.
Bowing so much that my back is getting sore,
there's lots of gifts, lots of lovely flowers.
(Canada) Now it seems that this lot don't want us,
blingual forms to fill before we go.
We're not a gang of international terrorists,
we're just a band that's come to play a show.
So beat the drum and bang the gong,
They're always stealing off the land, the Earl has to take his final stand.
Build a device to catch them all, I don't give a damn if they say they're poor.
If you get caught there's no going back, it's a man trap.
The jaws of his baby tightly snap, it's a man trap.
He's old and wicked and he hates the world, he's wicked as sin, his mind is gnarled.
He's got plenty but he doesn't care, and to ask for help they wouldn't dare.
A wall heath man with his wife to keep, did his duty and stole a sheep.
Refused to grovel, he refused to beg, stepped on the trigger and lost his leg.
Deported abroad and is long since dead, the gamekeeper's found without his head.
It's everywhere and nowhere
Lurks in some wicked hearts
You'll know when it's ended
But not when it starts
So glamorous in the '70s
Put your gun back in its holster
Reality is death and blood
Not a Che Guevara poster
It's pointing at you - the invisible gun
Do you put your hands up or turn and run
Pointing at your children - the invisible gun
Draw a line in the sand while you still can
The cruel lead the weak
It's the bigotry of religion
No questions ever asked
And no quarter ever given
You know every trick
You cover all the angles
But you're easily offended
By a vulgar display of ankles
Living in a dark age
Relishing the screams
Fear and panic spreading
Cowardice in extreme
Referring to your book
Like a good pilgrim should
The assassin's mask is soaked
At the bottom of a deep dark lake
I drove back to yesteryear
Sometimes seen and sometimes not
I believe theres a lochness monster
What a wicked web we weave
when governments decieve
and i wanna believe......
I gotta believe
In the middle of a deep dark night
Light years away from neon
Unexplained sightings in the sky
I believe there are aliens
What a wicked web we weave
when governments decieve
and i wanna believe......
I gotta believe
Conspiracy theroy abound
but the truth is under ground,
I wanna believe I wanna believe
I gotta believe
In a clearing in a deep dark wood
In a cave thats lined with moss
Lives a thing half man half beast
I believe theres a bigfoot sasquatch
What a wicked web we weave
when governments decieve
and i wanna believe......
I gotta believe
Conspiracy theroy abound
but the truth is under ground,
I wanna believe I wanna believe
Tapes up the hammer comes down
Engines roar it's a beautiful sound
Throttle open five hundred cc's
Flyin' by on a methanol breeze
You're racing ahead of me
I'm just tryin' to stay in control
I'm going sideways [x3]
Till the flag comes down
Two wheels no brakes
Hell for leather whatever it takes
To the grass roots I subscribe
Dig in deep and get some drive
All the smells all the sounds
Everybody going round and round
Two types of riders that you get
Those who have fallen
And those who haven't fallen... Yet
Foot down the steel slides
Stay tight don't go too wide
The hard work never ends
I Dont wear a tie dont ask me why i feel uncomfortable in one
and i wont wear a suit cause it might take root
and i end up towing one of your lines
You laugh at me because im different i laugh at you your all the same you'll find it really hard to laugh now with one of my bullets in your brain HA HA
I aint bothering you why you messing with me im just trying to do my own thing
You dont know my story who made you judge and jury stay with rules to which you cling
Free thinkers open minds the opposite of your kind you hate everyone to the core
You got a cruel vent savage amusement
Well I got the tickets I’m standing in line
We're twenty minutes ahead of time
The drinks are free and you get a snack
We lose a hour going coming home we get it back
We're flyin' high
We're flyin' high
We're flyin' high, what a way to go
Flyin' high, so look out
Look out down below
My expectations are on the up
But the coffee comes in a plastic cup
The air up there smells cold and clean
Flip through the duty free magazine
We're flyin' high
We're flyin' high
We're flyin' high, what a way to go
Flyin' high, so look out
Look out down below
So it's destination homeward bound
Change foreign shittars back into pounds
It's b.h.x. and all night bars
But they've lost the boxes and guitars
We're flyin' high
We're flyin' high
We're flyin' high, what a way to go
Flyin' high, so look out
Look out down below
Can't take no more of this daily grind
I need some space to unwind
Not enough Carrots to many sticks
But i'm prepared to take the risks
I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again
There's no respect where's it all gone
The silent ticking of a smart bomb
Buildings crumble people bleed
They've got us crawling on our knees
I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again
Well I'm not the man I used to be
Public enemy number three
It was on the cards you could tell
Now I'm all tooled up and mad as hell
I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again
Self defense is not a crime
Victims end up doing time
Retaliation when they threaten
A water pistol is no only weapon
I'm strapped into my bed, I've got electrodes in my head.
My nerves are really bad, it's the best time I've ever had.
I'm a sick boy and there's no cure.
I'm a sick boy there should be more.
But I'm happy the way I am, like a sardine in can.
People taking notes, people in white coats.
I see school girls everywhere, short skirts and pig-tailed hair.
Out on a limb, got no enjoyment, stoney broke, got no employment.
It's something no-one else can see, I've gotta end my misery.
Self destruct, self destruct, I said I'm gonna.
Self destruct, fill my head with a piece of lead.
Had enough of this recession, their bullshit caused my depression.
Their ways make me feel small, now I'm gonna end it all.
Count-down's over this is it, my life is spent it's now I quit.
Done my best to aid this caper, one less name on a piece of paper.
On the streets they're after me,
won't let me go, won't let me be.
This opression is screwing my head,
if I ain't careful I'll end up dead.
I'm living my life ..
.. I'm living my life on the edge of a knife.
Loving her was the mistake I made,
defending her honour with a steel blade.
Three on to one just isn't fair ..
but now they're in intensive care.
So now I'm running all over the world,
all because of a stupid girl.
But I've gotta carry on, I've gotta be brave,
I once believed, all girls are nice,
but listen to me, take my advice.
You've gotta get yourself on the right track,
'cus finding a good girl, Boy,
is like finding .. a needle in a haystack,
.. .. a needle in a haystack.
Those girls are sly, slick and shy,
don't ever let them get ya with their starry eyes.
They tell that their love is true,
and then they walk all over you.
You should know these things it's a natural fact.
You better look before you leap,
still water sometimes turns very deep.
Feel your love is sure,
but your just their past-time lover.
I can't see smoke hanging like a noose in the sky.
I can't see death lurking, only you and I.
We're small cogs in a big machine,
wake up son 'cos it's no dream.
Go .. ..
Wake up the whole worlds gone ,
wake up the whole worlds gone,
wake up the whole worlds gone ..
.. gone limpwristed.
Genders, bend over for me,
nothing can hide your bland puppetry.
We ain't got your elegant grace,
got gravel in our guts and spit in your face.
Do you really believe you can corrupt the youth ?
Credit them with more, they know the truth.
Stay out of the way, don't keep in touch,
State executioner, there's no hope,
for the men that hang on th eend of your rope.
You think you're safe no-one can tell,
what they'll do when you get to hell.
State executioner ..
Got the papers, you need your boss,
that man is not guilty you don't give a toss.
Pull the lever, watch him swing,
state executioner, murderous king.
State executioner, just the same,
as the people you kill in the government's name.
Slip on the hood, open the hatch,
you're no better than those you dispatch.
State executioner, punishing men,
although it's for ever and ever amen.
Fame and fortune damnation you've got,
Well I just got back from Vietnam,
where I saw a baby in a pram.
The next minute it wasn't there,
I was getting paid too much to care.
Now I fought hard for my Purple Heart.
I can stop you if you start.
Going out now on the loose.
Gotta get rid of these Vietname Blues.
Well I just got back from Vietnam.
I got addicted to napalm.
My teeth have rotted, they're just not there.
I was getting paid too much to care.
Well I just got back from Vietnam.
I got blown to bits by a bomb.
My minds gone it's just not there.
I was getting paid too much to care.
Well I just got back from Vietnam.
Although I'm really only half a man.
My wife's left, divorce coming through.
Well they paid him the advance,
and waited for the book.
But the writer didn't care none,
no he didn't give a F. F. F. F.
Fortune squandered,
he's drugged up bad.
They called him insane,
the called him a fag.
Somewhere in the city,
unanswered prayers.
Somewhere in the city,
one man, one man dared.
He's got 'em searching the attic,
and tearing down walls.
Emptying cupboards,
and ripping up floors.
I know it's here,
a secret told.
I'll tell ya it's true man,
it's literate gold.
Slurring speech,
in interviews.
Looking a little fat.
Bloodshot eyes,
don't forget the hat.
I know it's here,
a secret told.
I tell ya' it's true man,
only he knows,
only he knows,
Was it you who took the money,
to the land of milk and honey ?
Your past is catching up on you,
put it on a conveyor belt.
The chips are down, the cards are dealt,
you won't be calling trumps no more.
Everone's getting decent,
and that's what I regret.
Don't want no mass production,
don't want no mass production blues.
I believe in quality,
liberate the quantity.
Not like battery hens in a cage,
the self-help seekers soldier on.
They won't stop 'till the war is won,
got no industrial spies 'round here.
One a penny, two a penny,
blocking up all the roads.
One a penny, two a penny,
trucks are ditching their loads.
Piling 'em here, piling 'em there,
blocking out the light of the sun.
One a penny, two a penny,
and that's just about as cheap as they come.
Your brand new name ain't no good,
I never ever thought it would.
Just another snake in the grass,
your cheapskate brain waves schemes,
are just a fantasy of your brains,
Out of the frying pan, into the microwave.
I need my fill, gotta satisfy my craves.
I missed out again, 'cus I ain't had enough,
When the tough go shoppin', the shoppin' gets tough.
I don't wanna be treated like a dog,
I don't wanna be lost in smoke and fog.
I don't wanna be treated like a dog,
don't wanna be just in time for the epilogue.
Give me a break, don't give me no abuse.
If you carry on, I'm gonna blow a fuse.
Just gire me one more day.
I'll make up tme for sure.
I know I'm sick inside,
so help me find a cure.
Procrastination's stealing all my time.