Corals are marine animals in class Anthozoa of phylum Cnidaria typically living in compact colonies of many identical individual "polyps". The group includes the important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans and secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.
A coral "head" is a colony of myriad genetically identical polyps. Each polyp is a spineless animal typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in length. A set of tentacles surround a central mouth opening. An exoskeleton is excreted near the base. Over many generations, the colony thus creates a large skeleton that is characteristic of the species. Individual heads grow by asexual reproduction of polyps. Corals also breed sexually by spawning: polyps of the same species release gametes simultaneously over a period of one to several nights around a full moon.
Although corals can catch small fish and plankton, using stinging cells on their tentacles, most corals obtain the majority of their energy and nutrients from photosynthetic unicellular algae called zooxanthellae that live within the coral's tissue. Such corals require sunlight and grow in clear, shallow water, typically at depths shallower than 60 metres (200 ft). Corals can be major contributors to the physical structure of the coral reefs that develop in tropical and subtropical waters, such as the enormous Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Other corals do not have associated algae and can live in much deeper water, with the cold-water genus Lophelia surviving as deep as 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). Examples live on the Darwin Mounds located north-west of Cape Wrath, Scotland. Corals have also been found off the coast of the U.S. in Washington State and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
Darlene Joyce Zschech ( /dɑrˈliːn ˈtʃɛk/; born Steinhardt on 8 September 1965 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) is an Australian Pentecostal worship leader and singer-songwriter who primarily writes praise and worship songs. She is the former worship pastor of Hillsong Church and is currently a member of Compassionart, a charity founded by Martin Smith.
As a young adult Zschech sang jingles for a number of international companies including McDonald's, KFC and Coca Cola.
In 2003, Zschech released her first solo album in nine years, entitled Kiss of Heaven. She had earlier released a vinyl album in 1987 called Make The Choice and a cassette album in 1993 called Pearls & Gold. Change Your World followed in 2005. She has since released two albums in 2011 called Simply Darlene and You Are Love. In addition to writing songs, Zschech has written four books: Worship (1996), Extravagant Worship (2002), The Kiss of Heaven (2003) and The Great Generational Transition (2009).
Zschech and her husband were the founding executive directors of Mercy Ministries Australia. In 2009, after an 18-month investigation, they were named by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission as being two of several former directors of Mercy Ministries Australia likely for the organisation's "false, misleading and deceptive conduct". They claimed their services were free, but in fact "residents had to sign over their Centrelink benefits during their stay."
Colaj petrecere cu formatia " Coral 2 "- tel : 0724 15 04 03
The Coral - Dreaming Of You (Director's Cut)
Conquistando o Impossível [Coral Jovem de Goiânia]
Coral Reef Adventure 1-4 HD 720p
Feelings Coral - Deus Proverá
Amazing LEGO 20,000+ Piece Coral Reef Tropical Paradise MOC!!
The Coral - In the Morning
Melhor coral do mundo
Coral Ébano - Aclame ao Senhor - Darlene Zschech
União Coral - Vim para adorar-Te (Cover)
LA GRAN BARRERA DE CORAL- Un milagro de la naturaleza-HD-1/3
Coral reef wonderland - Wild Indonesia - BBC
What is Coral? Discover here...
Rosie Delgado, the lone survivor of the brutal "Play Hooky Murders," suffers from post-traumatic dissociative disorder in a state run mental health facility, until budget-cuts transfers criminally insane "Buddy" DeWitt, the convicted "Play Hooky" killer, from his correctional institute to her psych-ward for therapy. . .then the real nightmare begins.
A global warming thriller following a group of children, "The C 5", who go out in search of their kidnapped sister to discover the truth behind the myth of the last sentient beings on earth, a mythical creature placed on Earth to protect it from human destruction. The last five children on Earth, led by PAK and CORAL, survive in an apocalyptic world as they venture out in search MAYA, their kidnapped sister. Inspired by the ancient Mexican myth of "The Chanekes", a mysterious elf-like creature that punishes those who disregard the natural environment. GENERATION LAST follows the last five children on Earth, as they struggle to purify any water and food they may happen upon on their journey.
Keywords: feature-film-debut, first-feature
Henry is a grouchy, irritable and overall unhappy birthday clown. As he complains about everything, he realizes 8-year-old birthday girl Coral has a frown just as long as his. Annoyed by the fact that she is the only kid he hasn't been able to humor, he takes it upon himself to do whatever it takes to make this girl smile.
Wade Mann, is convinced that the independently wealthy lifestyle is the life for him. Joined by his drinking buddies, and financed by his mother, they open Global Future, an office for marketing environmentally friendly products. Ads in the local paper entice tree-huggers to an interview that quickly turns into a pyramid pitch. One such ad brings in Dave Dodge, a man who walks the fine line between genius and insane. Soon, Wade is inundated by Dave and his followers, a modern-day drum circle. The two worlds and collide as the business spirals down and the drums rise up. With its original musical sense and a visual style all of its own, Naked Nerve Endings will make you filthy rich, just sign on the dotted line. The project started when director Lance Lindahl encountered an African Drum Circle. He had thoughts of a script about pyramid scheme and random people coming in off of ads in the newspaper. Merging the concept with the drum circle gatherings, he began to develop the story of Wade Mann, a mid twenties man who leaps for the chance on a get rich quick scheme. They buy a desk, chairs, and office supplies, as well as the over priced environmental friendly products to get him his mother and his best friend Tony started in the business. After running ads, they draw in Dave Dodge, the stories antagonists. Davis is a nine-year member and seven year director of Stomp! He brings a great style of acting as well as original music from both him and the drummers. So Davis' character attends the so-called interview, and jokes at the opportunity of riches, but insists he and his followers shall perform drum circles in the back room of the office. Wade, under pressure gives in, and the back room of the office turns into a meeting of all the local area hippies involved in the drumming. You either sell soap or make it. The project was shot on 24p with one of the best cinematographers in the mini-dv generation. Erik Murphy has shot nine features with this being the summation of his intuitive camera work.
Your efforts will be remembered.
Julie Kohler is prevented from suicide by her mother. She leaves the town. She will track down, charm and kill five men who do not know her. What is her goal ? What is her purpose ?
Keywords: arrest, artist, based-on-novel, bathtub, bow-and-arrow, children, color-in-title, concert-hall, concert-ticket, duct-tape
She was a bride when the violence happened... Now she's a widow and it's going to happen again
Julie Kohler: Je suis Julie Kohler!
Coral: Permit me to make an impossible wish?::Julie Kohler: Why impossible?::Coral: Because I'm a rather pessimist.::Julie Kohler: I've heard it said: "There are no optimists or pessimists. There are only happy idiots or unhappy ones".::Coral: [smiling] Yes, well. I'm an unhappy idiot then.
Colaj petrecere cu formatia " Coral 2 "- tel : 0724 15 04 03
The Coral - Dreaming Of You (Director's Cut)
Conquistando o Impossível [Coral Jovem de Goiânia]
Coral Reef Adventure 1-4 HD 720p
Feelings Coral - Deus Proverá
Amazing LEGO 20,000+ Piece Coral Reef Tropical Paradise MOC!!
The Coral - In the Morning
Melhor coral do mundo
Coral Ébano - Aclame ao Senhor - Darlene Zschech
União Coral - Vim para adorar-Te (Cover)
LA GRAN BARRERA DE CORAL- Un milagro de la naturaleza-HD-1/3
Coral reef wonderland - Wild Indonesia - BBC
What is Coral? Discover here...
What Are Coral Reefs And What's Their Purpose?
Coral Kemuel -Qual é Sua Escolha -Cd Completo
Sossegai - Coral de Casa Amarela - 55º EBO 2011
Beethoven, Triple Concierto y Fantasía Coral. Yo-Yo Ma, Perlman, Barenboim
Coral dos Adolescentes do IACS - Nós Vamos Ver Jesus
How to grow coral basics
Coral/Reef propagation at Tidal Gardens with Blue Zoo TV
Adventure coral reef under the sea of Egypt
Coral Kemuel - Não Valeria
Gnosis - In Search of Coral Castle | Documentary
Muzica de petrecere Coral 2 ,,Slobozia''
LA GRAN BARRERA DE CORAL - El arrecife y más allá. HD-3/3
Sérgio Saas E Raiz Coral | CD Vencedor COMPLETO
Harpa Cristã - Coral da Bandeira (442 vozes da harpa cristã)
The Distillers - Coral Fang (2003) - Full Album
CCB.Hinos 8, 4, 83, 217, 322,142, 88, 428, 127, 261, Coral de Marília
LA GRAN BARRERA DE CORAL-Del arrecife a la Selva Tropical - HD-2/3
BEETHOVEN.- Sinfonía Nº 9 en Re Mineur Op. 125 CORAL
Los últimos Paraísos - Barreras de Coral [Documental Completo]
Beethoven, Sinfonía Nº 9 "Coral". Otto Kemplerer
Обзор Fly IQ4412 Coral: скорость в играх, дизайн, камера
Coral Beach Rotana Resort Hurghada 4 25 мая - 22 июня 2014 года полный обзор отеля + нудисткий пляж
♥♥ Giant Sea Turtles in Coral Reef (3 hours)
Banda e Coral Hebron no Gospel Music Café #AoVIVO
Coral Kemuel Assembléia de Deus Sede Franca 2013
Coral Messiânico (CD completo)
Holiday Inn Express Cape Coral Fort Myers Area, Cape Coral, United States
Coral Fascinação - Anoiteceu - Natal 2014
Coral Pink Horseshoe Bend Wire Pass
Coral Igrejas Baptistas do Algarve, Natal 2014
Coral especial da Igreja Luterana
[HQ] SpongeBob SquarePants | Coral Climb + Cardbored Full Games 2014
Assistente de regente de coral tradicional de NH fala sobre as realizações do coro
Coral Gente Nova Adeste Fidelis
Eis que Veio o Senhor (Sl 72) - Coral Palestrina de Curitiba
10677 Nw 45 St 10677, Coral Springs, FL 33065
Nas Águas do Jordão Mergulhado (Sl 29) - Coral Palestrina de Curitiba
Deus de Todos (Sl 67) - Coral Palestrina de Curitiba
1638 Edith Esplanade Cape Coral
Cool Water Coral Reef Туалетная Вода Спрей (Ограниченный Выпуск) 125ml/4.2oz
1315 Coral Dr, Fircrest, WA 98466
Stock Footage - Colorful Fish On Vibrant Coral Reef, Static Scene 2 | VideoHive
Free Tango Class and Milonga at Siga la Vaca (Coral Gables, Florida)
Caresse Sur L'océan - Coral do CEIC 2014
Grupo Coral Feminino As Ceifeiras de Pias
Pure White Linen Pink Coral Парфюмированная Вода Спрей 50ml/1.7oz
2015 Audi A8 - Coral Springs FL
Разглаживающая Кремовая Губная Помада - # Creme Coral 4g/0.14oz
Bautismo Mia Coral Garcia Stumpf - 29/11/2014
Witchcraft, it's her hobby
She has put a spell on me
Witchcraft, through and through
Black is the poison of her brew
How do you do
Your voodoo
Like you do
Witchcraft, seduced is she
Who is possessed by perversity
Witchcraft, who knows best
In the end someone confessed
How do you do
Your voodoo
Like you do
Witchcraft, don't pretend
When your down she'll be your friend
Witchcraft, all is lost
Now's the time to burn the cross
How do you do
Your voodoo
Like you do
How do you do
Your voodoo
We went walking in the winter
It was the coldest
Time of year
It's where I handed you a letter
You turned around
I disappeared
It said someday
I'll find my way
And we'll go walking
In the winter
It's so hard to make a living
When the world
Is so unkind
But it's not something
That you're given
It's something that
You've got to find
It said someday
I'll find my way
And we'll go walking
In the winter
It's o.k. to close your eyes
Those silver sailing ships
Go sailing by
It's all your mind
It's gonna be alright
This time
Seasons change
Into summer
Fires burning in the dark
I hope sometimes
You read my letter
And know I had to
Play my part
It said someday
I'll find my way
And we'll go walking
The oldest path beneath the grave
Lies a myth that's still the same
There ain't no way to make a change
Till Kings and Queens have walked in chains
And the wind it blows them down
And the sea it takes them in
In their sleep you'll find the anwser
To everywhere they have been
Sailors tossed by stormy seas
All in the name of slavery
Arm in arm, toe to toe
Sometimes your bestfriend is your foe
And the wind it blows them down
And the sea it takes them in
In their sleep you'll find the anwser
To everywhere they have been
Side by side their pasts in disguise
Together alone as he greeted the tide
And on the water knees lay the thoughts of
A hundred sunken shackle bound souls
And the wind it blows them down
And the sea it takes them in
In their sleep you'll find the anwser
Only see you in the summertime
When the weather's fine
You disappear when the cold wind blows
Creep inside my mind
Then I realize
There's no one waiting for
The wish we made by our window
Never left my side
Saw you walk across the lonely tracks
Far beyond my eye
? from The Golden Bough
To the mountainside
I watched you running with the buttercups
Up on Kill Devil hill
The sand dunes are still
It ends as it begins
December 1903
A buzzard on the breeze
The coin will see who wins
I said it's heads or tails
Bicycles for sale it's time to go
But now it seems so long ago
Now it seems so long ago
It was three days later
In a web of wire
Or so it seems
Up on Kill Devil hill
The sand dunes are still
Picture the scene
I watched their plans unfold
In the morning cold
The world will know
But now it seems so long ago
Now it seems so long ago
If that's you over there
You can laugh you can stare
Well i don't care
I'll just say heads or tails
Bicycles for sale it's time to go
But now it seems so long ago
But now it seems so long ago
But now it seems so long ago
Your good fortune's gonna come to you
Obscure and lonely's only half the truth
Downright upright here comes the night
Here we go again so hold on tight
See the stars will pass the moon
Head back home for the afternoon
Men will sit upon the grass
Watch present turn to past
And hope this day will last
Your misfortune's gonna stop and say
Church and peers and musical chairs
Hop skip tooth pick money to burn
Timbuctoo that's where we will turn
See this sand??? turn to dunes
Head back home for the afternoon
Men sit beneath the waves
And watch the coral caves
And hope this day is saved
Your good fortune's gonna come
Keep that fortune on the run
Your good fortune's gonna come
Keep that fortune on the run
Your good fortune's gonna come
Deal not the truth till you find the proof
And feel not the weight (wait?) can you step today
We go out we come in
And God knows where we've been
We go out we come in
And God knows where we've been
He knows where we've been
Deal from the path and place it on the stack
Pick out the card that's been there from the start
We go out we come in
And God knows where we've been
We go out we come in
And God knows where we've been
He knows where we've been
We go out we come in
And God knows where we've been
We go out we come in
And God knows where we've been
As you awake
You know whats at stake
You're cursed by the land
On which you be stand
The further you walk
Your mind starts to talk
She say goodbye
As yourself why
Open your eyes
Fear's on the run
Here's your disguise
Follow the sun
Open your eyes
Fear's on the run
Here's your disguise
Follow the sun
Oh we live to die
Ask ourselves why
Or could they just lie
It's marbled by fear
it's creeps oh so near
Open your eyes
Fear's on the run
Here's your disguise
Follow the sun
Open your eyes
Fear's on the run
Here's your disguise
Follow the sun
Open your eyes
Fear's on the run
Here's your disguise
Follow the sun
Open your eyes
Fear's on the run
Here's your disguise
Follow the
Follow the
Follow the
Follow the
Follow the
This is an educational talk about flies
Ichneumon flies deadly killers
Collectively catching caterpillars
Hatching their eggs in the wounds of the wounded
Beg, beat or steal from whomever he chooses
Wooooh Ooooooh
Worker wasp familiar infact
Three sided needle illiterate cats
Sharp-toothed mandibles that work in the grooves
Insects protect and don’t often like to loose
I walked by the window
And stopped in the light
I stood there watching
The fireflies
Went down to the ocean
In search of a song
Wherever I'm going
That's where I belong
Fireflies fly on by
You will never ever see me cry
You won't see me cry
You won't see me cry
Sand [Incomprehensible]
Appear on the shore
If you ask for nothing
You'll get nothing more
I walked by the window
And stopped in the light
I stood there counting
The fireflies
Fireflies fly on by
You will never ever see me cry
You won't see me cry
You won't see me cry
Fireflies fly on by
You will never ever see me cry
You won't see me cry
You won't see me cry
I'm watching fireflies, watching fireflies
I'm watching fireflies, watching fireflies
Where did you go?
Waiting by the rocks
Stories never told
When you cried out loud
It never made a sound
Away from the towns
And far from the crowd
Gold, silver and gold
Waiting by the rocks
Shivering cold
Like Miranda said
Life's not for the dead
Away from the sounds
And far from the crowd
Where did you go?
Waiting by the rocks
Stories never told
One forgotten day
Sadly passed away
Into the ground
Rain rain go away,
Leave me here alone again,
Where weary eyes and hollis tales,
Play heavy on my mind
Rain rain don't dismay,
Come back on a better day,
Where weary eyes and hollis tales,
I've left them all behind.
Some say I'm a fool,
See me on a beggars stool,
But all my truths are lied and all
My secrets have been told,
Rain rain go away,
Come back on a better day,
When all my lies are gone,
Well I went to a movie with a girl last night
Dressed like a cow but she looked so fine
Bought my ticket just in time
Sat right up close like she was mine
But then it seemed so sad
I never felt that bad
But then I caught her eye
An innocence that tell's no lie
I came into the light and out of the dark
It turns out that I was really a calf
Oh I've been a fool for oh so long
But how can all of theses people be wrong
But then it seemed so sad
I never felt that bad
But then I caught her eye
An innocence that tell's no lie
But then it seemed so sad
I never felt that bad
But then I caught her eye
An innocence that tell's no lie
What's up with my heart when it skips a beat (skips a beat)
Can't feel no pavement right under my feet (under my feet)
Up in my lonely room
When I'm dreaming of you
Oh what can I do (wah oooo)
I still need you, but
I don't want you now
When I'm down and my hands are tied (hands are tied)
I cannot reach a pen for me to draw the line (draw the line)
From this pain I just can't disguise (can't disguise)
Its gonna hurt but I'll have to say goodbye (say goodbye)
Up in my lonely room
When I'm dreaming of you
Oh what can I do (wah oooo)
I still need you, but
I dont want you now
Oh yeah
Ohhh Ohhhhh
Up in my lonely room
When I'm dreaming of you
Oh what can I do (wah oooo)
I still need you, but
Inside the Butterfly House
The wind blows in
From the pier
The Punch and Judy stand
Before you, the it disappears
I dim the lights
And tell your fortune
We'll be there soon
In the Butterfly House
Back to the sea
A ship comes in
To a half moon town
Hear the towers fall
And watch dreamland
Burn to the ground
I dim the lights
And tell your fortune
We'll be there soon
In the Butterfly House
Long ago
When the music played
From the steeple
To the bay
Time went by
In the warm summer sky
As we walked
Free of loneliness and doubt
Pretty pendent, descendents of joy
return the father to the boy
Resent your past, repent at last
we are only lines on a map
Calenders and clocks and hickory docks
Find a feeling that feels okay
Find another to blow it away
Who are you and who am I
Please don't ask me, I'll break down and cry
Calenders and clocks and hickory docks
Nothing more than the sea shells on the sea shore
Nothing more than the churchbell that rings no more
Nothing more than the scenes behind the closed door
Nothing more than the rich the penniless poor
Nothing more, no nothing more
Calendars clocks and hickory docks (tick tock)
Calendars clocks and hickory docks (tick tock)
Yeah (repeat 5x)
Calendars clocks and hickory docks
A warning to the curious
A message for the meek
It's better not to be in love
Than to be in between
You, if I never had you
Then I wouldn't feel the way I do now
If I never had you
It was just a joke you said
But now I'm warning you
On whose grounds do you dare to tread
When all your plans fall through?
You, if I never had you
Then I wouldn't feel the way I do now
If I never had you
A warning to the curious
A message for the meek
It's better not to be in love
Than to be in between
You, if I never had you
Then I wouldn't feel the way I do now
If I never had you
If I never had you
If I never had you
If I never had you
The day that you came, you'd gone so fast
That alas I had someone to blame for the sad sunken tone
The sparrows lonely morn? that cried silently
Through every sleepless day that (?) carries me away
To a faraway place where I can dream
Waiting for a thousand years
Sailing on a thousand tears
Seasons in your mind,
Colours they change
With the passing of time
You'll find your way
You'll find your way...
Waiting for a thousand years
Sailing on a thousand tears
Signs set in stone
Follow the river
Wherever she flows
You'll find your way
You'll find your way...
A new day has begun,
Now that you're standing
In the warmth of the sun
You'll find your way
Sweet Sue
Things you making me do
Sweet sweet Sue
Can't get enough of you
Sweet Sue
We're not gonna be true
Sweet sweet Sue
Why you're leaving me blue
Know a little girl like that
Sgonna break my heart
Sgonna leave me sad
Held her in my arms tonight
Sweet life
Take me by the hand
Sweet sweet life
Make me understand
Sweet life
Lay me on the ground
Sweet sweet life
It's where I'm gonna be found
Know a little girl like that
Sgonna break my heart
Sgonna leave me sad
Held her in my arms tonight
Know a little girl like that
Sgonna break my heart
Sgonna leave me sad
Held her in my arms
Know a little girl like that
Sgonna break my heart
Sgonna leave me sad
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
We're headin' for the Spanish Main
We'll set sail again
In the beggar's house of wasted thoughts I saw you
You took my hand, led me to another land
Down past the old picture house we wandered
With no time to be proud, I have to decide now
If I should follow the sorrow or the song
Where do I belong?
The sorrow or the song?
The sorrow or the song?
How the thought of you clings to me like
How the thought of you clings to me like
A haunting school yard memory waiting
I'll have to wait turn, sit and watch them burn
The prison wall, the music hall, the tower clock
Is watching over town, I'll have to decide now
If I should follow the sorrow or the song
Where do I belong?
The sorrow or the song?
Out in the field when the first has been born
Folks sing a song, song of the corn
Late in the day when the secrets are sworn
Folks tell a tale, tale of the corn
I heard a commotion one late afternoon
Someone was singing a funeral tune
As I lay watching them hoist up the cross
Something was burning, something was lost
Could you believe what the scarecrow had seen
Folks come to fall down to their knees
Rumours of strangers been buried alive
Morning comes darkness drops
Upon this day a shadow falls
Silence walks through the halls
Since I've been gone, gone, gone
A hundred years from today
Lamplights ablaze? paves my way
Till jesus saves my early grave
I will be gone, gone, gone
Drop the anchor lift my heart
From stem to stern I'm torn apart
Mount my horse? pack my cart?
Tomorrow I'm gone, gone, gone
Seek the hull? leave the deck
Silver moon silhouette
In due time you will forget
That I am gone, gone, gone
I will be gone, gone, gone
Since I've been gone, gone, gone
Like a river I
Keep on rolling
Twist and turn to the sea
In the morning I
Wander blindly
On the hot summer breeze
Like a seagull in the sun
Today I'm moving on
Tomorrow I'll be gone
Like a seagull into the sun (Into the sun)
Into the sun (Into the sun)
There's no sunhine
In a dark room
There's no time to sit and cry
There's no sorrow
There's no valours
When I look into the sky
Like a seagull in the sun
Today I'm moving on
Tomorrow I'll be gone
Like a seagull into the sun (Into the sun)
Into the sun (Into the sun)
Like a seagull in the sun
Today I'm moving on
Tomorrow I'll be gone
Like a seagull into the sun (Into the sun)
I've got something to tell you
But I can't find the words
I could have sworn that I have told you
You said you never heard
It was nothing
It was nothing
It was nothing
Just you and me
I had so much to say
But my mouth it went dry
For my thoughts were on display
I've laid down and died
It was nothing
It was nothing
It was nothing
Just you and me
I've got something to show you
But my actions let me down
All the words I had to tell you
Were nowhere to be found
It was nothing
It was nothing
It was nothing
It was nothing
It was nothing
It was nothing
Wildfire, I desire to be loved
Climb higher to a platform just above
Little liar, you deceive me
With your wit elocution, sculptured perfectly to fit
Tug of war with the blessing and the mud
Please let me quiz you, rest assured but unplugged
Town crier has our voices kindly bugged
Wildfire, I desire to be loved
Daddy calling, see how they run
Mother calling, see how they run
Monday morning see how they run
Counting stories see how they
Run, run, run
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Wildfire, sifting signal out the times
It has been turned up, in deception all round
Soap and water, wash your mouth out
All the same, she's my daughter
Wild fire, I desire to be loved
Climb higher, to a platform just above
Little liar, you decieve me
With your wit elocution, sculptured perfectly to fit
Tug of war, with the blessing and the mud
Please let me quiz you, rest assured but unplugged
Town cryer, has our voices kindly bugged
Wild fire, I desire to be loved
Daddy calling see how they run
Mummy calling see how they run
?????? see how they run
?????? stories see how they
See how they
Run run run
Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!
Wild fire, sifting signal out the times
It has been turned up, in deception all round
Soap and water, wash your mouth out
All the same, she's my daughter
It's six in the morning
And theres noone else around
The mist has fallen
As i look out on the town
It's playing on my mind
Wasting all my time, away
It's too close for tears
And it too hard to forget
It's too close for tears
I think i thought i said
It's playing on my mind
Wasting all my time, away
Who's gonna find me?
Tell me where i can go?
Who's gonna find me, searching, alone.
The face in the mirror
It's a face ive never met
Until i forgive her ill remember to forget
It's playing on my mind
Wasting all my time, away
Who's gonna find me?
Tell me where i can go?
Who's gonna find me, searching, alone.
And the hours, they build
From underneath the spell, once again
It's 6 in the evening
And im sweeping up the day
The people beneath them
But i am here to stay
It's playing on my mind
Wasting all my time, away
Whos gonna find me?
Tell me where i can go?
Why do I listen to sad songs
To make me feel good when I know I've done wrong
What have I done wrong is it in this song
I guess I'll know before to long
But I can't understand
Why she's holding my hand
No I can't understand at all
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
There's nowhere that I can possibly run
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
Got to keep on holding on
Another day and I'll try to hide
The endless pain and the tears I've cried
Feels like I'm fixing to die
She took my soul and she blew my mind
But I can't understand
Why she's holding my hand
No I can't understand at all
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
There's nowhere that I can possibly run
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
Got to keep on holding on for you
But I can't understand
Why she's holding my hand
No I can't understand at all
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
There's nowhere that I can possibly run
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
I'm waiting for the heartaches to come
There's nowhere that I can possibly run
Venom cable, wicked tongue
Zoo keeper, iron lung
Venom cable, poisoned pout
Tarantula, burning blouse
Ooh oooh...
Venom cable, emergency
Magnetic simplicity
Venom cable, maggot brain
Wrap the world in cellophane
Ooh oooh...
Venom cable, venom cable
Two faces of a girl
I used to know
One for where she stays
One for where she goes
Two faces side by side
One's like fire, one's like ice
Both for show
But what do I know?
All alone...
Two faces of a girl
Inside a dream
One's for love
And one's for mystery
Two faces in the night
One's the shadow,
One's the light
Both for show
But what do I know?
All alone...
Two faces of a girl
I said roll up ???? come and see
If your lucks up pay the fee
Guaranteed win no ifs or buts
Ten percent's my only cut
Be sure to ask around
Be sure
The travelling circus is in town!
Roll on up
I said roll up ???? come and see (come and see)
If your lucks up pay the fee (pay the fee)
Guaranteed win no ifs or buts (ifs and buts)
Ten percent's my only cut (my only cut)
Be sure to ask around
Be sure
The travelling circus is in town!
What shall we do with the foolish people?
(Hang them from the churches steeple!)
What shall we do with the foolish people?
(Hang them from the churches steeple!)
What shall we do with the foolish people?
(Hang them from the churches steeple!)
Be sure to ask around
Be sure
The travelling circus is in town!
Time travel will be the death of man
Only the devil fools with the best laid plans
The best laid plans best left unplanned
Time travel will be the death of man
Whats done is done
So you must see
You can't bring back
Whats already been
Technology's tempting the public eye
Do you wanna know why when who and why
We're cloaked in indicision
Consealed by lies
I wanna know why we're really alive
Well you might say we got no proof
There's one thing I know
Is that I'm younger than you
And I can see through your eyes
And I can see through your lies
hypocrisy is your only disguise
Better tell us why we're really alive
Time travel will be the death of man
Only the devil fools with the best laid plans
The best laid plans best left unplanned
Time travel will be the death of man
In my darkest day
I thought this through
A change in the weather
Could be made by you
And all the information
You're holding back
Is it hidden in the water
That runs from my tap
When few had the proof
That Jesus Christ
Was no more of a man than you or I
Would you tell the people?
Would you try to deceive?
For fear of undermining
Their religious belief
Well there's a war going on!
It's obvious one!
It's between magic and medecine
Time travel will be the death of man
Only the devil fools with the best laid plans
The best laid plans best left unplanned
Time travel will be the death of man
Tiger Lily
Paws as soft as the snow
Tiger Lily
Where do you go
I guess I'll never know
I guess I'll never know
Why I'm in love
I'm in love
Tiger lily
claws as sharp as the sun
tiger lily
ow what have we become?
I guess I'll never know
I guess I'll never know
Why I'm in love
I'm in love
I guess I'll never know
I guess I'll never know
Why I am in love
The operators came and took me away
They took me away
Everybody laughed
Remember the day they took me away
I don't know what they're looking for
Don't think i'll ever know
They laid me on the bed
Drilled my head
The incision bled
Put wires in my brain
Every now and again
I remember a name
And as i drift away
Into my hiding place
A maze of alleyways
Where the cameras cannot see
The operators came and took me away
They took me away
Everybody laughed
Remember the day they took me away
Remember the day they took me away
Nothing seems right
Except for the music at night
A change in the season
It comes like a thorn in my side
Lost in a maze (2x)
I looked for you, I was invisible too
Sleep in on Sunday
Avoiding the pale afternoon
Deep in an dream (2x)
But nothing seems right
Except for the music at night
When I awoke
I saw a face in the smoke
Chilled by the evening
Caught up in the undertone
I call your name (2x)
Out of the blue
That's when you walk in the room
A shift in the darkness
You ask me if I still want you
Of course I do (2x)
But nothing seems right
Except for the music at night
Nothing seems right
Except for the music at night
A change in the season
It comes like a thorn in my side
Lost in a maze (2x)
But nothing seems right
A box arrived this morning
Its reason was unspoken
It was signed and sent with deadly seal
The box said "Do Not Open"
It stood there in the hallway
And arrested my attention
I paced the floor and pondered why
The box said "Do Not Open"
And still I wondered,
"Will temptation get the best of me again?"
It was just the very thing I wasn't
Wishin' to be ownin'
A package sent to Waseley Hills
The box said "Do Not Open"
Seven lonely days went by
I wasn't really copin'
It soon consumed my every thought -
The box said "Do Not Open"
And still I wondered,
"Will temptation get the best of me again?"
Frozen there in terror, I
Could hardly have been hopin'
Through an omen of my comin' doom,
The box said "Do Not Open"
An image of repulsion
I saw the premonition
It filled my frightened mind and still,
The box said "Do Not Open"
And still I wondered,
"Will temptation get the best of me again?"
I couldn't stand the torture
And approached the thing in question
I ripped away the seal
The box, it lay there open
And there I was, a sorry man
All doubled up and chokin'
With bleedin' hands and withered nails,
The box, it lay there open
And it looks like
Simon Diamond sold his soul
Changed his name by deed poll
Started out as Simon Russell
Lived his life inside a nutshell
Oooh ooooh Oooooooh Ooooooh
He couldn't take the public scorn
Changed from human to plant form
Now he swapped his legs for roots
His arms and soil are in cahoots
Oooh ooooh Oooooooh Ooooooh
What will become of Simon Diamond
Water himself
Can't change the climat
What will become of Simon Diamond
Water himself
Can't change the climat
Oooh ooooh Oooooooh Ooooooh
That'll do (That'll do) (16x)
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
Got to have them gypsy boots
Followed them by familiar root
Rambled round from town to town
Sleeping in a doorway as still as a mouse
Saw the bullfighters last stand
I've been drinking dust
I've been kicking cans
All my family, they went home
Let me in Portugal, all alone
Thought I saw that caravan
But it was just a car park man
Said to me as I stood in line,
There's nothing in the world as sad as time
Well if nothing comes to nothing
Then what's the point?
I sat right down and I built my joint
Flat caps they just pass me by
The dust pneumonia left me dry
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
3 days later when I awoke
My dust filled lungs could hardly cope
Realised I was not alone
I was in the old car park man's home
Looked out the window at the local scenes
One the ledge were some grilled sardines
Then through the door in came the maid
Said Maria was her name
Long dark hair and copper skin
Washed away my seven sins.
Said senor what's this bad news
Told her of my gypsy blues
Maria laughed and said your cute
You don't need no gypsy boots
Picked myself up off the floor
I don't need them boots no more
I don't need them boots no more
I don't need them boots no more
Something inside of me
Feels like i've been wanting you forever
There'll never be another century
There's no time to think about the weather
When there's something inside of me
Something inside of me
Something inside of me
And now i can't look back
The invisible invasion
It's like a stranger strangled on the moor
Into the void for now i'm gone
Five in the morning i'll be knocking at your door
With something inside of me
Something inside of me
Something inside of me
And now i can't look back
Oh please don't cut me loose
I know you think that i'm bullet-proof
Can't you see that it's hurting me
What do think i'm supposed to be when
There's something inside of me
Feels like i've been wanting you forever
There'll never be another century
There's no time to think about the weather
When there's something inside of me
There's something inside of me
Something inside of me
Sail lightly on winds
Disappear on the breeze
Lie firmly on pins
Pull them out with ease
Solid boned skeleton key
Opens the most intricate locks
Brother roll another for me
I am shipwrecked on the rocks
Fumble blindly as we speak
You will wither if you are weak
Finger turns and points at me
I'd hoped they wouldn't notice me
Solid boned skeleton key
Opens the most intricate locks
Brother roll another for me
I am shipwrecked on the rocks
Will I ever return?
Will I ever get back?
Are the rocks too high?
Has the dust turned black?
Will I ever return?
Will I ever get back?
Are the rocks too high?
Has the dust turned black?
Skeleton Key (x4)
Will I ever return?
Will I ever get back?
Are the rocks too high?
Has the dust turned black?
Solid boned skeleton key
Opens the most intricate locks
Brother roll another for me
I am shipwrecked on the rocks
Oh yeah
That's more like
Here we go here we go
Here we go go Byker Grove
Can't believe it's so good
Here's a tale of my true love
Fair and free was she
Wasn't I just like tonight
she stole my liberty
Like a flower in the spring
Words don't mean a thing
Like the ocean greets the sand
Beyond my own command
But then she warned me
She'd have to go
(And I'd ?) be left to show
Accept the feeling and then I'll know
Sheriff John Brown just wandered into town
Looking for a cripple and a thief
A black man and a woman and a lonesome guy like me
Just trying to raise the stakes so we can be free
The dustballs were blowing the sun it cracked the ground
Where could a crime like this ever be found
Good people of the town said to sheriff John Brown
Go and shoot those invalids right down
I said Sheriff no don't you be cruel it could happen to you now
What exactly have they done said sheriff John Brown
For me to shoot those poor old bastards down
Then outstepped the preacher with his hand upon his heart
Can't you see that I've been chosen by god
And I tell you this for nothing
That crowd ain't no good
They're standing out just like a sore thumb
But yes I do agree said the lawyer on the left
I'd kill them now if it were up to me
But I said sheriff don't be cruel it could happen to you now
Out into the wilderness the sheriff he did ride
Heading for the river bridge the laws you must abide
Two hours became three, I knew he would come for me
The day grew long and I began to tire
John Brown's face appeared from behind the fire
Boys and girls whatcho doing gonna be so free
The people of the town talk dissapprovingly
Don't want to take you in, thats not up to me
I said sheriff don't be cruel it could happen to you now
But guilt and doubt they cloud his mind
He thought what exactly is the law
He didn't even know what it stood for
And who pays the cost for all that is lost
Seems to me an impossibility
And who says whats right and who says whats wrong
Who benefits it sure ain't me
And outstepped the woman saying we mean you no harm
Come closer and I will read your palm
But I said sheriff no don't you be cruel it could happen to you now
That night he left a long road came back without a rest
Knowingly he questionned ??? lawyer on the left
Bet you've gone and set them sinners free
Well yes replied the sheriff they done nothing wrong
My god why can't you people see
And the preacher shot him down and his head it hit the ground
The last you'll ever see of poor John Brown
And the moral of this tale it is simple it is plain
People always need someone to blame
But I said sheriff no don't you be cruel it could happen to you now
She'll watch the sky as it fades into black
Walks with the lovers that never came back
The princes and kings
All the beautiful things
And more
She won't wait, she'll never look back
Through the fog where the mirrors have cracked
She slides through a dream
With all her beautiful schemes
And more
She's got a reason to roam wit the stars
Watch her go as she sings
Dum dum da da da da (4x)
Love is gold, time is a thief
She's the river that runs to the sea
with her arms open wide
Her sorrow, her smile
And more
Still she wanders soaked to the bone
The road she's on, well it won't lead her home
To the place where she cried
For the stranger inside
And more
She'll watch the sky as it fades into black
This town's on fire
But the world,
It don't make a sound
Her golden hair
Lights the sky,
When she's comin' around
She's on the outside,
I'm lost in the crowd
She's on the inside, now
She's comin' around
She's comin' around
But she's a stranger to me now
The moon hangs high
And the wild night
Comes out to play
Was it a dream,
A wish,
Or something I couln't say?
She's on the outside,
I'm lost in the crowd
She's on the inside, now
She's comin' around
She's comin' around
But she's a stranger to me now
Is she lookin' for somethin'?
Somethin' that can't be found?
Look in the mirror, now
She's comin' around
She's comin' around
Down to the glen where the roses twine
Lie in the grass watch the time go by
The hum drum mid-afternoon sun
Only his mothers only son
Black Jack tarmac dirt dust trap
Sister certain wrapped in rags
Whispers words of unwished schemes
Steals a smile from the scorpions dream
She sings the mourning
She sings the mourning
She sings the mourning
In the quiet night
She said don't worry
She said don't worry
She said don't worry
We're out of sight
She sings the mourning
In the quiet night
Blood red love not temptress eyes
Cuts right through the family ties
Lighthouse lights the locust nest
Salem's site invites incest
Back to the glen where the roses twine
Treacle tarts and turpentine
Patron saint of guillotines
A secret's safe when no-one sees
She sings the mourning
She sings the mourning
She sings the mourning
In the quiet night
She said don't worry
She said don't worry
She said don't worry
We're out of sight
She sings the mourning
In the quiet night
One step, two step, three we met
this was a daydream i never forget
the bells rings, the sirens died
we succeed to fail whenever we try
Now that you tempt me into the grass
it's growing so long, it's moving too fast
for every blade growing over my eyes
i slow it all down but can't see the skies
I lay down to rest in the shade
there's only one way to walk this maze
you don't get lost, you only get tired
this wilderness winds on for miles
Now that you tempt me into the grass
it's growing so long, it's moving too fast
for every blade growing over my eyes
i slow it all down, i can't see the skies
As i arrived at the garden path
nothing there but an empty glass
i cross my heart and i hope to die
how did this question pass me by
Although you tempt me in the past
i solved a riddle of the empty glass
for every blade growing over my eyes
i slow it all down, i can't see the skies
See my love as she walks out the door
Hang my head and I stare at the floor
Then I think about the stars in the sky
Pins in the curtain if not so high
Now she's gone out alone on the shore
I shoulda locked my bedroom door
When I look up I can't believe my sight
My vision's strangled by the hands and eye
Ba ba ba ba, can't you see I'm crying
Ba ba ba ba, there's no denying
When you're not there, you don't know if they care
When you're not there, you don't know if they care at
When you're not there, you don't know if they care
When you're not there, you don't know if they care at
See my love as the morning breaks
Am I asleep or am I awake?
What is happening, how did we get here?
Am I a leaf of a tree of tears
Ba ba ba ba, can't you see I'm crying
Ba ba ba ba, there's no denying
When you're not there, you don't know if they care
When you're not there, you don't know if they care at
When you're not there, you don't know if they care
When you're not there, you don't know if they care at
See my love as she walks out the door
Feels like I've been here before
Now my feelings are laid on the shelf
She whispers softly as .... (?)
Ba ba ba ba, I can see you're crying
Ba ba ba ba, still no denying
When I'm not there, you don't know if I care
When I'm not there, you don't know if I care at all
When I'm not there, you don't know if I care
A secret kiss,
Reminded me of what I miss,
Some kind of forgotten bliss,
On this summers eve,
Though the seasons deceive.
Corrupt my honesty,
You still make me believe,
Is this the rock,
That your daring me to cross,
Down the river to the docks,
That's where we'll meet,
Where the pale light creeps
Into her majesty
You still make me believe
So far away (so far away)
So far away (so far away)
Can't get away (so far away)
So far away
But that's alright
But that's alright
Jewels and pearls,
And all the wonders of the world,
Mean nothing until I return,
In time for tea,
Sit on my settee,
Lost in my memories,
You still make me believe,
You make me believe,
You make me believe,
When I think
That there's nothing left to say
Then you say it again
Hurts like never before
Searching to find an open door
I'll tell you this
We'll never meet again
When i'm feeling this way
And with these words
You will fly,
Like a bird
In the unforgiving sky
Don't leave me behind
Don't leave me behind
We could dive
Beneath the golden waves,
We could be saved
And through the sandhills
We'd ride,
like the leaves
On the vine of forgotten time
Don't leave me behind
Don't leave me behind
And when the distant whispers
Call my name
In the blackest heartlands
Of my shame
I hear you laugh
I know it's all a game
Look around there's no-one
Left to blame
I'm losing my way
I could hide
Familiar in my pain
Serve my sorrows in vain
Or I could step right outside
And show you that I'm alive
And I'll leave you behind
I used to call
At The Roving Jewel
I'd stay there
For the winter
Pinned inside of me
Like the scarlet curtains
Hanging in the window
Bows of silk
And strands of hair
All the pages
Lying empty
Seems to me
A mystery
Like the scarlet curtains
Hanging in the window
Paper flowers
On the table
Thought I'd left them
By the door
All the pictures
They have fallen,
Many times before
I've bid farewell
To the Roving Jewel
Secrets sleeping
In the barley
Silver skies
Things I've left behind
And the scarlet curtains
Well I lost her a year ago
She told me that she'd never go
Now I hear her singing in the breeze
Some promises you just can't keep
No safe no soul could ever fill this hole
Cos I'm down on my knees
Return her to me
Well the sun, sea and sky
They're like a load on my weary eye
And now my heart has turned to dust
I can't go on but I know I must
She comes to me in my silver sleep
And she's haunting my dreams
Return her to me
Return her to me
Return her to me
Return her to me
On the street where we once walked
Like all two lovers, we kissed as we talked
I can't escape this memory
She's in every face I see
Her ghost it cries in the back of my mind
And I'm down on my knees
Haunting my dreams
I'm begging you please
Return her to me
Return her to me
Return her to me
Return her to me
More than a lover
Don't you know
You'll always be
A good friend to me
When tears are discovered
Don't you know
I'll always help
A good friend in need
But what's done is done
So I sing to you
A song we left unsung
When you're falling down
And sometimes it seems
Too much to carry on
It's too much to carry on
More than a lover
Don't you know
You'll always be
A good friend of mine
Where pain is uncovered
Will you walk with me
Through the burden
Of time
When you can't break away
And you find
Sorrow splits the sky
Twisting your heart inside
But there's nothing left to hide
Nothing left to hide
More than a lover
Don't you know
You'll always be
Saw myself through another's eyes
What did I see to my surprise
Nuts and bolts and rows of shops
Black crow nights and chimney tops
And one too many sad songs
Bible black and captain cat
Keeps the world inside his hat
With deep dry wells
And cockled shells
He holds his wife beneath his paws
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
See her walking down the street
She reads the signs that no one sees
I ask myself if she'll remember me?
From Edge Lane to London Road
I'd catch the bus there every Friday
Hoping that I'd see her once again.
Heavy sighs and border lines
I'm a prisoner, when she's so fancy free
Will she remember me?
Will she remember me?
It seems like a month of Sundays
Since I saw her cross the road
The summer sun it never seemed so cold.
Then one day to my surprise
I spied her on the other side
I tried to speak but my tongue it was tied.
Heavy sighs and border lines
I'm a prisoner, when she's so fancy free
Will she remember me?
Will she remember me?
Heavy sighs and border lines
I'm a prisoner, when she's so fancy free
Will she remember me?
Will she remember me?
I met a friend who knew her mother
He said he saw her yesterday
He said she said that she went away.
Now she wears a diamond ring
And glides across the crystal floor
She doesn't walk down my street anymore.
Heavy sighs and border lines
I'm a prisoner, when she's so fancy free
Will she remember me?
Will she remember me?
Will she remember me?
Stay by my side
Let me wander
Through the darkness of your eyes
The moon it comes
And rises like a ghost
Upon the tide
of your sweet smile
And when you hide
Where do you hide?
What do you do?
Rebecca, you
You're out of reach
You've built a wall around you
I can't breach
There's no way through
Rebecca, you
Catch a dream
Of the silence
On the pathways of my mind
When I return
On the roads that always
Seem to lead nowhere
Will you be there?
And when you hide
Where do you hide?
What do you do?
Rebecca, you
You're out of reach
Built a wall around you
I can't breach
There's no way through
I caught you crying
Trying to hide your tears away
And all the while
I never knew you felt this way
I've loved you from the start
How could we let this come apart ?
We've got to put
The sun back in our hearts
Through the alleyways
The avenues and dreary days
Your schoolyard eyes
Hypnotizing every time
When we kiss in the dark
Emotion tearing us apart
We've got to put
The sun back in our hearts
Down the cinder path
And through the hedge
Climbing up to the window ledge
Throwing lockets to make a scene
I can't explain, you know what I mean
I caught you crying
Trying to hide your tears away
But your crippled smile
Will always give the game away
Are we falling apart ?
This little girl, all work no play
October grey makes the hangman's day
Hotel, TV, silent movie
Her precious eyes gazed back at me
From the beach to the sea
While the count and the countess, they cry
For the ruins the world left behind
What a beautiful night for her precious eyes
The pubs are closed, the streets are cold
Billy Casper buries the bones
Of a boy that cried, learned to despise
I'll make them mine, her precious eyes
From the sand to the sky
While the gargoyles and dragons they sigh
For the sake of Saint serpentine
What a beautiful night for her precious eyes
Every day I recognise
What's deceased and what's alive
But don't repeat what I just said
Until GOLD HAS TURNED to lead
Then all the tales will be told
Whilst you and I are in the cold
But don't think this is the end
Cos it's just begun my friend
And when it's done
And all this is gone
Just find the feeling pass it on
For every tear cried in shame
There'll be someone else to blame
And every crime that I commit
There'll be a punishement to fit
But I'd accept what's coming round
If I could only lose this sound
That's been ringing in my ears
And tormenting me for years
When it's done
And all this is gone
Just find the feeling pass it on
And when it's done
And all this is gone
Just find a feeling pass it on
Just find the feeling pass it on
Just find a feeling pass it on
You're not the girl that I once knew
Now you're so much more
The sun and the moon came up for you
As I lay on the floor
Don't need no bed, don't need no rest
All I want is you
Don't need my right, don't need my left
All I want is you
To hold me tight all through my life
I'll make you feel alright every night
I wish I knew who took my place
Was I ever there
The wind hit hard and scorned my face
Love's for those who dare
Don't need no songs, don't need no books
All I want is you
I don't need no second look
All I want is you
To hold me tight all through my life
I'll make you feel alright every night
In the grass that's where I lie
Sleep beneath the sun
With daffodils and dragonflies
She's the only one
Don't need no recks, don't need no will
All I want is you
I don't even need myself
All I want is you
To hold me tight all through my life
I'll make you feel alright every night
Today, when love has slipped away
That's when I picture you standing on the shore
And all my sorrows, oh how they disappear
And I don't feel so lonely any more
Tomorrow, when it seems so far away
That's when I recall the way it was before
And all my tears, they will turn to sand
And I won't feel so lonely anymore
And the light, it keeps on guiding me
Back to the memory of when I held you there
Oh when I held you there
When I held you on the shore
Now I don't feel so lonely any more
So long, looks like I'm leaving soon
But I'll be back again knocking at your door
And all my darkest thoughts, they will fade away
At first you'll trust him with your life
Then you will come to realize
He only wants you for your blood
There's no reflection where he stood
When death confronts you in the night
Seek the shelter in the light
Or you'll lie sleeping in your tomb
Awake to nothing but your doom
People come
And the people go
On the North Parade
Painting pictures
Of paradise
At the penny arcade
But as the arcade penny claw
Comes a rapping
To my door
On the North Parade
They've all gone away
On the North Parade
Deserted again
A lamp it flickers
Behind the blind
At the end of the day
A stranger looks out
To the cove
From the passage way
But as the arcade penny claw
Comes a rapping
To my door
On the North Parade
They've all gone away
On the North Parade
Deserted again
There's a boy
That can't go home
He walks out here alone
On the North Parade
Doctor doctor, won't you help me please
(My brain)
Doctor doctor, I'm down on my knees
I feel it runnin' from my toes to my brain
(My brain)
Tried every potion but it can't be tamed
Doctor doctor, turn my head round
(My brain)
Doctor doctor, what's it all about?
I feel nervous, and I'm feelin' sick
(My brain)
My body's shakin' an' I'm shittin' bricks
(My brain)
Doctor doctor, can you find a cure?
Doctor doctor, should I stay indoors?
(My brain)
I go to parties and I just freeze
Think I'm infected with a social disease
(My brain)
Think I'm infected with a social disease
Think I'm infected with a social disease
(My brain)
Think I'm infected with a social disease
Think I'm infected with a social disease
(My brain)
[Doctor speaking:]
Yeah, these things just (?...) caused by a calcium deficiency
Try eating some apples or something, yeah.
Apples or something.
She sits on the bed, she combs her hair
And waits for the telephone to ring
They just liked a day in a hotel room
Her mother's waiting on the line
Where have you been, she said
We thought you might dead
How could you be so unkind?
What is on your mind?
Heard they caught the man that took that girl
I saw it on the news
Oh mother, got to go, you're worrying
And Michael's coming back soon
Where have you been, she said
We thought you might dead
How could you be so unkind?
What is on your mind?
Where have you been, she said
We thought you might dead
How could you be so unkind?
What is on your mind?
She sits on the bed, she combs her hair
Oh come with me
To a lover's paradise
Where all the stars shine bright
Oh, won't you come with me?
Oh come with me
Your carriage, it waits my dear
A million miles and we'll be near
Oh, won't you come with me?
Oh come with me
To where the button bows, the fancy ties
Something's special in your eyes
Oh, won't you come with me?
In the winter or the summer time, or fall
We'll have a bore...
Just call and fly to a lover's paradise
I had a girl her name was Liezah
She had only one desire
To walk the cobbled streets alone
Heading anywhere but home
With Crowley as her close companion
His Diaries went hand in hand with
All the men that she has known
She leaves their silver but keeps their gold
So lawyers, doctors please beware
Of that girl with wavy hair
For she will cut you down to size
Reveal the truth behind your disguise
Just passed by yer
Now you're standing
Empty handed
Can't despise her
She'll change your look
She'll have you hooked
The city sleeps as she's arriving
Tongue tied and twisted was her timing
Her eyes glazed in deep despair
Those crocodile tears they don't care
Don't turn your back cos she'll be gone
Chasing shadows in the sun
All along the dusty road
Where she goes well we'll never know
And everytime I think of Liezah
I break down and I start crying
Although she tore me apart
There's still a place for that girl in my heart
Just passed by yer
Now you're standing
Empty handed
Can't despise her
She'll change your look
I'm leaving today
Too much time's already wasted
I know i can't stay
So i've made my reservations
I'm closing the door
To this old empty house...
...Of sorrows
They're only sorrows
Until tomorrow
I'm leaving today
Things i'll never know
All the words i wanted to say
Ghost at the window
And things will never be the same
I'm closing the door
To this old empty house...
...Of sorrows
They're only sorrows
Until tomorrow
I'm leaving today
I'm rolling my bones
Right out of this lonely place
I'll never go home
It's not my home anyway
I'm closing the door
To this old empty house...
...Of sorrows
They're only sorrows
Until tomorrow
It's late afternoon
Smoke fills the room
The actor sighs
Dogs barking outside
The night seems the same
It sleeps in the day
The actress cries
For their last goodbyes
It's always this way
You're passing me by
On days like these
Walk to the sea
It's too hard to find
Mirrors collide
The end of the street
The place where we meet
With tears in our eyes
Stay for a while
It's always the same
You're passing me by
It's late afternoon
You enter the room
The music dies
And leaves us behind
It's all just a game
Over the hill and far away
Down the valley and past the lake
Through the trees, beneath the shade
In this place, that's where i'll wait
For you
To keep me company
Like an old memory
An hour or two has just flown by
Took the sun out of the sky
A stained slass shadow, it will have been cast
A ghostly gaze forgets my past
But you
Could keep me company
Like an old memory
Oh no, here it comes again
Oh no, here it comes again
Can't stop the pain
I've come so far, I can't get home
Is no one there, am I alone?
Here and now I must confess
You left before the rain came down
December was the only sound
All the leaves fell to the ground
When you went away
It’s a crying shame to see
A kiss become a memory
Now I know just what you mean
When you say
Way Above
Where the north winds blow
We will watch our love fall
To the valley below
Oh Jacqueline, I know (x2)
A pattern of the ways it seems
Thats the way it has to be
Now I know just what you mean
When you say
Way Above
Where the north winds blow
We will watch our love fall
To the valley below
Oh Jacqueline, I know (x2)
The Coven House
Where you now go
It stole our love
Don’t you know
Don’t you know
Oh Jacqueline, don’t go
Oh Jacqueline, I know
Oh Jacqueline, don’t go
Outside the factory gates
Where I will sit and wait
For you to turn around
And show me there's a way
I am a stranger to the light
Enchanted by the walkers of the night
I stepped into the dark
With all the broken hearts
I've searched the empty streets
Distant and apart
I am a stranger in this life
Haunted by yesterday's desires
And when we meet again
You'll know I am to blame
When you see me standing in the rain
They say they can see
What I'm supposed to be
But what is right for them
Don't mean it's right for me
I am a stranger to the light
Enchanted by the walkers of the night
And so the story goes
As I watch from my window
Across the water front
But they will never know
I am a stranger in this life
Haunted by yesterday's desires
And when we meet again
You'll know I am to blame
When you see me standing in the rain
I am a stranger to the light
Enchanted by the walkers of the night
And when we meet again
You'll know I am to blame
When you see me standing in the rain
In the rain
In the rain
In the rain
In the rain
Shut the bedroom window in the morning
Go to the shop, make plans to be leaving
In the morning
Thought I was sleeping, it was just a dream
An ally cat chewing on dead meat
In the morning
Out of the dark and into the light
When the morning comes I will be alright
When I leave I try not to wake her
Here's a toast to yesterday's capers
In the morning
She wrote my name on a red telephone box
When I got there she'd already rubbed it off
In the morning
Out of the dark and into the light
When the morning comes I will be alright
And all this time I've watched it change
But it's still the same
In the morning
In the morning
In the morning
I just stepped outside of a dream,
Nothing ever is as it seems,
The wind keeps whistling the same old tune,
You lay asleep in the light of the moon,
So silently I peered through the trees,
My misery was in her beauty,
Her hair hung long and her eyes were (?) closed,
Every moment she stole my soul,
I'm in the forest so rare and devine
This is the place where you lose your mind,
From all of the feelings that are making you blue,
You'll never know how much I - You.
And she awoke and walked downstream,
Stuck outside of that same old dream,
I need to leave but my minds intrigued,
Follow close as she does to me,
Out of the forest to the church's gate,
By her grave she awaits her fate,
My only crime was to want too much,
I could look but I could not touch.
I'm in the forest so rare and devine,
This is the place where you lose your mind,
From all of the feelings that are making you blue,
I remember when I saw the sea freeze
But it said nothing about the birds and the bees
They were swarming around my head
You'd be better off dead
But I ain't going down like that
I ain't going down like that
Cos I'm better than him and I know where I've been
You know where god I'm bound
And I'm higher to sin but don't we all sin
If that is the truth then the truth is grim
Now it ain't easy in jail, the stories for sale
Your father has died while he's gripped for bail
He points to the west and he leaves out the rest
And wants you to be his special guest
I remember when I saw the leaves fall
I was in the woods, and the gown you wouldn't wear to the Ball
Into the ditch I fly
Wanted dead or alive
But I ain't going down like that
No I ain't going down like that
Cos I'm better than him and I know where I've been
You know where god I'm bound
And I'm higher to sin but don't we all sin
If that is the truth then the truth is grim
Now it ain't easy in jail, the stories for sale
Your father has died while he's gripped for bail
He points to the west and he leaves out the rest
And wants you to be his special guest
Hi Hi Hi
Cos I'm better than him and I know where I've been
You know where god I'm bound
And I'm higher to sin but don't we all sin
If that is the truth then the truth is grim
I can see through you
I can see through you
I can see through you
I can see through, I can see through
I forgot my name, I forgot my name
On memory lane I forgot my name
I forgot my name, I forgot my name
This is not a game
When I forgot my name
I can see through you
I can see through you
I can see through you
I can see through, I can see through
I forgot my name, I forgot my name
Isn't that a shame, but I forgot my name
I forgot my name, I forgot my name
On memory lane I forgot my name
I can see through you
I can see through you
I can see through you
Please don't let the light through my window
Keep the curtain shut
It brings me good luck
Please don't let the light through my window
Don't wanna see the day
I don't need it anyway
Please don't let the light through my window
Don't wanna see the shop
Or the wet bus stop
Please don't let the light through my window
The bells ring out for doom
At this Sunday afternoon
Please don't let the light through my window
Green is the colour
Of her eyes...
I see her drifting
In her sleep
Through the trees
The forest darker
Than the whispers
In my dreams
Jealously she hides
Her smile
Looks into the endless skies
Green is the colour
Of her eyes...
I hear her talking
With the leaves
In the dark
The crooked branches
Hanging heavy
In her heart
Jealously she hides
Her smile
Looks into the endless skies
And green is the colour
Of her eyes...
Green is the colour
Of her eyes...
A stare that will cut you
Like a knife
Through these starry skies
Green is the colour
I, I look into her eyes
Saw through her disguise
But never realised
That we were longing to be free
Runaway to sea
Well that could never be
Goodbye don't say goodbye
I'd rather die
Than say goodbye
Once so very long ago
Was when I loved you so
If only I had known
That I was blinded by my fate
I traded love for hate
Now I just sit and wait
Goodbye don't say goodbye
I'd rather die
Than say goodbye
Goodbye don't say goodbye
I'd rather die
Than say goodbye
Goodbye don't say goodbye
I'd rather die
Don't think you're the first
In the whole universe
To follow your heart
Or gaze at the stars
To stare at the night
To the clear daylight
Don't think you're the first
In the whole universe
To feel sorrow or shame
As you walk in the rain
Do I love you?
Yes I love you or I wouldn't tell you
So don't think you're the first
In the whole universe
To be caught in the act
Numbered and wrecked
Put in your place
Made to feel lack of faith
Don't think you're the first
In the whole universe
To be untouched by the time
Think you're one of the kind
Do I love you?
Yes I love you or i wouldn't tell you
So don't think you're the first
Don't think you're the first
In the whole universe
To dance with the light
From the meak to the might
As the birds in the trees
Sing their sweet melodies
Don't think you're the first
In the whole universe
To hear a thousand violins
As the trial begins
Do I love you?
Yes I love you or I wouldn't tell you
So don't think you're the last
To be tied to the mast
While you watch from afar
As your world falls apart
You hang on for help
But the rest help themselves
Don't think you're the last
To be tied to the past
While you future's controled
While the present untold
Do I love you?
Yes I love you or I wouldn't tell you
Darkness has entered my room
Suddenly I change my mood
Start to believe that I'm right
All of my words are in spite
Gone just as quick as they came
Feels like I've been shortchanged
Silence now empties the air
Stand naked my soul laid bare
I've been down time and time again
But there's something I found
To shelter from the rain
So beautiful, so beautiful to me
I've searched for miles around
Nowhere is love to be found
Darkness has returned so soon
Death by pale afternoon
But I've been down time and time again
And there's something I found
That shelters from the rain
Unopened door
On the 13th floor
Conspiracy in the corridors
I'll take you down
Down to cripples crown
What should you say?
What can you do?
Satellites are watching you
I'll take you down
Down to cripples crown
I'll take you down
Down to cripples crown
At this dark hour
Who'll be there?
Open the door
If you dare
Venus fly trap on the stairs
I'll take you down
Down to cripples crown
There'll be no time
There'll be no tears
The elavator disappears
I'll take you down
Down to cripples crown
I'll take you down
Down to cripples crown
Cripples crown
Cripples crown
Cripples crown
On this here street where I do sit
Lives a man we can't forgive
His felony was jealousy
An impossible personality
And if you think it's you then let me know
He wasn't rich, he wasn't poor
Though how he longed for so much more
At night he dreamed of buccaneers
Pirate ships and privateers
And if you think it's you then let me know
His window was his favourite seat
For watching history repeat
Was he cursed or was he blessed
In the end well he confessed
And if you think it's you then let me know
This is what he said...
The warning signs
Are on my wall
There's no feelin' anymore
Has it always been like this?
Signed and sealed without a kiss
Well I know it's there
It's just something that I missed
And through the tears of madness
Souvenirs of sadness
Is all he sees, all he sees
So how do I begin to end this tale?
Of a time when all was well
And he'd laze on summer days
Down by the lake
Where the seagulls play
What a way
To waste his days
Who is to blame?
Have I been framed
Who is to blame
Have I been framed
Once I went
To Coney Island
Took a city train
It was cold
I was far away
It all comes back again
On this sweet day
On this sweet day
On this sweet day
Once I swarm down
By the rocks
In the salted sea
The sun was hanging
Over the mountains
It all comes back to me
On this sweet day
On this sweet day
On this sweet day
It's all in your mind, you know
It's all in your mind
We're out on the water now
It's all out of time
Come home you've been gone too long
I hear you walking like a tired dog
All alone in the wild untamed
A fading face in the picture frame
Well i'll be waiting when the cuckoo calls
A different place but the same four walls
I hear you crying for somebody's arms
Come home away from harm
Tears those tears and thorns
The unborn will pass through every storm
While the sad silent son
He sings for the kings
And the times they had last spring
Come home through the hurricanes
The violent winds and the sharp chicanes
I see you swimming in the blackest seas
With the magnets and the mysteries
Above the fireplace upon the shelf
In the book where i find myself
Was it you who turned the page last night?
Come home it will be alright
Tears those tears and thorns
The unborn will pass through every storm
While the sad silent son
He sings for the kings
And the times they had last spring
There's a place where the creatures play
I'm going there at the end of the day
Who knows what I'll find
In the cobwebs of my mind
There's a face in a photograph
In the attic beside the maps
Closer to the tide
In the cobwebs of my mind
From the watch house to the marshes
Following the signs to
Colwyn Bay
And she'll show me the way
We'll stick together through the thick and thin
Lights go out that's where I begin
Now I'm lost inside
In the cobwebs of my mind
There's a place where the music plays
I'll meet her there at the end of the day
Who knows what she'll find
In the cobwebs of my mind
When she moves her beauty falls
In the garden the masters call
She knows where I hide
In the cobwebs of my mind
She reads my eyes
Don't put your heart in careless hands,
Those careless hands they don't understand.
Sugar and spice and all things nice,
You won't think twice about sacrifice,
You'll put your heart in careless hands,
Those careless hands they don't understand.
They'll lift you up and they'll put you down,
Having you running round this one horse town.
Those careless - hands,
Those careless - hands,
Won't understand,
Those careless - hands.
Don't warm your hands in this cold heart,
Cos this cold heart won't play that part,
The choice is yours to hesitate,
Threw his line and you took the bait,
And warmed your hands in his cold heart,
But his cold heart won't play that part.
Open your eyes and look around,
Any chance they get to put down,
With careless hands,
Those careless hands,
Won't understand,
Family taught him right from wrong,
Local tales and children's songs,
Sunday school was his shelter,
With his friends Joe and Walter,
Now those days so far away,
An empty swing where he once played,
Now he's got so fat and bald,
He never thought that he'd grow old.
Everyday when he gets the train
Looks out the window and he thinks in vain
If I could only be that boy again
He's got a sales job and it gets him down
Same old faces, same old sounds
Heart attacks, orthopaedic backs
Documents and labelled racks
His wife can't stand the sight of him
With his routine glass of gin
She makes his lunch of processed ham
And waits in for the meter man
Everyday when he gets the train
looks out the window and he thinks in vain
If I could only be that boy again
(Take it away Bill)
He could be that boy again
Another day, another gin
His kids don't even notice him
Something different about his face
His happy smile seems out of place
Family gathered round for tea
Eyes fixed on the new telly
A news flash came and then it said
Bill McCai was just found dead
No more windows, no more trains
Hung himself out in the rain
Now he'll never be that boy again
And we say...
Bye, bye Bill Mccai
Bye, bye Bill Mccai
something’s happening to me
someone i’ve got to be
feels like i was someone else
don't you know
you only lose yourself
being somebody else
being somebody else
shadows on the wall
night cry
all around me it calls
feels like i was someone else
don't you know
you only lose yourself
being somebody else
being somebody else
something’s happening to me
it’s as black as the sea
feels like i was someone else
now i know
you only lose yourself
being somebody else
being somebody else
being somebody else
being somebody else
being somebody else
There’s a bad man that I once knew
His heart was black and his blood was blue
Bad man, he’s commin’ for you
He’d sell his wife for a dollar or two
To be a rich man with many maids
He’s got eyes like hand grenades
He had a good woman
In the palm of his hand
Until she left him for another man
Now he’s a bad, bad man
A bad, bad man
You gotta’ do what you can
When you’re a bad man
(Everyone gotta’ be a bad man every once in a while, the lord knows he’s a bad man )
He’s a bad man and that’s the truth
The devil’s law don’t need no proof
He’s a jealous man .All alone
A motel room is not a home
Helpless man, he fell ill
He was prescribed a fatal pill
Now he’s a dead man
His heart’s still black
His only love stabbed him in the back
Now he’s a bad, bad man
A bad, bad man
You gotta’ do what you can
When you’re a bad man
Now he’s a bad, bad man
A bad, bad man
You gotta’ do what you can
Cos you're a bad bad man
You're a bad bad man
You're a bad bad man
You got to do what you can
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
She's coming around
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
And you're going down
She'll want your sympathy
She'll never let you be
She's sniffing at your food
Before it's even chewed
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
She's coming around
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
And you're going down
She thinks she's world renown
With the pastor of Paris crown
Before you think ahead
She'll be sleeping in your bed
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
Auntie's operation
Arabian sand
Feel it slipping through your hands
Arabian sand
Arabian sand
A madness you can't understand
Arabian sand
The mad man's in the desert
Look out behind you
The mad man's in the desert
Looking to find you
The mad man's in the desert
Promised the future
The mad man's in the desert
He's looking to shoot you down
In the desert
The mad man's in the desert
Arabian sand
Feel it slipping through your hands
Arabian sand
Arabian sand
Swear an oath and take a stand
Arabian sand
The mad man's in the desert
Look out behind you
The mad man's in the desert
Looking to find you
The mad man's in the desert
Promised the future
The mad man's in the desert
He's looking to shoot you down
In the desert
The mad man's in the desert
Can you dance with the lepers and betrayed
We all make mistakes
And I've just made my worst
Deceived and dismayed
......... displayed
Killed, cut, carved and cursed
Answer me
Answer me
Oh please just answer me
Judge's gavel(?) spoke
As he hung the rope
From the old abandoned tree
Fear struck a chord
Run out through the carts
I fell down to my knees
Answer me
Answer me
Oh please just answer me
There's just as much malice
In a wink as in a word
Oh so I have heard
Answer me
Answer me
Oh please just answer
Please just answer
When we first met I held you in the moonlight
Then you went and vanished into the night
Have you ever felt this lonely feeling
It's not real to me i'm only dreaming
With the thoughts I sleep
Before the tears there'll be
Another turn in the lock
When you read the message I gave you
You found out that I was out to save you
When I read your reply I felt sad
Then I knew there was no chance of you coming back
With the thoughts I sleep
Before the tears there'll be
Another turn in the lock
From time to time I read the words you sent me
How can you know freedom when you've never been free
Then the tears start gathering in my eyes
Tomorrow is a new day it's gonna be alright
With the thoughts I sleep
Before the tears there'll be
Another turn
Another turn
Another turn
All of our love we give to you
Can you see what we see
Can we see it too?
All of our hate we give to you
Can you do what what we do
Can we do it too?
All of our joy we give to you
Can you say what we say
Can we say it too?
All of our pain we give to you
Can you be what we be
Can we be it too?
All of our love
We give it to you
All of our hate
We give you that too
All of our pain
We give you that too
All of our love
All of our hate
All of our joy
All of our pain
Boy at the window watches them come and go
the passing carnivals, the midnight shows
but autumn's lonely now summer's gone
winter's sleeping to his evening song
A family photograph on the mantlepiece
was he once there, or is it all a dream?
his sister rosie dancing down below
he sees her secrets but never they are told
Where does he go? no one knows!
he never moves from his window
His mother's meeting with his aunty mo
current buns dear, he used to love them so
he tells his stories to noone but the night
he's not surprised when he gets no reply
Starlit beauty of some sweet serenade
he's done this duty now he must be saved
the funeral march is beckoning, calling out his name
it's time for him to go now, isn't that a shame
well, isn't that a shame
isn't that a shame
well, isn't that a shame
Where does he go? no one knows!
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
Got to have them gypsy boots
Followed them by familiar root
Rambled round from town to town
Sleeping in a doorway as still as a mouse
Saw the bullfighters last stand
I've been drinking dust
I've been kicking cans
All my family, they went home
Let me in Portugal, all alone
Thought I saw that caravan
But it was just a car park man
Said to me as I stood in line,
There's nothing in the world as sad as time
Well if nothing comes to nothing
Then what's the point?
I sat right down and I built my joint
Flat caps they just pass me by
The dust pneumonia left me dry
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
Talkin’ gypsy market blues
I was too late but I never got to choose
3 days later when I awoke
My dust filled lungs could hardly cope
Realised I was not alone
I was in the old car park man's home
Looked out the window at the local scenes
One the ledge were some grilled sardines
Then through the door in came the maid
Said Maria was her name
Long dark hair and copper skin
Washed away my seven sins.
Said senor what's this bad news
Told her of my gypsy blues
Maria laughed and said your cute
You don't need no gypsy boots
Picked myself up off the floor
I don't need them boots no more
I don't need them boots no more
I don't need them boots no more
Said I don't need them boots no more (don't need them boots baby)
The operators came and took me away
They took me away
Everybody laughed
Remember the day they took me away
I don't know what they're looking for
Don't think i'll ever know
They laid me on the bed
Drilled my head
The incision bled
Put wires in my brain
Every now and again
I remember a name
And as i drift away
Into my hiding place
A maze of alleyways
Where the cameras cannot see
The operators came and took me away
They took me away
Everybody laughed
Remember the day they took me away
Remember the day they took me away
Remember the day they took me away
Sail lightly on winds
Disappear on the breeze
Lie firmly on pins
Pull them out with ease
Solid boned skeleton key
Opens the most intricate locks
Brother roll another for me
I am shipwrecked on the rocks
Fumble blindly as we speak
You will wither if you are weak
Finger turns and points at me
I'd hoped they wouldn't notice me
Solid boned skeleton key
Opens the most intricate locks
Brother roll another for me
I am shipwrecked on the rocks
Will I ever return?
Will I ever get back?
Are the rocks too high?
Has the dust turned black?
Will I ever return?
Will I ever get back?
Are the rocks too high?
Has the dust turned black?
Skeleton Key (x4)
Will I ever return?
Will I ever get back?
Are the rocks too high?
Has the dust turned black?
Solid boned skeleton key
Opens the most intricate locks
Brother roll another for me
I am shipwrecked on the rocks
Oh yeah
That's more like
Here we go here we go
Here we go go Byker Grove
Can't believe it's so good
Can't believe it's so good
You left before the rain came down
December was the only sound
All the leaves fell to the ground
When you went away
It’s a crying shame to see
A kiss become a memory
Now I know just what you mean
When you say
Way Above
Where the north winds blow
We will watch our love fall
To the valley below
Oh Jacqueline, I know (x2)
A pattern of the ways it seems
Thats the way it has to be
Now I know just what you mean
When you say
Way Above
Where the north winds blow
We will watch our love fall
To the valley below
Oh Jacqueline, I know (x2)
The Coven House
Where you now go
It stole our love
Don’t you know
Don’t you know
Oh Jacqueline, don’t go
Oh Jacqueline, I know
Oh Jacqueline, don’t go
Oh Jacqueline, I know