Resultaten voor #citylife

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  2. Foto's · Meer...
  3. Just payed $20 for a salad....

  4. that's Me My Brand My Movement My Life

  5. I really miss the quiet of home at night. I swear there are Sons of Anarchy type confrontations going on outside my window.

  6. View from my favorite reading place - find that spot you find the most…

  7. Everyone's like "omg gas is so cheap" and I'm just like "wish I had a car lol"

  8. There's a woman on this bus asking every person that gets on if they're Mexican.

  9. I always walk past and not take a picture so I thought it was time @…

  10. When my families group text are pictures of animals they killed or caught...mean while I'm in JAX.

  11. Saturday: doughnut vault and Bruges brothers.

  12. It is a beautiful day here in NYC

  13. CTA 146 bus broke down in the middle of the street while I was riding it... Always so dependable

  14. You know you live in the city when... You have to park in a parking deck to go to Target.

  15. Sidewalk pimping. Even the occasional interruption can't know his hustle.

  16. Love London so much, determined to live here next year

  17. Quick trip to WDC for the weekend, but large luggage. Because I'm bringing laundry. 15+ years without a home W/D.

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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