

The prime function of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is to self-regulate advertising in New Zealand. Advertising Codes of Practice provide the rules by which all advertisements in all media should comply. Members of the public may complain at no cost about any advertisement in any media which they believe breaches the Codes. Complaints are heard by an independent Advertising Standards Complaints Board (ASCB) and there is a right of appeal to the independent Advertising Standards Complaints Appeal Board (ASCAB). In the event of a complaint being upheld the advertiser, agency, and media are requested to withdraw the advertisement. These requests are invariably complied with. All decisions are released to the public via this website and the media and are widely reported.

     Click to View The Case for
Advertising Self-Regulation Online
ASA Brochure
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Advertising Standards Authority New Zealand, PO Box 10-675, Wellington 6143. PH (04) 472 7852 FAX (04) 471 1785 Email asa@asa.co.nz