Dad's fury over paedophile

Allen Malsen

Single dad shocked to discover through social media that flatmate was a convicted sex offender.

Sex dungeon's legacy

AT COURT: Mark Lyon pictured outside the Auckland District Court in 2012 when he was supporting a friend who was arrested during a drug raid.

A Taranaki father says he wakes up in cold sweats thinking about what Mark Lyon put his little girl through.

Ranch slider injury stops heart

Police have cordoned off the property where a man was injured. He later died in hospital.

7:00 PM  Man taken to Waikato Hospital after he went through ranch slider, cutting his throat.

Uncertainty over state housing

040215  Photo: Bruce Mercer / Fairfax NZ.
John Key visiting "Zealong" Tea plantation with Gigi Crawford (General Manager Zealong)

National's first major policy push of the year is the sale of thousands of state homes. But could the plan be unsettled?

Mauled in backyard

Emma Musson's chihauhaus Tink, left, and Apple celebrated many milestones with her, including the birth of her first child, Archie, in 2011.

Emma Musson's "girls" walked her up the aisle and were there for the births of both of her children.

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Lundy's dinner chatter

Craig Lundy.

Mark Lundy told brother, less than a week after learning of killings, of prostitutes and boosting wife's life insurance.

Dad's fury over sex pest flatmate

Single dad shocked to discover through social media that flatmate was a convicted sex offender.

Sex dungeon's legacy

Robber sent back to school


Confusion over Iraq rules

New Zealand minister of foreign affairs Murray McCully, left, announces New Zealand involvement in Iraq with Iraqi foreign minister Dr Ibrahim al-Ja'afari.

OPINION: It was not just the Iraqi flag that went pear-shaped during a press conference with the Iraqi foreign affairs minister.

Uncertainty over housing

Could a lack of detail, and the risk of a loss to the taxpayer, unsettle the plan to sell some state housing?


Two-year limit on deployment

Kiwi troops could be deployed to Iraq for up to two years after the Iraqi Government opened the door.


School pleads for return home

Redcliffs School

Redcliffs School is pleading to be allowed to move back to its pre-earthquake home.

No need for cellphones

Two leaders in the Taranaki education sector say young children have no need for cellphones.

Students achieving university entrance last year fell to 58.3 per cent from 70.6 per cent in 2013.

Schools' UE success rates plummet

Number of Manawatu school leavers making the grade falls dramatically after tightening of university entrance.


Off their trolleys

Breath-testing device

Patients stumbling into Wellington's emergency department will be breath-tested for the first time.

Departing chief coroner speaks out video

NZ's first chief coroner Neil MacLean speaks on suicide rates, drinking ages, cot deaths and quad bike accidents.

Health leaders raise TPPA concerns

NZ health advocates among 27 signatories calling for public release of trade deal and its potential impact on healthcare.


High-value hemp crop denied

A crop of industralised hemp.

Crop growers struggling to get easy access to the lucrative hemp-seed market by a continuing unwillingness to change the law.

Another profitable harvest

Mid Canterbury-centred seed industry came off its high with $210m of exports last year and this harvest is shaping up for a similar result.

'Jury still out' on barns

Dairy farmers mulling a wintering barn on their farm might think twice after a study of five South Island barns found they were not always profitable.

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