Matt Calman

Matt Calman


Matt calman

About Matt Calman

Matt Calman is a work-from-home dad to two girls - toddler Miss A and preschooler Miss K. Matt shares his insights and experiences of raising two girls, with two very different personalities.

Braving the cafe scene

This year I'm going to make a concerted effort to brave the café scene with my littlest monster Miss A.

The trouble with yes

Miss A's never answered any question using the word yes in her life. But she's said the word no thousands of times.

Nobody puts baby in the corner

Miss A is not shy about telling us what she wants from life and she's determined to get it.

Fear of dogs

Just when I thought Miss K's fear of dogs was sorting itself out I've discovered that it is as strong as ever


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Lapping up community spirit

Ever since we moved to Christchurch we've driven past the dilapidated, earthquake-damaged Waltham Pool. On the weekend it finally reopened.


One-on-one time

Over the holidays I've seen the benefit in stealing some one on one time with Miss A. She really responds to it, and in a good way.


The responsibility chart

Miss K was given a magnetic responsibility chart for Christmas and, rather aptly, she's taken full responsibility for it.

matt calman

Fessing up to breakages

Kids break stuff. It's one of life's realities. Sometimes adults do too - and it can be hard to confess

miss k, miss a, awatea, christmas

Holiday fun

So far it's been a long hot summer filled with lots of swimming games and fun. My girls have been charging from dawn till dusk.


Best Christmas ever

Miss K and Miss A are at such a cool age that it's been my favourite Christmas ever.

miss k, miss a, awatea, christmas

Friends, family and the festive season

"The best thing about Christmas is spending time with friends and family", Miss K says dutifully. But we're not fooled.


Getting ready for school

Miss K looks like a little dot as she tries on her school uniform ahead of starting her next big adventure.


'Tis the week before Christmas...

After putting Miss K to bed strange noises can be heard coming from her room in what I have decided to call The Christmas Effect.

miss k, miss a, awatea, christmas

The little things

Much of the gold of parenting is in the little observations, the one-on-one interaction with your kids and the small things that happen in the day.

miss k blog use only

Breaking with routine

When Miss K departed from the script and told me to leave her at the kindy gate so she could put her bag up by herself it really threw me a curve ball.


Grand plans

Sometimes it's hard to manage expectations of how things work in the real world when you have a child with an active imagination.

Matt Calman

Feeling isolated

For the first time in the four years I've been an at-home parent I'm desperately craving adult company. I'm lonely.

miss k, miss a, awatea, christmas

Visiting Santa's grotto

The visit to Santa's grotto has been ticked off the list and, while there were tears, it was relatively painless.

miss k, miss a, awatea, christmas

Shaking off the Grinch

In an effort to get into the Christmas spirit Matt helped Miss K put up our tree - and found himself getting (a little) swept up in good tidings.

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