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Last updated 12:30 15/04/2008

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Five key reasons to advertise online with us. Plus how to find out more about our online advertising opportunities.

Audience & Currency

With over two million unique browsers recorded every month, is one of New Zealand's most loved and celebrated news websites providing a great platform to reach highly engaged users.

Talk to Kiwis by talking to New Zealand

Stuff provides unmatched coverage on a regional and national level. Driven by our key content categories and our masthead sites, advertisers are able to reach New Zealanders in both broad and narrow channels depending on campaign objectives.

Finding your niche

Our ad-serving technology allows advertisers to target specific audiences in multiple ways - through content categorres such as news, sports or business regional targeting; times of the day to suit campaign goals; and by using keywords to align advertising with specific editorial content.

Optimisation and flexibility

Stuff's ad-tracking software allows near real-time monitoring of the effectiveness of an advertisers campaign, enabling optimal ad formatting and sectional placement based on responsiveness. Advertising with Stuff also allows a fast change-out of material to refresh messages and maximise results over a campaign period.

We're here to help

Getting your account manager involved at the earliest opportunity is a key ingredient in any successful advertising campaign. We tailor specific advertising plans to meet your goals - whether its driving traffic to your website, a direct response solution, or increasing brand awareness - we can do it all.

To find out more about advertising opportunities on please email

Please note: If your enquiry relates to print advertising in any of the Fairfax NZ newspapers please see the contact information available on the relevant newspaper website.

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