Top 6 Doomsday comments

Is NZ new Hollywood?

Hobbit As New Zealand's film industry continues to grow, Seng-Lip Ferguson questions who will benefit.

Black Caps' line-up battles

Martin guptill There are a lot of question marks in the Black Caps' line up. Andrew Houston fills in the gaps.

Pitbull fights 'scary' image

Hazel pitbull Meet Hazel, the pet therapy pitball changing 'dangerous' perceptions about her breed.

Struggle to 'complete' family

Family feet Chemical pregnancy sounds so sterile and takes you from the peak of excitement to the crush of defeat.

Life without children

sleeping baby Being a parent isn't for everyone. Have you chosen not to have children or did circumstances decide?

Memories of '92 World Cup

The year is 1992. Chris Harris has a full head of hair and our greatest batsman is in devastating form.

It was sooo worth it

Attack of the drones

Let's police 'lazy drivers'

police car More police effort should be put into enforcing basic driving skills, Nick Edwards writes.

Bad driver habits 'ignored'

Noel Burland is concerned the war on speed and alcohol means other fatally bad road habits are ignored.

'No road death is acceptable'

Why the road toll's flawed

Road toll fault of 'attitudes'

Sense of entitlement coupled with incompetence gives rise to stupidity on our roads, James Jong writes.

Nature's a winner at sunrise

Sarah Le Page proves you don't always need to be a whizz with cameras to get the best photos.

Early bird catches the photo

Tracy Moore reaped the rewards of getting on the Abel Tasman track before the crowds.

Photos: Over the moon

The beauty of a holiday

Dad's the star of the glow

Kevin Eames got his dad to stay stock still for 30 seconds for this shot - no mean feat in Wellington's winds.

Housing crisis blame game

nick smith The dreams of a generation have evaporated away due to broken promises and a lack of political will.

'We aren't the crazy ones'

Some things panadol can't fix, but that doesn't mean they shouldn’t be talked about.

'Resigning was the easy part'

'They would have drowned'

Rescue diver: 'Sorry, fella'

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you young fella, and return you to your family. I tried as hard as I could."

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