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Tuesday Blast: #areuafeminist
Delivered: February 3, 2015

TUESDAY BLAST - Chicago Foundation for Women's eUpdate


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February 2015 Edition

Are YOU a feminist?

Please answer a few questions and help CFW understand YOUR definition of feminism.


Are YOU a feminist? If you ask a woman of color that question, she may reply “no.”

The term feminism takes on a unique definition for women of color. Traditionally, feminism is seen as the fight for equality.  For women of color, feminism is about justice. Throughout history, women of color have never been able to solely focus on women’s issues.  The distinct difference in the definitions is also because “women of color and other groups are already overlooked for media attention and many believe the same is true of the feminist movement.” Race, class, and positionality have kept feminists of color out of the conversation.

The internet has changed this. Social media has given a new voice to women of color. They are joining the feminist conversation by tweeting and blogging, bringing forth new dimensions of race and social justice. Thankfully, their voices are helping to transform social justice movements, but will this create a more inclusive feminist movement?

We don’t have to look too far for some efforts to create a new feminist movement. In 2013, blogger Mikki Kendall started #solidarityisforwhitewomen on Twitter to vent her frustration about the discrimination women of color experience within the feminist movement. She showed that not only are women of color already working on feminist issues, but they are also educating the public about the intersections of race, gender, class and economic factors.

This ongoing conversation is a critical one to us at CFW. It is imperative that we all continue to strengthen the feminist movement - ensuring that all women and girls have basic rights and equal opportunities. We continue to raise awareness and convene conversations, with a goal of building a movement that is inclusive and diverse.

On February 10, CFW will welcome over 150 guests for a multigenerational, multicultural discussion on the intersection of race and feminism. Our special guests, Veronica Arreola, Sylvia Ewing, Mikki Kendall, Joy Messinger, and Dr. Ann Russo have been thinking and working on these issues and represent the diversity of voices and thoughts.

While the event is currently sold out and has a waiting list, we want to make sure YOUR voice is included in the conversation.  Be sure to follow the #areuafeminist hashtag and participate in the LIVE EVENT TWEETUP at 5:30 pm.  

CFW in the community  

Meet the 30th Anniversary Impact Award Honorees
The 30th Anniversary Impact Awards will honor Chicago leaders who are exemplary trailblazers who uphold CFW’s mission to advance basic rights and equal opportunity for women and girls. This year’s honorees are diverse in their focus areas including advocacy for undocumented victims of domestic violence, advocacy and social policy efforts for women, increasing life options for underserved adolescents, disability rights activism, and youth sexual education.  Tickets are now available for purchase. BUY TICKETS ONLINE


Marcy GonzalezDirector of Legal Services, Latinos Progresando
Lucia Woods Lindley, 30th Anniversary Founders Impact Award Recipient, Co-Founder of Chicago Foundation for Women
Pat W. Mosena, Ph.D. President and Founder, Options for Youth
Susan Nussbaum Writer, producer, director
Kamaria Woods, 30th Anniversary Impact Awards Pioneer Award Recipient, Youth Leadership Council Peer Educator, Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health 

Read the full bios
HERE. Sponsorships are available for this historic CFW event! Purchase HERE. 

She's Beautiful When She's Angry
CFW is proud to support She's Beautiful When She's Angry, a theatrical documentary about the early days of women’s liberation. She's Beautiful When She's Angry resurrects the buried history of the outrageous, often brilliant women who founded the modern women’s movement from 1966 to 1971. The film takes us from the founding of NOW, when ladies wore hats and gloves, to the emergence of more radical factions of women’s liberation; from intellectuals like Kate Millett to the street theatrics of WITCH (Women’s International Conspiracy from Hell!).

The documentary will be shown in Chicago at the Music Box Theatre located at 3733 North Southport Avenue, Chicago, IL 60613 from March 13-19. For more information, visit HERE.  

Funders for LGBTQ Issues Honor Roll
Thanks in large part to the LBTQ Giving Council, Chicago Foundation for Women made the Funders for LGBTQ Issues Honor Roll! The list features 94 funders across the country who increased their giving to LGBTQ issues by 25% or more in 2013. Read more HERE. 




Earned Sick Time

  • Over 460,000 Chicago workers have no right to a single paid sick day.
  • Jobs can be compromised for missing work to care for their sick child or elderly parent.
  • Workers who come to work sick are less productive and infect other workers, customers, and the public. 

On Election Day, February 24, the ballot will include a question regarding whether Chicago workers should have the right to earn paid sick leave. To learn more about the ordinance and the coalition’s pledge please visit


The Dreamcather Foundation at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival
The work of Women of Color Giving Council grantee The Dreamcatcher Foundation was recently featured in a full length documentary called “Dreamcatcher” The film, which focuses on the Foundation and its co-founder and executive director Brenda Meyers-Powell, recently premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. The Dreamcatcher Foundation fights to end human trafficking in Chicago. To learn more about the Foundation and the documentary please visit 

 Upcoming events

Visit our website calendar to see all our upcoming programs and events. 

10: A Conversation for the New Year: Race & Feminism. Where Do You Stand?
19: Putting Your Passion into Action with the Young Women's Giving Council

MARCH 2015
3, 4, 5: Board Boot Camp: Reboot
7: International Women's Day Dance with the LBTQ Giving Council
12: 30th Anniversary Impact Awards
21: Pop-Up Shop with the Young Women's Giving Council

2930th Anniversary Luncheon and Symposium


Email Blast editor Sharonda at or share the good news on our Facebook and Twitter pages! 

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