Eerie echoes in death case

A celebrant who asked mourners to put aside their anger when she officiated at the funeral of a Taranaki shooting victim is now herself dead, and a homicide inquiry is under way.

The words of wedding and funeral celebrant Gwen Blake at the funeral of Rosemaree Kurth, killed by her partner's adopted grandson in 2012, have taken on new meaning as police investigate her death.

Taranaki police launched a homicide investigation on Friday after the discovery of Blake's body at her Stratford home after 10pm.

Police were called after neighbours heard shouting coming from the property.

Blake's body was discovered and a 47-year-old man was later arrested. He will appear in the New Plymouth District Court tomorrow.

Police won't reveal Blake's relationship with her alleged killer but said the pair were known to each other.

At Rosemaree Kurth's funeral in 2012 Blake asked mourners to put aside their anger, shock and distress to "celebrate the life of a talented, gifted woman".

Tragically these are the same words friends and family used to describe Blake yesterday.

Blake, 71, was a well-regarded celebrant within the Stratford community and stunned family told said they were having to cancel numerous bookings in her schedule following her death.

Grandson Alex Blake said the family were numb.

The English migrant had come to New Zealand from Liverpool more than 40 years ago.

Family were upset and asking for privacy after the tragedy to allow them time to grieve and get their family affairs in order, he said.

Shocked neighbours described Blake as a "shining light of compassion" and a much-loved celebrant.

Louise Rosendaal said she was struggling to understand what had happened.

"She was very down to earth, loving, friendly and would do anything for the people she cared about," she said.

"Just a wonderful, wonderful person. I'm devastated.

"She would bend over backwards for anyone, a big heart."

Stratford mayor Neil Volzke said it would come as a "huge shock" to the community.

"Stratford is a safe place and violence like this is very rare."

Detective Senior Sergeant Blair Burnett said police were speaking to family and witnesses and an autopsy would be completed after Blake's body was removed from the house.

The cause of Blake's death has yet to be revealed.

"We are also speaking with the woman's family and witnesses and conducting inquiries in an effort to establish the events that led up to her death," Burnett said.
