Santiago (Spanish: Santiago de Chile (help·info)), also Santiago de Chile, is the capital and largest city of Chile, and the center of its largest conurbation (Greater Santiago). It is located in the country's central valley, at an elevation of 520 m (1,706.04 ft) above mean sea level. Although Santiago is the capital, the National Congress of Chile meets in the coastal town of Valparaíso, 120 km to the west.
Chile's steady economic growth has transformed Santiago into Latin America's most modern metropolitan area, with extensive suburban development, dozens of shopping centers, and impressive high-rise architecture. It has a very modern transport infrastructure, including the steadily growing underground Santiago Metro, an effort at modernizing public bus transport and a free flow toll-based ring road and inner city highway system, part of which is tunneled underneath a large section of the city's main river Mapocho connecting the Eastern and Western end of the city in a 25-minute drive. Santiago is the regional headquarters to many multinationals and a financial center.
Miriam Defensor Santiago (born Miriam Palma Defensor on June 15, 1945) is a Judge-elect of the International Criminal Court and a member of the Senate of the Philippines. She is a lawyer, former trial judge and professor of constitutional and international law. She served as the Commissioner of the Philippine Bureau of Immigration and Deportation in 1988 and the Secretary of the Philippines' Department of Agrarian Reform from 1989 to 1991. She is the founder and current leader of the center-right People's Reform Party allied with former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and is a Laureate of the Ramon Magsaysay Award for government service.
Defensor Santiago ran for President of the Philippines in 1992; she led the post-election canvass of votes for the first five days, but was ultimately defeated by a margin of less than a million votes out of 36 million votes. The campaign was reportedly marred by widespread election fraud, notably power blackouts after the first five days. She filed an electoral protest which was dismissed on a technicality in 1995 when she ran for and won a seat in the Philippine Senate.
Eddie Santiago (Eduardo Santiago Rodríguez) (born August 18, 1955) is a salsa singer from Puerto Rico. At a young age, Eddie demonstrated great love for salsa music. He performed with several groups, including Generación 2000, Orquesta La Potente, Orquesta Opus, and the Orquesta Saragüey.
Santiago's career took off in 1984 in Puerto Rico and Latin America as a soloist, formimg his own band, and recording songs including: "Tú me quemas" (You Burn Me), "Qué Locura Enamorarme de Ti" (What Madness To Fall in Love With You), "Me Fallaste" (You Failed Me), Antidoto y Veneno (Antidote and Venom), "Tu Me Haces Falta" (I Need You), his best known hit "Lluvia" (Rain, not to be confused with Menudo's hit of the same name), and many others. His fame eventually spread to Europe and the United States, making him one of the most popular Salsa singer in the late 80's and early 90's. He was one of the main singers of "Salsa romántica" ("romantic salsa").
His first major recording on an international label was with Sony Music in 1999. He also recorded for the TH, EMI Latin, and Polygram labels, including the well regarded production inspired by the music of Rafael Hernández, entitled "Enamorado".
Two police officers, both from opposites sites of the border, must pair up to catch one of the most notorious drug kings from Columbia. When Diego comes to the United States in hot pursued of a known drug lord he finds himself in an even deeper mystery. As the bodies are piling up Diego must learn to work together with a renegade police detective. Together Robert and Diego must learn how to trust one another if they want to solve who is assassinating a few of their colleagues.
Keywords: two-word-title
Pierre, the typical French guy, good looking but imperfect, would spend entire days wandering in the streets trying different ways to seduce women. When he shares his tricks with his friends, he soon discovers that half of the people he knows are using it.
Paris, spring, lovers season. This is the story of a young lad name Pierre, typical French guy, good looking but imperfect. He would spend entire days wandering in the streets trying different ways to seduce women. When he shares his tricks with his friend, Santiago he soon discovers that half of the people he knows are using it.
An approximation to the magnetic figure of the recently deceased Spanish painter Roca Bon. Not only his art is shown here, but his viewpoints and philosophy as well, including the future of Arts, the ethics in the artist's work, and the role of New York City as a world center for artistic experimentation and interchange.
Santiago de Aztlan
Pienso que eres Superman
En el sangre del mundo
En tus venas enteras
En tus venas enteras
Vive la historia de tu mama
Y tambien de tu papa
Por eso eres un Rey
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Santiago de Aztlan
Santiago un pino hoy
Tu sentistes opresion
Por los lados del mundo
Sobrevives para el vien
Sobrevives con amor
Sobrevives con honor
Sobrevives con tu vientre
Por eso eres un rey
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Santiago de Aztlan
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Santiago de Aztlan
Como vives tu vida
Sera tu decision
Abrasa lo bueno Santiago
Y escupe lo mal
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Santiago de Aztlan
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Ago, ago, ago
Ellos están bien llenos y nosotros hambrientos,
nos tienen aplacados así,
bicicleteándonos con esta mierda de sueldo,
y ellos viven a lo Beverly Hills
así, mientras saben que vamos a esperar
perdemos el tiempo, nadie nos va a ayudar
Salgamos a las calles a tomar lo que es nuestro,
la rabia no se puede ocultar
saqueando sus viviendas,
así como ellos hicieron con nuestra dignidad.
Mirando a lo lejos, se puede divisar
un pueblo dormido que quiere despertar
Santiago no duerme más la siesta (BIS)
La autoridad dio un paso al costado,
dijeron: nosotros terminamos acá
entonces contrataron matones a sueldo,
basura hay en cualquier lugar
Algunas personas nunca comprenderán
amargo el obrero no puede continuar
Santiago no duerme más la siesta (BIS)
algunas personas nunca comprenderán,
amargo el obrero no puede continuar.
January, 1992 - Just performed in Santiago de Compostella in the Galician area
of Spain...misty and lush as we arrived from more arid areas of the country;
clearly Celtic territory in the language and music, and a place I must visit
again soon...We arrived a day early; band et al went for a wonderful Sunday
lunch and then wandered over to the cathedral to observe the wonderful faces on
the Portico.
May, 1992 - Santiago de Compostella (St. James in the Field of Stars)...had
occasion to return to Galicia and Santiago sooner than I'd thought...I learned
the story behind the city. Supposedly the remains of St. James arrived
mysteriously in the village of Padron (which we visited...lovely line of trees
along the waterway leading to the place where the relics were found) and
interred here in Santiago...I picked up a CD collection of music emanating from
the pilgrimage route to Santiago, as well as a CD by Spanish group Els
Trobadors...wonderful feeling to this music.
May, 1993 - Now studying liner notes, books and pieces of music, putting
together a clearer picture of Santiago in the years 900 to 1500 when it
rivalled Jerusalem and Rome as a pilgrimage destination, playing host to a
motley tide of humanity pursuing both religious and more earthy goals. It was
also the site of unprecedented cross-cultural fertilization between the
Christian, Jewish and Moorish communities. When I heard this piece, I was
struck by its Semitic tone, and realised that, even in the area of music, the
three communities were influencing each other.
Janvier 1992 - Je viens de donner un spectacle a Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle,
en Galice, dans le nord de l'Espagne...brumeux et luxuriant en comparaison des
contrees plus arides du reste du pays; un territoire nettement celtique par sa
langue et sa musique, un endroit que je dois revenir visiter bientot...Nous
sommes arrives une journee a l'avance; toute l'equipe s'est retrouvee pur un
magnifique dejeuner du dimanche, pous s'est promenee jusqu'a la cathedrale pour
admirer le splendic portique.
Mai 1992 - Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (Saint-Jacques das le Champ des
etoiles)...j'ai eu l'occasion de revenir en Galice et a Siant-Jacques plus vite
que je ne l'esperais...J'ai appris l'histoire de la fondation de cette ville.
Selon la legende, le corps de Saint-Jacques serait arrive mysterieusement dans
la ville de Padron (que nous avons visitee... une belle rangee d'arbres le long
du cours d'eau menant jusqu'a la place ou les reliques furent decouvertes) et
aurait ete enterre ici a Saint-Jacques...J'ai achete une collection de disques
compacts de musique de la route du pelerinage vers Compostelle, et un disque du
groupe espagnol Els Troubadors.
Mai 1993 - J'etudie maintenant des notes, des livres et des oeuvres musicales,
pour me forger une image plus claire de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle dans les
annees 900 a 1500, quand la cite rivalisait avec Jerusalem et Rome comme lieu
de pelerinage; elle etait l'hote de vagues humaines bigarrees, motivees par des
aspirations religieuses mais egalement plus terre a terre. Elle etait aussi le
centre d'echanges d'une fecondite sans precedent entre les communautes
chretiennes, juives et musulmanes. Quand j'ai entendu cette oeuvre, j'ai ete
frappee par sa tonalite semitique et j'ai realise que, meme dans le domaine
musical, les trois civilisations s'influencaient les unes les autres.
Januar 1992 - Bin gerade in Santiago de Compostella, im galizischen Teil
Spaniens, aufgetreten...dunstig und ueppig im Vergleich zu den mehr duerren
Gegenden Spaniens, aus denen wir gerade kamen; ganz eindeutig sprachlich und
musikalisch keltisch beeinflusstes Gebiet, eine Gegend, die ich bald wieder
besuchen moechte...Wir kamen einen Tag zu frueh an, die Band und ich gingen
essen und nach einem wunderbaren Sonntags-Mittagessen sind wir zur Kathedrale
hinueber gebummelt, um uns das wundervolle Gesicht auf dem Portikus anzusehen.
Mai 1992 - Santiago de Compostella (der heilige Jakob im Feld der
Sterne)...Hatte schneller die Gelegenheit, nach Galizien und Santiago
zurueckzukehren, als ich dachte...Ich erfuhr die Geschichte, die der Stadt
anhaengt. Anscheinend gelangten die Ueberreste des heiligen Jakob auf
mysterioese Weise in die Stadt Padron (welche wir auch besuchten...eine
huebsche Baumreihe zieht sich entlang des Wasserweges, der zu dem Fundort
fuehrt) und wurden dann hier in Santiago begraben. Ich fand eine CD-Sammlung
mit Musik, die von der Pilgerfahrt nach Santiago stammt und noch eine CD der
spanischen Gruppe Els Trobadors.
Mai 1993 - Beschaftige mich jetzt mit Notizen, Buechern und Musikstuecken, um
mir ein klares Bild von Santiago aus der Zeit 900 - 1500 machen zu koennen, das
zu der Zeit mit Jerusalem und Rom als Pilgerziel rivalisierte, und zu der Zeit
eine kunterbunte Welle der Menschlichkeit beherbergte, die sich religioese wie
auch irdische Ziele gesetzt hatte. Es war ausserdem der Schauplatz einer bisher
nie dagewesenen interkulturellen Befruchtung zwischen den Christen, Juden und
der maurischen Bevoelkerung. Als ich dieses Stueck hoerte, erstaunte mich der
semitische Klang, und mir wurde klar, dass sich diese drei Gruppen auch in der
Musik gegenseitig beeinflussten.
Enero de 1992 - acabo de actuar en Santiago de Compostela, Galicia...region
mistica y excuberante sobre todo llegando de zonas mas aridas del pais;
claramente es territorio celta por su lenguaje y su musica. y un sitio al que
tengo que volver pronto...Llegamos temprano; el grupo y yo nos fuimos a tomar
una esplendida comida de domingo y luego vagamos por la catedral para ver el
maravilloso Portico de la Gloria.
Mayo de 1992 - Santiago de Compostela...tuve la oportunidad de volver a Galicia
y a Santiago antes de lo que esperaba...Aprendi la historia de la ciudad.
Supuestamente los restos de Santiago llegaron misterisamente a la ciudad de
Padron y fueron enterrados en la ciudad de Santiago...Cogi una recopilacion en
CD de musica del camino de Santiago y un CD de un grupo espanol llamado Els
Mayo de 1993 - estoy estudiando notas, libros y piezas musicales, intentado
reunir una imagen mas clara de Santiago desde el ano 900 hasta el 1500, cuando
rivalizaba con las peregrinaziones a Jerusalem y a Roma, ofreciendo a sus
huespedes vertientes humanas mas varidas, persiguiendo al mismo tiempo metas
religiosas y terrenales. Fue tambien un fertilismo emplazamiento de cruce de
culturas sin ningun precedente: las comunidades cristinas, judias y musulmanas.
Cuando escuche esta pieza, quede atrapada por su tono semitico, y fui
consciente de que, incluso en el campo de la musica, las tres comunidades se
habian influido entre ellas.
Traditional music arranged and adapted by L.M.
L.M. - vocals, accordion, synthesizer
Brian Hughes - balalaika, guitars
Rick Lazar - drums, percussion
George Koller - cello, bass
Hugh Marsh - fiddle
Nigel Eaton - hurdy-gurdy
The face the good face
The rat race
I want to touch everyone
The waves the waves
The dark place
The still graves
It's like I can fly when I swim
The chase the chase the bright face
The warm place
For that I'd forgive anything
The waves the graves
The dark place
The stingrays
From the ports of the west we sailed into the sun
South America bound a journey begun
Lights going out in the Barrios half a world away
Oceans to cross and a course to steer all the way
We bought copper and ore, silver and gold
In the mines and the fileds the sweat of a people was
Lights coming on in the Barrios a long day's labour at
an end
They saw the wealth of the mountains
Flow all the way
All the way to Santiago
All the way to Santiago
All the way to Santiago
All the way
And when the country was torn
Oh we chose sides
Selling arms to the dew to hold back the tide
Fires burned in the Barrios
We poured oil upon the flames
Sending bullets and bombs, guns and planes
All the way
From the hearts of the west they'll fly back to the sun
South American bound, the journey is done
They'll be laughter and songs in the Barrios to echo
half the world away
When Maria y Juan y Julio
Isabella Manuel y Mario
Felipe Raoul y Mauricio
All the way to Santiago
All the way to Santiago
All the way to Santiago
Follow the stream day after day
Pull your sekt behind
This Pilgrim Road extends away
Through the sands of time
We are craving to survive
Marching side by side
Spreading the word as we ride on
Carrying along misery and crime
Hidden by a sign
Almighty force shows no remorse
Fear made us blind
Shall we heal our scars at last?
Let go of the past?
Is someone out there when we cry out?
Santiago, cast a bless on us
Grant indulgence, wipe out our fears on earth
Lay your sword upon our heads
Before you we'll kneel, Santiago
Towers of sand fall in the end
Heaven was a lie
Arrows of hate tear down your heart
Love has been denied
We are craving to survive
Marching side by side
Is someone out there when we cry out?
Santiago, cast a bless on us
Grant indulgence, wipe out our fears on earth
Lay your sword upon our heads
Before you we'll kneel, Santiago
Santiago, cast a bless on us
Grant indulgence, wipe out our fears on earth
Lay your sword upon our heads
E spera e spera, un uomo arrivera`
L' immagino in strada, nei cortei, fra noi
Aver paura, piangere
Cercare i figli morti per lui
E l' uomo in bianco scese dal cielo
Ma era al di la` delle barricate
E l' uomo in bianco vide la morte
Ma era di la` dale barricate
Santiago del Cile
Padre, tuo figlio dov' e`?
Santiago del Cile
Io no lo vedo piu`
Natale di sangue
No, non lo scordero`
E spera e spera, il Papa arrivera`
L' immagino in strada, nei cortei, fra noi
Gridare forte, combattere
Sacrificarsi per chi crede in lui
E l' uomo in bianco scese dal cielo
Ma era al di la` delle barricate
E l' uomo in bianco vide la muerte
Ma era al di la` delle barricate
E dittature e religione
Fanno l' orgia sul balcone
E dittatura e religione fanno l' orgia
Santiago del Cile
Padre, tuo figlio dov' e`?
Santiago del Cile
Io no lo vedo piu`
Natale di sangue
No, non lo scordero`
Vangelo, pistola