
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Recorded June 22-23, 2012 My short visit to Toronto includes the CN Tower, helicopter flig...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: Hoosier Tim's Travel Videos
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Recorded June 22-23, 2012 My short visit to Toronto includes the CN Tower, helicopter flight over the city and a walk around downtown. From: http://timvp.com.
published: 29 Jun 2012
views: 124271

Ontario Travel
Visit Ontario to enjoy pristine parks, gardens and stunning natural wonders, commune with ...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: TravelOntarioCanada
Ontario Travel
Visit Ontario to enjoy pristine parks, gardens and stunning natural wonders, commune with birds and butterflies and travel back in time to relive history.
published: 10 Sep 2012
views: 8383

Downtown Toronto Ontario Canada 2011
Hi everybody i am back from my holidays in Canada.Here is the first video, i took it over ...
published: 03 Jul 2011
author: John Wood
Downtown Toronto Ontario Canada 2011
Hi everybody i am back from my holidays in Canada.Here is the first video, i took it over a few days during my stay in Toronto,this video is around the downt...
published: 03 Jul 2011
views: 333076
John Wood

Jon Bryant - Ontario
From the Album "Hard Hard Heart". I do not own this music....
published: 30 Apr 2014
author: Jerry Mitchell
Jon Bryant - Ontario
From the Album "Hard Hard Heart". I do not own this music.
published: 30 Apr 2014
views: 953
Jerry Mitchell

Downtown Richmond Interviews (London Ontario)
While these people were drunk i decided to interview them and ask them questions....
published: 09 Sep 2014
Downtown Richmond Interviews (London Ontario)
While these people were drunk i decided to interview them and ask them questions.
published: 09 Sep 2014
views: 8161

VLOGS FROM THE PAST! catch up on where we've been the past year!
Yesterday: https://www.yo...
published: 11 Mar 2015
VLOGS FROM THE PAST! catch up on where we've been the past year!
Yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVydliAIpSc
A week ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clH7GrKnRug
A month ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKMy4OeNazU
6 months ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qomzHOb5fr8
A YEAR AGO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWyISX5AvU8
Welcome to "My Life Daily" - MLD
I'm Josh, a simple man from Manitoba Canada. I document and video blog (vlog) about my life and situations I find myself in on a day to day basis. Hit that subscribe button and follow me and my dog Diesel on our daily journey travelling across all North America.
"Viewer to Trucker Josh" Mailing Address:
PO Box 38, Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada, R5G1Z1
TRUCKER JOSH AND DIESEL STORE - Check out our Merch! http://www.TruckerJosh.spreadshirt.com
***All Maps Provided by Google***
published: 11 Mar 2015
views: 301

Ontario Knife Company: SHOT Show 2015
Checking out new knives from Ontario Knife Company.
Buy your "Kni...
published: 23 Jan 2015
Ontario Knife Company: SHOT Show 2015
Checking out new knives from Ontario Knife Company.
Buy your "Knife Love" T-Shirt at BladeHQ now, $15:
Order your SEPIA colored Logo Patch today, $6:
Order your STEALTH colored Logo Patch today, $6:
---) http://Facebook.com/TheLateBoyScout
---) http://Instagram.com/LateBoyScout
---) http://Twitter.com/TheLateBoyScout
published: 23 Jan 2015
views: 2986

Exploring an Abandoned Dream Mansion - Ontario Canada
I have been to this location 3 times, once in May of 2013 and not a access point could be...
published: 20 Aug 2014
Exploring an Abandoned Dream Mansion - Ontario Canada
I have been to this location 3 times, once in May of 2013 and not a access point could be found, again in April of 2014 and I was very lucky to find an open door. I made a choice to return in June of 2014 just to see how things changed. This video is a combination of 2 visits. You can see the changes that happened in the short time between visits.
Such a huge house, with features I have not seen in any regular house. A dance studio, grand staircase and my favorite was the elevator. It appears the house either had some salvaging done or looters took advantage of the imminent demise of this house. And I guess as long as it doesn't end in the trash, I don’t care either way. The property and landscape we clearing cared for and judging by the size of the garage on the back part of the property, I am going to guess they had an bad ass RV. Sadly not a lot of artifacts around for insight into who they people were who owner this places, but judging by all the affluence of this house..they had lots of $$$
Oddly I could not find a lot of info on the owners of this house, but what is very obvious is that it was in the way of “progress”. This house, at some point it was someones dream home, and it wasn't that long ago. During the explores you can hear the tractors all around while I walk the outside of the house As of last week, it has been demolished.
I hope you enjoy the video, please support my channel by Subscribing, sharing, commenting and liking. You can also follow me on Twitter @DaaDeeOh and on FB at DaaDeeOh’s Urbex.
If you have a location you would like me to check our, drop me a line and I will see what I can do with the info. If I use your location, I will give full credit for the find.
As always thank you all for watching!!
published: 20 Aug 2014
views: 615315

Kroll Show - Wheels, Ontario - Experimenting
An old acquaintance comes calling after Mikey reveals that he might be bisexual.
Watch mo...
published: 11 Feb 2015
Kroll Show - Wheels, Ontario - Experimenting
An old acquaintance comes calling after Mikey reveals that he might be bisexual.
Watch more Kroll Show: http://on.cc.com/1zWH0ny
published: 11 Feb 2015
views: 26478

In this 105-minute special report from Canada, we document one of the most noteworthy inst...
published: 26 Jan 2015
In this 105-minute special report from Canada, we document one of the most noteworthy instances of human-sasquatch interaction to have emerged publicly in recent years. “Sasquatch Ontario” began publishing video stories on YouTube more than two years ago. Based on their unprecedented first-hand experiences, Mike Paterson and his colleague, the owner of the property at which the interactions occur on a very regular basis, have been vocal proponents of the theory that sasquatch are a type of ancient human, highly evolved, highly sentient, and keenly aware of how their path is now reconnecting with ours – potentially to everyone’s benefit.
Over the course of three days last autumn, filmmaker Christopher Munch was invited to observe and document both the phenomenological and emotional nature of the events taking place at Sasquatch Ontario.
This webcast is divided into several sections including: introductory remarks by the property owner (at 3:10); presentation of weavings and drawings made by the sasquatch (at 6:10); an extended interview with Mike Paterson (at 18:26); the filmmaker’s analysis of certain images (at 1:03:30); discussion and channeled material with principal contributor Kathleen Odom; and concluding remarks by the property owner’s father (at 1:40:35), whose presence at this site has spanned some 35 years.
For further information, we recommend the numerous postings of Sasquatch Ontario on YouTube, and Episode 4 of “Speaking of Sasquatch” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxmg1M3bm-U) in which we published an audio interview with Mike Paterson along with valuable channeled information concerning the situation facilitated by Kathleen Odom (sasquatchspeaks@gmail.com).
“Speaking of Sasquatch” offers a counterpoint to the popular media’s frequently sensational and distorted reporting on the subject of sasquatch. Webcast ©2015 Antarctic Pictures LLC • All Rights Reserved.
published: 26 Jan 2015
views: 1646

Getting your Ontario Driver's Licence (Part 1)
Chinese, Italian and Spanish closed captions are available with this video.
For the Frenc...
published: 16 Nov 2012
Getting your Ontario Driver's Licence (Part 1)
Chinese, Italian and Spanish closed captions are available with this video.
For the French version of this video series visit:
Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLgCwl2QFUo
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pURqq1161QU
Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opyjnpcj3g0
Part 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixJlgCg89Mw
For more information or to contact the Ministry of Transportation visit: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/about/contact-us.shtml
published: 16 Nov 2012
views: 50015

Welcome to Ontario
"Welcome to Ontario" (c) 1995 Ontario, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation You wou...
published: 01 Dec 2006
author: CanadaRulez4Ever
Welcome to Ontario
"Welcome to Ontario" (c) 1995 Ontario, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation You would be surprised knowing the story of this particular video clip. Fi...
published: 01 Dec 2006
views: 56705

In the video:
- The main road btwn Hwy 401 and Downtown Windsor
- Detroit Skyline
- Dri...
published: 07 Jul 2013
In the video:
- The main road btwn Hwy 401 and Downtown Windsor
- Detroit Skyline
- Driving by the Detroit River
- Ambassador Bridge, the busiest border crossing in entire North America (Canada, USA & Mexico).
Roughly 400 km (250 miles) btwn Detroit/Windsor and Toronto.
Enjoy Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
published: 07 Jul 2013
views: 33539
Youtube results:

Lake Ontario Salmon Fishing
It’s no secret charter captains had to work extra hard to catch salmon on Lake Ontario dur...
published: 26 Feb 2015
Lake Ontario Salmon Fishing
It’s no secret charter captains had to work extra hard to catch salmon on Lake Ontario during the summer of 2014. It was a frustrating year for even the more experienced trollers. Abnormal weather conditions take credit for much of the melee. It seems, most likely, much colder than normal lake temperatures, a slow developing summer, late ice out and other factors could possibly have the salmon confused.
Regardless, patterns weren't normal. And, fish counts were down on the eastern edge of Lake Ontario.
Meanwhile, after this outing hope had been restored on the big lake. Following months of scattered success, signs of larger schools of salmon showed off the Port of Oswego the week we fished. Many guides scored limits (that’s three salmon, per angler here) and noticed a fresh pods of salmon moving into the area. Strikes came more frequent than they had the previous four months.
Fortunately, Team Pautzke was in town to film Pautzke Outdoors with pro staffer Troy Creasy of High Adventure Sportfishing, a man who's always in tune with where the fish are and consistently puts his clients on the largest salmon around.
What surprised me most was the number of charter boats tied to slips. This was prime time. Normally, most of them are running two trips a day. Consequently, business was down in 2014, partially due to media reports of poor fishing. During our outing Creasy found salmon and lots of them, within a mile of the dock. And, these fish are big. In fact, the next morning Pautzke pro Andy Bliss caught a 30-pound king (verified by NY Department of Environmental Conservation) on Creasy’s boat with us.
Being September, salmon move in closer to shore for several reasons, the most important being it’s about time to spawn in the Salmon, Oswego, Little Salmon River, etc. They are beefing up on alewives before their journey upriver. Everyone is using three methods to catch them, as they normal do: spoons, trolling flies and brined bait. In fact, most guys run them together.
While on Creasy’s boat we didn’t run any of the Michigan Stinger or Dreamweaver spoons, but did mix it up with plenty of Atomic trolling flies alongside filleted herring, placed in a Rhys Davis Cut Bait Head and dragged with Pro Troll E-Chip flashers, the eight and 11 inch models. Many boats are running blue and purple brine, but Creasy is big into Natural Fire Brine this summer. Early and late we used natural before switching to Chartreuse Fire Brine baits when the sun came out.
The bites came more often than I expected. We caught a dozen salmon on brined bait and trolling flies. Most ran 22-27 pounds, with none smaller than 20. Creasy has picked up a few coho lately, but we didn’t see any.
For more info on Creasy’s Lake Ontario summer Chinook salmon trips please visit www.highadventurefishing.com.
To Learn More About Pautzke Bait: http://www.pautzke.com
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pautzkebait
published: 26 Feb 2015
views: 434

Exploring an Abandoned Prison, Northern Ontario
When I set out at 330am to drive the 400km to this location I had no idea what I would fin...
published: 05 Sep 2013
author: daadeeoh
Exploring an Abandoned Prison, Northern Ontario
When I set out at 330am to drive the 400km to this location I had no idea what I would find, if anything at all. As I neared the location I found myself surr...
published: 05 Sep 2013
views: 33707

Hard use testing: Ontario RAT 1 vs. Spyderco Tenacious
Нецелевое тесторивание двух ножей Ontario RAT 1 и Spyderco Tenacious. Тестирование проводи...
published: 12 Jan 2013
author: vininull
Hard use testing: Ontario RAT 1 vs. Spyderco Tenacious
Нецелевое тесторивание двух ножей Ontario RAT 1 и Spyderco Tenacious. Тестирование проводилось для того чтобы унать пределы прочности этих ножей. Abuse testi...
published: 12 Jan 2013
views: 93425

Kroll Show: Wheels Ontario - Roll With It
Mikey tries to make friends on his first day at a new school in Ontario....
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: Comedy Central
Kroll Show: Wheels Ontario - Roll With It
Mikey tries to make friends on his first day at a new school in Ontario.
published: 17 Jan 2013
views: 621709
Comedy Central