Welcome to Downloadcore

Downloadcore has popular free software downloads, along with great information about them, and an easy and safe way to download the software from manufacturers' websites straight to to your PC. All the software on this site is free, and we will never ask you to pay for any of it. We strive to find the most popular and most useful software out there, to provide a clear description of its uses, features, and capabilities, and to give you a fast and easy download experience, giving you the original & untouched manufacturer installers. We also provide reviews from trusted 3rd parties, along with our own in-house review, so that users can get many helpful points of view to help them decide whether they want to give it a try.

All of the software available on our site is downloaded using our download manager, in order to ensure that the software is clean, stable, and what the user expects. We extensively test all the software on our site for viruses and spyware, and only software that is clean makes it. The download manager downloads the software installer in its original form, unchanged and unmodified. The installers are the manufacturer's versions and differ in no way.

All the software on our site is free and we do not charge our users anything. How can we provide this service to users for free? Inside the download manager, you may be shown advertisements, and you will have the chance to accept offers to install software from our sponsors. These offers can range from facebook customizers to coupon finders to toolbars that will change your homepage and default search if you choose so. All offers are fully optional, and you may decline all offers and still download the software you were looking for...no hard feelings. But we ask that you do accept some offers so that we can keep providing you with awesome software and great info about it.