A past and a future: UNSMIL in Libya's Ghadames
A past and a future: UNSMIL in Libya's Ghadames
A past and a future: UNSMIL in Libya's Ghadames
The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) visits the historical city of Ghadames and surrounding areas to support conflict resolution and develop projects thr...
New round of Libyan Political dialogue in Morocco
New round of Libyan Political dialogue in Morocco
New round of Libyan Political dialogue in Morocco
As fighting continues in Libya, a significant progress has been made in UNSMIL-facilitated Libyan Political Dialogue round in Skhirat, Morocco, on 05 – 07 March 2015, the parties' latest attempt to work together on finding a peaceful solution to Libya's conflict.
Tarek Mitri (UNSMIL) on Libya, Security Council Media Stakeout (9 June 2014)
Tarek Mitri (UNSMIL) on Libya, Security Council Media Stakeout (9 June 2014)
Tarek Mitri (UNSMIL) on Libya, Security Council Media Stakeout (9 June 2014)
9 Jun 2014 - Informal comments to the media by Mr. Tarek Mitri, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United Nations Support Mission in...
United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL): The first three months
United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL): The first three months
United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL): The first three months
United Nations, New York, September 2011- On 16 September 2011, the UN Security Council established the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) to assist the national authorities in the fields of public security, elections and transitional justice, among others. At a press conference of 22 September 2011, Ian Martin, the Special Representative for Libya, discussed the role of UNSMIL during its initial three-month period.
UNSMIL: The Role of Media in Supporting Women Candidates
UNSMIL: The Role of Media in Supporting Women Candidates
UNSMIL: The Role of Media in Supporting Women Candidates
How best to support women candidates in the upcoming elections is a question a group of women and men sought to look for answers to at a workshop in Tripoli ...
In Post-Revolutionary Libya, Preparing the New NGO Law
In Post-Revolutionary Libya, Preparing the New NGO Law
In Post-Revolutionary Libya, Preparing the New NGO Law
Government, civil society representatives and lawyers are brought together by the United Nations Development Program in Tripoli to review a new law that will...
UN-Facilitated Dialogue for peace in Libya
UN-Facilitated Dialogue for peace in Libya
UN-Facilitated Dialogue for peace in Libya
After four month of intense work and following extensive consultations with the main Libyan stakeholders, the head of UNSMIL, Bernardino Leon, along with his team, managed to bring together the Libyans sides to the conflict around the table in a political dialogue aimed at ending the fighting in Libya and finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.
"In order to have a successful dialogue we should have a very inclusive, a very wide work, bringing around the table, not only the political actors but also influential actors socially like the tribal leaders and of course the militias," Leon said after the convening of the first round of the dialo
Remarks by SRSG Bernardino Leon during Libyan Dialogue session in Geneva 26 January 2015
Remarks by SRSG Bernardino Leon during Libyan Dialogue session in Geneva 26 January 2015
Remarks by SRSG Bernardino Leon during Libyan Dialogue session in Geneva 26 January 2015
Libyan parties convened on Monday 26 January 2015 a new round of dialogue hosted by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
This is a followup to the meeting held in Geneva on 14-15 January 2015. Participants will start discussing the items that were agreed on in the last meeting.
On Wednesday, another meeting will bring together municipal and local council representatives from cities and towns across Libya to discuss confidence-building measures.
Libya: Gearing up for the parliamentaries
Libya: Gearing up for the parliamentaries
Libya: Gearing up for the parliamentaries
Libyan women candidates received advice on how to approach their country's upcoming parliamentary elections at a four-day workshop in Tripoli organized by UN...
الماضي والمستقبل: الأمم المتحدة في ليبيا تزور غدامس
الماضي والمستقبل: الأمم المتحدة في ليبيا تزور غدامس
الماضي والمستقبل: الأمم المتحدة في ليبيا تزور غدامس
قامت بعثة الأمم المتحدة للدعم في ليبيا بزيارة لمدينة غدامس التاريخية والمناطق المحيطة بها وذلك لدعم إيجاد حلول للنزاعات وتطوير المشاريع من خلال برنامج الأمم ...
Leon’s Opening Remarks at Libyan Municipalities Reps. Meeting. Tunis 29/05/2015
Leon’s Opening Remarks at Libyan Municipalities Reps. Meeting. Tunis 29/05/2015
Leon’s Opening Remarks at Libyan Municipalities Reps. Meeting. Tunis 29/05/2015
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Bernardino Leon’s remarks at the opening of new meetings’ round of Libyan municipalities and local councils representatives in Tunis, Tunisia, 29 May 2015
Press conference at start of new round of Libyan dialogue (15 April 2015)
Press conference at start of new round of Libyan dialogue (15 April 2015)
Press conference at start of new round of Libyan dialogue (15 April 2015)
حوار البلديات الليبية من أجل السلام في ليبيا
حوار البلديات الليبية من أجل السلام في ليبيا
حوار البلديات الليبية من أجل السلام في ليبيا
المشاركون في الحوار السياسي الليبي بكل مساراته يشددون على أن الحل السياسي هو الطريق الوحيد لإنهاء الصراع في البلاد. وأحد هذه المسارات هو إجتماع عمداء وممثلي البلديات الليبية الذي عقد في تونس في 29-30 مايو 2015، حيث دعوا الأطراف المعنية الليبية للتوصل إلى إتفاق سريع لتشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية تعيد الإستقرار في البلاد
UNSIML 1st Visit to Misurata
UNSIML 1st Visit to Misurata
UNSIML 1st Visit to Misurata
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is tasked with assisting the Libyan authorities in restoring public security and the rule of law, promot...
First Human Rights Workshop at Tripoli University
First Human Rights Workshop at Tripoli University
First Human Rights Workshop at Tripoli University
In November 2011 UNSMIL ran the first human rights law workshop at Tripoli University since the fall of the Libyan regime. Following the introduction to diff...
المؤتمر الصحفي في ختام الإجتماع الثالث للأحزاب السياسية والنشطاء السياسيين الليبيين
المؤتمر الصحفي في ختام الإجتماع الثالث للأحزاب السياسية والنشطاء السياسيين الليبيين
المؤتمر الصحفي في ختام الإجتماع الثالث للأحزاب السياسية والنشطاء السياسيين الليبيين
المؤتمر الصحفي في ختام الإجتماع الثالث للأحزاب السياسية والنشطاء السياسيين الليبيين في الجزائر في 05 يونيو 2015
Libyan political leaders and activists meetings in Algiers, Algeria
Libyan political leaders and activists meetings in Algiers, Algeria
Libyan political leaders and activists meetings in Algiers, Algeria
This video provides a glimpse of the two meetings of the leaders of Libyan political parties and political activists that took place in Algiers in March and April, in support of the political dialogue process to end Libya's conflict
Libya: Women, Media and Peace
Libya: Women, Media and Peace
Libya: Women, Media and Peace
Marking World Press Freedom Day for Libya, UNESCO Office in partnership with the Women’s Empowerment Section of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), organized a roundtable discussion on Women, Media and Peace. Celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom day, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, David Kaye, took this opportunity to address the interplay between these different issues in the context of conflict.
المرأة والإعلام والسلام
المرأة والإعلام والسلام
المرأة والإعلام والسلام
على الصحفييين الإنتباه من الوقوع في الفخ بحيث يصبحون جزءًا من الصراع وأن يسعوا للإستمرار في العمل بدقة وحيادية. حلقة حوار عقدها مكتب اليونسكو في ليبيا وبعثة الأمم المتحدة للدعم في ليبيا حول المرأة والإعلام والسلام في اليوم العالمي لحرية الصحافة
UN announces new Libya talks
UN announces new Libya talks
UN announces new Libya talks
The UN says it will host a new round of peace talks between Libya's rival factions in Geneva next week.
The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) announced in a statement on Saturday the fresh round of political dialogue would be held at the UN office in the Swiss city.
The agreement was reached after wide and intensive consultations with the parties by Bernardino Leon, UNSMIL's head who is also the UN chief's special representative for Libya, over the past several weeks.
Al Jazeera's Nicole Johnston reports.
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إجتماع مسار حوار النساء الليبيات في تونس العاصمة، تونس، 21-22 نيسان/أبريل 2015
إجتماع مسار حوار النساء الليبيات في تونس العاصمة، تونس، 21-22 نيسان/أبريل 2015
إجتماع مسار حوار النساء الليبيات في تونس العاصمة، تونس، 21-22 نيسان/أبريل 2015
اختتمت ممثلات عن المجموعات النسائية في ليبيا وناشطات ليبيات في مجال المرأة، من خلفيات متنوعة تمثل جميع مناطق ليبيا، اجتماعا استمر يومين في إطار الحوار السياسي الهادف لإنهاء الصراع في البلاد. وقد عقد اجتماع مسار حوار النساء الليبيات، في العاصمة التونسية في 21-22 نيسان/أبريل 2015، بتيسير من بعثة الأمم المتحدة للدعم في ليبيا، وبدعم من الاتحاد الأوروبي.
الجولة الثالثة للحوار الليبي في الجزائر بين ممثلو احزاب سياسية ونشطاء سياسيين
الجولة الثالثة للحوار الليبي في الجزائر بين ممثلو احزاب سياسية ونشطاء سياسيين
الجولة الثالثة للحوار الليبي في الجزائر بين ممثلو احزاب سياسية ونشطاء سياسيين
في إطار الحوار السياسي الليبي الذي تيسره الامم المتحدة التقى ممثلو احزاب سياسية ليبية ونشطاء سياسيين في الجزائر يومي 03 و04 حزيران
SRSG Leon addresses media on progress in the Libyan dialogue
SRSG Leon addresses media on progress in the Libyan dialogue
SRSG Leon addresses media on progress in the Libyan dialogue