The Devonian is a geologic period and system of the Paleozoic Era spanning from the end of the Silurian Period, about 416.0 ± 2.8 Mya (million years ago), to the beginning of the Carboniferous Period, about 359.2 ± 2.5 Mya (ICS, 2004). It is named after Devon, England, where rocks from this period were first studied.
The Devonian period experienced the first significant adaptive radiation of terrestrial life. Since large vertebrate terrestrial herbivores had not yet appeared, free-sporing vascular plants began to spread across dry land, forming extensive forests which covered the continents. By the middle of the Devonian several groups of plants had evolved leaves and true roots, and by the end of the period the first seed-bearing plants appeared. Various terrestrial arthropods also became well-established. Fish reached substantial diversity during this time, leading the Devonian to often be dubbed the "Age of Fish". The first ray-finned and lobe-finned bony fish appeared. The ancestors of all tetrapods, their strong pectoral and pelvic fins gradually evolved into legs (see Tiktaalik) as they became adapted to walking on land. In the oceans, primitive sharks became more numerous than in the Silurian and the late Ordovician. The first ammonite mollusks appeared. Trilobites, the mollusk-like brachiopods and the great coral reefs, were still common. The Late Devonian extinction severely affected marine life.
The Devonian Period.
Top 10 Fish From The Devonian Period
Devonian Time Period
The Late Devonian Extinction
The Devonian Fossil Gorge
Devonian Sea Life
Cloudface - Devonian Garden
Devonian Gardens - Solar Shifting (Official Video)
Devonian forest
"Devonian Blues" by artist Ray Troll
GONTITI - Devonian Boys - Tiny Lips
Autumn's Grey Solace - Devonian Serene
The Devonian Period.
Top 10 Fish From The Devonian Period
Devonian Time Period
The Late Devonian Extinction
The Devonian Fossil Gorge
Devonian Sea Life
Cloudface - Devonian Garden
Devonian Gardens - Solar Shifting (Official Video)
Devonian forest
"Devonian Blues" by artist Ray Troll
GONTITI - Devonian Boys - Tiny Lips
Autumn's Grey Solace - Devonian Serene
GONTITI - Devonian Boys - Silurian Girls
Devonian Period: The Age of Fish
Sneak-a-peek of the new Devonian Gardens
Downtown Calgary - Devonian Gardens & "The Core"
Devonian Fossil Gorge Walking Tour narrated by Jeffrey Miller
Devonian Sun - Falling Off the Edge of the World
D1015 Western Champion - The Devonian - 26-04-14
Deunansek - Devonian
The red wine
In this monastery
Is being treated
In a special way
The divine wine
Of dark red tones
With subtle flavor
Slightly fruity
Slightly meaty
Strict fermentation
With additives
That no one knows
They’re exclusive
Human meat gives the taste
Years in barrels does the rest
Acids of meat in decomposition mixed with wine
Provides a taste that can’t be obtained through normal process
That’s the secret that monks keep so well for their delicious wine
Missing parishioners are usually their ingredients
The divine wine
Of dark red tones
With subtle flavor
Slightly fruity
Slightly meaty
Strict fermentation
With additives
That no one knows
They’re exclusive
Human meat gives the taste
Years in barrels does the rest
Acids of meat in decomposition mixed with wine
Provides a taste that can’t be obtained through normal process
Tengo que partir
Tengo que escaparme de ti
Tengo que olvidar
Y de nuevo comenzar
Porque tu amor es el blanco
Tu amor es el fuego que me esta quemando
Porque tu amor sin pensarlo
Derrama el veneno que me esta matando
Y ahora se que lo que pudo ser
No lo quiero ver no lo quiero tener
Y ahora que decido dejar de perder
Te lo digo y tendras que entender
Tuve tu veneno
Tuve tu amor y tambien tu fuego
Tuve tu veneno
Tuve tu vida y ya no la quiero
Tengo que elegir
Tengo que volver a sentir
Tengo que buscar
Una forma de escapar
Porque tu amor es el blanco
Tu amor es el fuego que me esta quemando
Porque tu amor sin pensarlo
Derrama el veneno que me esta matando
Tuve tu veneno
Tuve tu amor y tambien tu fuego
Tuve tu veneno
Tuve tu vida y ya no la quiero
Fuego que quema, pasion que envenena
Te digo, te digo y te digo otra vez
No es tu veneno el que quiero beber
Yo quiero ser tu veneno,
yo quiero ser tu valor,
locura y tu desenfreno y el mundo a tu alrededor
y si tu coge mi mano y me ayudas a levantarme
chikillo te ofrezco el cielo y puedo hasta enamorarme.
Yo queria darselo todo y el nunca me dejo
tb queria ser su amiga pero el el mio no
y fuimos pasando baches y fuimos soltando excusas
y un dia me canse de tanta rutina
de tanto momentos malos en la vida
Yo quiero ser tu veneno,
yo quiero ser tu valor,
locura y tu desenfreno y el mundo a tu alrededor
y si tu coge mi mano y me ayudas a levantarme
chikillo yo te ofrezco el cielo ay y hasta yo puedo enamorarme lelelele
Por ti, por ti puedo enamorarme otra vez
Por ti, por ti y hasta enloquecere
Si me das solo un pokito, un pokito de cari?ito, estaremos los dos juntos
mas alla
del infinito, del infinto,
mas alla, del infinito del infinito, mas alla...
Me acostumbre a no tenerle
y a el le daba igual
me fui andando para casa con un tono formal
la gente que me miraba la getne que se reia
y yo aqui to jodia esperando el momento
a que fuera cierto nuestro sentiemiento
Yo quiero ser tu veneno,
yo quiero ser tu valor,
locura y tu desenfreno y el mundo a tu alrededor
y si tu coge mi mano y me ayudas a levantarme
chikillo yo te ofrezco el cielo ay y hasta yo puedo enamorarme lelelele
Por ti, por ti puedo enamorarme otra vez
Por ti, por ti y hasta enloquecere
Si me das solo un pokito, un pokito de cari?ito, estaremos los dos juntos
Yo quiero ser tu veneno,
yo quiero ser tu valor,
locura y tu desenfreno y el mundo a tu alrededor
Si me das solo un pokito, un pokito de cari?ito, estaremos los dos juntos
Quiero descansar
quiero descansar uh uh uh
quiero descansar
para ti para mi para todos
yo canto esta cancion
para ti para mi para todos
yo canto de corazon