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Teen dies in freak accident

A talented teenager killed in a freak paddleboarding accident in Whangamata has been named.

'Papa is gone'

The Charlie Hebdo victims were more than national icons to their families.

Moa bones of contention

A Hawera man trying to sell what he says are moa bones has raised the ire of a museum curator.

Biker's beach death rocks town

Motorcyclist found dead on a beach today is believed to be young father of a baby.

Meat burglars nabbed

Police arrest three men in connection with the burglary of 1200 kg of meat from a Nelson butcher.

Stephen Fry's engagement is no big deal

A 30-year gap is no small thing, but famous men attracting younger, attractive mates is hardly breaking news.


Taupo pilot's boss: Great relief

Pilot of plane that crashed into Lake Taupo phoned his boss from a blackberry bush.

Paris terror attack: suspect surrenders

One of the three men being hunted by French police for gunning down 12 people in Paris has given himself up.

87k for bread plant manager

A bread plant manager who claims he was forced to resign when his role became unclear after the earthquakes will pocket $87,300 over the ordeal.

Time to be smart with money

'Tis the season for fresh starts, and unveiling the fabulous new you; happy, healthy, and wealthy.

Skill shortage concern for SMEs

Small business sentiment has improved but a lack of skilled staff is a growing concern, says ANZ's Business Micro Scope survey.

ATMs targetted in 'black box' attack

Security experts warn about emergence of new class of skimming scams aimed at draining ATMs of cash.

Best & worst: People's Choice

It's the show where fans determine winners across movies, music and TV - but we're here to help with the winners and losers on the red carpet.

The healthy foods we'll eat in 2015

Kale's good, but cauliflower's hot: some of the foods grabbing the limelight this year are oldies, but goodies.

Cattle shot with bow and arrow

Farmer calls for police to up patrols in rural areas after three of his cattle were shot with arrows.

Meryl Streep defends Russell Crowe

Meryl Streep has come to Russell Crowe's defence after the actor had come under fire for his remarks about ageing actresses.

Murders mourned by thousands

Thousands of Parisians took to the streets following today's terror attacks. Hayden Gray captured the vigil.

Debate on whether to publish

Cartoons that attract death threats and acts of terrorism are clearly newsworthy, but offensive. Should they be republished?

Top 10 holiday homes in NZ

Back at work but already dreaming of your next summer getaway? Here's some inspiration.

Race to define car of the future

Automakers and Silicon Valley upstarts are trying to define the car of the future but can't agree what that car should be.

Sonny Bill Williams 'class' in the ring

All Blacks star shows quality in the boxing ring, sparring with Commonwealth Games gold medallist.