Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing in a Business Perspective

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence has become a very important activity in the business arena irrespective of the domain due to the fact that managers need to analyze comprehensively in order to face the challenges.

Data sourcing, data analysing, extracting the correct information for a given criteria, assessing the risks and finally supporting the decision making process are the main components of BI.

In a business perspective, core stakeholders need to be well aware of all the above stages and be crystal clear on expectations. The person, who is being assigned with the role of Business Analyst (BA) for the BI initiative either from the BI solution providers’ side or the company itself, needs to take the full responsibility on assuring that all the above steps are correctly being carried out, in a way that it would ultimately give the business the expected leverage. The management, who will be the users of the BI solution, and the business stakeholders, need to communicate with the BA correctly and elaborately on their expectations and help him throughout the process.

Data sourcing is an initial yet crucial step that would have a direct impact on the system where extracting information from multiple sources of data has to be carried out. The data may be on text documents such as memos, reports, email messages, and it may be on the formats such as photographs, images, sounds, and they can be on more computer oriented sources like databases, formatted tables, web pages and URL lists. The key to data sourcing is to obtain the information in electronic form. Therefore, typically scanners, digital cameras, database queries, web searches, computer file access etc, would play significant roles. In a business perspective, emphasis should be placed on the identification of the correct relevant data sources, the granularity of the data to be extracted, possibility of data being extracted from identified sources and the confirmation that only correct and accurate data is extracted and passed on to the data analysis stage of the BI process.
Business oriented stake holders guided by the BA need to put in lot of thought during the analyzing stage as well, which is the second phase. Synthesizing useful knowledge from collections of data should be done in an analytical way using the in-depth business knowledge whilst estimating current trends, integrating and summarizing disparate information, validating models of understanding, and predicting missing information or future trends. This process of data analysis is also called data mining or knowledge discovery. Probability theory, statistical analysis methods, operational research and artificial intelligence are the tools to be used within this stage. It is not expected that business oriented stake holders (including the BA) are experts of all the above theoretical concepts and application methodologies, but they need to be able to guide the relevant resources in order to achieve the ultimate expectations of BI, which they know best.

Identifying relevant criteria, conditions and parameters of report generation is solely based on business requirements, which need to be well communicated by the users and correctly captured by the BA. Ultimately, correct decision support will be facilitated through the BI initiative and it aims to provide warnings on important events, such as takeovers, market changes, and poor staff performance, so that preventative steps could be taken. It seeks to help analyze and make better business decisions, to improve sales or customer satisfaction or staff morale. It presents the information that manager’s need, as and when they need it.

In a business sense, BI should go several steps forward bypassing the mere conventional reporting, which should explain “what has happened?” through baseline metrics. The value addition will be higher if it can produce descriptive metrics, which will explain “why has it happened?” and the value added to the business will be much higher if predictive metrics could be provided to explain “what will happen?” Therefore, when providing a BI solution, it is important to think in these additional value adding lines.

Data warehousing

In the context of BI, data warehousing (DW) is also a critical resource to be implemented to maximize the effectiveness of the BI process. BI and DW are two terminologies that go in line. It has come to a level where a true BI system is ineffective without a powerful DW, in order to understand the reality behind this statement, it’s important to have an insight in to what DW really is.

A data warehouse is one large data store for the business in concern which has integrated, time variant, non volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process. It will mainly have transactional data which would facilitate effective querying, analyzing and report generation, which in turn would give the management the required level of information for the decision making.

The reasons to have BI together with DW

At this point, it should be made clear why a BI tool is more effective with a powerful DW. To query, analyze and generate worthy reports, the systems should have information available. Importantly, transactional information such as sales data, human resources data etc. are available normally in different applications of the enterprise, which would obviously be physically held in different databases. Therefore, data is not at one particular place, hence making it very difficult to generate intelligent information. The level of reports expected today, are not merely independent for each department, but managers today want to analyze data and relationships across the enterprise so that their BI process is effective. Therefore, having data coming from all the sources to one location in the form of a data warehouse is crucial for the success of the BI initiative. In a business viewpoint, this message should be passed and sold to the managements of enterprises so that they understand the value of the investment. Once invested, its gains could be achieved over several years, in turn marking a high ROI.

Investment costs for a DW in the short term may look quite high, but it’s important to re-iterate that the gains are much higher and it will span over many years to come. It also reduces future development cost since with the DW any requested report or view could be easily facilitated. However, it is important to find the right business sponsor for the project. He or she needs to communicate regularly with executives to ensure that they understand the value of what’s being built. Business sponsors need to be decisive, take an enterprise-wide perspective and have the authority to enforce their decisions.


Implementation of a DW itself overlaps with some phases of the above explained BI process and it’s important to note that in a process standpoint, DW falls in to the first few phases of the entire BI initiative. Gaining highly valuable information out of DW is the latter part of the BI process. This can be done in many ways. DW can be used as the data repository of application servers that run decision support systems, management Information Systems, Expert systems etc., through them, intelligent information could be achieved. But one of the latest strategies is to build cubes out of the DW and allow users to analyze data in multiple dimensions, and also provide with powerful analytical supporting such as drill down information in to granular levels. Cube is a concept that is different to the traditional relational 2-dimensional tabular view, and it has multiple dimensions, allowing a manager to analyze data based on multiple factors, and not just two factors. On the other hand, it allows the user to select whatever the dimension he wish to choose for analyzing purposes and not be limited by one fixed view of data, which is called as slice & dice in DW terminology.

BI for a serious enterprise is not just a phase of a computerization process, but it is one of the major strategies behind the entire organizational drivers. Therefore management should sit down and build up a BI strategy for the company and identify the information they require in each business direction within the enterprise. Given this, BA needs to analyze the organizational data sources in order to build up the most effective DW which would help the strategized BI process.

High level Ideas on Implementation

At the heart of the data warehousing process is the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process. Implementation of this merely is a technical concern but it’s a business concern to make sure it is designed in such a way that it ultimately helps to satisfy the business requirements. This process is responsible for connecting to and extracting data from one or more transactional systems (source systems), transforming it according to the business rules defined through the business objectives, and loading it into the all important data model. It is at this point where data quality should be gained. Of the many responsibilities of the data warehouse, the ETL process represents a significant portion of all the moving parts of the warehousing process.

Creation of a powerful DW depends on the correctness of data modeling, which is the responsibility of the database architect of the project, but BA needs to play a pivotal role providing him with correct data sources, data requirements and most importantly business dimensions. Business Dimensional modeling is a special method used for DW projects and this normally should be carried out by the BA and from there onwards technical experts should take up the work. Dimensions are perspectives specific to a business that could be used for analysis purposes. As an example, for a sales database, the dimensions could include Product, Time, Store, etc. Obviously these dimensions differ from one business to another and hence for each DW initiative those dimensions should be correctly identified and that could be very well done by a person who has experience in the DW domain and understands the business as well, making it apparent that DW BA is the person responsible.

Each of the identified dimensions would be turned in to a dimension table at the implementation phase, and the objective of the above explained ETL process is to fill up these dimension tables, which in turn will be taken to the level of the DW after performing some more database activities based on a strong underlying data model. Implementation details are not important for a business stakeholder but being aware of high level process to this level is important so that they are also on the same pitch as that of the developers and can confirm that developers are actually doing what they are supposed to do and would ultimately deliver what they are supposed to deliver.

Security is also vital in this regard, since this entire effort deals with highly sensitive information and identification of access right to specific people to specific information should be correctly identified and captured at the requirements analysis stage.


There are so many advantages of BI system. More presentation of analytics directly to the customer or supply chain partner will be possible. Customer scores, customer campaigns and new product bundles can all be produced from analytic structures resulting in high customer retention and creation of unique products. More collaboration within information can be achieved from effective BI. Rather than middle managers getting great reports and making their own areas look good, information will be conveyed into other functions and rapidly shared to create collaborative decisions increasing the efficiency and accuracy. The return on human capital will be greatly increased.

Managers at all levels will save their time on data analysis, and hence saving money for the enterprise, as the time of managers is equal to money in a financial perspective. Since powerful BI would enable monitoring internal processes of the enterprises more closely and allow making them more efficient, the overall success of the organization would automatically grow. All these would help to derive a high ROI on BI together with a strong DW. It is a common experience to notice very high ROI figures on such implementations, and it is also important to note that there are many non-measurable gains whilst we consider most of the measurable gains for the ROI calculation. However, at a stage where it is intended to take the management buy-in for the BI initiative, it’s important to convert all the non measurable gains in to monitory values as much as possible, for example, saving of managers time can be converted in to a monitory value using his compensation.

The Importance of Business Intelligence For Identity Protection

Identity protection is extremely important, simply for the fact that there have been thousands of victims of identity theft all over the world already. And if you operate a business online, then you really need to consider what tools to use to implement business intelligence for identity protection. Business intelligence may be considered quite a new field in the business world, but this does not mean that it has not held fair ground all on its own by now. In fact, there are so many software applications and programs that can attest to the usefulness of business intelligence in the arena of identity protection.

Several companies have already joined the quest in developing business intelligence tools for identity protection. These companies are considered the leading providers in the arena of intelligent infrastructure services for both telecommunication and Internet networks. And with the many companies developing these tools, you can be sure to find the perfect tool that will protect both your business and your customers for all sorts of online transactions that you will be conducting in the future.

The key here is to go with software that has the features and specs that would support the nature of your business’s operations. It would not do you any good to go with software that does not give you the features that you need. Moreover, you should go with software that allows you to customize its settings, to fit the needs of your business even better. Thus, it is important to do a little research, comparison, and contrasting to arrive at a much informed decision.

The great thing about these software applications today is that most, if not all, are supported by the lot of online companies, even the ones that are considered leading in the industry! These companies that support these business intelligence tools in the market include Yahoo!, eBay, and PayPal. The support of these companies is extremely vital, considering these are huge names in the arena of online business! And another great thing about this is that even the companies and manufacturers of the latest gadgets and gizmos are taking it upon themselves to carry out their own business intelligence tools for the protection of their customers, identities as well!

For the most part, these business intelligence tools would share more or less the same features. One relevant advantage to this is that all tools actually make it easier and simpler for their customers to use the technology they develop. No matter how they get the point across, the important thing is that stronger authentication would be carried out, particularly when doing online transactions with financial institutions and eCommerce websites.

The features commonly offered by these business intelligence tools for identity protection would included shared authentication network tools, multi-factor authentication tools, fraud detection tools, and fraud intelligence network tools. These are the basic features offered by business intelligence for identity protection these days. But with the fast pace that technology finds itself at these days, there will certainly be more and more features added to the existing sets in the market.

Business Intelligence Interview Questions

Business intelligence (BI) is an integral part of any business or enterprise. A series of applications are used to gather, store and analyze important data that can then be accessed and used to make important decisions. An individual looking to go into the field of business intelligence needs to be well organized and have excellent communications skills. Interviewing for a BI position might be more like an exam than anything else. Business intelligence interview questions are far more technical and require that the candidate be well versed in the industry terminology and have a great understanding of the standard applications used.

Technical Business Intelligence Questions and Answers
Many questions asked during the interview will test the applicant’s knowledge of the field and their ability to use business intelligence software and other related applications.

Q: Could you please explain the concept of business intelligence?

A: Business intelligence is the management and collection of data that is used to help a business in the decision making process. The gathered data can also be used to predict the outcome of various business operations. There are a few key steps in business intelligence, which include: the gathering of data, analysis of that data, a review of the situation, risk evaluation and then using all of this information to make the best decision for the business. This data and analysis can be used to make financial and sales decisions, and also help a company gain an edge over its competitors.

Q: What are some of the standard tools used in business intelligence?

A: Some of the standard business intelligence tools are:

- BusinessObjects
– Crystal Reports
– Micro Strategy
– Microsoft OLAP
– Qlik View

Note: Make sure that the most frequently used solutions are mentioned, as well as new and successful programs. This will demonstrate your interest in the field and knowledge of trends. Both are very important.

Q: Describe what Online Analytical Processing is.

A: Online analytical processing, or OLAP, is a versatile tool that analyzes data stored within a multidimensional database. It allows the user to isolate pieces of information and view them from many different perspectives. For example: Sales of a particular product in April can be compared to the sales of the same product in September. On the other hand, sales of a particular product can also be compared to other products sold in the area. OLAP software programs can also be used for data mining purposes.

Q: Please explain what a universe is in business intelligence.

A: A universe is terminology used in the BusinessObjects application. It is actually the semantic layer between the end user and the data warehouse. A universe masks the complex, traditional database structure and replaces it with familiar business terminology. This makes it easier for the end user to understand and use.

Q: What is an aggregate table?

A: Aggregate tables summarize information gathered from existing warehouse data. An example could be yearly or monthly sales information. These aggregate tables are typically used to reduce query time, as the actual table is likely to have millions of records. Rather than retrieving the information from the actual table, it is taken from the aggregate table, which is much smaller. Retrieving that information directly would take quite a bit of time and would also put a huge strain on the server.

Q: Please explain what business intelligence dashboards are.

A: A business intelligence dashboard is, more or less, a reporting tool that tells a business how its performing at a particular point in time. It consolidates important pieces of information and creates a visual display so that a user can see whether or not the company is in good shape. A dashboard’s interface is usually customizable and can pull real-time data.

Behavioral BI Questions

Aside from technical questions, the applicant will likely be asked about how they perform certain tasks and what they would do in certain situations. These are much like the typical behavioral questions asked during an interview, but are still geared towards the business intelligence field. These can be questions about data, analytics or reporting methods. Below are some potential questions and tips on how to answer them.

Q: How much experience do you have with dashboards, reporting tools and scorecards?

A: Be as thorough as possible and completely honest. If you have any experience at all in this field, there is a good chance you are pretty familiar with each of these tools. Tell the employer how long you have been working with these tools and how often you used them (i.e. daily or weekly).

Q: What is your method of analyzing data? Please provide some examples.

A: The interviewer is looking to find out how you approach data analysis via examples of what you have done in the past. Try to choose instances where you took a different approach or pinpointed something that was previously overlooked.

Q: What is the most important report you have created? Was this report easily understood by others? Were they able to grasp the implications of that data?

A: The employer wants to know if you are capable of turning complicated, complex data into a report that is easily understood by others in the company. You may be able to create compelling reports, but if the person who receives the report cannot comprehend the implications of your data, all of your hard work will mean nothing. Again, be thorough with your answer and give as much detail about the report as possible.

Depending on what position you have applied for, the questions may vary. Jot down some questions to ask during an interview before the meeting, as you will have an opportunity to ask some of your own towards the end. Business intelligence interview questions may be a bit more in-depth and technical in nature, but they are important in determining which candidates are truly knowledgeable in the area and able to provide the enterprise with the support it needs. Try not to be intimidated by the wording of the questions and focus on the core of what is being asked.

Business Intelligence – A Necessity For Growth

Companies of any size and dedication need to know every aspect of their performance at any time. Information obtained from diverse sources must be the truth for all companies.

When any organization grows in sales, in revenues, in production or in investments, the necessity of accurate, opportune and bullet-proof information grows too. This situation become vital for all organization decision-makers and virtually any employee is a decision-maker or a decision-influencer.

Every company needs to address some particular situations like:

  • The truth about shown information. All shared or distributed information must be unique, no matter who produce this.
  • Focus on organization goals. All efforts and resources must be directed in order to achieve the proposed goals on time and on budget.
  • All information must be easily located. It is important locate and compare historic with current values and obtain all values in the same and easy way.

The main goal of any BI implementation is dramatically improve the quality of organizations’ decision-making processes.

The core of systems that serves the driving activities for every organization is naturally transactional: the main objective for this kind of systems is to record every important event like sales, inventory or production. But its transactional nature lacks of analysis capabilities, because the stored data has no meaning without I.T. Unit intervention and this data is organized for transactional systems’ performance satisfaction, not for final user questions’ answers.

Then, Business Intelligence implementation act like a sort of crunching translator, putting operational data in front of final users with a definite meaning, easily recognizable across all organization or business unit. This aspect is critical: a business intelligence implementation must answer the most important questions from business users in the form of key performance indicators.