
ROFL(Quad)copter shirt avail NOW! at http://CTFxCmerch.com
Free Netflix for the CTFxC htt...
published: 02 Feb 2014
ROFL(Quad)copter shirt avail NOW! at http://CTFxCmerch.com Free Netflix for the CTFxC http://Netflix.com/CTFxC Tour Dates http://wethekingsmusic.com/tour Twitter Charles - http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippy Alli - http://twitter.com/AlliTrippy Subscribe To Our Other Channels: http://youtube.com/CharlesTrippy http://youtube.com/Alli http://youtube.com/Trippy Free month trial for CTFxCers on Netflix: http://netflix.com/ctfxc Also, thanks to Gamefly for hooking the CTFxC w/ a trial too: http://gamefly.com/ctfxc *Facebook: http://facebook.com/InternetKilledTV http://facebook.com/CharlesTrippy Instagram: http://instagram.com/CharlesTrippy http://instagram.com/AlliTrippy Google+: http://gplus.to/charlestrippy Tumblr: http://charlestrippy.tumblr.com This video is for entertainment purposes only. We don't condone anyone attempting the activities shown.- published: 02 Feb 2014
- views: 283559

CIGAR AND COGNAC REVIEW--Cohiba Paired With Remy Martin 1738 Cognac
The most renown name in the cigar world paired with one of the best Cognacs on the market,...
published: 07 Oct 2012
author: PuroMaduroChannel
CIGAR AND COGNAC REVIEW--Cohiba Paired With Remy Martin 1738 Cognac
CIGAR AND COGNAC REVIEW--Cohiba Paired With Remy Martin 1738 Cognac
The most renown name in the cigar world paired with one of the best Cognacs on the market, Remy Martin 1738 Cognac. The sweetness of the Cognac balances well...- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 3259
- author: PuroMaduroChannel

JS Bach on 1738 Mueller Organ in St Bavo Church at Haarlem
published: 04 May 2013
author: TheGravicembalo
JS Bach on 1738 Mueller Organ in St Bavo Church at Haarlem
JS Bach on 1738 Mueller Organ in St Bavo Church at Haarlem
http://www.allmusic.com/album/bach-at-haarlem-mw0002520293/credits.- published: 04 May 2013
- views: 1370
- author: TheGravicembalo

George Fr Handel - Harp Concerto HWV 294 (1738)
George Frideric Handel (German: Georg Friedrich Händel; 23 February 1685 -- 14 April 1759)...
published: 17 Aug 2014
George Fr Handel - Harp Concerto HWV 294 (1738)
George Fr Handel - Harp Concerto HWV 294 (1738)
George Frideric Handel (German: Georg Friedrich Händel; 23 February 1685 -- 14 April 1759) was a German-born Baroque composer famous for his operas, oratorios, anthems and organ concertos. Harp Concerto in B flat major, Op.4, No. 6, HWV 294 (1738) 1. Andante allegro 2. Larghetto 3. Allegro moderato Nicanor Zabaleta, harp Chamber Orchestra of Paul Kuentz conducted by Paul Kuentz Description by Blair Johnston On February 19, 1736, King's Theater in London played host to a remarkable gala musical event, of the likes of which modern Baroque aficionados can only dream. No fewer than four of George Frideric Handel's best-known full-scale concert pieces were first heard on that blustery winter evening: an Ode for St. Cecilia's Day for soloists, chorus and orchestra (HWV 75), served as the massive centerpiece around which were performed the "Alexander's Feast" Concerto grosso (HWV 318), the Organ Concerto in G minor, Op. 4, No. 1, and, perhaps most strikingly, a thing rather remarkable for its time: a concerto for harp and orchestra in B flat major (HWV 294, later printed as the sixth and last piece of the collection of concertos called Opus 4 that publisher John Walsh released in 1738). In the Opus 4 publication, this Harp Concerto was issued as a work for organ and orchestra (making it congruous with the other five works in the volume), and it is on this instrument that the work is most often played today. But a quick glance at the pared-down orchestra parts and streamlined textures -- the violins are muted, bass parts played pizzicato, and the wind family is represented by two lone flutes -- reveals immediately that it was originally conceived of for the quieter and gentler harp. The piece is cast in three movements, more or less following the then-emerging modern concerto fast-slow-fast ordering. As with many of the organ concertos, the orchestra is entirely subordinate to the soloist in Op. 4, No. 6. In the first movement, for instance, 46 of the 66 measures are the exclusive province of the harp; the tutti appears just four times (double that counting the repeats) -- at the movement's opening and close, and to lend strength to two major internal cadences. However, unlike the organ concertos, whose keyboard parts were played by the very skilled Handel himself, the Harp Concerto features little in the way of virtuosic flair. Certainly there are running sixteenth notes galore in the first movement, but these are almost always built around repetitive Alberti bass-like figures that fall easily to the hand, not the kind of flash-and-dazzle workout that is found in, say, the Op. 7, No. 2 concerto in A major. The transparent opening movement, with its main theme built of seven broken-up, individual gestures, gives way to the thicker, more integrated melody of the G minor Larghetto. Throughout the movement, the tutti is consumed with pondering repeated dotted figures while, each time it is given a chance, the harp/organ breaks out with improvisatory musings of a far more flexible nature. Wholy dance-like is the concluding Allegro moderato, with its bouncing 3/8 meter and 1 + 2 metric grouping. Editor: Friedrich Chrysander (1826–1901) Publisher Info.: Georg Friedrich Händels Werke. Band 28. Leipzig: Deutsche Händelgesellschaft, 1868. Plate H.W. 28. Copyright: Public Domain- published: 17 Aug 2014
- views: 67

G.Ph. Telemann: Kapitänsmusik-Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden Schlagen TWV 15:11b [1738]
Georg Philipp Telemann 1681-1767
"Kapitänsmusik" - "Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden ...
published: 20 Apr 2014
G.Ph. Telemann: Kapitänsmusik-Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden Schlagen TWV 15:11b [1738]
G.Ph. Telemann: Kapitänsmusik-Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden Schlagen TWV 15:11b [1738]
Georg Philipp Telemann 1681-1767 "Kapitänsmusik" - "Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden Schlagen" Serenata for Chorus, 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, Bassoon, 2 Horns, Strings and Continuo TWV 15:11b [1738]: 1. Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden Schlägen 2. So recht, ihr unerschrocknen Söhne 3. Ein heller Strahl aus den entwichnen Zeiten 4. Da capo. Es locket die Trommel mit wirbelnden Schlägen 5. O weh! 6. Schäfer, stellt die Freuden ein 7. Was fur ein Angstschrei? 8. Verberget den Vorrat 9. Verzagte, seht, ich bins, der euch bewacht 10. Ihr suchet euer ganzes Glück in meinem Schutz 11. Des Friedens Zuspruch? 12. Dein Heldenmut sucht stets durch Blut 13. Nein, stelle deinen Kummer ein 14. Der Adler führt die Legionen 15. Wohlan, so geh 16. Auf, rühret die Tommel 17. Ja ja, dies soll doch wohl geschehen 18. Ja, es muss dein Fall erscheinen 19. Schweig, wahnwitzvoller Neid 20. Ihr Deutschen, auf! 21. Die Tapferkeit begeistert Herz 22. Ergreifet den Degen 23. Und du, Hammonia, hör hier des Schicksals Willen 24. Deutschlands Ruhm soll ewig stehen 25. Schließet die Kette der Einigkeit feste Veronika Winter [soprano] Cornelia Samuelis [soprano] Jan Kobow [tenor] Immo Schröder [tenor] Ekkehard Abele [bass] Gregor Finke [bass] Rheinische Kantorei Das Kleine Konzert Hermann Max [conductor]- published: 20 Apr 2014
- views: 404

Jaquet Droz Swiss Watches since 1738
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: bestdestination
Jaquet Droz Swiss Watches since 1738

La protection des journalistes cinq ans après la résolution 1738
Cinq ans et demi après l'adoption, par la Conseil de sécurité, de la résolution 1738 sur l...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: franceonutv
La protection des journalistes cinq ans après la résolution 1738
La protection des journalistes cinq ans après la résolution 1738
Cinq ans et demi après l'adoption, par la Conseil de sécurité, de la résolution 1738 sur la protection des journalistes dans les conflits armés, le sujet res...- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 395
- author: franceonutv

William Herschel (1738-1822) - Sinfonía para cuerdas nº 8 en Do menor
William Herschel (1738-1822) Sinfonía nº 8 en Do menor I - Allegro assai 0:07 II - [Andant...
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: Le Monde Baroque
William Herschel (1738-1822) - Sinfonía para cuerdas nº 8 en Do menor
William Herschel (1738-1822) - Sinfonía para cuerdas nº 8 en Do menor
William Herschel (1738-1822) Sinfonía nº 8 en Do menor I - Allegro assai 0:07 II - [Andante] 4:46 III - Presto assai 7:07 London Mozart Players. Matthias Bam...- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 12998
- author: Le Monde Baroque

OC ReMix #1738: Sonic 3D Blast 'Day & Night' [Rusty Ruin Zone: Act 1] by Blue Magic
DOWNLOAD IT FREE at OC ReMix! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01738/ ReMixer: Blue Magic FREE ...
published: 09 Jun 2009
author: ocremix
OC ReMix #1738: Sonic 3D Blast 'Day & Night' [Rusty Ruin Zone: Act 1] by Blue Magic
OC ReMix #1738: Sonic 3D Blast 'Day & Night' [Rusty Ruin Zone: Act 1] by Blue Magic
DOWNLOAD IT FREE at OC ReMix! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01738/ ReMixer: Blue Magic FREE at http://ocremix.org • SHIRTS & HOODIES! http://ocremix.org/store/...- published: 09 Jun 2009
- author: ocremix

J. M. Hotteterre: Op. 10 / Méthode pour la Musette contenant [...] préludes (1738) / B. Kuijken
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: PerleBarocche
J. M. Hotteterre: Op. 10 / Méthode pour la Musette contenant [...] préludes (1738) / B. Kuijken
J. M. Hotteterre: Op. 10 / Méthode pour la Musette contenant [...] préludes (1738) / B. Kuijken
- views: 3432
- author: PerleBarocche
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