Gnosticism (from gnostikos, "learned", from Greek: γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern scholarly term for a set of religious beliefs and spiritual practices found among some of the early Christian groups called "gnostic" ("learned") by Irenaeus and other early Christian heresiologists. The term also has reference to parallels and possible pre-Christian influences of the Christian gnostics.
Gnosticism was primarily defined in Christian context, or as "the acute Hellenization of Christianity" per Adolf von Harnack (1885), until Moritz Friedländer (1898) advocated Hellenistic Jewish origins, and Wilhelm Bousset (1907) advocated Persian origins. Consequent discussions of Christian Gnosticism included pre-Christian religious beliefs and spiritual practices argued to be common to early Christianity, Hellenistic Judaism, Greco-Roman mystery religions, Zoroastrianism (especially Zurvanism), and Neoplatonism. The base of discussion of gnosticism changed radically with the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library, and led to revision of older assumptions, and a reorientation of modern scholarship following the 1966 conference on gnosticism in Messina.
Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was an American philosopher, psychonaut, researcher, teacher, lecturer and writer on many subjects, such as human consciousness, language, psychedelic drugs, the evolution of civilizations, the origin and end of the universe, alchemy, and extraterrestrial beings.
Terence McKenna grew up in Paonia, Colorado. He was introduced to geology through his uncle and developed a hobby of solitary fossil hunting in the arroyos near his home. From this he developed a deep artistic and scientific appreciation of nature.
At age 16, McKenna moved to Los Altos, California to live with family friends for a year. He finished high school in Lancaster, CA. In 1963, McKenna was introduced to the literary world of psychedelics through The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley and certain issues of The Village Voice that talked about psychedelics.
McKenna claimed that one of his early psychedelic experiences with morning glory seeds showed him "that there was something there worth pursuing." In an audio interview Terence Mckenna claims to have started smoking cannabis regularly during the summer following his 17th birthday.
Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden (Gnostic Teachings)
Gnosis - The Gnostic Gospels | Documentary [Full Episode]
Gnostics 1/4 - Knowledge of the Heart
Myths of Mankind - The Gnostic Origins of Christianity
Gnosis The Gnostic Gospels Documentary
True Religion: Gnosis & Spiritual Alchemy
Archons ↠ The Gnostic Theory of Alien Control
Brother Panic: Speaks on The Science Of Gnostic Thought- Part 1 & 2
01 Introduction to Gnosis
The Gnostic Truth - "The Sacred Secret" (ep1)
The Reality of the Archons: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
Sophia and the Demiurge: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
"Gnosticism," Baby-eating, and Some Other Gnostic Myths
Gnostic Revelations: The Secret History - Pt. 1 of 4 - Bobby Hemmitt
Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden (Gnostic Teachings)
Gnosis - The Gnostic Gospels | Documentary [Full Episode]
Gnostics 1/4 - Knowledge of the Heart
Myths of Mankind - The Gnostic Origins of Christianity
Gnosis The Gnostic Gospels Documentary
True Religion: Gnosis & Spiritual Alchemy
Archons ↠ The Gnostic Theory of Alien Control
Brother Panic: Speaks on The Science Of Gnostic Thought- Part 1 & 2
01 Introduction to Gnosis
The Gnostic Truth - "The Sacred Secret" (ep1)
The Reality of the Archons: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
Sophia and the Demiurge: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
"Gnosticism," Baby-eating, and Some Other Gnostic Myths
Gnostic Revelations: The Secret History - Pt. 1 of 4 - Bobby Hemmitt
Ralph Ellis on Jesus & Shocking Revelations - Gnostic Warrior #14
Jung and the Wisdom of the Gnostic Gospels - Hoeller, Stephan
Terence McKenna - The Gnostic Astronaut - June 1984
Early Christianity was "Gnostic" - Complementing a long Spiritual Tradition
Gnosis - Gnostic Origins of Christianity | Documentary [Full Episode]
Only 66 books in the Bible -- why the Apocrypha and Gnostic Gospels weren't included
~Gnostic Archon Parasite~ Removal And Prevention ~
The True Message of the Gospel of Thomas: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus Christ: Thomas, Philip et al. - Dr. Stephan Hoeller
Can you plan for life's composition
Anatomy of everything-stream of consciousness
Interworking of the mind set in motion
A lack of attention, paid to detail
Proving theories - so much harder with a living subject
Drawing conclusions, a lapse in judgement
Purest form, except nothing less
Technical in it's simplicity
Break it down, can't you see
So much harder when you are the living subject
Drawing conclusions
We did not invent the wheel,
We just keep it spinning
Like a thirteen story jump
From a twelve story building
All who had come before, some became
Architects of failure, others made success look easy
But you know it isn't
All I know is every lab rat has its day
Even though it lives its life the same as the others that way
pass away
Here we are, engineering
Plowed under make way for change
Everywhere it's all the same
Scrape the land clean
So nothing remains unchanged
Years from now come back around
Where the childhood stilts were found
Old becomes new and still we're bound
Still frames inside my mind
The only thing's that left behind
Is this broke-ass infrastructure
Splinters of change
Sink in deep
IN the name of progress
From right here this progress
is minimal at best
Splinters of change
skin in deeper, deeper
This world's plowed under
As now the river flows into the sewer
Mustn't draw in
So fond, I'm
So fond, I covet her
On her pedestal
Blind by her
I couldn't see this coming
Not by my best friend
Knife in your back
Don't want your jealousy
Act like nothing is wrong
But I'll tell you right now
I should've never
Chopped you up and buried you under my floor
Betray, heartbeat
Dismembered, In pieces
A burden, I should never have taken on
Should have never chopped you up
And buried you under my floor
Can you live with what you've done
Force fed, lifetime*
View me, like this
Next on your list
What have you missed
Beaten, again
Your life is suffering
Between the living moments
Life, there are no answers
Suffering, pinned down
By these coffin nails
How does it feel*
To know you can try like you always will
Can't stop me from falling up this hill
Say what you say
But what in your life has made you this way
I won't run or walk away
The worlds you spit can be taken away
It's over, that's all you can tell yourself
You can't break or bend the way I feel
And you know, you ain't shit
Always the same, you just sit right there
These things that you say, I can't remain
The strength in your numbers makes me laugh
And it always
What makes a man push those,
Buttons that signal the end of call
Intent to kill
Intent to destroy
Inside you die
Gather enough hate
Not to question why
Focus, find the will
Rifled sight
Gunshot eyes
Nervous wreck
Forced to Kill
Ignoring Hell
Alive or dead
Intent to kill
All are dressed for battle
The art of war
Found your home
Will not come back
This pine box fits you
Sleeping ground
Desperation, runs rampid
Kill or be killed
Escaping judgement
At least for now
Foxhole love
Filled with blood
Know fear here
Know your enemy
Intent will not come back
Smell of death is in the air
As they lie in the trench
You can feast your eyes
If you don't lose your legs
If you hit a mine on this lucky road
Bullets in your flesh
Napalm, spells like burning flesh
What has happened, I can't hear
If your number's up you could just
Mustn't draw in
So fond, I'm
So fond, I covet her
On her pedestal
Blind by her
I couldn't see this coming
Not by my best friend
Knife in your back
Don't want your jealousy
Act like nothing is wrong
But I'll tell you right now
I should've never
Chopped you up and buried you under my floor
Betray, heartbeat
Dismembered, In pieces
A burden, I should never have taken on
Should have never chopped you up
And buried you under my floor
Can you live with what you've done
Guilt-ridden, buried under my floor
Come get some*
Check the door, secure the latch
Something is about to hatch beneath
This dead skin,
That's where the bleeding begins
With all that's been done to me
With the blind leading the blind
Hard to walk the line
Mindlock, mindlock your head is
Unscrewed and your mind is locked
After all I have bared,
Nothing is shared,
Owe you nothing, life's not fair
thoughts better left alone, who cares
Now life's fucking you back
Almost felt bad for this
Time's short you can't bleed me,
time to realize!
Mindlock, mindlock
Now your head is screwed and your mind is locked
Under the weight of the clown
We're all dead weight
Under nefarious rule
It's too late
Under the weight of the world
Dimensions of hate
Isolation, perception, isolation
Four-walled world
Two-faced lie
Forcing down
Your mind's
Split decision
Under the weight of the world
We're all dead weight
Under nefarious rule
It's too late
Under the weight of the world
Evil wishes, unjust ambitions*
Bell beckons you to your knees
Holy kingdom, corrupt intentions
Hypocrites don't hear your pleas
Different forms of religion
Blood spills, who's right, who's wrong?
Country's wrecked, now send a check
Enough belief to wage a war
Mistaken, salvation,
If I nail your ass right to the cross
To your knees, you fall to the east
Fucked if your soul can't get away
Blood, stains.
Win the spiritual lottery
If you die and I don't, will I be saved?
Hidden behind, this wall of lies
Who will save you in your time of need
as you hide behind
a grave for belief is not shallow
as your blood runs down this wall of lies
Take your own life, as other lives
Explode, and they run down this wall of lies
Who will
Save you
In your time of need
As you hide behind
A grave for belief is not shallow