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Holodomor English
Top 10 Worst Events In Human History #2: The Holodomor
Jewish responses to the Holodomor
Russian famine of 1921, the other Famine the Holodomor Propagandists try to conceal
The Holodomor - Part 1
Holodomor: o que você ainda não viu (Parte I)
Holodomor Ukraine 1933 (the real holocaust)
Holodomor - Mass Murder by Hunger
"Holodomor Unknown Genocide" Ukraine 1932-33
EL HOLODOMOR UCRANIANO EN HISTORIAS, 13 de septiembre de 2013.
Documental Holodomor, el genocidio por hambruna impuesto por los judíos bolcheviques
Holodomor survivor
This is a documentary production by Radio Quebec back in 1983 that discusses the forced Famine Genocide in Ukraine by Stalin and his henchmen - ie: his gener...
This is a documentary that is about the worst genocide to every happen in Earth's history. It was the brainchild of Joseph Stalin for the prevention of losin...
Ukraine 1932/33 Holodomor war der schlimmste Genozid, der jemals in der Menschheitsgeschichte stattfand. In nur 17 Monaten starben 11 Mio. Menschen einen qua...
Documental sobre el HOLODOMOR en Ucrania, canal 7 ARGENTINA,
Yes, what happened to the Jews was awful. But did you know that Russia attempted to murder an entire country? In the end, they murdered between 7 and 10 mill...
Documentário inédito em português, sobre um dos maiores processos de falsificação da história. Documentário surpreendente que traz a verdade sobre o chamado ...
The killing of 10 million Christians by the Jewish Bolsheviks under Joseph Stalin 1932-1933 in Ukraine. These events are also known as Holodomor. This video ...
This video depicts the horrors of the Ukrainian Famine of the 1930's that was deliberately orchestrated by Joseph Stalin in order to eliminate a vast majorit...
Producer/Director - Ariadna Ochrymovych 416-769-0575 - Cinematography/Editing - Markian Radomskiy 416-520-4434 - Script Ar...
La muerte por inanición de casi 10 millones de personas ha sido negada por el estado soviético hasta el presente. Sin embargo los pocos sobrevivientes de la ... R. Bružo filme pasakojama apie Didįjį badą, vadinamą „Holodomoru", kuris Ukrainoje 1932 - 1933 metais nusinešė apie 7 milijonus gyvybių.
Vejam a verdadeira face do comunismo, comandados por seu líder soviético Josef Stalin, os comunistas exterminaram 7 milhões de vidas somente na Ucrânia, dent...
HOLODOMOR en WIKIPEDIA Holodomor o Golodomor (en ucraniano: Голодомор, "matar de hambre"), también llamado Genocidio u...
THE HOLODOMOR THE NAMELESS HOLOCAUST THE UNDISPUTED TRUTH This is Part one of many parts to come of the new emerging movement to be known as the UNDISPUTED T...
génocide ou pas? Il ya polémique. Pourquoi Israel ne reconnait ce crime comme génocide? Lazare Kaganovich l'organisateur zélé de Staline était-il issu du "pe...
A Film by Dmitri Kralik.
My thoughts on the Holodomor and why I think its a complete joke and a fraud that should be brought under scrutiny. key points to gather from this: -the USSR...
All'inizio degli anni '30 Stalin trasforma l'Ucraina in un lager a cielo aperto. Tutte le derrate alimentari vengono requisite, l'NKVD, la polizia comunista,...
La grande fame nel "granaio d'Europa". 1932-33 Promo dell'omonimo film documentario Per contribuire:
In soviet union A despair cause Fight for food Total cannibalism Ukraine didn't know what to do Despair! People would die or eat themselves Holodomor! The greed and madness Drove them insane Fight for nothing, yet fight for all! Ukraine didn't know what to do Despair! People would die or eat themselves Holodomor! Ukraine didn't know what to do Despair! People would die or eat themselves Holodomor!
R. Bružo filme pasakojama apie Didįjį badą, vadinamą „Holodomoru", kuris Ukrainoje 1932 - 1933 metais nusinešė apie 7 milijonus gyvybių.
La Cérémonie du Dépôt de gerbes sur la tombe du Soldat Inconnu sous l'Arc de Triomphe, en hommage aux millions d'Ukrainiens victimes de la famine 1932-1933, le dimanche 23 novembre 2014, en présence de personnalités religieuses, diplomatiques et civiles. Les Hymnes Ukrainien et Français sont exécutés par le Chœur Ukrainien St Volodymyr Le Grand de Paris. Cortège silencieux en direction de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. La Divine Liturgie en Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris est chantée par le Chœur Ukrainien St Volodymyr Le Grand de Paris, suivie d'un Office œcuménique pour les défunts, à la mémoire des millions de victimes de cette tragédie, avec la participation de Monseigneur Johan DEREWIENKA, Evêque de l'Eglise ukrainienne orthodoxe autocéphale, et en présence de Son Excellence Monsieur Oleg SHAMSHOUR, Ambassadeur d'Ukraine en France.
The Holodomor was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed up to 7.5 million Ukrainians. During the famine, ...
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination"; derived from 'морити голодом', "to kill by starvation" ) was a fami...
video of CD joan cerezo Holodomor 1932 - 1933.
Ukraine, now home to military and political conflict, was once known as the "Breadbasket of the Soviet Union.” But just over 80 years ago, its economy suffered a profound crisis, not because of catastrophic weather or financial collapse, but because of the efforts of Joseph Stalin and his Communist regime’s effort to eliminate Ukraine’s independent farmers in order to collectivize the agricultural process. It is estimated to have resulted in the death, through murder and forced starvation, of almost 7 million Ukrainians in the 1930s. This became known as the Holodomor, meaning "death by hunger" in the Ukrainian language, and it is recognized as a genocide by more than a dozen countries, including the United States. Through her art exhibit, “Holodomor Through the Eyes of a Child: The Famine Remembered,” Luba Markewycz aims to shed light on this largely unknown chapter of Ukrainian history and expose the tyranny and inhumanity of Stalin’s Communist regime. The exhibit is composed of artwork created by contemporary children throughout Ukraine. Ms. Markewycz is joined by the Acton Institute’s Dr. Samuel Gregg, who discusses the historical context and the ways in which the Holodomor amounted to an assault on human dignity, individual liberty, private property, and religious freedom.
Me and Zach got together to read some epic comments left by people on a particular Holodomor documentary. If you even want to call that dishonest piece of ri...
Holodomor: Red Earth. Hunger. A world premier opera about startling relationships that form in the aftermath of Stalin's imposed Ukrainian famine/genocide of...
Documentário feito pelo Cristiano Alves da A Página Vermelha ( e dos canais A voz do comunismo e o Canal da vitória. Não acreditem em tudo que dizem por aí, uma mentira contada várias vezes pode virar uma verdade incontestável.
Фильм о Голодоморе в Украине. Фильм основывается на интервью живых очевидцев и исследователей Голодомора.Фільм про Голодомор в Україні. Фільм базований на інтерв'ю живих очевидців та дослідників Голодомору.A film about the Holodomor in Ukraine. The film is based on interviews live witnesses and researchers famine.
Holodomor 79th Anniversary Every year, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Toronto branch, with the support of the Bishops of the Catholic and Orthodox church o...
Εισήγηση του Νίκου Λυγερού με θέμα: "To Holodomor ως γεωπολιτική γενοκτονία" 5ο Φόρουμ της ουκρανικής διασποράς στην Ελλάδα Aθήνα 10/09/2012
Contextualizing the Holodomor : A Conference on the 80th Anniversary of the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine - Conclusions Day 2 - Saturday 28, September, 2013 St.Vladimir Institute, Toronto, Canada Dr.Frank Sysyn 1:11 "Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HERC) : Research Plans" CIUS, University of Alberta Paul Grod 17:58 President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) The Honorable Ted Optiz, MP Etobicoke Center 24:51 Conservative Party of Canada Dr.Frank Sysyn 29:52 Presentation of Award to Prof. Roman Serbyn and Concluding Remarks Bonus Material : References, Original Documents 44:18 Golodomor 1932-33 рр. Kharkiv oblast Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC) Holodomor Survivor Documentation Project Меморіал ім. В. Стуса The National Museum "The Memorial in Commemoration of the Famines' Victims in Ukraine" Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center (UCRDC) Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
Contextualizing the Holodomor : A Conference on the 80th Anniversary of the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine Day 1, Session 2 - Friday 27, September, 2013 Public Affairs lecture held at the University of Toronto, Canada Introduction Prof. Piotr Wrobel 1:19 University of Toronto Speaker Prof. Françoise Thom 5:39 University of Sorbonne, Paris Discussant Prof. Mark von Hagen 37:30 University of Arizona Questions and Answers 56:43 Closing Remarks Prof. Françoise Thom and Prof. Mark von Hagen 1:41:06 Bonus Material : References and Leads for Further Research, Original Documents and Interesting Information about the Holodomor 1:45:49 Golodomor 1932-33 рр. Kharkiv oblast Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC) Holodomor Survivor Documentation Project Меморіал ім. В. Стуса Petro Jacyk Education Foundation The National Museum "The Memorial in Commemoration of the Famines' Victims in Ukraine" Ukrainica Research Institute - Holodomor Education Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center (UCRDC)
Cathedral NY, New York 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor 2013. As millions of throughout the world marked the 80th Anniversary of Ukraine's Genocid...
Випущено: Україна, Студія Телекон Рік виходу: 2008 Режисер: Ігор Кобрин Про фільм: Фільм "Хлібна гільйотина" створено до 75-х роковин Голодомору 1932-1933 ро...
Уроки Історії ' - Голодомор 1932 - 1933 / Holodomor - Genocide Holodomor - Genocide/Ukraine 1932-...
6 milyon insan Komünist Diktatör Joseph Stalin'in kollektivizasyon uygulaması sonucu açlıktan kıvranarak ölmüştü.
The myth of Holodomor, an outright falsification of history designed to attack the great Soviet Union US Friends of the Soviet People Party of Communists USA
Nesta palestra, Samuel Gregg apresenta ao seu público um pouco da história de um dos maiores crimes já perpetrados contra a humanidade: o genocídio ucraniano promovido pela União Soviética com talvez a mais cruel das armas: a fome. O episódio, pouco conhecido no Brasil (e no mundo), é um dos exemplos mais emblemáticos do que o totalitarismo e a mentalidade revolunária são capazes. Regra geral, liberais e conservadores concordam que o indivíduo é um fim em si mesmo e que seus direitos enquanto indivíduo não podem ser preteridos por nenhuma coletividade. Isso não é verdade quando nos defrontamos com ideologias comunistas, que veem o indivíduo como um meio para atingir um fim - uma ferramenta a ser usada para alcançar a utopia desejada. Essa disposição revolucionária, que não hesita em sacrificar as vidas e as liberdades das pessoas para atingir seus objetivos, desumaniza o ser humano, de tal modo que todos nós nos tornamos substituíveis, meras engrenagens em um complexo mecanismo, cujo operador é ele, o ideólogo, o iluminado, o revolucionário. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, o avô de todo revolucionário, já dizia, em seu tempo, que "o legislador é o mecânico que inventa a máquina; o príncipe é meramente o operário que coloca a máquina em funcionamento. E qual o papel das pessoas comuns nisso tudo? Elas são meramente a máquina que está sendo operada. Na verdade, não deveriam elas ser consideradas a matéria-prima da qual a máquina é feita?". É isso. Aos olhos daquele seu amigo esquerdinha você não passa de matéria-prima para a revolução. Alimento para as chamas da mudança. O Holodomor é um lembrete do passado para todos nós, do que pode vir em um futuro próximo se nos deixarmos controlar por essa gente bem-intencionada, com uma visão clara de como o mundo deveria ser. Lutemos contra o "mundo melhor". Lutemos contra as tentações da revolução. === Este vídeo foi legendado a partir de uma apresentação do Acton Institute, cujo original pode ser encontrado aqui:
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When I saw this video for the first time it made me sick to the stomach of pure anger.
Blog :
Holodomor Ruger Hauer ℗ 2013 Monsp Records Oy Associated Performer: Ruger Hauer Arranger, Composer: Niko Liinamaa Auto-generated by YouTube.
Holodomor Terrorama ℗ 2012 To The Death Records Released on: 2012-10-10 Associated Performer, Producer: Peter Liden Associated Performer, Producer: Petter Nilsson Associated Performer, Producer: Micael Zetterberg Associated Performer, Producer: Emil Åström Arranger, Composer: Peter Liden Arranger, Composer: Petter Nilsson Arranger, Composer: Micael Zetterberg Arranger, Composer: Emil Åström Auto-generated by YouTube.
Remembering the Holodomor victims of communism
During four days the group of German and Ukrainian participants research the topic of historical memory and its role in the future of society; how could influence on the awareness of people such events as Holocaust, Holodomor and Maidan and how they perceive memorial places dedicated to it. This video dedicated to the Memorial sign of Holodomor victims of 1932-1933, at Mykhailivska Square.
Mass famine in the Ukraine
Me and Zach (Morbid Gameplay) talk about the Holodomor for an hour and watch a video response to me by a user called "Give Me Liberty Give Me Freedom". At first we were gonna respond to some arguments but it quickly became obvious there weren't any. The video was completely pointless and baseless so we just used as a loose context for our discussion. If Give Me Liberty wants an actual point by point refutation of his arguments and claims then he should: 1) Make specific claims, not contradictory bs that goes all over the place 2) Back them up with actual source so that I could check them out. Don't link an entire website. If the site is your source then point to a specific section. 3) Refute my points or debunk my evidence in my original video because it already largely disproves most of the shit in your video before hand. Your response just did not even show more then a couple of seconds of my video and deliberately neglected to even deal with it at all. Its hardly even a response. His miserable video:
4/6 Remarks by Prof. Lubomyr Luciuk at “Today’s Independent Ukraine: Can Our Community Continue to Support the Cause?”, Ukrainian National Federation - Toronto Branch, Toronto, Canada, 13 December 2009. Keynote: Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, Royal Military College of Canada Chairman Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association Panel: Victor Hetmanczuk, Executive Director, Ukrainian Canadian Social Services Myroslava Oleksiuk, Editor ePOSHTA internet newsmagazine, activist Dr. Richard Hareychuk, Private Practice Moderator, Volodymyr Kish, Columnist, Noviy Shliakh This video was not sponsored
Hjertets Holodomor Koldbrann ℗ 2013 Season of Mist ℗ Season of Mist Released on: 2013-01-22 Music Publisher: Season of Mist Publishing Auto-generated by YouTube.
... Holodomor, and our town will not take any lessons from Katie Hopkins on community cohesion.
The Guardian 2015-03-29As the troupe arrives in Ukraine to investigate remnants of the 1930s Holodomor, a real-life mass ...
The Los Angeles Times 2015-03-20... of Lenin, the genocide of the kulaks, the Holodomor in Ukraine and Stalin’s Great Purge of the ’30s.
Antiwar 2015-03-03... of Lenin, the genocide of the kulaks, the Holodomor in Ukraine and Stalin’s Great Purge of the ’30s.
WorldNetDaily 2015-03-03... clippings about the collectivization that led to the Holodomor tragedy (the hunger-extermination).
Houston Press 2015-02-24They will be joined by representatives of Ukrainian Holodomor famine and Bosnian Srebrenica genocide ...
noodls 2015-01-23Somehow he and my great-grandmother managed to find work during the Holodomor, and no one starved to death.
The Guardian 2015-01-23million to sponsor a cross-country project to raise awareness of the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s, known as the Holodomor.
CBC 2015-01-14The federal government has recognized Holodomor genocide since 2008 ... The Holodomor, otherwise known ...
Canada Newswire 2015-01-13Embassy of Canada in France ) The federal government has recognized Holodomor genocide since 2008.
noodls 2015-01-13They play a couple who are torn apart by Stalin’s starvation of the Ukraine, known as the Holodomor, ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-01-05I'm referring not only to the attempts to glorify Nazi accomplices like Shukhevych, Bandera or ...
noodls 2014-12-23(Source: ... Maryna Poroshenko have visited the National Memorial to the Victims of Holodomor of 1932-1933 ... distributed by ... gov.
noodls 2014-12-12The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, 'Морити голодом', literal translation Killing by hunger) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR between 1932 and 1933. During the famine, which is also known as the "terror-famine in Ukraine" and "famine-genocide in Ukraine", millions of Ukrainians died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.
Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly; anywhere from 1.8 to 12 million ethnic Ukrainians were said to have been killed as a result of the famine. Recent research has since narrowed the estimates to between 2.4 and 7.5 million. The exact number of deaths is hard to determine, due to a lack of records, but the number increases significantly when the deaths inside heavily Ukrainian-populated Kuban are included. The demographic deficit caused by unborn or unrecorded births is said to be as high as 6 million. Older estimates are still often cited in political commentary.
Scholars disagree on the relative importance of natural factors and bad economic policies as causes of the famine and the degree to which the destruction of the Ukrainian peasantry was premeditated on the part of Joseph Stalin. Scholars and politicians using the word Holodomor emphasize the man-made aspects of the famine, arguing that it was genocide; some consider the resultant loss of life comparable to the Holocaust. They argue that the Soviet policies were an attack on the rise of Ukrainian nationalism and therefore fall under the legal definition of genocide. Other scholars argue that the Holodomor was a consequence of the economic problems associated with radical economic changes implemented during the period of Soviet industrialization.
Hello tomorrow and good-bye to yesterday
We've been waiting for this moment
And we still don't know what to say
We may never find the answers or know the reason why
Why we both decided we should say good-bye
Nothing but good things are coming my way
If you are going please let me stay
You bring me down when I'm getting high
You turn me on I amplify
1-2-3 times you've broken me (Broken Me)
I won't bleed like this forever
I'm down to ride but my wings are severed
Blindside blitz- evacuation
I'm stuck in hell your on vacation
1-2-3 times you've broken me (Broken Me)
I've been waiting
Waiting for the day
I've been waiting
Waiting for the day
I'm still waiting for tomorrow
Tired of living in yesterday
I've been waiting
Waiting for the day I'd be over you
Oceans, devotions, these notions run dry
Floating away and I don't know why
Spend all my days in a bottle thinking
You're like an anchor got me sinking
1-2-3 times you've broken me (broken me)
Say good-bye now and mean it forever
Got to move on and keep it together
Forget the things that you've said and you've done
That's in the past, here comes the sun