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Dylan Moran. Man. Legend. Irish. His second-to-last show "What It Is, live from Sydney in 2009.
Dylan Moran. Man. Legend. Irish. His "Monster" tour from 2004.
Aim Low: The Very Best Of Dylan Moran is a compilation capturing Dylan Moran's most hilarious rants from Monster Live (2004), Like Totally (2005), and What It Is (2009). The very best bits...
Восьмидесятый подкаст :D Мы первый день в Японии. Метро, скоростные электрички и первые впечатления. Instagram: Петя в ВК Больше на
Восемьдесят третий подкаст :D Третий день в Японии в городе Кобэ. Ф̶у̶н̶и̶к̶у̶л̶е̶р̶ канатная дорога и охренительная фотосессия в игровом зале. Почувствуй себя школьницей, как говорится :D Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Восемьдесят четвертый подкаст :D Япония. Парк развлечений Universal Studios. Несколько аттракционов, урок Русского языка от быдла. Хавка и хитро@бочки. И все это почти на 40 минут, так что все для вас, ребят! :D Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК: (читайте его личную инфу, если хотите к нему в друзья)
Восемьдесят пятый подкаст :D Япония продолжается. Храм Фусими Инари с 1000 торий, сражение на бамбуковых стеблях в Бамбуковом лесу Сагано в Киото, и тру-японская еда. Наслаждайтесь просмотром целых 40 минут! Instagram: Больше на
Восемьдесят девятый подкаст :D Парк аттракционов Fuji-Q Highland у подножия священной для каждого японца горы Фудзи, ускорение до нагрузки в 4,25G, замедление и прочая японщина! Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Девяностый подкаст :D Мы - в столице Японии, Токио. Разместились в навороченном отеле с видом из окна и отправились в магазин электроники делать массаж простаты. Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Девяносто третий подкаст :D Мы переехали в другой отель поближе к Дисней-Ленду, теперь живем все вместе в детской комнатке. Гигантский перекресток с кучей народа. Кафе в стиле тюрьмы. Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Девяносто седьмой подкаст :D Последние два дня в Токио. Диарея. Вампирское кафе, телепортация в Москву. Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Я улетел в Лос-Анджелес на съемки одного фильма, о котором смогу рассказать только летом. Странно, но все равно прикольно. А тут мы тупили с Эдом и размазывали сопли по всему потолку :D Instagram: Больше на
Третий день в Л.А. Купил гитару, о которой мечтал полжизни, тусанул с бродягой и огненно поел:D Еще раз извините за пропуск 99-го подкаста. Он выйдет летом 2015 года по условиям договора. Он уже смонтирован и он будет збс! Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК
Сто первый подкаст. :D Туcанул с Эдом. Телок не было, пришлось довольствоваться дарами природы :D Музыка в таймлепсе в конце: 2nd Season - The Engine Of Friendship And Lifetime (послушать: Instagram: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто второй подкаст :D Всё, что мог, я показал в скейтпарке. И даже больше! Трюки Эда. Как бы мы воспринимали реплики Бивиса и Баттхеда, если бы они были русскими :D Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Канал Эда: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто третий подкаст :D Целый день развлекал себя сам. Гонял на разные озера и пруды и порулил велогидроциклом. Музыка из этого дня ( ): 2nd Season - This Song Goes First 2nd Season - M&D;'s Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто пятый подкаст :D Второй день в Нью-Йорке. Курс доллара еще доисторический. Настоящий еврейский магазин электроники. Большой компанией - в большой парк. С нами Санёк из второй поездки в Штаты. Я купил гитару. Опять. Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Канал Санька: Больше на Петя в ВК: #md105
Сто шестой подкаст :D Мы в Нью-Йорке. Освоили общественный велосипед, съездили на Эмпайр-Стэйт Боди Билдинг, и на пароме на соседний остров. Потом немного ночной жизни на крыше. Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто седьмой подкаст :D Нью-Йорк, Мемориал 9-11, Концерт Скриллекса, народные гуляния в переполненной тачке под Любе, ДДТ и Розенбаума :D Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Канал Санька: Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто восьмой подкаст:D Мы понаехали сперва в Филадельфию захавать ролл "Филадельфия", а потом отправились в столицу Штатов - Вашингтон и поселились в очень странном месте... Извините за скрежет микрофона иногда, узнать о нем во время съемок было невозможно. Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто девятый подкаст :D Прогулка по мемориалам Вашингтона. Обелиск, сидящий Линкольн, пруд или, скорее, бассейн, где бегал Форрест Гамп, Белый Дом и Конгресс. Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Больше на Петя в ВК:
Luego de admitir abiertamente su orientación sexual, Ricardo Morán publicó en sus redes sociales varios mensajes apoyando el proyecto de ley de la Unión Civil. La confesión del destacado productor ha remecido las redes sociales, incluso algunos artistas de la farándula local, como Beto Ortiz, celebraron su revelación. Los mensajes también han sorprendido a sus seguidores, quienes no dudaron en brindarle su apoyo comentando las publicaciones. ------------- El productor de TV hizo pública su homosexualidad en apoyo a la ley de la unión civil que se debate en el Congreso. Ricardo Morán, productor y jurado de "Yo soy", reconoció su homosexualidad en el marco del debate por el proyecto de ley de la unión civil en el Congreso de la República. "Soy peruano y homosexual desde el día en que nací", escribió en Twitter. Sigue a TV+ también en Facebook Ricardo Morán comentó que se avergüenza de aquellos que se pronuncian en contra de este proyecto de ley, por el bajo nivel de argumentos que emplean. Instó, además, a sus seguidores en las redes sociales a respaldar esta propuesta. Él destacó, además, que tuvo una infancia muy feliz y que por ser homosexual no tiene más problemas psicológicos que cualquier otra persona. Asimismo, Ricardo Morán aclaró que su lucha está orientada al matrimonio igualitario y "la unión civil es el primer paso en ese camino". Pidió, además, a sus seguidores en las redes sociales, apoyar esta propuesta de ley, que cree será un paso adelante para nuestra sociedad. Cabe destacar que el proyecto de ley de la Unión Civil cuenta con el respaldo del Ministerio de Justicia, el Poder Judicial y la Defensoría del Pueblo; no obstante la sola mención de su debate ha despertado críticas de sectores conservadores, a través de las redes sociales. Las declaraciones del productor de "Yo soy" generaron inmediata reacción en Twitter, en especial, entre sus compañeros en el mundo de la televisión. ------------- Martes 10 de marzo del 2015 | 19:00 Ricardo Morán reveló ser gay A través de su cuenta de Twitter, Ricardo Morán reveló abiertamente su homosexualidad, como parte de un mensaje con el que mostraba su apoyo a la ‘Ley de Unión Civil’. “Como hombre, como peruano y homosexual, me avergüenza el nivel de los argumentos ignorantes y homofóbicos de los opositores a #unioncivilya”, escribió en su cuenta. Además de este mensaje, Ricardo Morán compartió otros mensajes referidos al proyecto de ley presentado por el congresista Carlos Bruce y que se debate en el Congreso de la República. “Soy peruano, y homosexual desde el día en que nací, hecho así por la naturaleza. Nada ni nadie me ‘volvió’ homosexual”, dice otro tuit de Morán. “Soy feliz, tuve una infancia maravillosa y no tengo más problemas psicológicos que cualquier otra persona”, comentó Ricardo Morán. Si bien es la primera vez que Ricardo Morán se pronuncia públicamente sobre su sexualidad, en ciertas ocasiones, sobre todo durante los castings de ‘Yo Soy’, dio a entender que su orientación no estaba en el campo heterosexual. Incluso en una ocasión, cuando un postulante al programa comentó un tema referido a la homosexualidad, Morán le dijo “estás agarrando carne”, en clara alusión a que lo dicho tenía relación con él. Actualmente, Ricardo Morán se encuentra en Londres para revisar nuevos formatos televisivos, por lo que se disculpó por no poder estar presente en las afueras del Congreso de la República, donde se debate el proyecto de ‘Ley de Unión Civil’. RECIBIÓ MUESTRAS DE APOYO Dentro de la gran cantidad de mensajes de apoyo que recibió Ricardo Morán figuran los de personajes del medio local, como Beto Ortiz, Carla García y la periodista Claudia Cisneros. ⇒ [MIRA ESTO] Ricardo Morán: Tuiteros le dan su apoyo tras revelar su homosexualidad EL EMOTIVO MENSAJE DE KAREN Ricardo Morán hizo pública su homosexualidad y las reacciones en Twitter no se hicieron esperar, sobre todo, las de diversos personajes del medio local, como son los casos de Carla García, Beto Ortiz y la periodista Claudia Cisneros. Pero además de estos pronunciamientos, hubo uno que debe ser bastante especial para Morán, pues proviene de una persona con la que ha compartido trabajo y mantiene una excelente relación. ⇒ [LEE TAMBIÉN] Ricardo Morán recibe emotivo mensaje de Karen Schwarz tras revelar homosexualidad Se trata de Karen Schwarz, quien le dedicó un unas emotivas palabras luego de que este anunciara su orientación sexual. CONGRESO RECHAZÓ LEY DE UNIÓN CIVIL Con 7 votos en contra, 4 a favor y 2 abstenciones, la Comisión de Justicia del Congreso de la República rechazó el proyecto de la ‘Ley de Unión Civil’, presentado por el parlamentario Carlos Bruce. ⇒ [LEE TAMBIÉN] Congreso de la República rechazó proyecto de ‘Ley de Unión Civil’
Music video by Trevor Moran performing Echo. (C) 2014 Backplane Music
Sorry everyone, but comments that are waaay too irrelevant get removed (^-^) I'm sure you'll find some other place in the internet where they will fit ri...
Сто десятый подкаст :D Из Вашингтона выехали в сторону Чикаго. По пути добежали до Канадской границы и обмочились водами Ниагары :D Песни на гитаре: Песня из Дома 2 :D Blink-182 - Man Overboard Boxcar Racer - There Is Useless ID - It's Alright Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто одиннадцатый подкаст :D Мы в Чикаго. Офигенный дом, офигенный небоскрёб, офигенный бухой Эскимос :D Музыка из этого дня: Scooter - 4 AM Snoop Dogg - Vato Muddy Waters - Can't Get No Grindin' Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Больше на Петя в ВК:
Сто двенадцатый подкаст :D Чикаго десятых годов этого века. Мы с ребятами в Миллениум Парке наблюдаем за помидорчиками, а на береге озера Мичиган Эскимос намочил пятку. Instagram (фото из путешествий тут): Петя в ВК:
MAGALY 21-03-15 ENTREVISTA A RICARDO MORAN Y KIKE SUERO PROGRAMA COMPLETO MAGALY 21-03-15 MAGALY 21-03-2015 MAGALY 21/03/15 MAGALY 21/03/2015 MAGALY 21-03-15 MAGALY 21-03-2015 MAGALY 21/03/15 MAGALY 21/03/2015 MAGALY SABADO 21 DE MARZO DEL 2015 21/03/15 MAGALY EN VIVO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Magaly Entrevista a Ricardo Moran y habla sobre su homosexualidad, magaly Entrevista a kike suero, magaly 21/03/15, magaly 2015 Magaly Medina, Magaly medina programas completos,
Mira los Programas Completos de magaly 21-03-15 entrevista a kike suero desde la app TelePeruana para Chrome instalandolo ahora: Siguenos en Facebook: Siguenos en Twitter: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No te olvides de suscribirte, comentar y darle like al video si te gusto :) Asi nos apoyas a seguir compartiendo diariamente lo mejor de la TV Peruana :P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: magaly 21-03-15, magaly 21-03-15, entrevista a kike suero y ricardo moran, magaly programas completos , magaly temporada 2015
SETLIST Eclipse Hollowman [ホロウマン] Grotesque Ride [グロテスク ライド] Lyric of the DEAD Party Monster bonus- +「but Beautiful」PV +「堕落へと続く偏愛の感触」preview +「The Romantic Movement」DVD Preview
Testamento del indio D'Franklin Band&Gerardo; Moran Volumen 13 Ay no se puede D'Franklin Band&Gerardo; Moran Volumen 13 Adios D'Franklin Band&Gerardo; Moran Vol...
On Thursday, March 26, 2015, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran spoke on the U.S. Senate Floor in support of a permanent fix to the broken Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula.
Just a little cover of Maps by the yeah yeah yeahs(: - Strong year-over-year growth in home sales continued during the first half of March for most home types in the Greater Toronto Area, both in the City of Toronto and the surrounding regions. This suggests that households continue to view the purchase of a home as a quality long-term investment. But for a lack of low-rise listings in some neighbourhoods, it is quite possible that the number of sales could have been higher. The average selling price for transactions reported during the first two weeks of March was $620,000 - up by 10.6 per cent compared to the same period in 2014. Price growth was driven by low-rise home types, including detached and semi-detached houses and townhouses. The fact that sales growth has continued to outpace listings growth suggests that there is pent-up demand in the marketplace, especially for single detached, semi-detached and townhouses. This is why we have experienced a sustained period of strong price growth for low-rise home types. So far in March, we have also experienced a greater share of high-end detached home sales compared to the same period in 2014. This has also influenced growth in the average selling price. Thanks once again for your attention. I would happy to help you with your real estate needs. I can be reached at 416-949-1684 or you can visit me at Have a great day. #Toronto #Mississauga #RealEstate.
To adjust picture quality, click on wheel at bottom right hand corner of video screen.
Did you know the problems of colic often start several weeks after birth, then peak at around six weeks, lasting for about three or four months? For some infants with colic, temporary lactose intolerance (TLI) can cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain, which may cause excessive crying. Adding Colief to a baby’s formula or breast milk may help reduce excessive crying time when temporary lactose intolerance (TLI) is the cause of infant colic†. Learn more! †These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Tema: Para que te ha elegido Dios Texto: Éxodo 31:1
Jason discusses his upcoming show at the World Famous Apollo Theater on Saturday, May 8 at 8pm. Location: Apollo Mainstage Tickets: $45, $35 In person at the Apollo Theater Box Office By phone call Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 Online at For Groups Call (212) 531-5355
Diana Moran of DM Collection wants Kate Middleton and J-Lo to wear her clothing line. My name is Diana Moran, I was born in Mexico City, moved to CA at the age of 11. I have been interested in fashion ever since I remember, I started sketching at the age of 4, and I improved my drawing skills as I grew up. Barbies were so fascinating to me when I was a kid, there was no other toy I desired the most like barbies, I spent whole days making them clothes and changing their looks. I enjoyed so much when my mom used to make me dresses, I would sit next to her sewing machine getting the scraps of fabric to make clothes for my dolls. On my 8th birthday I got my first sewing machine and I was the happiest, all I wanted to do was sew. At a very young age I had clear that I wanted to be a fashion designer. At school I was a very shy girl, it was hard to make friends due to my limited social skills, I didn't talk much, during class I used to sketch a lot, so through my drawings kids started connecting with me, they liked my drawings and many times that was the reason they approached me. A lot of people believed in my ability of designing clothes and others discouraged me telling me that the Fashion Industry had a lot competence so it would be hard to succeed, but my passion was greater than my fear and I decided to follow my dream all the way. I am still a fashion student, and I am building my business at the same time. I thank God for giving this vision and a strong desire to make it happen. Diana Moran Designer DM Collection Diana Moran of DM Collections talks about her fashion show coming up on April 10, 2015 at RED Covina-Lounge Subscribe to our YouTube channel Follow on twitter @TheIkeSTeeLE Facebook: Ike STeeLE Productions Red carpet events, Fashion shows, Beauty tips… ©Ike STeeLE Productions 2015
Tweet a workplace selfie under the hashtag #workie on twitter (@IASEmployment) in support of Job Shadow Day 2015 | April 22. We are asking everyone to take part, from employers tweeting their #workie for #inclusion, to jobseekers and their workplace mentors. Not to forget the people that work so hard to make it all possible, the job coach #workie !
An in-depth look at a 1997 Ferrari F355 Spider with Chris Moran. Presented by D&M; Motorsports. THIS CAR IS SOLD A definate bucket list car! A red F355 Ferrari Spider with a powerful 375 Horsepower 3496cc V8 engine, manual 6 speed transmission, 19 5 spoke alloys, beautiful Daytona tan. visit for full description We have over 100 Luxury Prestige and Exotic cars in stock and on display with fresh stock arriving daily.
A thorough and detailed test drive and walk around of a 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder. Presented by Lamborghini Chicago with Chris Moran from . I record a 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder. The guy test driving it REALLY KNOWS how to DRIVE a car. There are full accelerations & startups, the most amazing parts if you listen are. My Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder review. Hope you guys like it. Thanks for watching and don't forget to Subscribe to the channel Twitter: Facebook: .
Un poco de música y algo de gracia!!!
STEPS is an independent skate video from 2005 by Shawn K. ( Most of the footage is filmed by Daniel Evans & the skaters appearing in the video in Eugene, Oregon from 2004-2005. See some of the same guys in the 2013 video, VIBE:;=PL8tGQflm5zOQdAB86IE0E3IAYm59pmtNP
I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG I hope you liked it!!! :)
una rola de el señoron Claudio moran
We've been waiting with impatience for our first tractor tug. Can't wait for the challenge of mastering the capabilities of one.
Statement by Senator Mary Moran ... Senator Mary Moran is encouraging any Special Needs Assistants ...
noodls 2015-04-09Any player found lurking outside suffered the wrath of Moran.
noodls 2015-04-0925th September 1984 - Milk Cup - Southampton 3-2 Hull City (Moran 2, Jordan). Moran was also on ...
noodls 2015-04-09As for Nestlé, Moran said, "If an industry has a legitimate right to water, we wouldn’t oppose that."
ABC News 2015-04-09MSS President Kevin Moran said of the ten year achievement: "This is an exciting and significant landmark in MSS’ evolution.
Seattle Post 2015-04-09Jerry Moran, a Republican, called the findings "troublesome." ... He said he had to complain to Moran's ...
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-09ELEC. B22 ) auditing unit is examining allegations by Moran Genosar.
Big News Network 2015-04-09James is supported by a top-flight rhythm section - with pianist Jason Moran, bassist John ...
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-04-09The crash occurred about 7:10 ... The other was taken to another hospital and pronounced dead ... - Robert Moran. Previous Story: ... J.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-04-09As well as activities, the event welcomes John Moran from the Honey Bee Project, animation expert ...
noodls 2015-04-09... no actual damages as a result of the statements made in 1983," said John Moran, UTC spokesman."
Sun Sentinel 2015-04-09... Manchip, and friends Alan Clancy, Brian Moran and Dara Lernihan – and we’ve a chef in for the week.
The Irish Times 2015-04-09Why we need to be reminded out Auschwitz. Harold Evans ... Hana Berger Moran Anka and Eva Anka and Eva, Prague, August 1945.
The Daily Beast 2015-04-09Moran may refer to:
You live your life
Just to let yourself go
You are the lowest
The lowest of low
Beg for me crawl for me
Down on your knees
You're a sex junkie
You'll do as I please
Harder Faster
Harder Faster
Secrets of lust
That you keep in your mind
Victims like you
Are so easy to find
First name is dirt
And your last name is sleaze
You're a sex junkie
You'll do as I please
Horny ideas
They just clog up your brain
Destruction Vice
Or you'll just go insane
Degrading darkness
You live just for these
You're a sex junkie
You'll do as I please
Two-hundred million bodies sold
You come walking
Through the night
Your flesh is hot
You cring with fright
You pesrpire through your clothes
Your thing it grows
And grows and grows
Sex hormones dropped
From out of the sky
Millions Orgasm
Until they die
Squirming Flesh
You beg for more
You live for sex
There is no more
As WANT turns to NEED
Just to WATCH me BLEED
I live inside... my own MAKE BELIEVE
I SACRIFICE... what you can't see
I have no FATHER
I have no PET
And I'll be DAMNED
The day I die
It will DESTROY you
Another LOVER, anther MAN
I close my eyes
I know your name BABY
And my LIPS are mean
But I'll be SAVED
The day I die
I'll be your MUSE
I'll be your LIE
[Repeat chorus]
I see GOD and he's MY FRIEND
But THE DEVIL'S standing next to HIM
HE says MY NAME and I feel so WEAK
Just like a MONSTER who cannot SPEAK
I'm like a MONSTER.... When I SPEAK
Am I a MONSTER... when I SPEAK?
Your just a MONSTER... when we SPEAK
So I'm a MONSTER when I SPEAK... can I SPEAK?
I'll be your MONSTER when we SPEAK and I SPEAK to DESTROY...
the wages of sin hold my heart hostage
my mouth is still cruel
my skin is in bondage
my body is scarred from the lyrics I've carved
bruises I've healed
lips that I've starved
wounds I've replaced with love and with hate
the truth set me free
but my faith was raped
I've broken my silence
lied to myself
spoken in violence
been someone else
screamed at my demons
prayed to my god
begged for forgiveness
The forecast said it would be sunny
I guess they got it wrong
It's raining again in Silverlake
And I need to hear my song
The one that puts me in the mood
To spill my guts and talk to you
Saves me from my self-inflicted worry when I do
Oh, you're asleep right now but I'm still wide awake
It's hard for me to close my eyes without no pill to take
I think of all the times I tried, the nights I dreamed I'd died
Help me feel alive again 'cause I'm so dead inside
Well, I'm a liar and you're my saint
It feels so good being the one they hate
And I'm a sinner, so let's all pray
I wouldn't want it any other way
Well, have you heard the news, I've got a blue bruise on my hip
The truth can be a brutal business, I just need a kiss
Someone to tape my wrists, I think that I'm about to bleed
But I know it's not up to you to give me what I need
Oh, you're awake right now so I must be asleep
It seems I've got a secret that I ain't afraid to keep
I think of all the times I tried to tell you how I feel
But it's so hard to mend my wounds that just refuse to heal
Well, I'm a liar and you're my saint
It feels so good being the one they hate
And I'm a sinner, so let's all pray
I wouldn't want it any other way
Take me back, let's go back
It's so dark here, it's so black
Exquisite with stillness, the fragrance of flesh
The taste of revenge and my wounds are still fresh
Now here she comes with her bloody red lips
Funeral-white skin and her generous hips
Drenched in the scent of romance like no other
She's so filthy gorgeous that death has become her
Well, I'm a liar and you're my saint
It feels so good being the one they hate
And I'm a sinner, so let's all pray
Destroy me as want turns to need
you murder me just to watch me bleed.
I live inside... my own make belief,
I sacrifice... what you can't see
I'm hissing mad and I'm dripping wet.
I have no father, I have no pet and I'll be damned the day I die
your antimuse your antilife
can I speak?
I will destroy if I speak,
it will destroy how I speak...
I will destroy when I speak...
it will destroy you another lover, another man, another victim of circumstance.
I close my eyes with no regret I know your name baby but I forget
my mouth is cruel and my lips are mean,
I dirty minded and I am obscene
but I'll be saved the day I die,
I'll be your muse, I'll be your lie (repeat chorus)
I see God and he is my friend
but the devil's standing next to him,
he says my name and I feel so weak,
just like a monster you cannot speak,
I am like a monster...
when I speak am I a monster... when I speak?
your just a monster when we speak so I'm a monster when I speak...
can I speak? I'll be your monster when we speak
and I will speak to destroy...
speak and destroy....
you believe everything you read
you believe everything you read
you believe everything you read
i canæ° believe what the fuck i read
words that i believe
friends became my enemies
think before you speak
donæ° think you know me
my heart is an empty hole
hands wanna wrap around your throat
legs bruise everywhere you walk
mouth spits all the shit you talk
so keep talking
keep talking
keep talking
keep talking
say whatæ¯ on my mind
(no i)
words you hide behind
be careful what you say
stay the fuck away
my heart is an empty hole
hands wanna wrap around your throat
legs bruise everywhere you walk
mouth spits all the shit you talk
my heart is an empty hole
hands wanna wrap around your throat
legs bruise everywhere you walk
mouth spits all the shit you talk
keep talking
in a world of lies
i find myself advised to just pretend iæ¦ nice
and not to say whatæ¯ on my mind
but in a world of shit
i think youæ®e just a bitch
who couldnæ° fuck or suck my dick
cause iæ¦ a chick
donæ° even think i give a damn
i say these things because i can
honesty is the holiest disease
Just get off, fuckers
You'll find in the mind of a throat that's sore
The beauty of horror
Misunderstood by those who fear her
If you listen you will hear
You can speak through me
Did not do what they told you to
And I won't do what they tell me to
Why should I?
All the saints of hate can't save her
Fuck Hollywood 'cause it made her
Who she was? Who I am?
Stab me in my praying hands
You can speak through me
Did not do what they told you to
And I won't do what they tell me to
Why should I? Why should I?
Stop, jump
Beauty in exile
Horror is in style
Did not do what they told you to
And I won't do what they tell me to
Why should I?
Did not do what they told you to
And I won't do what they tell me to
Sometimes I feel
I've got to run away
I've got to get away
From the pain you drive
Into the heart of me
The love that we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I've lost my light
For I toss and turn
I can't sleep at night
Once I ran to you
And now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love
Tainted love
Now I know
I've got to run away
I've got to get away
You don't really want
Any more from me
To make things right
You need someone to hold you tight
And you think love is to pray
But I'm sorry, I don't pray that way
Once I ran to you
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love
Tainted love
Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now it's time you pack your things and go
Tainted love
Tainted love
Touch me, baby, tainted love
Don't touch me with your tainted love
Touch me, baby, tainted love
Don't touch me with your tainted love
The tainted love
The tainted love
The tainted love
The tainted love
The tainted love
The tainted love
The tainted love
Late at night I watch as the sun comes up - the break of day is not enough, was I really dead!
And I remember how I felt this time last year - wonder will it disappear somethings gotta give...
Never let go of that fiery sadness, throat full of heart - mouth of madness!
By mistake I swallow another pill - bittersweet is such a thrill - try to feel alive!
And I forget all the pain just goes away - wish that I could sleep all day disconnect myself...
Is it better to defeat this monster - be secure in the silence or to be devoured, devoured!
And when I stand before you at the end of this...
Will I have enough guts to love those little slices of my death!
Never let of that fiery sadness... never let go of that fiery sadness!
And I would rather have eyes that can't see, ears that can't hear -
Lips that can't speak... than a heart which no longer can beat...
This strange melancholy pervades me at which I hesitate to give the grave that beautiful name of... my life!
On the other side of the scars - the way out is through the wound!
On the other side of the scars - the way out is through the wound!
it was a long time ago
longer now than it seems
a place that perhaps you have seen in your dreams...
welcome to my world
is it what you thought it would be?
i'm trapped inside this hell
between blood queen and purgatory
a coop filled covered hall
a tattooed babydoll
i've got the devil in my corner
and jesus on my wall
today is an oatmeal day
i feel like a monster babe
preacher save me with your call
and i will be your little miss scareall
one eye's green and one eye's blue
demons, angels a love that's true
catch me as i start to fall
let me be your little miss scareall
halloween is over
but i will keep you scared
take you to the fright side
i know you'll come prepared
by your deadly nightshade
turn your christmas black
and you can be my johnny homicidal maniac
[repeat chorus]
forgive me preacher
for i have sinned
it's been 3 weeks since my first confession
i am the one... hiding under your bed
my teeth are sharp, my lips are red
i am the one.... hiding under your stairs
with snakes and spiders in her hair
i feel like a monster babe
little miss scareall
Defamation of the character on a certain demographic
Pro user friendly teen pornographic
Superficial substance sick narcissistic
Bullshit by numbers gone crazy biz kit
Radio silence can't keep us quiet
Radio silence deprogram and riot
Radio silence won't keep us quiet
Radio silence deprogram
Contrived conviction imitation real
Candy coated wrapped up crap mass appeal
Fake angst, aesthetic, insincere, offensive
Illegitimate false start pop chart perspective
Radio silence can't keep us quiet
Radio silence deprogram and riot
Radio silence won't keep us quiet
Radio silence, riot
Radio, fuck
Radio, fuck
Radio, fuck
Your soft rock diet
Radio, fuck
Radio, fuck
Radio we will not be quiet
Quiet we will not keep silent
it seems youæ®e always looking for a new religion
drown yourself in absolution to excuse your sins
nowadays itæ¯ easy to be swayed by images portrayed
there is nothing you wonæ° do to get paid
so full of shit
you make me sick
post noise revelation
cult of my frustration
post noise revolution
is there no solution?
it seems youæ®e sucked into a scene of what the latest rage is
force fed mtv
the new disease that is contagious
videos that cost a million bucks
with fakes degrading ladies
can i be a fan of you
so full of shit
you make me sick
post noise revelation
cult of my frustration
post noise revolution
is there no solution?
post noise revelation
cult of my frustration
post noise revolution
is there no solution?
what seems to be the cancer?
i donæ° know the answer
someone needs to tell me
what theyæ®e trying to sell me
whatæ¯ the fucking cancer?
i donæ° know the answer
someone needs to tell me
this place is hell to me and i can never get no sleep
there's a devil in my bed with me who's talk is cheap
you feel like heaven to me all i want to do is sleep
you're like an angel lyin' next to me you look so sweet
close your eyes
and lets pretend
remember why
we're just friends
my tangled hair will weave a web of lies within my sheets
and in the morning i'll be nailed where he crucified me
your blackened hair will leave a stain inside my mind so deep
and when tomorrow comes i'll wish that you would worship me
close your eyes
and let's pretend
remember why
we're just friends
there must be a storm in london tonight
because it's cold and raining hard
my body aches, my lover waits, i pick the scabs from my arms
there must be a storm in la tonight
because it's cold and raining hard
i miss your kiss. i miss your face, i miss the stars of your arms
the man that i lust
in he do i trust
for he is my god
my anti jesus
he is my savior
my salvation
he leads me into temptation
in my highest hour
my lowest moment
he is my torture
he is my torment
and i will pray for him
to remain my friend
and save me from my enemies... forever amen
this place is hell to me and i can never get no sleep
come to me
As Christ redeemed
Make up hides your identity
But I can see
You're still diseased
Get off your cross
Get off your knees
Dare I see
The same in me
Never thought that I could be
So you just lick your wounds
But it's too late
Trust will lead you to your own fate
what you sew
is what you reap
you're only sick
as secrets that you keep
and what you use
is what you'll need
but I cant stand to watch you bleed
to watch you bleed
For me
Forgive me father
For I'm not clean
I'd rather be
Miss Magdalene
Your vaseline won't heal my demons
Cause I don't talk to god
I'm screaming
Dare I prove
The same in you
I never thought that I was true
So let me bruise my knees
rape my faith
Scar myself with love and with hate
what you sew
is what you'll reap
you're only sick as
se-crets that you keep
what you use
is what you'll need
i cant stand
to watch you bleed
For me
For me
For me
For me...
Oh lord hear my prayer
You look like you are scared
I do what you taught me
It's your turn to watch me
Oh lord hear my prayer
Pull me by my black hair
Stab me with your greed
It's my turn to .... bleed
what you sew
is what you reap
you're only sick as
secrets that you'll keep
and what I use
is what i need
can you stand to watch me as...
i breathe
i breathe
i breathe
im breathing...
yes it's true
i've got demons inside me
and sometimes they need to speak
my dark places make me feel ugly
my lips are glossed but my heart is weak
i'm diseased
as seen on tv
please forgive me
for not being pretty or sexy
but god never blessed me
here's what youæ£l find next time you undress me
i'm bruised
watch me bleed
i'm your beauty
watch me bleed
beauty fiend
once again
without perfect teeth
i begin the dream as i sleep
soon i've sinned
my skin is still thick
my mouth as always is brutally honest
at my calmest
i'm tired of explaining how it feels
to be exploited and rated number one, two or seventeen
fuck what they print in those damn magazines
i'm used
watch me bleed
i'm no beauty
watch me bleed
beauty queen
watch me bleed
i'm your beauty
watch me bleed
beauty fiend
stuck inside this mask of mine
there's no place for me to hide
won't you please come suck me dry
don't touch me
don't fucking touch me
don't touch me
why can't you see beyond my skin
my shape
my ass
my tits
i am not your pretty face
i'm just a girl
the girl you love to hate
watch me bleed
i'm no beauty
watch me bleed
beauty queen
watch me bleed
i'm the beauty
watch me bleed
beauty fiend
why can't you see beyond my skin
my shape
my ass
my tits
i am not your pretty face
i'm just a girl
the girl you love to hate
stuck inside this mask of mine
there's no place for me to hide
won't you please come suck me dry
don't you fucking touch me
i feel the skies open wide
see your blue eyes
when worlds collide
youæ®e by my side
itæ¯ hard to lie
sometimes iæ³e cried
wished it was me
wished it was me who died
i can see you in the sunshine
i feel you where i stand
i can see you in the bright lights
i feel you hold my hand
let your light surround me
in loving memory
let your love surround me
shine down on me
shine on me
something so deep inside me binds me with you
told me a secret
swore that iæ keep it
someday my friend
weæ£l meet again
so until then iæ£l keep our secret safe
i can see you in the moonlight
i feel you when i sleep
i can see you on those dark nights
i feel your arms around me
let your light surround me
in loving memory
let your love surround me
shine down on me
shine on me
we will always be bound
we will always be down
we will always be bound
we will always be down
i feel you when i scream your words
i am just a girl that hurts
feel me when i scream these words
i am just a girl that hurts
i feel you when i scream your words
i am just a girl that hurts
feel me when i scream these words
i am just a girl that hurts
i am just a girl that hurts
i am just a girl that hurts
i am just a girl that hurts
i am just a girl
youæ®e so pretty when you lie
love songs always make me cry
i donæ° think you have a choice
thereæ¯ no truth left in your voice
remember when we used to laugh
just try to forget all that
wear my heart upon your lips
i hope it tastes just like shit
just call me miss ann thrope
just call me miss ann thrope
youæ®e so pretty when you die
love songs always make me cry
i donæ° think you realise
thereæ¯ no blue left in your eyes
remember when we used to sing
just try to forget those things
fill your hole inside with dirt
i hope that it fucking hurts
just call me miss ann thrope
just call me miss ann thrope
just call me miss ann thrope
just call me miss ann thrope
you have left a trail of deceit
assault and flattery
blasting through my wounds
imprisoned me in god and poetry
a ritual to mend my angry heart
a breeding ground for your untruth
if god created man in his own image
then fuck you
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
my hate for you defines my lust
bridges to bridges
youæ®e nothing to me
welcome world
miss ann thrope
miss ann thrope
miss ann thrope
I see her coming filled in her disease
Don't bother runnin', she sees me
Her smile is thick, so sick there ain't no cure
I never wanna be just like her, no
Burn, burn, burn the witch
I watch her leave, still filled with her disease
Don't give a fuck what she thinks
Her hands are clean but no one here believes
So full of shit that she stinks
Burn, burn, burn the witch
Burn, burn, burn the witch
The antithesis to everything she is
The enemy, I am her nemesis
Miss Ugliness will stick and linger
So I must focus on my middle finger
Burn, burn, burn the witch
Burn, burn, burn the witch
I see her coming, I see her, I see her
I see her coming, burn the witch
I watch her running, I watch her, I watch her
I was born like this with hips like this
Lips like this and wrists like this
Legs like this and arms like this
A fist like this to hit you with, now
You're like school on Sunday
You ain't got no class
Keep runnin' your mouth off but
You can kiss my *
Not made to measure baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Not made to measure baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
I got the curves to fear I got the words to feel
And when I scream I've heard them say
I've got the voice to heal
You don't have to be sorry
you don't have to be saved
You just need to be proud of the body that god gave
Not made to measure baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Not made to measure baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Listen to me say..Yeah!
I'm so fat I'm * up
I'm so skinny I'm sick
I'm so tired of the magazines
Talkin that bull*
I'm not fat, they're * up
I'm not skinny, they're sick
I'm just so tired of the critics who keep talking that bull*
I was born like this, with eyes like this
teeth like this, and thighs like this
a face like this, a waist like this
When I die..I'll die like
You're like school on Sunday
You ain't got no class
Keep running your mouth but
I just might kick your *
Not made to measure baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Not made to measure baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Let me hear you say...Yeah!
You're so fat, you're * up
You're so skinny, you're sick
You're so tired of the magazines
Talking that bull*
You're not fat, they're * up
You're not skinny, they're sick
You're just tired of the critics who keep talking that bull*
Now what?
Now what?
Now what?
What you gonna say the next time you see us?
Now what?
Now what?
Now what?
What you gonna say the next time you see me?
Talk to me, tell me I'm not skinny
But you think I'm so pretty
Most stars have to be thin of frame
You want to know how much do I weigh, what?
You can't look at me
So blind you can't see
Showcase it
We play for your ego
That follows me
Wherever we go, fuck
You can't look at me
So blind you can't see
What's my size? What's my shape
Look at me, I am raped
Anorexic or heroin chic
I'm no runway model because I fuckin' eat
You can't look at me
So blind you can't see
Insincerity, insecurity no integrity
There's no purity
I will not apologize for scaring you
It takes a lot to get me down when I'm high
I know you're no friend of mine
I can see the Devil in your eyes
Look at me, I'm Jesus Christ
All alone so throw your stones
At my words and lovely bones
Blood that's red and mouth that's mean
Raise your fucking hands with me!
Forgive - I have sinned
Believe I'll do it again
Well, I've been down this road before
And every time you never change your mind
You see me in black and white
Nailed to the cross and crucified
Look around me, smell the flies
Judas filling me with lies
But I don't hide the blood I bleed
Raise your fucking hands with me!
Forgive - I have sinned
Believe I'll do it again
With all of your questions
And words in your head
You went sarching for God
And met the Devil instead
one two freddy's commin' for you
three four better lock your door
five six grab your crucifix...
something wicked this way comes
premeditated evil numbs
cartoon kids crayola smiles
children of the korn fed styles
but i don't buy your lies
i see through your disguise
don't feel your screams or cries
i'm sick of looking so sick i can't
i'm sick of the sycophant
sick of listening so sick i can't
i'm sick of the sycophant
i see you breathless and deranged
a little girl who's acting strange
tryna scare us with your scream
but it's all routine
and all you do is take
steal and immitake
you and what you create
your fake!.....
[repeat chorus]
i barely recognize... you in your new disguise
cosmetic covered eyes
just tell me why? why? why? why?
you put the make up on, take the make up off
searching to be found
but you're so fuckin' lost....
now the road to hell is paved with stones
and some of them are fakes and clones
counterfeits which suck and bleed us
wearin' fuckin' adidas
but something just ain't right, no substance only hype
with faith you got the life that made you rich
and a punk ass bitch!....
[repeat chorus]
sick of you and anyone like you, sometimes i think i've lost my mind... or else this
you came with your first kiss
blue eyes sold me your heavenly presence
something was suffocating me and i couldnæ° breathe
had no idea that you would ever deceive
i tried to believe all the things that you taught me
christlike images of truth
they straight got me
now watch me drown in sadness
my lungs gasp for air as i let you stab this heart
and rip apart wounds that exist
deeper and darker than any words i could spit
all is shit
and it will never be well
because the fires that burn are my never ending hell
is this what you call god?
your faith is lost
is this what you call god?
get off your cross
get off
bridges connect for necessity
lifelines scar my hands like the rest of me
asked me to trust you and yes i tried to
constant apologies caused me to lie too
tried to medicate my hate with your magic
how could something so sweet end up so tragic
resurrect me from this abyss
in death every body function fails to exist
false commitments
tongues twisted with religion
a heart shaped rock of the same size incision
with no relief or release
just insomnia filled nights of never ending sleep
is this what you call god?
your faith is lost
is this what you call god?
get off your cross
split a piece of wood and i am there
lift a stone and you will find me
are you still scared?
thereæ¯ no sanctuary
is this what you call god?
is this what you call
is this
is this
is this what you call love?
get off
get off
watch me
get off
get off
watch me
get off
get off
now watch me fall
i swallowed all of your lies
and they felt good going down
Tie yourself to me, no one else
No, you're not rid of me, you're not rid of me
Night and day I breathe, hey, you're not rid of me
Yeah, you're not rid of me, yeah, you're not rid of me
Yeah, you're not rid of me
I beg you my darling don't leave me, I'm hurting
Lick my legs I'm on fire, lick my legs of desire
I'll tie your legs, keep you against my chest
Oh, you're not rid of me, yeah, you're not rid of me
I'll make you lick my injuries
I'm gonna twist your head off, see
Till you say don't you wish you never, never met her?
Don't you, don't you wish you never, never met her?
Don't you, don't you wish you never, never met her?
Don't you, don't you wish you never, never met her?
I beg you my darling don't leave me, I'm hurting
Been lonely above everything above everyday, I'm hurting
Lick my legs, I'm on fire, lick my legs of desire
Lick my legs, I'm on fire, lick my legs of desire
Yeah, you're not rid of me, yeah, you're not rid of me
I'll make you lick my injuries, I'm gonna twist your head off, see
Till you say don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you, don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you, don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you, don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never, never met her
Lick my legs I'm on fire, lick my legs of desire
"the band began to tune up, though it seemed a pointless exercise considering the kind
my war
you're one of them
you say that you're my friend
but you're one of them
you don't want to see me live
you don't want me to give
cos you're one of them
my war
you're one of them
you say that you're my friend
but you're one of them
i might not know what a friend is
all i know is what you're not
cos you're one of them
my war
you're one of them
you say that you're my friend
but you're one of them
i have a prediction
it lives in my brain
it's with me every day
it drives me insane
i feel it in my heart that if i had a gun
i feel it in my heart
i'd wanna kill someone
i feel it in my heart
the end will come
come on
my war
you're one of them
you say that you're my friend
but you're one of them
tell me that i'm wrong
try to sing me your ego song
you're one of them
my war
you're one of them
you say that you're my friend
but you're one of them
my war
this is my war baby
your mouth blooms like a cut
sweet and full of sin
i prick myself on your thorns
and i bleed within
your leaves fade to brown
and i watch you die
in my torture garden
under black sunshine
my beautiful flower
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
he loves me...
our love starts to spoil
your lips bleed like a rose
underneath the soil
is where the evil grows
yoru petals start to fall
and the weeds attack
in my torture garden
the blue sky is black
my beautiful flower
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
he loves me
your mouth blooms like a cut
sweet and full of sin
i prick myself on your thorns
and i bleed within
our love starts to spoil
your lips bleed like a rose
underneath the soil
is where the evil grows
i am can feel me touch you
hear me breath...cos it's my air that loves you
and i am fire... you will feel me burn you
come inside... and i'll be water with you
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
last night I had a dream
i was drowning again
you grabbed my hand and pulled me to safety
as i looked into your eyes i saw my saviour
the person that i knew had been there all along
just waiting for the chance
to kill me
we kissed
and my mouth started to bleed
then all my teeth fell out
i like the way you make me feel
syrupy and clean
you have a strange effect on me
loving every scream
baptise this thing that burns
everytime you bathe me
if i confess too many sins
will you still save me?
let it rain
as beautiful as a scar
thereæ¯ nothing quite like you
i cut myself on your lips
let you lick my wounds
so southern is my saviour
so sick inside my head
but if i let you rescue me
will i be left for dead?
let it rain
let it rain down on me
let it rain down on us
let it rain down on me
let it rain
let it rain
the skyæ¯ illumination comes from the city below
and i can taste every inch of your kiss
every inch of your soul
from over here
You've got the BLOOD on YOUR HANDS
Your INNOCENCE makes me laugh
SEARCHING for something SACRED
Transending the tempral realm
I will not put faith in those who call themselves poets
Nor worship false idols
What else could SHE DO... to OPEN THEIR EYES?
i wanna live in the pretty sun
but daylight just makes me numb
so i cover up my scars
with velvet drapes that kill rock stars
change my mood
lick my wounds
trust will lead us to the truth
drown myself in misery
sleep with my enemy
destroy my destiny
erase the memory... of you
open myself to reveal my wounds
and i find the memory of you
i wanna die on the darkest night
when there's no one left to fight
fill my bed with leopard fur
think of you inside of her
suffer for my latest sin
until i'm happy in my skin
open myself to reveal my wounds
and i find the memory of you
i ache for you... i ache for us
i pray for you... i pray for us
i wait for you... i wait
deny thy lover and refuse thy name
first, last and always
deny thy lover and refuse thy name
first last and always
when will you tell me the truth?
when will you tell you the truth?
when will you tell me the truth?
when will you tell you...
my revenge on you will not kill you
Pretty girls they make friends
Fake smiles that don't offend
It's not hard to play pretend
Then again, then again
Ugly girls make enemies
Just go ask the name
This is what they've said to me
Said to me, said to me
Get pretty, plastic parts not included
Get pretty, get pretty
Silicone sold separately
Pretty girls they make friends
Loved by every camera lens
Someday all of this will end
Tell me when, tell me when
Ugly girls make enemies
Maybe that's what's wrong with me
If I'm not what you think that I should be
Then what should I be?
Get pretty, plastic parts not included
Get pretty, get pretty
Silicone sold separately
Get pretty, plastic parts not included
Get pretty, get pretty
Silicone is not on me
The beauty myth is alive
Get pretty, plastic parts not included
Get pretty, get pretty
Silicone sold separately
Get pretty, plastic parts not included
Get pretty, get pretty
Silicone is not on me
I'm not pretty, you're not pretty
She's not pretty, he's not pretty
We're so pretty, let's get pretty
This is not an exit, this is not an exit
I need to feel something, American Psycho
My confession means nothing
Abandon all hope ye who enter here
Pre-meditated calculated I can smell the fear
Don't try to tell the truth just black and blue your eyes
Graphic scenes of beauty I've become what I despise
Leaned into the light now I'm crucified
Flesh, blood, teeth, not lies
Later that night is how the story goes
Rent, rewind, return my videos
This is not an exit, this is not an exit
I need to feel something, American Psycho
My confession means nothing American Psycho
Nothing American Psycho
This is no attempt to preempt my own death
I won't kill myself and I'm not taking requests
The machine has left me scarred, scared of its insanity
I've burned too many bridges to pretend to be holy
Honesty is ugly so we don't have a deal
Flesh, blood, tongue, I'm real
Later that night is how the story goes
Rent, rewind, return my videos
This is not an exit, this is not an exit
I need to feel something, American Psycho
My confession means nothing American Psycho
Nothing American Psycho
No matter how profane, sacred or insane
Painfully preoccupied it's always still the same
The killer is inside me, don't try to take my life
I've buried all my hatchets but I've sharpened my knives
What? Fuck
This is not an exit, this is not an exit
I need to feel something, American Psycho
My confession means nothing American Psycho
this isa mantra
for myself
this isa mantra
for someone else
this isa mantra
so be warned...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
he smiles at meso bright it burns me
tongue twisted sick with words
she'll get whatshe deserves
she gotwhat she deserved!
see me
i look at you so deep that she feels me
girl tricks make you believe
but shesteals me
i will be her disease
diavolina screams...
keep me
so safeinside your sins are secret
i watchyou live your life in regret
you'll get whatyou deserve!
you closeyour eyes but you can't dream me
dirty girl so mean can't clean me
i will be your disease
diavolina screams...
and i swear
sacred as this heart ofmine
strong as the ties which bind us
heavy as this cross
which iforeverbare
eternity will be the hell we share
and what you want i don't care cos it doesn't concern me
this isabout what i need
so bleed as theneedle goes in,i'm creeping under yourskin
soak you in sickness and scent you in sin
so say you loveher andi'll believe you
but if you can't then you only deceive you
i said i love you and idon't lie... remember that
elegantly wasted and i can taste it
here i sit, trying not to fake this gift
of the beauty myth
i can't help but feel like this
bored... of the beauty whore
cos my body just wants more
scars... and i can feel them
wounds... i can't heal them
red bring my mouth to life
black revive my hair that's dyed
make up always helps me hide
what i don't like on the outside
starlight, starbright
first star i see tonight
i wish i may, i wish i might
have the wish i wish tonight
a birthday girl
a broken heart
you name the drama she played the part
long lost demons leave her godless
like her powder
leaves her flawless
sugar coated heart shaped pout
lipstick just destorts her mouth
mascara puts her eyes to sleep
cos beauty's only skin deep
[repeat chorus]
bitch du jour
served on a platter
she's so pretty
but does it matter
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
but nobody told her
mirror mirror on the wall
watch her break and watch her fall
stitch her smile
bruise her knees
walk among her enemies
blessed am i among women
to live and love in such a beautiful temple
no music.. just some guy talking.
Let me introduce myself in case me never met
An exorcism of the throat for those who crave burlesque
Erotic dreams are drowned in dreams but I'm still wide awake
The central nervous system of my heart will always ache
So cut my mouth and stitch my lips, I swear I'll never cry
Undress my breath, strip my voice and write another lie
The cult of everything you need will lead you down the path
And I will promise not to read, just promise not to ask
Come get a piece of me, is that what you want?
Rip me apart until I bleed because it's all my fault
Come take your piece of me if that's all you want
Cut out my tongue so I can't speak and then you can talk
About me
It's true, I've made some enemies 'cause honesty is my vice
I won't pretend to be your friend 'cause I'm not that nice
Described as everything you said, I warned you not to come
But if I don't live up to what you thought, I'm still the one
It's all the little things I've done and all the things you say
If you are so afraid of me then stay the fuck away
So high my skin is white and now my eyes have turned to black
Tongue is dumb from all the drugs, thank God, I can't react
Come get a piece of me, is that what you want?
Rip me apart until I bleed because it's all my fault
Come take your piece of me if that's all you want
Cut out my tongue so I can't speak and then you can talk
About me, about me, about me, about me
So full of hate you waste my time on words that make me tense
I'll be the one to take the blame, the first one to confess
So throw your stones and bruise my face
But you can't take my faith, I'd rather die
Then turn what's sacred into something safe
Come get a piece of me, is that what you want?
Rip me apart until I bleed because it's all my fault
Come take your piece of me if that's all you want
Cut out my tongue so I can't speak and then you can talk
And then you can talk
And then you can talk
And then you can, and then you can
And then you can talk
If you feel the need to go there, then we can go there
But if not I suggest you
drunk with sin
she sits in her skin
filled with anger
fuelled by liquer
drowns in dreams
with no savior
from the truth
none can save her
he is her own personal jesus
and he will not be her last
god wants a piece of her ass
god wants a piece of my ass...
i am... a blasphemous girl
i am... a blasphemous girl
i am... a blasphemous girl
i am... a blasphemous
magnum mouthed i shoot to kill
you murder me with lies and guilt
strangle me... with tragic hands
god wants a piece of her ass
god wants a piece of my ass...
i am... a blasphemous girl
i am... a blasphemous girl
i am...
stab a stalker
rape me... like a hero
stab me... like a stalker
rape me...and be my hero
bless me darling and i will forgive you
eloquent and full of grace
you speak in tongues behind my back
a dry lung vocal martyr
i will suffer for my lover
i will suffer for his sins
i will suffer for my lover
i am suffering for him
torture me with timelessness
worship my first with every kiss
resurrection of my pain
drag me down our memory lane
introduce me to devotion
leave me numb with no emotion
stars surround you when i feel you
you look better when i cannot see... you
honesty... looks good to you
God wants to heal cancer...
Christians are commanded alcohol.. is good!...
evasion of crutches you partake of the dust of the ground...
I know some of you are frightened about it...
we can go to church and you are naked...
and over the foul of the air and fire
of course people said they're drunk
I put my trust in you and you betrayed me
Took what I gave you and fuckin' raped me
But you can't kill me, it's not that easy
I'm still standing, still breathing
Spitfire, spite hate, spit all the shit you talk
Right back in your face
I spit liars, I spit names
I spit truth and my song remains the same
I gave you faith when none believed you
Barely escaped but who deceived who?
You tried to guilt me with things you'd tell me
You didn't build me, you can't sell me
Spitfire, spite hate, spit all the shit you talk
Right back in your face
I spit liars, I spit names
I spit truth and my song remains the same
Small man, big mouth
Small man, big mouth
Yeah, fuck your label!
Spitfire, spite hate, spit all the shit you talk
Right back in your face
I spit liars, I spit names
I spit truth and my song remains the same
Small man, big mouth, misogynistic
Small man, big mouth, chauvinistic
Small man, big mouth
What was I thinking when I shut my mouth?
Open it wide let the shit come out
What was I thinking when I shut my mouth?
Open it wide let the shit come out
Be my nurse as I scream for you
Kill my mood like you always do
Your only as strong as your weakest link
And your face looks like something stinks
Life wrecking bitch better turn my cheek
Or shit might hit the fan this week
Stinkface, stinkface don't think you can't be replaced
Told you twice better be nice, be nice
Who am I kidding 'cause I can't pretend
You don't really wanna be my friend push me to that place I fear
Stinkface, stinkface don't think you can't be replaced
Stinkface, stinkface told you twice and you better be, better be
Nice, nice
What was I thinking when I shut my mouth?
Open it wide let the shit come out
Stinkface, stinkface don't think you can't be replaced
Stinkface, stinkface told you twice and you better be, better be
Stinkface, stinkface don't think you can't be replaced
sick with it
sick with disease
deny addiction
down on my knees
feed my affliction
scared to believe
my own decisions
eager to please
destroyed visions
breed life
need life
breath life
keep life
lie and decieve
with no emotion
false promises
loss of devotion
scarred by deceit
my self destruction
love obsolete
live in dysfunction
breed life
need life
breath life
keep life
bleed life
heal life
feel life
the sweet life
is all i want...
can i bleed for the ritual?
bleed for it
got a need for the ritual....
can i breath for the ritual?
breath for it
got a need for the ritual?
sick with it. sick with it. sick with it, sick with it... (repeat)
it's inside me
i feel it growing
nowhere to hide
my anger's showing
repeat chorus
and on this dark night of my soul
i will continue to pray for us
it doesnæ° matter what i say
doesnæ° matter what i do
i donæ° really give a fuck about you
nowadays itæ¯ all fake
put some make up on your face
looking like a fucking chick
in lipstick
there is nothing here for me
dressed up in your new disease
hollywood is full of shit
donæ° ask me to sell my soul
i would rather be myself
do what youæ®e told
stick it to me
i know you want to
stick it in me
you know youæ®e going to
stick it to me
i know you want to
stick it in me
you know youæ®e going to
take a picture if you need
while i bleed
what makes you think that you know me
dinner and an interview
but iæ¦ not a fan of you
at least i tell the truth
damned if i do
damned if i donæ°
damned if i will
if i wonæ°
stab me in the back and buy me one more drink
suck my trust until iæ¦ fucked
then you can say you fucked me
youæ®e so sneaky with your surprises
youæ®e so sweet underneath disguises
i canæ° wait for you to criticise this
donæ° think i donæ° know how big your knife is
stick it to me
i know you want to
stick it in me
you know youæ®e going to
stick it to me
i know you want to
stick it in me
you know youæ®e going to
you donæ° know me like i know myself and i will never tell
you donæ° know me like i know myself
Self contained
I can feel the weight of my body
As my voice strains
from beauty scenes
the enemy is the fear
that falls inbetween
I sleep awake
Displaced from my unconsious state
Refuse to break
I talk back
everyone needs a SCAPEGOAT
Someone to throw the rocks at
My soul is not for sale
I have not forgotten my past
But I will remove the nails
Force-fed your insecurities
I have bled with no regrets
For what I have said...before
Or for what...I plan to say next!
Odor of sanctity
is not what you smell on me
Can't make the dirty clean...
Control the magazine
Under the influence
I've learned to live with this...
So I will be your standard...of comparison
Dear Mr.
Your name here
Don't think we'll forget
How you managed to
Be so full of shit
It's just another day in L.A.
Just another day, so I'll say
Its just another day in L.A.
Hollywood is so fake
Tell us lies, we believe you
Close your eyes, we won't see you
Take our lives, if you need to
Suck us dry, let us feed you
Daddy dearest
With your band
You really had us fooled
But you proved that with a doubt
Bitches rule the world
It's just another day in L.A.
It's just another day, so I'll say
It's just another day in L.A.
Hollywood is so fake
Tell us lies, we believe you
Close your eyes, we won't see you
Take our lives, if you need to
Suck us dry, let us feed you
Bury us in all your fabricated little schemes
Calculated to be nothing like what it all seems
Slander everything we stand for
We won't compromise
And we promise that this revolution
Won't be televised
Why would you pretend to be
On our side then publicize your lies
When we learned the truth
Then we were forced to recognize
It's just another day in L.A.
It's just another day, so I'll say
It's just another day in L.A.
Tell us lies, we believe you
Close your eyes, we won't see you
Take our lives, if you need to
Suck us dry, let us feed you
Let us feed you
Let us feed you
This is what you call me...
I strike terror among men.
I can't be bothered by what they think.
I bare my cross,
My soul,
I forgive,
but i never forget.
I've been put upon this earth in female form.
But I can handle myself with the best of you,
As well as the worst.
And I often have.
I have the right to remain silent,
But i choose to speak,
I am lips,
I am the power of a woman,
Strong like music,
True like friendship,
But without my friends,
There would be no music.
Only spoken word.
Fucker! x2
I am able to change,
So I live without regret,
Without remorse,
Only a remix.
I am drunk,
I am sober.
Heaven doesn't want me
And Hell's afraid i'll take over
Don't bother trying to censor me,
Or shut me up,
Because it won't work.
I am cold and distant,
Yet warm and close,
To those who deserve to see that side of me.
Part of me the heart of me.
You find me so hard to understand in your world.
The world you perceive to be so normal.
I am deformed,
Scorned ,
I am me,
And i know exactly who i am,
What i am
And the wrath i bring.
The ugly beauty,
The lying truth,
The virgin whore
The quiet storm
A lover,
A fighter,
A saint,
A sinner,
A sister,
A daughter
Old school.
A beginner.
I have decorated myself with love,
All of you,
Both of you,
None of you,
More than one of you
Fucker! x2
With lips like sugar.
Eyes like meat.
I've watched men come,
And go,
And cheat.
I sleep to dream
And dream of sleep.
I had a dream joe
That you were standing in the middle of an open grove.
I had a dream joe
That your hands were raised up to the sky
And your mouth was covered in foam.
I've been crucified,
And mortified by my behavior.
Both feminine,
And masculine.
I am a contradiction,
And juxtaposition.
My relief is my release,
And only time will tell.
All's well that ends well
I am unsweetened,
Been called drama queen.
Ex girlfriend,
Ex member,
The tantrum,
The temper.
I point my finger,
Take the blame.
And this time I will own the name.
Because no one is going to ruin me.
If i have to,
I will ruin myself.
And it will be 'My Ruin'(My Ruin)
I was born like this with hips like this
Lips like this and wrists like this
Legs like this and arms like this
A fist like this to hit you with, now
You're like school on Sunday
You ain't got no class
Keep runnin' your mouth off but
You can kiss my *
Not made to measure, baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Not made to measure, baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
I got the curves to fear
I got the words to feel
And when I scream I've heard them say
I've got the voice to heal
You don't have to be sorry
You don't have to be saved
You just need to be proud
Of the body that God gave
Not made to measure, baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Not made to measure, baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Listen to me, say, yeah
I'm so fat, I'm * up
I'm so skinny, I'm sick
I'm so tired of the magazines
Talkin' that bull*, I'm not fat, they're * up
I'm not skinny, they're sick
I'm just so tired of the critics
Who keep talking that bull*
I was born like this, with eyes like this
Teeth like this, and thighs like this
A face like this, a waist like this
When I die, I'll die like this, now
You're like school on Sunday
You ain't got no class
Keep running your mouth but
I just might kick your *
Not made to measure, baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Not made to measure, baby
One size does not fit all
I will not be the one
You make to take the fall
Let me hear you say, yeah
You're so fat, you're * up
You're so skinny, you're sick
You're so tired of the magazines
Talking that bull*, you're not fat, they're * up
You're not skinny, they're sick
You're just tired of the critics
Who keep talking that bull*
Now what?, Now what?, Now what?
What you gonna say the next time you see us?
Now what?, Now what? Now what?
With a heavy heart somebody said
Let's go our separate ways
Our relationship is strained
In this the vital stage
There is a lack of confidence
And you can feel our stress
A need for truth, time to decide
What is and is not best
Faith, subject to change, forgive, far too late
Fate, end of your game, hot in the house of God I rage
With a question left, I will confess
Put my mind and past to rest
Termination of our trust
Friendships end and this one must
The time has come to make our move
And we can see what we can't prove
The little things
That make no sense
Have all built up
To be immense
Faith, subject to change, forgive, far too late
Fate, end of your game, hot in the house of God I rage
Faith, subject to change, forgive, far too late
Fate, end of your game, hot in the house of God
Nothing's the same
Everything's changed
Faith, subject to change, forgive, far too late
Fate, end of your game, hot in the house of God I rage
Faith, subject to change, forgive, far too late
Fate, end of your game, hot in the house of God
Nothing's the same
Nothing's the same
For every minute you spend angry
do you remember those words you whispered to me
on that fateful day in italy mr. b?
i can hear you singing
face on fire
blue skies, your eyes
my beautiful liar
i'm still breathing
you can't kiss me
kill me darling
i know you miss me
can't resist me
call me miss b.... i love it when you call me miss b
can you hear me talking?
can you see me
red lights my lips
she can never be me... she can never be me
now i'm screaming
what can i break?
my hearts broken... silverlake
san francisco, switzerland lacunza
england, budapest,
mulhouse, june 10th
june 10th
do you remember june 10th?
i can't forget june 10th....
i remember when we met
do you remember or do you forget?
you were so perfect, so pure like an angel
you were like an angel... amen
and i remember thinking,
i remember thinking... my god
my god he is just so beautiful
so fuckin' amazing
and every night,
every night i would watch you, i would watch you watching me
and we swore that nothing would come between us
that no one would come between us
do you remember?
ecstasy in paris... laying down in the middle of the street
in the middle of the night
in the center of you
i was humbled by your power, on the 9th plane... 666 acacia avenue, somewhere in hell
diggin' the hell out of you, diggin' the hell in you... my co conspirator
my executioner, my sacrificial lamb, my friend, my lover, my martyr
are you my enemy now? you once asked me" is existance all we share?"... you tell me