Waikato Times

The Waikato Times, a leading metropolitan daily, forms the core brand within the Fairfax Media Waikato Division. The Waikato Times has the fourth largest circulation of any daily newspaper in New Zealand and an extensive array of editorial features and niche publications allow you to place advertising in a quality, thinking environment that effectively connects with more potential customers. The Waikato Times also enjoys a growing online presence via the award-winning Stuff website at waikatotimes.co.nz, delivering a popular and dynamic environment for your next online advertising campaign.

In addition to the Waikato Times, Fairfax Media sports a stable of 11 market-leading Waikato Regional Community Newspapers. These products provide the ability to target your market by location and build on the reach generated from your Waikato Times advertising investment.

Published Daily
Monday to Saturday, Morning
Editor Jonathan MacKenzie
Cover Price Monday to Friday, $1.60
Saturday, $2.80
Page Size Run of Paper, 54cm x 10col
Classified, 54cm x 11col
Readership Average Issue, 87,000
Weekly Coverage, 132,000
Source: Nielsen CMI Q3 2013 - Q2 2014
Circulation 29,219 (Circulation Map (PDF 386.4KB))
Source: NZ Audit Bureau of Circulation, 12 months to June 2014
Other Editions waikatotimes.co.nz
Real Estate

Waikato Times Banner

The Waikato Times, a leading metropolitan daily, forms the core brand within the Fairfax Media Waikato Division. 

An extensive array of editorial features and niche publications allow you to place your advertising in a quality, thinking environment that effectively connects with more of your potential customers in New Zealand's fourth largest urban area.

The Waikato Times also enjoys a growing online presence via the award-winning Stuff website at www.waikatotimes.co.nz. delivering a popular and dynamic environment for your next online advertising campaign.

In addition to the Waikato Times, Fairfax Media sports a stable of 11 market-leading Waikato Regional Community Newspapers. These products provide the ability to target your market by location and build on the reach generated from your Waikato Times advertising investment.

  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Commercial Property     Yes        
News Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Regional/Local News Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Sport Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
World Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
TV/Entertainment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
BusinessDay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Out and About Pictorial Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Opinion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Weather Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Farming   Yes          
My Career (Job Market)     Yes     Yes  
Tempo (Fashion/Food/Lifestyle Tabloid)     Yes        
Science/Technology       Yes      
Ent. (Music, Film, Gig Guide)       Yes      
Arts       Yes      
Motortimes (Tabloid)       Yes      
Waikato Focus           Yes  
Racing Times         Yes    
Property (Real Estate)           Yes  
Your Weekend Magazine           Yes  

Click here (PDF 212.9KB) to view the latest Waikato Times ratecard, including information on booking/material deadlines and technical specs.

Please refer to the Waikato Times Advertising Solutions Booklet (PDF 3.3MB) which has been designed to give you an introduction to the Waikato Times and the extensive Fairfax Media advertising solutions available to advertisers within the Waikato region.

As well as offering advertisers special daily news and feature environments and weekly features, magazines and pre-prints, the Waikato TImes offers a variety of other advertising solutions. These include:

Click here for online advertising opportunities at waikatotimes.co.nz and stuff.co.nz

The Waikato Times has a series of features running through the year covering travel; education, entertainment, school holidays, health and beauty and other topics. For quotes and bookings please contact your Waikato Times or Fairfax Media advertising account executive. 

Click here (PDF 43.9KB) to view the Waikato Times features guide.

Tabloids and Magazines
Ask us about our special glossy insert magazines published throughout the year:

Tempo (weekly tabloid - Wednesday)
Our stylish tabloid lift-out covering fashion, health, make-up, food, wine and shopping.
Motortimes (weekly tabloid - Thursday)
The Waikato's weekly motoring bible.
Your Weekend (weekly magazine - Saturday
An exciting weekend magazine packed with informative, entertaining and thought-provoking reading.
Farmer (monthly tabloid)
A comprehensive monthly roundup of local and national farming news with an emphasis on stories relevant to the Waikato farmer. Published in association with NZFarmer.co.nz
Continuing Education (Quarterly tabloid)
A comprehensive overview of educational opportunities available within the Waikato region and beyond
Fashion (twice yearly gloss magazine)
Fashion is filled with lively and interesting reading on the latest fashion trends.
Event Publications
Special ‘one off' event publications throughout the year. Publications include Balloons Over Waikato, Master Builders House of the Year and Waikato Home and Garden Show.

In-paper Inserts can range from single sheet to 25+ pages. Inserts can be for a part or a full print run.

Hand Inserts with subscriber delivery can be discussed, quoted and arranged through your Waikato Times or Fairfax Media advertising account executive.

Inserts can also be handed out with the Waikato Times for special promotions, e.g. new product launches or inserts handed out with free copies of the Waikato TImes to Fieldays patrons. All these options and more can be discussed, quoted and arranged through your Waikato Times or Fairfax Media advertising account executive.

End Run Wraps can be arranged and handed out with the Waikato Times. Please contact your Waikato Times or Fairfax Media advertising account executive for further details on unique insert opportunities.

Newspaper Wraps
Information on two page and four page cover wraps are available on request. Wraps are available on most days for most sections, tabloids and pre-prints. Section A wraps are held by editorial and available with editorial approval for major events. Other wrap positions are available with front page sign off approvals through editorial. Please contact your advertising account executive to discuss newspaper wraps on 07 849 9530

Ad-tachments (stick-on advertising notes) are available on the front page of the Waikato Times. Ad-tachment creative and visuals can be discussed, quoted and arranged through your Waikato Times or Fairfax Media advertising account executive.

Click here (PDF 212.9KB) to view the latest Waikato Times ratecard which includes details on booking and material deadlines and technical specs.

Fairfax Advertising Network
Phone: +64 9 970 4000
Fax: +64 9 970 4059
Email: info@fairfaxmedia.co.nz
Address: 2 Hereford Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Postal: PO Box 90741, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142

Commercial Manager - Fairfax Media Waikato Region 
Name: Sean Stephens
Phone: +64 7 849 9717 
Fax: +64 7 849 9554
Email: sean.stephens@fairfaxmedia.co.nz
Address: 70 Foreman Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Postal: Private Bag 3086, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Name: Jonathan MacKenzie
Phone: +64 7 849 9661
Fax: +64 7 849 9603
Email: jonathon.mckenzie@waikatotimes.co.nz
Address: 70 Foreman Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Postal: Private Bag 3086, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Agency Bookings
Name: Jay Berryman
Phone: +64 7 849 9535
Fax: +64 7 849 9639
Email: jay.berryman@waikatotimes.co.nz
Address: 70 Foreman Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Postal: Private Bag 3086, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

General Enquiries
Phone: +64 7 849 9530
Address: 70 Foreman Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Postal Address: Private Bag 3086, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240