Clutha Leader

Reaching 90% of the population in its circulation area the Clutha Leader is the right choice for advertisers wanting to target consumers in this district.

The community newspaper provides Clutha district residents with their weekly dose of local news, events and advertising information.

Situated on the South East coast of the South Island towards the Otago border the region is primarily supported by successful agricultural opportunities with many types of farming and forestry dominating the area's economy.

With major community events like the Catlins Coast Rally, the Lights on Lawrence Festival and the Rural Women's Week, the Clutha Leader is the perfect vehicle to tap into this prosperous market.

Published Weekly - Thursday
Morning Issue
Editor Mark Hotton
Cover Price Free
Page Size Run of Paper, 37cmx7col
Classified, 37cmx8col
Readership Average issue, 21,000
Source: Nielsen CMI Q3 2013 - Q2 2014
Circulation 9,005
Source: NZ Audit Bureau of Circulation, 12 months to Dec 2013
Other Editions Clutha Leader digital edition

With an average issue readership of 8,000 the Clutha Leader is the right choice to advertise in if you are looking to target consumers in the lucrative Clutha District.

Launched in 1874 the Clutha Leader is one of the oldest newspapers in New Zealand. This proud sense of tradition and loyalty to the community is seen through the paper's focus on providing residents with local news and stories to keep them updated and entertained.

The Clutha Leader targets all households in the Clutha district and its readers cover a wide range of income groups. Readers are relatively budget conscious when it comes to the household shopping, but also like to splash out on clothes, their homes and brands their children prefer.

Its high readership reach makes the Clutha Leader a valuable tool for advertisers to reach potential customers.

Newspaper Display Advertising

Display advertising is located throughout the publication and utilises size, colour, illustration and typography to attract the reader's attention. Display advertising is primarily found in the editorial sections but can also be placed within classified sections if deemed appropriate and relevant.

You can request a preferred position within the newspaper for a fee or choose "run of paper" whereby the advertisement is placed in any position in the paper at our discretion. Opting for run of paper generally results in a reduced charge to an advertiser.

Classified Advertising

Classifieds are advertising only pages across a number of different categories e.g for sale, trade services or situations vacant.

ROP from minimum of 3 cm deep to 7 cols (26.6 cm) wide, up to a maximum of 37 cm deep.

Classified display from minimum of 3 cm deep to 8 cols (26.6cm) wide, up to maximum of 37 cm deep.

Classified non-display bookings can be placed through your marketing consultant or direct to 

All display bookings can be placed through your sales executive or direct to The Clutha Leader does not publish advertorials.  We do, however, accept reader advertisements.

  • Reader advertisements must be entirely contained within a ruled border of a thickness no less than 5pt.
  • The text may be set in ordinary news type.
  • The word ADVERTISEMENT must be set in 14pt capitals and in bold, and must be placed inside the border at the top left-hand corner of the advertisement or centred at the top of the advertisement.
  • Reader advertisements can be placed on any page other than the first five pages of Section A subject to availability.
  • Minimum pt size for reverse block and colour is 8pt.

Regional Manager:

Jeet Raghav
Ph: +64 3 418 1115