
With a population of 12,250 Gore District residents turn to the Newslink for their weekly dose of local news, events and advertising information.

Home to the famous brown trout statue, Gore and its outlying districts have benefitted tremendously from the recent dairy boom. Fonterra's Edendale plant is the major employer in the district and the world's largest milk processing plant.

With major events like the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards, the Gold Guitar Awards and the Hokonui Moonshiners Festival being held in the area, the Newslink is the perfect vehicle to tap into this lucrative and prosperous market.

Published Weekly - Thursday
Morning Issue
Editor Mark Hotton
Cover Price Free
Page Size ROP 37cm x 7col
Classified 37cm x 8col
Readership Average issue, 22,000
Source: Nielsen CMI Q3 2013 - Q2 2014
Circulation 12,002
Source: NZ Audit Bureau of Circulation, 12 months to Dec 2013
Other Editions Newslink digital edition

With an average issue readership of 13,000 The Newslink is the right choice to advertise in if you are looking to target consumers in the lucrative Eastern Southland market.  The Newslink was launched in 1990 to give the readers of Gore a good community read and provide advertisers with the means to target this segment of the Southland population. It's dedicated to delivering local news to this rural area of Southland where agriculture is a major industry, employer and contributor to the GDP. Editorial content focuses on the entire district, covering the Gore, Mossburn, Lumsden, Tapanui and Edendale areas.  The Newslink targets a wide range of income groups, from retired couples and young families to self employed individuals running small businesses through to larger business owners and farmers in the outlying areas of the district. Readers are image conscious, believing that money indicates success and keeping up with the latest fashions. They are also health conscious and aware of the environmental impact of products.

Newspaper Display Advertising

Display advertising is located throughout the publication and utilises size, colour, illustration and typography to attract the reader's attention. Display advertising is primarily found in the editorial sections but can also be placed within classified sections if deemed appropriate and relevant.

You can request a preferred position within the newspaper for a fee or choose "run of paper" whereby the advertisement is placed in any position in the paper at our discretion. Opting for run of paper generally results in a reduced charge to an advertiser.

Classified Advertising

Classifieds are advertising only pages across a number of different categories e.g for sale, trade services or situations vacant.

ROP from minimum of 3 cm deep to 7 cols (26.6 cm) wide, up to a maximum of 37 cm deep.

Classified display from minimum of 3 cm deep to 8 cols (26.6cm) wide, up to maximum of 37 cm deep.

Classified non-display bookings can be placed through your marketing consultant or direct to

All display bookings can be placed through your sales executive or direct to