The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Russian: Совет экономической взаимопомощи, Sovet ekonomicheskoy vsaymopomoshchi, СЭВ, SEV, English abbreviation COMECON, CMEA, or CAME), 1949–1991, was an economic organization under the organization of Soviet Union comprising the countries of the Eastern Bloc along with a number of socialist states elsewhere in the world. The Comecon was the Eastern Bloc's reply to the formation of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation in western Europe.
The descriptive term was often applied to all multilateral activities involving members of the organization, rather than being restricted to the direct functions of Comecon and its organs. This usage was sometimes extended as well to bilateral relations among members, because in the system of socialist international economic relations, multilateral accords—typically of a general nature—tended to be implemented through a set of more detailed, bilateral agreements.
January 1949:
February 1949:
Comecon - The house that man built - Converging Conspiracies
Comecon - Converging Conspiracies (FULL ALBUM)
Comecon - Armed Solution
5. Cominform and Comecon
Comecon - The Dog Days
Comecon - Morticide
Fuori dall'Euro. Ok, ma come? Con Nino Galloni, Antonio M Rinaldi, e Marco Saba. 11/12/2014
Plano Marshall e COMECON
Comecon - The House That Man Built
Comecon- Democrator
Comecon - Frogs -(Fable Frolic)
COMECON, Pacto de Varsovia, Sovietizacion de la Europa del Este y Central
Comecon - The Future Belongs to Us
Comecon - Ulcer
Comecon - The house that man built - Converging Conspiracies
Comecon - Converging Conspiracies (FULL ALBUM)
Comecon - Armed Solution
5. Cominform and Comecon
Comecon - The Dog Days
Comecon - Morticide
Fuori dall'Euro. Ok, ma come? Con Nino Galloni, Antonio M Rinaldi, e Marco Saba. 11/12/2014
Plano Marshall e COMECON
Comecon - The House That Man Built
Comecon- Democrator
Comecon - Frogs -(Fable Frolic)
COMECON, Pacto de Varsovia, Sovietizacion de la Europa del Este y Central
Comecon - The Future Belongs to Us
Comecon - Ulcer
Comecon - Icons of Urine - Fable Frolic
Comecon - Aerie
Comecon - The Mule
Comecon - Worms
Divulgazione: come con Internet l'informazione economica diventa indipendente
Comecon - Bovine Inspiration (Fable Frolic)
Comecon - Conductor of Ashes
Comecon- Pinhole View
Comecon - Teuton Tantrums
The stone of the wise tricks Your eyes
It's another breakthrough in homiletics
There's been an attempt on ordinary lives
Illfare administered by social medics
Unlike Deutschneyland after dark
Here is science without failure
Non-existent speciesw in cretaceous park
A freer market meticulously tailored
We need night observation devices
We need new methods to set the prices
We need means to handle incorporate thugs
We need a name for every bug
We're host to parasitic inorganic tissue
So oil prospecting is not the issue
There's inexhaustible competition
With footmen at home with foreign missions
But the halo crumbles under the weight
Of their private real estates
We've got artificial stupidity
Now what could be done about exergy
Well, Deutschneyland after dark
There is science without failure
Non-existent speciesw in cretaceous park
A freer market meticulously tailored
We need night observation devices
We need new methods to set the prices
We need means to handle incorporate thugs
We need a name for every bug
answer me
the world looks black
a world of facts
victim due
bleed for me
nothing seen
less we know
the freaks themselves
run the show
the reaper laughs with a million faces
he speaks in tongues in every paper
slow panic understatement
soon to be but still awaiting
invertebrate demons
ignorant and loud
in the back of my head
when i'am in a crowd
a crime's brrn commited
I have to be punished
petrified reasons
silent but famished
I need some rest
lie down for a while
in the tower of sleep
by the river of bromide
the reaper laughs with a million faces
he speaks in tongues in every paper
slow panic understatement
soon to be but still awaiting
ants seek
in my anus
and my nose
answer me
your world of facts
is coming much too
slow panic understatement
speaks in tongues in every thought
the reaper laughs with a million faces
and soon he will tell you the joke
wash away the filth
the lights are gone and the world is nuclean
come with me take my hand
we all must be purged to reach the promised land
believe my lies
trust my eyes
come to me
to be free
we all must choose to be enslaved
these chains are made of the love that you gave
to deliver you from all sins
submission is the key to the saving from oneself
believe my lies
trust my eyes
come to me
Open - rise
a choice career for all - rebirthing
Stop - drown
they drank my words till drought and chatter
No refunds today
a wretched toil awaits below
the face that smiles ok
with teeth that shine like a health freak show
From hibernation
I slither into your barren bed
we'll guard our freedom
A world of protective padlocks lies ahead
Open - rise
a choice career for all - rebirthing
Stop - drown
they drank my words till drought and chatter
Frogs croak, frogs croak for all
From the dark grass outside, you can hear them call
Satan is laughing, he is laughing at us all
Look at the toiling little man,
and then he's destroyed for no reason at all
The meek shall inherit the earth when it's dead
When all temples are ashes, and the soil bears no bread
Frogs croak, frogs croak for some
From abysses begrassed, the end will come
In the flickering of the light Satan comes to take a bite
Of what could have been my soul, but it's all turd of mole
And fouled by blind diggers I can see how it figures
You can't have what's not, and that goes for the lot
Frogs croak, frogs croak for no one
Grass reaching at you, the end has begun.
Send them flowers
masticate us meat contenders
contemplate a life as fur for
abjuration in December
Were you tempted
by a life of contemplation
I'll raise you - erase you
Look at you now
so far from why and how
Lead me to life, star spangled eyes
Turtles and doves filling the skies
Lawful offense lustrally spurts
Never repent the harvest that hurts
Aging - without time
in this paradise of self-defence
you need treatment - barrows
Silenced - when two as one
cross the barriers of violence
have confidence - ashes
Follow your kind star spangled heir
rockets and calls filling the air
Wash up and walk into the night
stale souvenirs; memories that bite
Merry Mary, merry Mary
marry marry happypill
(repeat to end)
From the pikes of the Inkas,
from the abysses of Pamir
From the Alps of the Old world,
some things are clear, some things are not
In the high mountain air I feel bright when I ain't
I see a throned spirit and 24 elderly saints
Quiet attire
oven plant shareholders prosper
Sound investments
syncretism in mag-lite by the
twilight barrier
bargain price as false as Gospel
We're all templed
by the life of contemptation
They'll raid you - invade you
What have you done
now can you tell who's the one?
Souls are crushed
With a brittle sound
Like crumbs are crushed
When a table's undone
Their blood was their wine
Their mind was their meat
Here they sat
But now they're gone
So bring a law that crime won't break
So bring a lamb that wolves can't take
So bring a light the blind can see
Goats bleat, God speed, bring up the fee.
Souls fall
Over the edge
Like scraps from a table
For whom was it set
For whom was it sent
Propelling scythes
Propelling scythes
Into propelling scythes they went
Ashes - my trusty bed
Unhurt me now if you can
filling the skies - splendour
Provider so sue-serene
now maudlin now bellicose
no souvenirs - minion
Vitaminimal escape from parity
stole my nightmares to distribute for charity
Discouraged option to request amends
severe reprisal from gore-tex® and friends
Advertised compassion burnout
let the creamy lather flood my day
Wash away the filth eternal
mass appeal disbarment came to stay
Money speaks (or rather shouts)
I can sure underhear what it's talking about
It's a year of ancient mendicity opulence
Almost lifelike brutal tragedies
diversive shots of distant atrocities
Propagandic downpour can't quench the thirst
tomorrow certainly I'll do my worst
Independence stops at anthems
but the trapdoor wants a say
Eloquent detergent poultry
make the wizard look my way
Democratic acquisition
spending power wants a say
Wash away the filth eternal
let the creamy lather flood my day
I feel beyond morals like Frederick,
the moustached whipper
I dream of a heavenly vessel,
where god would be the skipper
But I'm scared for it darkens, I sense powers come aloose
And I'm lost, I'm of no use, like a coin without a flipper
From here I can see all the good of the world
All the bad of the world, anything of the world
I see seals go abroke, I hear hooves across the skies
I see a black horse, a red one, I see scourge and demise
But what I thought was without
is now gathering within
It's floating on inwards as the chaos begins
And when I'm swallowed by turmoil,
outside new life sprouts
The sun's coming back - I fade and go out
Vessels sink, men go under
I don't wanna die, it feels like cancer
A bridge-collapse, a train that flies
I'm scared of the screams that fill the skies
You're not gonna die, he says, he lies
Feel hell underfeet, I feel how it fries
Second by second I sink underneath
Second by second I sink underneath
It wears me down
It Wears Me Down
All of me, all of me, all of me down
Woods swallowing men with cold,
dark, beasts and deep blue skies
Quaking earth, winds that wipe
creations of man away like dust
I reach out to fathom all of my kin
I have none, that is sin
Alone we die like cattle in storm
Alone we die like cattle in storm
It Wears Me Down
It wears me down
It wears me down
All of me, all of me, all of me down
Pure encharting reconception
of self-vindictive truth
Over-eating expectation
a subregarding sleuth
seems to open for correction
the understudied mind
but it stops at magniloquence
as regulations shine
This is a day when everything's sick
My tongue's stuck, my lungs burn all colors are sick
This is everyday, I'll impose it on all
To prove that I am though I'm revoltingly small
My person, my belongings, I break them at will
No classes, no families, no nations, no ties
I'm swallowed screaming by oceans of bile
Feel how it soothes when you take to the skies
How I won the war
How I won the war
How I won the war
How I won the war
I am what smells when you didn't wash
I'm the remains that smell in your sink
Your world's looking bright and I'm too weak to destroy it
I'm too faint to be seen or else you'd enjoyed it
This is my church and I, myself, built it
I'm the last, I'm the last, Oh god I'm filthy
The world will be the prey, and eventually it'll eat us:
The power of the slime of which I am the phoetus
How I won the war - You never did
How I won the war - You never did
How I won the war - You never did
How I won the war - You never did
No more livestock
no more listlessness
As long as we're quiet
our dreams are blessed
by hands that smite
and feet that clatter
against the roof of time
uncertainty will shatter
Call ages of extortion
Hail champions of conversion
Sail mountain ridge and ocean
Fall pounce on every portion
Rule demon over supplier
More ravenous extraction
Your indigenceour surfeit
Tool scoffing democration Claws
All over the world the carcasses of
Cultures drowned in civilization
Crawl over the world our cheap seductive
Virulent commodification
Lords secular commandments
Their tyrants our contractors
Heir mortgage all improvement
Force assests turned to outlet Claws
All over the world our godly politics
Of friendly intervention
Crawl over the world our avid kindness
And exorbitant pretentions
All our self-development and
Counterpolar under-education
All our cardio-vascular expenditure
Of misguided humanism
Obstructing nillicism
Nivellating loserism
Limp crypto-socialism
And the test-tubes of urine are the icons of progress
As the future is molden, its showers are golden
It takes a piss in the course where the job might be yours
Being picky and choosy we seek out the loosy
Is the dynamic force of elite crescent
Eating all the future as it ate all the present
It's no longer the blood that pumps through your veins
It's the determining force of chromosome-chains
But mystics of chromosomes, as of blood, pave the way
Up next are breeding-domes, revisit old days
But all of history ends here and it's blood traded for piss
The arrogance of eternity in the glimmering of piss
Mawkish vulture undigniflies
Call him uncle and he will rise
from the newsstand mediate crapitation
the long due union of east and west
freedom and peace brought on peaople's request
but the halo is solied and the cabbage's gone sour
teuton tantrums and a world to devour
what they call the union of prosperity and peace
is the conductor of economy's bringing europe to its knees
and it stars to go faster
vicious circle, downward spiral
the rich get richer and the poor begin to starve
pauperized masses told to paint the world brown
it's the merry-go-round to unravel the teutonic mind
sleeping beauty waking up again
coming soon to a theatre near you
unlished arayans, plague of locusts
all these years of peace to undo
what they call the union of prosperity and peace
is the conductor of economy's bringing europe to its knees
Answer me
The world looks black
A world of facts
Victim due
Bleed for me
Nothing seen
Less we know
The freaks themselves
Run the show
The reaper laughs with a million faces
He speaks in tongues in every paper
Slow panic understatement
Soon to be but still awaiting
Invertebrate demons
Ignorant and loud
In the back of my head
When i'am in a crowd
A crime's brrn commited
I have to be punished
Petrified reasons
Silent but famished
I need some rest
Lie down for a while
In the tower of sleep
By the river of bromide
The reaper laughs with a million faces
He speaks in tongues in every paper
Slow panic understatement
Soon to be but still awaiting
Ants seek
In my anus
And my nose
Answer me
Your world of facts
Is coming much too
Slow panic understatement
Speaks in tongues in every thought
The reaper laughs with a million faces
always is the time to eat
watch yourself growing out of your seat
watch the cherish of parental love
flow all down the drain
you used to be family's pride
but the way you grew cast you aside
pretty, quiet, slim and slender
turned a lump of unknown gender
dead-ringing a montain of flesh
a monster of omnivorouss excess
too vast to be of human race
- monster
fat and ugly must not be loved
that's why dad is never home
that's why mummy turns away
they hate your ugly face
eat and vomit, starve and die
they won't bother to ask you why
they won't see you fade away
this is the price the ugly must pay
dead-ringing a montain of flesh
a monster of omnivorouss excess
too vast to be of human race
- monster
a monster of flabby flesh
pathic revolting excess
can't believe this a human face
Capricies of my mighty will
Tells time to move or stand still
The future waiting for my commands
When I forge a total land
Total solution
Total man
Total life
In a total land
He who knows he goes never gets far
Good boy benito runs faster than cars
Upside down we can see who you are
This is what benito calls far
Mighty benito is an action man
Builds giant castle but builds it on sand
Good boy benito bouncing his chest
But there's no way down from eagle's nest
Blinded by the image of me
But me ain't bad thing to see
See how sturdy I rage war
See a conquerer never seen before
March, motion
Passion, youth, faith
March, motion
Violence, lust, hate
He who knows he goes never gets far
Good boy benito runs faster than cars
Upside down we can see who you are
This is what benito calls far
Mighty benito is an action man
Builds giant castle but builds it on sand
Panties down we can see what you are
Like autum leaves
Like tears
Over dresden
Fire storm
In my heart
No fears
Now the western
Sees it's end
What use
To fantasize
Open shirt
Open wound
No truce
The cattle dies
Distant here
What's love
Without a blanket
Seven years
Your corpse
A virus banquet
No word
Not a scream
Your eyes
Just like mine
Spills his dream
From fall
To humankind
From hell to now
I see
In your eyes
You fear
The autumn rain
Are we
To critisize
Opinion polls
No voice
And no way out
My throat is sore
What can you say
Look my way
The spastic freedom
That we all crave
A voice speaks
Of blind date
With another state
Of mind and the world
Now he looks my way
The shares we hold look like gold
The ticket sold are valid now - and below
And the world outside
Must obey
The laws of freedom
Left unmade
A voice speaks
The new master by will divine
By laws of freedom, trade and lies
A voice speak - the mule
But the judgement pronounced
By the petulant satam above
Can never reverse
The sentence passed from the heaven ahead
Sudden future manifestation
IV empire brutal invitation
They look just like his flock of lambs
frivolous leaking
of nuclear power plants
explodes the market
of mongoloid chants
who's next for charity
keep in line
crumbs are tasty
when intensions are fine
hands up who'll be our saviour
the future belongs to us
this is the future and it belongs to us
paradise of poverty, wonderland of war
the glory of gluttony is what we live for
moralizing innocence of uncorrupted youth
the illusion of discerning lies from truth
a conscious generation
with tears to wheep
for starving millions
and pity is cheap
who'll set the prices
when we sell our souls
who'll be the idol
to define our goals
who wants to be our saviour
the future belongs to us
this is the future and it belongs to us
paradise of poverty, wonderland of war
the glory of gluttony is what we live for
magnaninous messiah of things not
the delusion of dividing evil from good
the unborn babies slain on the altar of freedom
it's the age of progress with thousands of new
Hooray-let's go
All gods of iron must suffer corrosion
There is but one truth so no pairs can thrive
Fear of damnation - preserve what is pure
Mom & dad: implosion
They are a couple so which one must die?
Under his eyes, under the
Shadow of the gods of reason
Under his wings, he looks all
Flowers but he's reared by owls
My hands; can't say
Which is the owl and which is of god
Black wings: red-lead
Paint my arm; they must know there's but one
Formaldehyde bath
All gods of flesh do smell in the dogdays
Their flesh is one; I can't meet their eyes
Fear of damnation preserves the deformed
Breaks; don't move
- we hunt like rats but we die as mice
Under his eyes, under the
Shadow of the gods of reason
Under his wings, he looks all
Flowers but he's reared by owls
Close eye
Paint it black, they must know there's but one
Don't sleep
When darkness comes he splits them and hunt
Under his eyes, under the
Shadow of the gods of reason
Under his wings, he looks all
Flowers but he's reared by owls
And in my ears the consonants of
Death crushing all objections
And in my claws the lost faith
conductor of ashes
the structure of fear
mythic malignance
the realm of screams
the sacrifice is formalized
by demand of his dreams
we are subject to the freedom
of loyality of self-defeat
image of man
elaborate pain
I see the conductor of ashes in
splendor again
image of dogs
prosthetic of hate
the nightmare and sorrow of men
is his real estate
a grave injustice
done to man
the pillars of of wisdom
fell by his hands
vengeant sire
darkened souls but truth unfolds
in silence of many children
bright lies and cash flows
to the scream of many men
(deceptive tyrant...
conductor of ashes)
and we know you commissioned
all our sins from above
in the skies: our lives
desert sands in the wind
image of man
elaborate pain
I see the conductor of ashes in
splendor again
image of dogs
prosthetic of hate
the nightmare and sorrow of men
is his real esetate
a grave injustice
done to god
immortal wounds
plugged in ritual
compulsive advertise
(... master... spirit... guardian)
The subtle path of progress
Tells truth from froad
A vision invoked into lie
By hammer, sickle and sword
Armed revolution - the only solution
Paradise lost for 6000 years
Forced evolution - the vital conclusion
Take our trustworthy hands and have no fears
A minor regressen
Enlivens the pure
The spirit awakened
Paradise opened it's doors
Armed revolution - the only solution
Forging out way a monstrous extreme
Forced evolution - the vital conclusion
No is not an answer when asked to share our dream
Armed revolution - the only solution
Paradise lost for 6000 years
Forced evolution - the vital conclusion
Take our trustworthy hands and have no fears
Armed revolution - the only solution
Forging out way a monstrous extreme
Forced evolution - the vital conclusion
A palace of crystal on a postament of slime
Rule of refinement, rats in the cellar
Restless and climbing as slime and mud come
Grace greased by ingratitude and greed
By a despicable debris of delinquence and
The palace is of crystal, but the postament is
House man built
House man built
This house was built, God is dead
Dead is gone, God is gone
No body's found, unstable ground
But the house was built
Throw out the ballast and the vessel will be
The called are over-crowding the market,
Let the chooser be the market,
And the loosers - we'll wall out all the loosers
And those among us who turned foul, they're growing more
For every hour
The rich are getting richer, the poor begin to steal
As multiplied police force feels more righteous than wealth
Gaps widening 'till it bursts asunder
Threw out the ballast and the vessel went under
House man built
House man built
This house was built, God is dead
Dead is gone, God is gone
No body's found, unstable ground
But the house was built
The scene is set for a grand new war
This war is final - no new markets to explore
This war will transport us through door
When all is fire, God will set the score
House man built
Erase all borders, cultural esperanto
Let the people be paupers and the customer king
A stable market exclusive for cosmopolitical elites
May the plebs all be ethnic, they will fight we will sing
How many poor do we need to prosper
How much starvation to make GNP rise?
Why are we sliding into hell when they are pointing at Heaven?
Let Europe recollect what must be done with bourgeois Lies
Crisis, war, reconstruction
Crisis, war, reconstruction
To keep on climbing You have to fall to the ground
Growth not wealth brings the world to go round
The Czar went down to Catherine city
When peasants clamp in feeble things are trampled down
Is the flesh of a symbol-doomed worth any pity
Did the rituals bring the force unto the imposter's crown
Scenes from the cycle of life and of death under God
Some of Your sons bleed
Some of Us burn
You make us and we make You
This is what we get in return
Master the power we yielded is fading away
The bunker's dug deep but they've been knocking a million
I formed Your fire into an all-embracing light
When dawn breaks I will come with You into the night
Scenes from the cycle of life and of death under God
Some of Your sons bleed
Some of Us burn
You make us and we make You
The curse of freedom bears the plague of splintered truth
One God becomes a million and then they all become fraud
Kneel down to be righteous, kneel down for the Lord
Kneel down for the Hero, kneel down for the sword
Masses turn marches, youth-clashes crusades
The rabble's left for the soldiers and the sluts for the
A whole world
A whole world
If a cause is false, it is at least a cause
The faith in a Lord is its reward
In whole world
And in the corner of my eye I see the plains waco
I can see Jones in the jungle and the youth marching in berlin
I can see truth resurrected by lies and by force
I see a thousand new heroes raging athousand new wars
I see belief in conspiracies some of old and some are new
Making order out of chaos but then blood is coming through
And the vision is blurred and the world is consumed
By roaring skies and the world is entombed
A whole world...
A whole world
A whole world
It's the blood of our youth that must be sacrificed
So the evil of freedom can be exorcised
I am the speaker
I am nothing but the speaker
I follow my kin
Logic kills by purity
This is the truth
As reduced to pecking order
Who's my neighbor
Cleanliness is in demand
Force in an easterly defection now
Mating little despot's machinations
Cause for unnatural selection
Otherness oblation now
As we distribute our logic
I lead my kin
Ethno-surgery requires
An equal pound
From the rotting flesh of nations
Who's Your neighbor
Now become what I have been
Force in an easterly defection now
Mating little despot's machinations
Cause for unnatural selection
Slough the truth
slough their news
slough your views
parsimonotonous choires
Serfs of might might
serve us right
scars of free enterprise
Slough the truth
slough their news
slough your views
Sharelessness concloosely proven
world-web-wide retail
Cross-possessive gluey flytrap
scarcely drawn to scale
Eurowaste and bureaucraze
from wall to ferrous veil
At the end of history Mengele's smiling
Trading tanks and Stukas for piss or mucus
Or whatever the substance that will do for the tests
Where the human material is purified to its best
All bonds that God ties
Man is master to tear apart
All crop on God's made land
Man is master to sow and reap
All deaths worms die
Man is master to engineer
And the bliss of freedom glimmers like gold
Empty the cast, melt the mold
The worms of God
We've torn away Your spear God
This is sacrament to show it
It's the bread of liberation
And the wine of celebration
In the gloam of gluttony, lust takes its toll
Its hold is stronger than of the Gods of old
The worms of God
Originally performed by Dr. Know
Thursday morning at 7 A. M.
A young boy found dead in a garbage can
When apprehended the police asked why
"God told me to"was my reply
Voluntary manslaughter
Killing in the heat of passion
By another's command
Killing for God
In my room a dog lies dead
A crucifix pounded through his head
I hung him high to drain his blood
God told me that I should
Voluntary manslaughter
Killing in the heat of passion
By another's command
Killing for God
Pieces of Granma litters the den
God please don't let me kill again
Please don't whisper to me no more
Another will fight the holy war
Voluntary manslaughter
Killing in the heat of passion
By another's command
Killing for God
God told me to
God told me to
God told me to
Who opened the door for the democrator?
And how come he let in the market-conquistadors?
Why is he acting as if he has something to hide?
The privilege of the stupid is to be taken for a ride
Gloomy working days
Bright TV-nights
There's a world ahead
We can also see it's lights
And the road there starts
On the other side
Of the screen, where life's
Endless mercedes-rides
Who opened the door...
So we smashed the screen
But it all went black
We tore down that wall
And we all sacked
The fruits of KDW
We were small to reach
The only thin g we got
Was freedom of speech
Who opened the door...
Happy ever after in Deutschneyland
Happy ever after in Deutschneyland
Happy ever after in Deutschneyland
Are You covered? Are You under this stone?
Can I call You? Can I see You alone?
Will You show up? Is it Your place or mine?
Are we friendly? What You seek You shall find,
Seven road blocks
From tonight
Polka mini
Obscurity defenestration
Old fame reclaimed
For straighter roads and rule by force
New age of rage
Of bias and uncivil wars
Now it always start from the bottom
When it comes to boil
And our history always runs upon the foil
And we always wish that the future
Shall be born without pain
But everybody wants to drive our train
In the gutter we can settle the score
But You don't know who You settle it for
All around You is the enemy You dread
And Your vision is a map of Your head
A million toad halls
The table's set
Marble cake
The princess on the pea is raging
Old fame reclaimed
For straighter roads and rule by force
New age of rage
Of bias and uncivil wars
Are You covered? Are You under this stone?
Can I call You? Can I see You alone?
Will You show up? Is it Your place or mine?
Their voices
I writhe
Bereft of silence
My soul can't hide
I cower
No rule applies
My former masters
Now dethroned
Sounds of laughterpandemonic
Panic isthmus Sinking vessel
Vestal maggots Mackie messrs
Mesmerizing Claustrophonic
Seething untenable marriage
Worship refurled-caster
Shadowless torturous ferriage
From fancy to world-caster
I think Your nettle
Will loose its hold
This carnage
Now best denied
No former masters
Vitaminimal escape from parity
stole my nightmares to distribute for charity
Discouraged option to request amends
severe reprisal from gore-texR and friends
Advertised compassion burnout
let the creamy lather flood my day
Wash away the filth eternal
mass appeal disbarment came to stay
Money speaks (or rather shouts)
I can sure underhear what it's talking about
It's a year of ancient mendicity opulence
Almost lifelike brutal tragedies
diversive shots of distant atrocities
Propagandic downpour can't quench the thirst
tomorrow certainly I'll do my worst
Independence stops at anthems
but the trapdoor wants a say
Eloquent detergent poultry
make the wizard look my way
Democratic acquisition
spending power wants a say
Wash away the filth eternal
let the creamy lather flood my day