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  1. Zdjęcia · Pokaż wszystko
  2. Can't cut personnel's' lunch 1 way via Xmas bonus, so u do it another way, via rent increase. What deadsh1ts u r

  3. Mr Abbott, if you're going to crack down on hate preachers, I suggest you take a look at

  4. Being an accurate shot and using one in a cafe are rather different skills .

  5. There are so many guns around Martin Pl including people licensed for concealed carry.

  6. as I suspected, you are an obese, racist right wing moron. Sadly brought to us by the dregs of society

  7. While Hockey talks down the economy, the data reveals that the real economic disaster is Joe... via

  8. If only this got people to care about mental health services being gutted over the years

  9. have you looked at renewables yet ??

  10. Sydney siege: Urgent check on bailed suspects

  11. Honestly think it's pretty sick that Leyonhjelm feels like now is a good time to call for more guns. Please. Hasn't helped USA mate

  12. Leyonhjelm: armed citizens would make siege situations less likely. US gun carnage show he's wrong

  13. More concerning this morning is Leyonhelm sprouting 'pro gun' BS.....

  14. You walk down the street and 1)No one has a gun 2)Some do + some don't 3)Everyone has a gun Pretty sure 1's my pick Sen Leyonhjelm

  15. Abbott praised NSW POLICE handling of MP incidence at the same time falsely accused them for issuing a gun license to an extremist!

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