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Contrary to American officialdom and its stalwart “manufacturers of consent” — the intelligentsia and mainstream media — we will never comprehend the reasons for ...

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Hornberger's Blog

Behaving Like the North Koreans

by The controversy over North Korea’s supposed hacking of Sony in retaliation for The Interview actually goes a long way in showing the brilliance of our American ancestors who demanded the enactment of the Bill of Rights after the federal government was called into existence with the Constitution. Why did our ancestors insist on passage of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eight Amendments? Because they knew ...

Déjà vu in France

by I’m getting a big déjà vu feeling in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo killings in France. The French government is declaring war on terrorism. It’s militarizing French society. It’s proposing a Patriot Act. It’s supporting a mass surveillance scheme. It’s advocating killing more people in the Middle East. There is even talk of using military tribunals to try terrorism cases. Hey, those were all things ...

Free Speech in America? What About Lynne Stewart?

by In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in France on Charlie Hebdo, U.S. officials are telling the world how committed they are to the principles of freedom of speech. Really? How about Lynne Stewart, the New York lawyer who was convicted and sentenced to serve time in a federal penitentiary for doing nothing more than speaking the following words to the press: I am not ...

How the Cuban Embargo Got Imposed

by I wonder how many Americans know how the U.S. embargo against Cuba got imposed. The story provides one more example of how the post-World War II national-security state apparatus that was grafted onto America’s governmental structure warped and perverted the values and principles of the American people in the name of the anti-communist crusade. From 1953-1959, Fidel Castro’s forces were engaged in a revolution against ...

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About FFF

Founded in 1989, The Future of Freedom Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation whose mission is to present an uncompromising moral, philosophical, and economic case for the free society.

We hold that the welfare-state, warfare-state way of life that has come to characterize our nation violates not only the founding principles of the United States, as reflected by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but also the fundamental principles of freedom.

Our methodology revolves around the spreading of ideas on liberty, which we believe is the best way to restore a free, prosperous, and harmonious society to our land. We invite you to explore freedom with us and to support our efforts to advance the principles of freedom.

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