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Federal Politics
Political coverage for Fairfax Media, with breaking news, opinion & analysis. SMH, The Age, Brisbane Times, WA Today, Canberra Times.
٦ س Federal Politics
Tony Abbott's sentimental journey - understanding why the PM made Prince Philip a |
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٧ س Federal Politics
Coast-to-coast newspapers nationwide condemn Tony Abbott's captain's call on Prince Philip knighthood
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٨ س Federal Politics
Doubts over PM's justification for latest knighthood - Prince Philip involved with less than 50 Aussie groups
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قام Federal Politics بإعادة تغريد
٨ س Adam Gartrell
The cat is out of the bag: after 10 years at AAP I'm leaving to join Fairfax, as political correspondent for the Sun-Herald and Sunday Age
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١٠ س Federal Politics
Michaelia Cash downplays idea of national royal commission into domestic violence|
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١٠ س Federal Politics
A PM & angry MPs: we've been here before & it wasn't pretty. on how Abbott got in this sorry mess
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قام Federal Politics بإعادة تغريد
١١ س mark kenny
Must read: What cabinet might have said to PM on Prince Philip decision if given the chance via
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١٢ س Federal Politics
Cartoon of the Day: Matt Golding with Coalition MPs' fresh, new political year
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١٣ س Federal Politics
Angry government backbenchers are considering meeting over 's recent decisions
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١٣ س Federal Politics
Err...You're such a jester Tony... what cabinet might have said to PM on Prince Philip decision. sketch
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١٤ س Federal Politics
Knighting prince could yet cost Tony Abbott his title, writes
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١٦ س Federal Politics
How the decision to cut our foreign aid budget will bite
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١٦ س Federal Politics
. asked to extend Australia's troop deployment during surprise Afghanistan visit
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٢٦ يناير Federal Politics
Don't call me Sir: speaks to new knight Angus Houston
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قام Federal Politics بإعادة تغريد
٢٦ يناير Stephanie Peatling
Goodness. Modern world suggests I set up a professional Facebook page. You can find it at Stephanie R. Peatling - I might even add pix.
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٢٦ يناير Federal Politics
Abbott government MPs furious over Prime Minister's decision to make Prince Philip a
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قام Federal Politics بإعادة تغريد
٢٦ يناير smh.com.au
Obituary: Tom Uren, 1921-2015
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قام Federal Politics بإعادة تغريد
٢٦ يناير Lisa Cox
"Nothing says Australian like ticking the box Baron as one's honorific" via
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قام Federal Politics بإعادة تغريد
٢٦ يناير smh.com.au
Former Whitlam government minister Tom Uren has died. He was 93.
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٢٦ يناير Federal Politics
RIP Tom Uren, a man of letters: POW, MP, AC. Profile by fo a couple of years ago
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