Doug is an American animated sitcom created by Jim Jinkins and co-produced by his studio, Jumbo Pictures (now known as Cartoon Pizza). Doug centers on the surreal and imaginative exploits of its title character, Douglas "Doug" Funnie, who experiences common predicaments while attending school in his new hometown of Bluffington, Virginia. The series lampoons several topics, including puppy love, bullying, and rumors. Numerous episodes center around Doug's attempts to date his classmate Patti Mayonnaise.
Doug originally aired on Nickelodeon in the United States. It, along with Rugrats and The Ren & Stimpy Show, comprised the original three Nicktoons, premiering simultaneously on August 11, 1991 and ending on January 2, 1994. Following the acquisition of the former Jumbo Pictures by Disney in 1996, the series aired on ABC as part of the former Disney's One Saturday Morning programming block. The second series premiered on September 7, 1996, and ended in 1999 while having a feature film adaption. In 2011, the Nickelodeon series became syndicated on TeenNick's then newly-debuted The '90s Are All That block.
It's 1973 in Detroit, Michigan. A cool cat by the name of Stonewall Rutherford Kain, better known as Stoney K, has rebelled against society's standards of being a square. He travels the state, that looks like a mitten, as a late night horror host. Bringing shrills and thrills to all.
Tension builds to a boil in the sweltering heat of Dockweiler Beach. The Duke, an ex-con who heads up maintenance, sees himself as a savior to the men he hires fresh out of prison. But the arrival of a new employee brings with it hostility and violence that force The Duke to confront old demons and his shocking past.
Some sins can't be washed away.
Born with Tourette's Syndrome, Joel longs for acceptance but finds himself forced into seclusion as others are uncomfortable with his profanity-laced outbursts. Then, his life changes when he has a supernatural encounter with God who heals him of the neurological disorder. Everything goes great until God calls him to be a modern day prophet. Now, much to his dismay and those around him, Joel finds himself afflicted with something akin to spiritual Tourette's! Based on the verses Matthew 12:11-12 and made in 168 hours for the 168 Hour Film Project, it depicts a man wrestling with God's calling for his life. Only when Joel loses does he gain everything he has always wanted.
God moves in hilarious ways...
New Yorkers Ouisa and Flan Kittredge are upper class private art dealers, pretentious but compassionate. Their prized possession is a double sided Kandinsky, one side that represents control, the other side chaos. They relay a story to their friends and acquaintances that over time becomes legendary. It is their encounter with a young black man who they had never met or heard of but who comes stumbling upon their front door one evening as they are courting an important investor, Geoffrey Miller, who could make them wealthy beyond what they could have dreamed. That black man is Paul Poitier, who has just arrived in the city, was just mugged outside their building and is sporting a minor knife wound to the abdomen. He is a friend of the Kittredge's children, who are attending Harvard, but more importantly is the son of actor/director 'Sidney Poitier' (qv). Tomorrow, Paul is meeting up with his father who is in town directing a movie of "Cats". Beyond the attraction of talking Paul into getting them roles in the movie, Ouisa, Flan and Geoffrey all end up being captivated by the charm, charisma, pedigree and eloquence of Paul, who the Kittredges, after tending to his wounds, invite to stay the night. Their encounter with Paul ends up being an all too familiar story, which they will soon learn, and leads the Kittredges on a search for Paul after he leaves their abode the next morning. In that search, Ouisa, in particular, begins to view critically their life and just how much compassion they really have.
Keywords: african-american, art, art-dealer, assumed-identity, bare-butt, based-on-play, based-on-true-story, bisexual, bookstore, business
For Paul, every person is a new door to a new world.
Ben: That's your problem in a nutshell: you're so limited.
Tess: He offered you parts in Cats? I thought you hated Cats. You said it was an all time low in a lifetime of theatre going. You said, "Aeschylus did not invent the theatre to have it end up a bunch of chorus kids in cat suits prancing around wondering which of them will go to kitty-cat heaven."
Ouisa: I am a collage of unaccounted for brush strokes. I am all random.
Tess: I will not be part of this conspiracy!::Flan: It's not a conspiracy, it's a family!
Ouisa Kittredge: There is so much you don't know. You are so smart and so stupid.::Paul: I'll be treated with care if you take me to the police. If they don't know you're special, they kill you.::Ouisa Kittredge: Oh, I don't think they kill you.::Paul: Mrs. Louisa Kittredge, I am black.::Ouisa Kittredge: I will deliver you to them with kindness and affection.
Ouisa: And we turn him into an anecdote, with no teeth, and a punchline you'll tell for years to come: "Oh, that reminds me of the time the imposter came into our house." "Oh! Tell the one about that boy." And we become these human jukeboxes spitting out these anecdotes to dine out on like we're doing right now. Well I will not turn him into an anecdote, it was an experience. How do we hold onto the experience?
Paul: It is the worst kind of yellowness to be so scared of yourself that you put blindfolds on rather than deal with yourself. To face ourselves - that's the hard thing. The imagination - that's God's gift, to make the act of self-examination bearable.
Paul: You watch. It gives me a thrill to be looked at.
Flan Kittredge: I thought, dreamt, remembered how easy it is for a painter to lose a painting. He paints and paints, works on a canvas for months, and then one day he loses it - loses the structure, loses the sense of it. You lose the painting.
Paul: The imagination. It's there to sort out your nightmare, to show you the exit from the maze of your nightmare, to transform the nightmare into dreams, that become your bedrock. If we do not listen to that voice, it dies, it shrivels, it vanishes. The imagination is not our escape. On the contrary, the imagination is the place we are all trying to get to.
Psychology professor Elliott Fauman, Ph.D., in researching the lives and personalities of prostitutes, finds his "statistical architype" in actress Meredith Dashley. Fauman is unaware that Dashley, a world renowned actress, has assumed the role of a prostitute only for her current theatrical production. Through a story that intermingles the zany antics of university life, the always humorous theatrical circles, and the sexy world of prostitutes, Fauman falls in love with Dashley before learning of her true identity.
Keywords: actress, character-name-in-title, independent-film, professor, psychology
They were victims of the street, until they caught... The Beat.