AllVid - How Does it Work?
All vid
once and for all vid.wmv
AllVid Helps Tear Down the Wall
TVOT 2011 The AllVid Debate
Merry Christmas to All, Vid 255
Seen It All vid
Lil Base (TSG) ft. Ten Kiloz - Seen It All (Official Video) Vid by @OficialCRyan
haul, tue morning,hobby lobby, and michaels( must see all vid !)
Everyday Struggle l All vid's compilation ♥
Misratah - AL DAFNIA BATTLE (all VID) 27-5-2011
AllVid - How Does it Work?
All vid
once and for all vid.wmv
AllVid Helps Tear Down the Wall
TVOT 2011 The AllVid Debate
Merry Christmas to All, Vid 255
Seen It All vid
Lil Base (TSG) ft. Ten Kiloz - Seen It All (Official Video) Vid by @OficialCRyan
haul, tue morning,hobby lobby, and michaels( must see all vid !)
Everyday Struggle l All vid's compilation ♥
Misratah - AL DAFNIA BATTLE (all VID) 27-5-2011
QUIZ!! Must SEEE ALL vid. :D
DJ Djaimin - Nothing Matters At All (vid mix)
juggalo night 5bitches and we fucked em all vid 6
Account Giveaway Watch All Vid !!
free for all vid
juggalo night 5 bitches and we fucked them all vid nu
juggalo night 5 bitches and we fucked em all vid 5
i had to delet all vid be cues some one was stalking me got
Ricky Russo mail day watch all vid folks
AllVid is a CableCARD replacement proposed by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The AllVid hardware would act as a universal adapter for all types of pay TV content, delivered through a wide variety of means, including cable TV, satellite TV, VDSL, IPTV, and Internet TV.
The FCC has proposed several design aspects to AllVid while soliciting feedback from interested parties on a final specification before going forward for rulemaking. Major elements of the FCC's AllVid proposal include:
Google has supported the AllVid proposal, stating that "Google supports an all-video (“AllVid”) solution like the one put forth in the NOI. Consumers would be well-served by having such an inexpensive universal adapter available at retail, which would feature an easy-to-use, common interface, and employ nationwide interoperability standards to connect to televisions, digital video recording devices (“DVRs”), and other smart video devices. These navigation devices effectively would separate the network interface from the device functionality, making video more “portable” across platforms and devices."
While the noose is tightening
You still sit here on your fleeting throne
So busy with your own little feuds
And your own blinker crowns
But we all are Gauls
And we are free at least by now
So take the fucking plunge
Rise and unite
United we'll stand!
This is v for vengeance
This is v for vehemence
This is v for victory
This is v for Vercingetorix
Let them feel the Gaulish violence
Impetuous furor
The bite of our blades
Let them see our freedom's ensign
Let us raise our clenched fists in pride
What benefit will it be
To save your crowns but forfeit your freedom at last?
We are one folk and we can make a stand
So lay down your crowns now
Rise and Unite
Wake up!
As one we'll prevail!
This is v for verdict
This is v for valour
This is v for venture
This is reVolt
Where ere thou hast been
Here or in yon world manifest?
Canst thou tell what is
Or what was or what is to come?
Nothing shall last
And there are things
That shall never change
History is written in blood
Yet are battles really lost
On the battlefields?
Canst thou tell me whence thou comest
And where thou goest?
And what is or what was
Or what is to come?
I, the vermin
The leader
The failure
I shall not weep
When you meet your doom
Not again shall I be your savior
This nation is moribund
You just can't see
We have to align with the mighty
Lose your soul or lose your life
In the name of Gallia
In the name of my tribe
In the name of my greed
I became the minion
In the name of the Gauls
In the name of the kneeled
In the name of the fold
The name of the sold
I became the lie
Brother, I shall not weep
When you sail to the Isles
Atlantic or otherworldly
Be my sentence, be my punishment
Be the sword to pierce my heart
You dared to contest
My dear-bought crown for glories extinct
You waged to evoke
My wrath, my weakness
And my innermost craving for
In the name of my tribe
In the name of my greed
I became the minion
In the name of the Gauls
In the name of the kneeled
In the name the fold
The name of the sold
I became Rome's slave
Dumnorix, I did quite weep
When I betrayed us all to save us all
At the threshold of our demise
Be my penance, be my nemesis
For I sold my soul
In the name of Gallia
Welcome me, ferryman
In the name of my greed
Welcome me, ferryman
In the name the Gauls
In the name of the kneeled
In the name of the fold
The name of the sold
Mounted men, with axe and shield
on their ride through shallow field
See your sons oh Vanadis
Light my ways oh Manalihs...
Freyas Val
Woutans half
Oaken woods as dark as night
Home of those of heathen pride
Grant me strength oh Asynja
Be my guide oh Valfreya
Freyas Val
Vingolfs's pride
When the moon shines bright from the dark black sky
We raise our swords to thy hail
when the runes are thrown and the ravens fly
as a sign of our heathens prevail
While the morning breaks through Tenkterian wood
while the sun sets the shores aflame
There is one thing only which never dies
The honour of thy name
By my side my brothers fall
Now on their way to Freya's hall
We are yours oh Vanadis
Guide their ways oh Manalihs
Hjer Foraan
While twilight covers the blood red skies
While the sun sets the shores aflame
There is one thing only which never dies
The honour of thy name
When time draws near for the chosen ones
To fall on the blood stained fields
Then death will grant us a place amongst
Our fathers in the halls of bronzen shields
A burning flame as blue as ice
Now I can see it in your eyes
Be my fate oh Vanadis
Who Will
Measure the dimensions of antumnos?
Who can tell the gauge of its veil?
Who can manifest the size of its maw?
And infer the value of its stones?
Yet the glowing wick will not be quenched
The sown fire will nerver die
What ever was
what ever is to come
What would
What ever should
It will remain as it nerver was
Eternity's past was repeated in time
The eternal knot will be unbroken
Whence comes the motion in this picture?
Where does the moment go when it steals away?
Who will pen the pages of time?
Who will be the audience when the curtain rises?
Yet the glowing wick will not be quenched
The sown fire will nerver die
What ever was
what ever is to come
What would
What ever should
Behold this proud
Crestfallen parade
Dead bodies towered up like this dividing rampart
The hopes of yesterday forgotten and interred
Burnt to the ground
Lacerate my neverland belauded
My otherworld elapsed
My silver lining
Another false dawn collapsed
A glimpse of our safe home
Perished in bibracte
Another hope dearly prayed
When we all were betrayed
The end of our exodus
Behold this egregious mockery
We refused to bow down
Our godsdamn blood was the price we had to pay
Santones land we never got to see
Lacerate my neverland belauded
My otherworld elapsed
My silver lining
Another false dawn collapsed
A glimpse of our safe home
Perished in bibracte
Another hope dearly prayed
When we all were betrayed
The end of our exodus
Lacerate my neverland belauded
My otherworld elapsed
My silver lining
Another false dawn collapsed
A glimpse of our safe home
Perished in bibracte
Another hope dearly prayed
When we all were betrayed
The end of our exodus
When the fiends come marching in...
...the endless knot ... the holy grove...
...the threshold ... the place beyond...
...I enter, like a newborn child...
Embracing the eternal
Like a consuming fire
the knowledge grows
when it's cleft
Though still patchworked
yet flooding
the creating touch
washing away the vile.
Embracing the ancient
while trees gently whisper
those intimate
longed-for words
The greet wheel
is still revolving
with untouchable sovereignty
so invulnerable.
Into the sacred grove I drown
The endless knot
draws me into
the fire of hearts, the place beyond
Then I'll be born
then I'll be renewed
...naked spirit ... bare...
Curtain's up
For this lurid age
Clear the ring
For oppression and greed
Welcome to this wasteland
Of blight and havoc
Once known
As my home
Deleting fulfilled
Erasing procedure done
Cleansing complete
It's done, my friend
It's over and done
There was nothing left
But the smell of Salassian blood
Nil and nothing left
But the braying void in our homes
I never forgot
The eyes of the kids
Wrested from their moms
To be sold into slavery
I still can hear
The cries of the raped
The bellow of the flames
The hymn of absurd death
Deleting fulfilled
Erasing procedure done
Cleansing complete
It's done, my friend
It's over and done
Heed the chronicles
Of lucrative genocide
The annals of effaced tribes
Pages written in blood
Ave Caesar, Augustus
It's done, my friend
It's over and done
There was nothing left
But the smell of Salassian blood
Nil and nothing left
But the braying void in our homes
Catoues caletoi
urit namantas anrimius
ro- te isarnilin -urextont,
Au glannabi rhenus
Ad ardus alpon,
Tou' magisa matua
Tou' brigas iuerilonas
Budinas bardon
Clouos canenti
Anuanon anmaruon,
Cauaron colliton,
Adio- biuotutas -robirtont
Uolin cridili
Are rilotuten atrilas
A ulati, mon atron,
A brogi'm cumbrogon!
Exs tou' uradiu uorrobirt
Cenetlon clouision
Cauaron caleton
A blatu blande bitos biuon!
A ‚m' atriia, a ‚ma helvetia!
Tou' mnas et genetas,
Tigernias, tecas,
Tou' uiroi uertamoi
In sose cantle cingeton
In- gutoues -beronti.
Cante cladibu in lame
I raise my hand against ye, thief!
For we're accustomed to receive,
Not to give hostages
Hear these words! deeds are overt!
As chaos evolves
In worthless lies
A crucial congress
At saônes banks
Gray Sublime Archon I've been called
Through all these years I bore up
Now may we all stay the course
This day
I raise my hand against it all
I question now, did I fail?
Or retain our dignity
And shelter of this defilement?
As chaos evolves
In worthless lies
A crucial congress
At saônes banks
Gray Sublime Archon I've been called
Through all these years I bore up
Now may we all stay the course
This day
A crucial congress
At saônes banks
As chaos evolves
In worthless lies
Gray Sublime Archon I've been called
Through all these years I bore up
Now may we all stay the course
Andedion uediíumi diíiuion risun
Artiu mapon aruerriíatin, mapon aruerriíatin
Lopites sní eððdic sos brixtía anderon
Lucion floron nigrinon adgarion
Aemilíon paterin claudíon legitumon caelion pelign claudío pelign
Marcion uictorin asiatícon aððedillí X2
[Instrumental break]
Lucion floron nigrinon adgarion
Aemilíon paterin claudíon legitumon caelion pelign claudío pelign
Marcion uictorin asiatícon aððedillí X2
Andedion uediíumi diíiuion risun
Artiu mapon aruerriíatin, mapon aruerriíatin
Lopites sní eððdic sos brixtía anderon
Etic secoui toncnaman toncsiíontío meíon toncsesit
Buetid ollon reguccambion exsops pissíiumítsoccaantí rissuis
Onson bissíet luge dessummiíis luge, dessumíis luge dessumíís luxe X2
ba bixse uenerianum ad ebriureco suaueloslan
slanossiIetum sualido contilossi
(íe sittem mongnatixsouim)
[English translation:]
We're on the cusp of the sanctum in the woods of Ebriurecon.
In a contented manner she sits by the bonfire
Sanctimoniously thanking you for the hospitality
Her treacherous intentions as cold as the occasional gusts of wind kissing your back
You mistake the twinkle in her eyes for pure warm-heartedness, and have no premonition of their effect on you.
A bleak smile flickering on her lips, she beholds you with algid satisfaction, as in her sinister mind, you become her prey, her treasure, a sacrifice on the alter of her own lust.
Cursed and sacred, this arcane exercise, disembodied fiend waving through her gaze. Being a virtuoso of deceit and facetiousness, she leaves you with no chance of escape
From what is happening in your mind.
She hasn't come to crush your bones, nor tear your flesh.
And it came to pass in those leaden days
That a plain, poor man got sick of his yoke of condemned soil
And a foreign empires hungry purse
Time to replace the pitchfork with the sword
And sound the anthem of sheer rebellion
Once too often!
Enough is enough!
We strive not for war
We just crave to have our home
We just seek to have our rights
That our fathers used to have
But we tasted the grime and blood
We tasted the essence of ashes
A glowing spark
Rising up from blazing flames
To lead the forlorn and the wroth
The epitome of hope and freedom
A daring venture
A frenetic attempt
When Amandus was slain
Na brictom uidluias uidlu tigontias so adgagsona severim tertionicnim lidssatim liciatim eíanom uoduiuoderce lunget utonid ponc nitixsintor sises duscelinatia in eíanom anuana esi andernados brictom banona flatucias paulla dona potitius iaia duxtir adiegias potitam atir paullias severa dusxtir ualentos dona paullius adiega matir aiías potita dona primus i abesias
Voveso in mori mon vandas.
Veidos ventos cambon mon verno
Et con papon lomnen
Luxtodos imon siraxta.
Suouelo, imon oro
Suouelo, tauson tunda
Voveso in mori mon vandas
English translation:
In the ocean of my tears I drown.
Howling winds are bending my mast
and my longing deepens with every dram.
Welcome, my shore
Welcome, silent wave
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest..."
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
[Guitar Solo]
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest..."
"The light, the life, the strength, the harvest, gratefulness
In four moons the antlered on will go to rest"
A clan of lords, of noble birth
So it is told
The Tigurine tribe
Into this green and fruitful land
We came in times,
In times immemorial
Into this vale
Lush and beautiful
Jor and Lacu Eburodunos
Became my home
Haven of my very soul
Your plains I walked
On your ground I am
I was free
Like the raven soaring
Across your meadows
Like the bear
Roaming through your woods
I was king
Like the ancient oak
Standing enthroned
This old man
I have become
I never thought that I'd once not
Be laid to rest
In your dear and precious soil
As I look back
At the twilight of my days
Upright I stand with my head held high
Your son I am
Chieftain of the Tigurine
I've lived my life, I've run my race
I was free
Like the raven soaring
Across your meadows
Like the bear
Roaming through your woods
I was king
Like the ancient oak
Standing enthroned
This old man
I have become
I was free
Like the raven soaring
Across your meadows
Like the bear
Roaming through your woods
I was king
Like the ancient oak
Standing enthroned
This old man
[Verse I]
ne regv na gandobe inte noviio extincon
papi coriiosed exa o extincon
papi coriiosed exa o
nane devorbvetid loncate
nane devorbvetid loncate
nane devorbvetid loncate
nane devorbvetid loncate
[Verse II]
mesamobi molatvs cerdognv con
pape bovdi magarni papon mam
pape bovdi magarni papon mam
nv gnate ne dama gvssov vero ne cvrri ne
papi cos pape ambito
papi bovdi ne tetv
papi bovdi ne tetv
batoron veia suebreto su
gitbio ledgo mo berci
nene devv
bvit on bvetid loncate
[Chorus II]
nane devorbvetid loncate x8
(ne regv na gandobe inte noviio extincon
papi coriiosed exa o
mesamobi molatvs cerdognv con
pape bovdi magarni papon mam
nane devorbvetid loncate
Glowing and blazing
In the wind of times
Ever lit
Searching and fathoming
The fire's arcane
Consuming flames
Sparks to imbue
Our very souls
The very breath of life
Flickering from the depths
Of eternity
Never asleep
Never extinct
Not ever ceasing to gleam
Never sear
The sempiternal embers
Never profaned
Never fail
Not ever ceasing to refine
Never forfeit
Never faint
The sempiternal embers
The essence of being
Form of existence
Ever inflamed heart
Heart of the hearts
Burning so bright
Yet clandestine
Gleaming in the lair
Of the powers that be
The four mighty ones
The high kings concealed
The very breath of life
Flickering from the depths
Of eternity
Never asleep
Never extinct
Not ever ceasing to gleam
Never sear
The sempiternal embers
Never profaned
Never fail
Not ever ceasing to refine
Never forfeit
Never faint
The sempiternal embers
Giving birth
To the glimmer within
Incessantly fostering
The flames
Glowing and blazing
In the wind of times
Ever lit
Searching and fathoming
Sparks to imbue
Our very souls
The very breath of life
Flickering from the depths
Of eternity
Never asleep
Never extinct
Not ever ceasing to gleam
Never sear
The sempiternal embers
Never profaned
Never fail
Not ever ceasing to refine
Never forfeit
Never faint
Sa senit conectos
Onda bocca nene
Rionti onda boca ne
On barnaunom ponc nit
Issintor sies eianepian
Digs ne lisantim ne licia
Ne rodatim biont
Utu semnanom sagitiont
Seuerim lissatim licia
Tim anandognam acolut
Utanit andognam da bocca diomine
Inside se bnanom brictom
In eainom anuana sanander
Inside se bnanom brictom
In eainom anuana sanander
Aia cicena nitianncobueðliðat
Antumnos nepon
Nesliciata neosuode
Neiauodercos nepon
Su biiontutu semn
Anom adsaxs nadoc
Suet petidsiont sies
Peti sagitiontias seu
Erim tertio lissatim
Is anandogna ictontias
Inside se bnanom brictom
In eainom anuana sanander
Inside se bnanom brictom
In eainom anuana sanander
Inside se bnanom brictom
Scorched earth we left
A barren land of ash
Our fatherland laid waste
Be the void our fucking monument
At a laden dawn
At this omnous morn
Pila loomed on the horizon
Talons of the wolverine
Exanimate legions formed
At the very gates of Avaricum
Believed invulnerable
This Gallic wall
But straight out of nowhere
Before our eyes this goddamn bane arose
Thus Avaricum burns
Under a dead sky
Avaricum drowns
In blood and demise
And demise
Siege towers emerged
Protruding from the ground
Standing out against the threatening sky
As if to mock all valiantness
Face to face
With an eye-levelled enemy
Serried Roman ranks
Embattled upon our hold
Cut off and trapped inside
As the carnage was at hand
As the creak of the winches extolled our doom
The slaughter befell Avaricum
Death siffered the Oppidum
Left to pillage sack and rape
Avaricum, the brave
Became Avaricum, the grave
Thus Avaricum burns
Under a dead sky
Avaricum drowns
In blood and demise
Scorched earth we left
A barren land of ash
Our fatherland laid waste
Be the void our fucking monument
At a leaden dawn
At this ominous morn
Pila loomed on the horizon
Talons of the wolverine
Exanimate legions formed
At the very gates of Avaricum
Believed invulnerable
This calling wall
But straight out of nowhere
Before our eyes this godsdawn bane arose
Thus Avaricum burns
Under a dead sky
Avaricum drowns
In blood and demise
Siege towers emerged
Protruding from the ground
Standing out against the threatening sky
As if to mock all valiantness
Face to face with an eye-leveled enemy
Serried roman ranks
Embattled upon our hold
Cut off and trapped inside
As the carnage was at hand
As the creak of the winches extolled our doom
The slaughter befell Avaricum
Dead suffused the oppidum
Left to pillage, sack and rape
When I reminisce about all those years, I see many things. Life and death
Strung together like the mountains and valleys in which we lived. There was
Wealth and opulence, but also tribulation and loss. There was laughter and
Song, and there was also tears.
But even more than tears, blood was shed. And so many were left to their
Unadorned graves, unburied. But to us, death was but another journey. And
Close by the darkness through which we strode, there was also light. The
Light of life and immortality.
And after all, when I reminisce about those years, I mostly remember our
Songs. We sang... as if to drown out the sound of clashing swords, as if
Dro, o Dêvo, tovo anextlo,
Cue ir anextlo, nertos,
Cue ir nertos, Skyans,
Cue ir Skyans, Gothvos,
Cue is Gothvos, Gothvos ar vêriânjâ,
Cue is Gothvos ar vêriânjâ, y Garo
Cue ir Garo, grâto oljo Bewnans,
Cue in grâto oljo Bewnans, Garo Dêvo:
A folk of cheeriness and strength
Content with the life they lived
So-called barbarians yet with eyes cleered
For what they truly need and what damn not
Free and plain
Barbarians, farmers and savages
Counted as ignorant and uncivil
But told to bow before the emperors throne
They were at least not venal
True and plain freedom - of this natures clan
True and plain pride - of this celtic clan
True and plain dignity - Tegernako!
Not for riches, not for sway
Not for economic benefits
Met they the emperors requirements
This is the final resistancel
This was the final revolti
In desperace hope
With tear-dimmed eyes
With wrath-torn minds
We took up arms one more time
Oh the last stand
The freedom manifesto
We will nerver forget
The things we've seen
The deaths we died
The tears we cried
We will never regret
We defied
We will raise our arm stubs in pride
We will never perish
Our cut off hands
Proclaimed grandeur
Land can be taken but
Dignity's impregnable
Fortress of free men
Shining beacon of indomitability
Bearing witness of freedom
Bearing witness of our names,
Cause we will never...
Out from the ashes
Out from the graves
The offspring of antumnos
Will arise to life again
Fraught with so much greed, imperial needs.
Satisfy your hunger for might and blood!
With greedy claws the eagle flew
Leaving chaos and widows on his hunt.
We do not accept to bear the half-moon on our feet
Nor to bow, to the laurel wreath!
"Haec terra mea est" - the urge of your own want
Spurring the horse towards the devastating aint.
It's the pauper that accrouches - bared indigence
Your need should cost unnumbered lives!
Might and riches you have sought,
Willing to pay the price in human lives!
False and fallacious, killing and omnivorous
Depleting the value of human life!
But we always knew: You came with fortune
And one day you'd come with steel!
We did not accept to bear the half-moon on our feet!
A tort that pays it wage death?
Well, how does it feel, the blood on your hands?
I hope you had a ball in effacing lives!
Well, how does it feel, the blood on your hands?
I hope the gold you've won bestows your delight!
... standing at the top of all the ruin you have left...
Welcome to the land of questions
Welcome to the isle of lore
Where the veil came crumbling down
There it all began, the germination
Unveiling a cryptic door
There it was revealed, hopes and aspirations
Unclosing an enthralled door
Escalate the sense
Enhancing to join the dawn
I close my eyes, Inis Mona
And reminisce of those palmy days
I moon o'er you, Inis Mona
As long as I breathe, I'll call you my home
20 years I have walked your barrows
Years of emulous youth
I followed the path of the wise
There it all was sown, the inspiration
Removing the seven seals
There it was revealed, enigma and freedom
Uro si tovo keitone, e'brgant tovo bargo
Toge si se met snibi, staj si borso anda
Cuonos be toi se - immi spakto...
Cuonos be toi se - vo tovo vida
Veno ap tovo albeis, veno ap de bejos
Veno ap oljo trano, cu tov' aljo aunio
Cuonos be toi se - immi spakto...
Cuonos be toi se - vo tovo vida
Carao toi tecos tersos
Canumi uis an devo
So bado at ne ti se
Sprinkled by the trappings
of words that make the outlines
Blur on the showplace of made history
The folk is willed
to parrot the dishes up tale
The lure of a higher meaning
cheat to had to create
an enemy stereotype
to receive your absolution
A frothy poor excuse for your foray
to disengage from deeps
of your encumbrance
All our gods
Bereave me
thruths ensign
forever mine
Bereave me
March in with ten legions
Whilst the crucial weapons not the pillum
but the feather held in your hand
penned in blood
your tall-tales rule the forum
Altering it into the battlefield
I, the spectral guise
evoking these barring fears
pestering your conscript fathers
i smile at my demise and while i die
I cherish the roots of my persereverence
All our gods
Bereave me
thruths ensign
forever mine
Our estates are under fire
Our villers fall prey to village
How can we stay on the sideline
How long will we tare this lying down?
Refuse to quell the anger
Time has come to take up arms again
The last call to rise up
This is the flash of our last hope
Will you ally with us?
Wake up-open your eyes
Reach out
And seize this golden venture
We'vw lost our selves in strife
While the raptor unopposealy
Claws at gallia's free lands
We have to call a hate this
Unite the tribes and rise
Take a look around yourself
And see this time is ours
The last call to rise up
Our lands are under fire
Our villers fall prey to pillage
How can we stay on the sideline
How long will we take this lying down?
It is time to join forces
Let the eagles beak burst on our shields
Unitei this is gallia uprising
"chieftains the eagles empire stretched out it's talons for our lands.
Bribing us. threatening us.
Today we are gathered here. all my countrymen. and still some of you
You are'so solicitous about your state in the roman empire.
And while you fight among yourselves for rome's favour an even greater
Vision is crying out to be seen:
A country of our own. a free gaul let us stand against the eagle unite the
I've been fire, fed by the four winds
I've been water in the stream
And a drop of dew on the culm
I've been clay in the hands of a potter
I've been rosin of a tree
And a leaf, by the breeze carried away
I've been a child of seven spirits
I've been an eagle in the skies
And the swashing fish in the lough fulgent
I've been a tear in the wind
And a word within paean
I've been a flower on the green pasture
I've been the song of a bird
And the vast roar of a bear
I am a lump of this vivid soil
I'm the brother of the trees
A chthonian lot of this earth
Breathe this dream, and let your soul inhale it!
Bare and naked, let us dance on the meadows
Revel within this nature which we're all a part of. Free this wolf forever!
A murky presage roaming the land
To silence the skylarks chant
The somber kiss is at hand
To impart the crimson robe
Heed the darksome maid
Dancing across this equinox
To relegate persistence
As the bleak darkness grows
A cryptal impellent, devoted to the sublime round
Beholden for the boons of light
Retreating into quietness
We harken the somber lay
We sing the somber lay
Close your eyes and heed and vide
Then you shall see
The sphere revolves as it's promised
Flames flickering deftly
To banish the nipping air
The dark time is at hand
Lighted by bardic chant
Heed the darksome maid
To enwrap all in bleakness
A dark veil o'silence
As quiet insight buds
Darkness roaming the land
Long dead the skylarks chant
The dark vis usurped command
To impart the sallow robe
Sure a new light will come
The lifewheel is rotating onward
Given is the promise
Thus assertive we wear on
As the shore is not sea nor land,
Like the time between the times
Where the dawning is not day nor night
You are between the worlds...
Endless circle, bearing my footprints
With fast-sure-hand you guide my steps
Ans so I trod on your endless paths
And travel on throughtout eternity
In these labyrinths of life
Not to know what the next step will bring
And so I trust in your endless paths
And travel on throughout eternity
In these labyrinths of life,
Not to know what the next step will bring
You keep the wrlds aligned
You bond b'tween soul and flesh
You draw to the heart of hearts
With wisdom beyond fate
Endless knot, bearing my footprints
The most heinous con
Refuge of evil
Cloven tongues that speak of truth
With false, specious words
They sold what can't be bought
Acherontic saints of holy sales.
Damn bloody lies
Burn me alive
Silence! Those mouths are stuffed by truth
Hark! At the ruins of the vile I will dance
... in victory!
They don't heed the eternal
I can see the fruits
Of a spirit putriscent
The ogre burning heretics
The cleansing stake
I'm not daunted by distress
For all lie in inanity.
But some stretched out their hands
In a virgin world primeval
A newborn bullcalf emerged
Wondrous and celestial
Three cranes to be its witness and droves
Its honour mantled the face of the earth
A blessing unleashed to the earth
Unseathed the embodiment of life
Tarvos - the embodiment of life
Tarvos - the genesis of time
The earthy heathlands roamed by esus
Questing condign sacrifice
A divine yearning hushed by the prodigy
Three cranes to wake up the slumbering taur
To warn him 'gainst the imminence of a huntergod ravenous
"A drawn struggle through innominate days
As ultimately the sword of esus
Pierced the bulls heart
Three cranes to lament as its blood laves
Creation wept under an eclipsing sun
As gloom descended upon world
Three cranes to catch a drop of blood
And leave far away..."
A blessing depraved from the world
As snow fell for the first time on earth
Three cranes returned
Pouring out the blood
To the ground of tarvos' death
And out of nothing
The soil sacrified, the divine bull was reborn
Under a newborn sun nature rejoiced
Thus spring came back on earth
Overcame the brumal reign
Through esus came back
To fell the bull, the eternal cycle has begun
Tarvos - will always be slain
Imm! Uelor! Uediumi! Gussu!
Andedion Uediiiumi Diiuion Risun Artiu
Catoues caletoi
Urit namantas anrimius
Ro- te isarnilin -urextont,
Au glannabi rhenus
Ad ardus alpon,
Tou' magisa matua
Tou' brigas iuerilonas
Budinas bardon
Clouos canenti
Anuanon anmaruon,
Cauaron colliton,
Adio- biuotutas -robirtont
Uolin cridili
Are rilotuten atrilas
A ulati, mon atron,
A brogi'm cumbrogon!
Exs tou' uradiu uorrobirt
Cenetlon clouision
Cauaron caleton
A blatu blande bitos biuon!
A ‚m' atriia, a ‚ma helvetia!
Tou' mnas et genetas,
Tigernias, tecas,
Tou' uiroi uertamoi
In sose cantle cingeton
In- gutoues -beronti.
Cante cladibu in lame
...the endless knot... the holy grove...
... the threshold... the place beyond...
... I enter, like a newborn child...
Embracing the eternal
Like a consuming fire
The knowledge grows
When it's cleft
Though still patchworked
Yet flooding
The creating touch
Washing away the vile.
Embracing the ancient
While trees gently whisper
Those intimate
Longed-for words
The greet wheel
Is still revolving
With untouchable sovereignty
So invulnerable.
Into the sacred grove I drown
The endless knot
Draws me into
The fire of hearts, the place beyond
Then I'll be born
Then I'll be renewed
... naked spirit... bare...
Immi daga uimpi geneta
Iana beddos et' iouintutos
Blatus ceti, cantla carami
Menuan ambi caron soueti
Mimi, sedumi in disounile
Iana oinicilas in cridile
Ate-, iege, -rigasisi?
To- moi dera -bibrasisis?
Nu noxs todiqueuode
Nu papos samos d'elleloge
Tauila inter tegisa,
Dirobata tenisa
Mimi, sedumi in disounile
Iana oinicilas in cridile
Menuan ambi caron soueti
Samito-ne urit- me -piseti?
Nu etnoi penna roceltont,
Uo atanobi ro- sa -celtont
Cauannos ardu gariti.
Critus ougros me gabiti
Auelos in dolias sueteti
No moi suetlon de tu bereti
Ate-, iege, -rigasisi?
To- moi dera -bibrasisis?
Papon in samile, papon in tauile
All is quiet, all is silent
Auelos sueteti uor magisi
The wind is wailing on the field
Dera ougra loucint in nemisi
Unnamed stars blister cold on the canopy
Nu noxs ponc ro-duaxse
Noxs uedaca atro-brogi
Dera laucint in nemisi
Niula noxtos cruo-samali
Roudi loucint are tanisa belia
Roudi loucint are tanisa belia
Nu tegisa ne seiu bisionti
Magisa ansra nu loscenti
Noxt nu uer ni ateddi
Baregon nouion duaxsati
Baregon nouion duaxsati
Dunon eddi aidulegos
Treba ansra nu eddi onnas
Druco-critus me gabici
Rac senoxs auagomos
Aue, aue, inte noxtin
We packed the wagons a'thing arranged,
There is no turning back
The time has come all to soon
A stab allthrouch my heart
The afterglow
Glimmereo on the roof of our homestead
We bode the nightfall at hand
Believe set out into the dark
In this night the fires roared
As fields were set ablaze
It rained ash from the sky
In a flaring hiss at night
Fromward the land we knew
Off to far and distant shores
To wards a safe haven
Off to these santonian shores
At the set of the sun
As mist billowed over the land
We got under way
Wandering towards our hopes
I bode awhile and looked back
Gazed into the sea of flames
Laying waste what we called home
I won't see this place again
A cortege as far as the eye can see
A vast migrant parade.
The glow of a distant dream
The awakening came nigh
Under a starlit sky.
Dreams within our hearts
Step by step we marched
I am the mystery
And i am the bringer of moonless night
I bear the wisdom arcane
I, harbinger from the burrowed isle
Once you break forth
Hearken the flap of my wings
I haunt your fears
Though you don't know of my duty
To lead your path
Because i'll take you home to rest
In my black wings enfolding you
I am the icon sublime
The guide on the voyage clandestine
I sing the verses bewailed
I, torch of the radiant way
Once you step out
Hearken the strokes of my wings
Once you will leave your cocoon
I will be there
I haunt your fears
Though you don't know of my duty
To lead your path
Because i'll take you home to rest
In my black wings enfolding you
And death will smile his barefaced smile
Initiating your final anguish
It is not before my arrival
That you will be lead to feel
The natural serenity of leaving this world...
Hear my wings caressing the wind
Hear my cry!
I haunt your fears
Though you don't know of my duty
To lead your path
Because i'll take you home to rest
The calling wind on my face
Waving from the summoning of giants
That heals my soul
The virile fragrance of alpine tor
The blowing breath of this fold
That dreams me
Pervading every single nook of existence
Veidon anatlâ
Trireinos koilon monis pantos
Volevos kaion moricus
Ni têrsos tenkos sves nâus-anatia
In litaviâ votno-ûrâ
Mê anatlô
Immi daga uimpi geneta,
lana beððos et' iouintutos
Blatus ceti, cantla carami
Aia gnata uimpi iouinca,
pid in cete tu toue suoine,
pid uregisi peli doniobi?
Aia gnata uimpi iouinca,
pid in cete tu toue suoine
Aia mape coime, adrete
In blatugabagli uorete,
cante snon celiIui in cete
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
N'immi mapos, immi drucocu
In cetobi selgin agumi,
selgin blatos tou' iouintutos
Nu, uoregon, cu, uorigamos,
lamman, cu, suuercin lingamos,
indui uelui cantla canamos
N'immi mapos, immi drucocu
In cetobi selgin agumi,
Ne moi iantus gnaton uorega,
iantus drucocunos uoregon,
cante toi in medie cete
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
Cu allate, papon sod urege,
eððiIo de iantu in cridie
VediIumi: cante moi uosta
Ne, a gnata, cante t' usstami,
ne uostami, ne te carami
Ne carami, nec carasumi
Boua daga uimpi geneta
Immi trouga, lana nariIas
Vrit- me lindos dubnon -piseti
There at these omnious shores of river Saône
There at these shores the die has been cast
Valour and honour were stripped off their meaning
We will not know innocence again
At somber nightfall the defenseless were bestially run down
Saône stained with helvetic blood
You will not shake hands with arrant beliers
You'd rather die than turn into minions
Freedom was our highest good
We ventured our lives
Meet the liar
This dead black night
Our destiny revealed
Meet the enemy
It will never be the same
At these portentous shores of river Saône
There at these shores the die has been cast
We saw the true face of the Roman ravener
The gorgoneion on the cuirass appeared
It was like playing Ludus Latrunculorum
Pieces were made of flesh and of blood
Valour and honour bereft of their meaning
The blood on your hands will forever stay
Freedom was our highest good
We ventured our lives
Meet the liar
This dead black night
Our destiny revealed
Meet the enemy
It will never be the same
It's not us to go under the Yoke
Of that fact the Roman people are witness
We will not bow!
Meet the enemy
Meet the liar
At the rise of a new dawn
Rose the children of the sun
To inhabit a kingdom
Augustly crowned in rock mass vast
All lakes are sanctuaries
Like covert nemetons
All forests are hallowed
Blest groves of an invictus tribe
Nertom woloutom que (We are strong and we are rich)
Etsi snis karamos-e (And we gladly are)
Nertom woloutom que etsi snis (We are strong and we are rich)
Emmos snis riyi emmos snis (We are free, that's what we are)
Widomor-e Karamos-e (We know it and we love to know it)
Emmos snis riyi emmos snis andometi (We are free and we are untamed)
Nertom woloutom que etsi snis (We are strong and we are rich)
Emmos snis riyi emmos snis (We are free, that's what we are)
A kingliy tribe sublime
Arose in it's golden time
In a prosperous era
The age primordial reign
A horde of untameables
Invincible armada
A dashing bold host
We set forth
a retinue
with steedmand cart
so we roved the land
steal thily
we sallied out
to find new shores
as the presage led
Set sail, ye hearts
into the sed of hope
the druid blessed
this mount forseen
we grudged no pains
we faced distress
yet a glowing wick
kindles fire...
Alike a liminal place
a dormant beacon we faced
the haven foretold
a fortress of ages to come
A the rise of a new dawn
woke the daughter of the sun
wafted on black wings
wastly soaring boding skies
We followed
the rites of old
as we stook out
the ordained new land
we held our breath
as the skies got black
and a storm arose
a swarm of crows
Lo land behold!
the black birds branched out
a circle wide
in the riven skies
they limned the nemeton
of the fulgent hill
I wonder what we have become...
A land so full of riches bought with blood!
A land so free, yet chasing for wind....
As we look up to false giant emperors
We've lost our pride of old, the innocence is gone!
Clan of Elveti
Weep for your land
....and your children!
What if we'd still be proud and simple minded?
What if there would not be so much blood on our invisible hands?
What if there would not be billions to feed the lusts of war?
What if not all these subtle hidden injustices?
What if there would not be a state church
Built upon hypocrisy, instead of faith?
What if we'd still be a simple clan of nature