- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 14865
Yoji Yamada (山田 洋次, Yamada Yōji, born September 13, 1931 in Toyonaka, Osaka) is a Japanese film director best known for his Otoko wa Tsurai yo series of films and his Samurai Trilogy (The Twilight Samurai, The Hidden Blade and Love and Honor).
He was born in Osaka. But because of the work of his father, who was an engineer for the South Manchuria Railway, from the age of 2 he was brought up in Dalian, China. Following the end of World War II, he came back to Japan and subsequently he lived in Yamagata Prefecture.
After receiving his degree from Tokyo University in 1954, he entered Shochiku and worked under Yoshitaro Nomura as a scriptwriter or as an assistant director.
He has won many awards throughout his lengthy career and is well respected in Japan and by critics throughout the world. He wrote his first screenplay in 1958, and directed his first movie in 1961. Yamada continues to make movies to this day.
He once served as president of the Directors Guild of Japan, and is currently a guest professor of Ritsumeikan University.
Yamada (山田, "mountain ricefield") is the 12th most common Japanese surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Yōji or Yoji (ようじ, ヨウジ) is a common masculine Japanese given name.
Yōji can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:
The name can also be written in hiragana or katakana.
Assassin's Creed is an action-adventure video game series that consists of nine main games and a number of supporting materials, as of 2015. The games have appeared on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, iOS, HP webOS,Android, Nokia Symbian Windows Phone platforms, and the Wii U.
The games are set in a fictional history of real world events and follows the centuries-old struggle between the Assassins, who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control. The main games in the franchise were developed by Ubisoft Montreal for the single player and Ubisoft Annecy for the multiplayer, with the handheld titles developed by Gameloft and Gryptonite Studios, with additional development by Ubisoft Montreal. The series has been well received by the public and critics, and has sold over 73 million copies as of April 2014, becoming Ubisoft's best selling franchise. The series took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol, while building upon concepts from the Prince of Persia series.
The Hidden Blade (隠し剣 鬼の爪, Kakushi ken: Oni no tsume, literally "Hidden Blade: Oni's Claw") is a 2004 film, set in 1860s Japan, directed by Yoji Yamada. The plot revolves around several samurai during a time of change in the ruling and class structures of Japan. The film was written by Yamada with Yoshitaka Asama and, like its predecessor The Twilight Samurai, based on a short story by Shūhei Fujisawa. The soundtrack is an original composition by Isao Tomita.
The film takes place in Japan in the 1860s, a time of cultural assimilation. Two samurai, Munezo Katagiri (Masatoshi Nagase) and Samon Shimada (Hidetaka Yoshioka), bid farewell to their friend, Yaichiro Hazama (Yukiyoshi Ozawa), who is to serve in Edo (present-day Tokyo) under the shogunate of that region. Though the position is desirable, Katagiri voices his concern that a man of Yaichiro’s character is likely to run into trouble. His doubts are assured when the married Yaichiro expresses an intention to indulge in Edo’s sensual pleasures while stationed there.
A Distant Cry Yoji Yamada
Musuko Yoji Yamada Trailer
TOKIO KAZOKU | Dtor. Yôji Yamada [V.O.S.]
Trailer de Nagasaki: Memories of My Son — Haha to kuraseba (HD)
Full movie Yamada The Samurai of Ayothaya
love and honor ending - cool tune
love and honor the making.avi
NAGASAKI, RECUERDOS DE MI HIJO de Yoji Yamada (Trailer español)
東京家族 Tokyo Family - A film by Yoji YAMADA. Opens 10.10.2013 in Singapore
The Little House [Official Trailer]
Tora-san - Our Lovable Tramp
Chiisai Ouchi | Press Conference Highlights | Berlinale 2014
The Twilight Samurai (2002) - Seibei fights back
TOKYO FAMILY (ein Film von Yoji Yamada) | im kult.kino Basel
El pañuelo amarillo [Película completa (Sub. Español)]
The Hidden Blade - Official Trailer
Bande-annonce : Flag in the Mist - 霧の旗 (1965) de Yoji Yamada
Director: Yôji Yamada Argumento: Japón, mediados del siglo XIX. Seibei Iguchi es un samurái de bajo rango que trabaja como burócrata. Viudo, vive con sus dos hijas, a las que adora, y con una madre ya senil, por lo que se ve obligado a hacer otros trabajos para poder sacarlas adelante. Una nueva oportunidad se presenta en su vida cuando se entera de que Tomoe, su amor de siempre, se ha divorciado de su cruel marido. Sin embargo, el rígido código de honor de los samuráis lo atará de pies y manos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director: Yôji Yamada. Argumento: Japón, siglo XIX. El declive de la casta guerrera de los Samurai y de los Shogun ha hecho mella en el pequeño feudo de Unasaka, situado en la costa del noroeste del país. El samurai Yaichiro Hazama se marcha a la lejana ciudad de Edo para hacerse cargo de un puesto muy importante de la organización del clan, mientras sus amigos samuráis, Munezo y Samon, vuelven al lugar en el que Munezo nació y creció. A pesar de su modesto sueldo consiguen vivir una vida placentera en la casa de la madre de Munezo junto con la hermana pequeña de éste y la hija de un vecino que es granjero, llamada Kie, que trabaja en la casa como empleada doméstica y espera poder conseguir marido. Durante los tres años siguientes fallece la madre de Munezo, Samon se casa con la hermana de...
a film from yoji yamada( love and honor, Home from the Sea,The Yellow Handkerchief). All great movies!
Centro Municipal Integrado Pumarín "Gijón Sur | Sábado 22 de febrero - 20.30h. UNA FAMILIA DE TOKIO / Japón / 2013 / 146' Dirección Yôji Yamada Guión Yôji Yamada, Emiko Hiramatsu Fotografía Masashi Chikamori Montaje Iwao Ishii Música Joe Hisaishi Intérpretes Isao Hashizume, Kazuko Yoshiyuki, Tomoko Nakajima, Yu Aoi, Yui Natsukawa, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Masahiko Nishimura, Sigueru Muroi... Un anciano matrimonio, formado por Shukichi Hirayama y Tomiko, viaja a Tokio desde su hogar en una pequeña isla en Hiroshima para visitar a sus tres hijos. El primogénito, Koichi, dirige un hospital. La hija mediana, Shigeko, lleva un salón de belleza. El hijo menor, Shuji, es escenógrafo. Aunque los tres quieren que sus padres tengan una estancia agradable en Tokio, todos ellos están ocupados con sus traba...
Trailer de Nagasaki: Memories of My Son, por Yôji Yamada. Más información en http://www.cinemaldito.com
Bushi no ichibun(2006) Original Music by Isao Tomita Directed by Yôji Yamada. With Takuya Kimura, Rei Dan, Mitsugoro Bando. A look at the relationship between a young blind samurai (Kimura) and his wife, who will make a sacrifice in order to defend her husband's honor.
It is the final film in Yoji Yamada's acclaimed Samurai Trilogy (Twilight Samurai (2002) and The Hidden Blade (2004)).
Estreno en cines el 26 de Mayo. Uno de los nombres más importantes del cine japonés contemporaneo, Yoji Yamada, vuelve a la dirección con "Nagasaki, Recuerdos de mi Hijo" en un momento muy especial. Tras más de 50 años trabajando tras la cámara, y habiéndose celebrado recientemente el 70 aniversario de los bombardeos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, Yamada no podía conseguir un mejor premio para su película que ser la seleccionada para representar a Japón en los Oscar de la Academia de Hollywood. Con un espectacular cásting encabezado por Kazunari Ninomiya ("Gantz"), Sayuri Yoshinaga ("Buda: El Gran Viaje"), Haru Kuroki ("La Casa del Tejado Rojo") y Tadanobu Asano ("Parásito"), Yamada ha contado además con otro grande del cine japonés para componer la banda sonora, Ryuichi Sakamoto ("El Renacid...
http://www.fb.com/lighthousepictures.sg 東京家族 An homage to "TOKYO STORY" by Yasujiro OZU. Opens 10.10.2013 in Singapore. (PG) Japanese with English Subtitles. Starring: Isao HASHIZUME/ Kazuko YOSHIYUKI/ Satoshi TSUMABUKI/ Yu AOI For all the parents and children in the world. A modern-day retelling of one of cinema's greatest achievements. Yasujiro Ozu's 1953 masterpiece Tokyo Story is regarded by many as the greatest film in the history of Japanese cinema, a finely wrought tale of human fragility amidst the rampant social upheaval of post-war Japan. In Tokyo Family, 81-year-old modern master Yôji Yamada transports Ozu's opus to the Japan of today - a country where economic hope has waned and the threat to tradition is more pronounced than ever. Elderly Shukichi and Tomiko swap their r...
Master filmmaker Yamada Yoji adapts Nakajima Kyoko's eponymous novel that won the 143rd Naoki Prize. Set against the backdrop of the "Showa Modern" period (1926 to 1945), it presents a full and mysterious account of a scandalous romance. Kuroki Haru's performance was recognized with the award of a Silver Bear for Best Actress at the 2014 Berlin International Film Festival. In 1936 in the suburbs of Tokyo, Taki (Kuroki), a maid working for the Hirai family, deeply admires Tokiko (Matsu Takako), the beautiful lady of the house. As war approaches, Tokiko's relationship with a man named Itakura (Yoshioka Hidetaka) comes under suspicion. After much agonizing, Taki makes a fateful decision.
Featuring Kiyoshi Atsumi as the lovable loser KURUMA Torajiro, the 48-film Tora-san series holds the Guinness World Record for the longest running film series starring the same actor. Directed by Yoji Yamada
Press Conference Highlights „Chiisai Ouchi " by Yoji Yamada Hiroshi Fukasawa (Producer) Yoji Yamada (Director, Screenwriter) Haru Kuroki (Actress) Moderation: Anatol Weber #Berlinale2014
Tasogare Seibei (2002) by Yôji Yamada A family drama set in the late nineteenth century Japan, as the feudal Shogun period was giving way to the Meiji Restoration.
Ein Regisseur verbeugt sich vor seinem Lehrer und Vorbild: Yoji Yamada war Regieassistent bei Yazujirō Ozus TOKYO MONOGATARI, jener bewegenden Familienstudie aus der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nun hat er ein Remake dieses Meisterwerks gedreht und holt mit nur wenigen Abweichungen die Geschichte des älteren Ehepaares Shukichi und Tomiko Hirayama in das gegenwärtige Japan. Noch einmal möchte das Paar sein beschauliches Leben in der Provinz verlassen, um Kinder und Enkel in Tokio zu besuchen. Doch die beiden müssen erleben, dass weder der älteste Sohn Koichi, ein Arzt, noch die älteste Tochter Shigeko, die einen Schönheitssalon betreibt, Zeit für sie haben. Sie sind zu beschäftigt mit ihren Alltagssorgen. Auch der jüngste Sohn geht seiner eigenen Wege. In der hektischen Großstadt wirkt ...
The Yellow Handkerchief es una película estadounidense de 2008, protagonizada por Kristen Stewart, William Hurt y Eddie Redmayne. Se trata de un remake de la película El pañuelo amarillo de la felicidad dirigida por Yôji Yamada en el año 1977. Se estrenó el 18 enero 2008 en el Festival de Cine de Sundance. Brett, un ex-convicto, realiza una aventura en coche con dos jóvenes desconocidos: Martine, una chica que busca el amor; y Gordi, un joven inseguro de sí mismo. Brett entablará una fuerte relación con ambos, a los que les irá develando poco a poco las razones de su encarcelamiento LOS DERECHOS DE LA PELÍCULA PERTENECEN AL AUTOR DE ESTA MISMA . link de descarga en formato mp4: https://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=hGcP3F8hYbA
Official trailer for Yoji Yamada's "The Hidden Blade."
Primeira parte de uma trilogia temática, O SAMURAI DO ENTARDECER foi dirigido por Yoji Yamada e lançado em 2002. Com enfoque em um samurai pobre levando a vida com dificuldade, em meio a um país que enfrentava sua transição histórica, a obra impressiona pelo seu conteúdo dramático. Sem glorificar a imagem destes guerreiros em lutas estilizadas, é um retrato realista e profundamente humano de pessoas enfrentando circunstâncias comuns à vida. Website - http://goo.gl/hDQkSw Facebook - http://goo.gl/3mGhfd Instagram - http://goo.gl/BWh4nE Twitter - http://goo.gl/dnPjHs Google Plus - https://goo.gl/3l4x7V O Samurai do Entardecer - Yoji Yamada Contato natela@formigaeletrica.com.br (para sugestões e comentários sobre o vídeo) comercial@formigaeletrica.com.br (para questões comerciais) Agrad...
( INDONESIA ) Disutradarai oleh: Nopporn Watin Diproduksi oleh : Nopporn Watin Dibintangi : Seigi Ozeki Sorapong Chatree Winai Kraibutr Tanggal rilis : 2 Desember 2010 Lamanya perjalanan : 100 menit Negara : Thailand Bahasa : Thai, Japanese, Burma SINOPSIS : Diserang dan terluka oleh sekelompok pengkhianat Ninja Jepang, seorang samurai tentara bayaran bernama Yamada (Ozeki) diselamatkan dan dirawat kembali ke kesehatan oleh sekelompok prajurit Siam, dalam pelayanan kepada Raja Ayothaya. Bingung dengan identitas misterius dari para penyerangnya, Yamada tetap dengan prajurit, berteman dengan mereka, belajar seni mereka, dan akhirnya berjanji kesetiaannya dan kehidupan sebab dan kerajaan mereka. ( ENGLIS ) Directed by : Nopporn Watin Produced by : Nopporn Watin Starring Seigi Ozeki Sorapong ...
Prior to World War II, a maid arrives from the countryside to work for an upper middle class family. She fits in well, but everyone's emotions are stirred up with the arrival of a student. Meanwhile, the war situation deteriorates as well as the relationships in the little house.
http://stranded.hihome.com/sung.html Kabei: Our Mother (2008) Directed by Yoji Yamada Starring Sayuri Yoshinaga Tadanobu Asano Rei Dan Mirai Shida Release date(s) January 26, 2008 Running time 132 minutes Country Japan Language Japanese
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
The objective of Aikido is to contribute to making a better society through the training of both body and spirit. 合気道を通じて心身を鍛練し、広く人類社会の向上をはかることを目的とします。
Dedicated to those Cuban Aikidoka who have sincerely trained the martial art of PEACE, God bless your pure intentions and keep your hearts filled with everlasting joy as you step on and off the mat!!!
Vance Kovacs and Justin Sweet are old friends that work together at Carbon Canyon Studios. Combined they have worked on such films as The Avengers, The Green Lantern, The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy, MIB3, Thor and more.
The hip throws of Aikido.
Tokyo Pro Wresting 6/24/96 Korakuen Hall 1. Hiroshi Itakura vs Akihito Masuda. Very brief hilites 2. Billy Black vs Masanobu Kurisu. Very brief hilites 3. Gekko & Kageboshi vs Shocker & Astro Jr 4. The Great Kabuki vs Sheigeo Okumura 5. Black Wazuma (Too Cold Scorpio) vs Daikokubo Benkai 6. Abdullah the Butcher vs Sabu 7. Takashi Ishikawa & Kishin Kawabata vs Tarzan Goto & Mr Gannosuke BONUS MATCHES from 6/29/96 Sapporo 1. Brief hilites of Shigeo Okumura vs Kishin Kawabata, a tag match with Billy Black, and Kabuki & Akihito Masuda vs Goto & Gannosuke 2. Sabu vs Black Wazuma (Scorpio) 3. 2 out of 3 Falls TWA Tag Title - Takashi Ishikawa & Yoji Anjoh vs Abdullah The Butcher & Daikokubu Benkai
KenShamrock vs ManabuYamada - Pancrase: King of Pancrase Tournament Second Round
โดยดีเจ จ๋อง จ้อย โจ๊ก และคมสัน หนังหน้าแมว!!! ทุกวันอาทิตย์ 21:00-24:00 ทาง Web : http://www.thisiscat.com | http://tunein.com/radio/Cat-Radio-s254464/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/thisiscatradio Tel : +66 25309611 Twitter #หนังหน้าแมว : http://bit.ly/1onQCH7 - Snap/แค่ได้คิดถึง / โจ๊ก, คมสัน (1:00:35) - The Dressmaker (2015) / จ้อย (39:22) - Spotlight (2015) / จ้อย, โจ๊ก (1:17:54) - The Big Short (2015) /เกมฉวยโอกาสรวย/ คมสัน, จ๋อย (16:45) - A Class to Remember 2 (1996)/Director: Yoji Yamada/ จ้อย (50:35)
Sayo Saruta: Lawyer and Director, New Diplomacy Initiative
โดยดีเจ จ๋อง จ้อย โจ๊ก และคมสัน หนังหน้าแมว!!! ทุกวันอาทิตย์ 21:00-24:00 ทาง Web : http://www.thisiscat.com | http://tunein.com/radio/Cat-Radio-s254464/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/thisiscatradio Tel : +66 25309611 Twitter #หนังหน้าแมว : http://bit.ly/1onQCH7 - Spotlight (2015)/คนคลั่งข่าว / คมสัน (1:00:06) - The Hateful Eight (2015) / คมสัน, จ้อย (1:12:22) - The Peanuts Movie (2015)/ชาลีบราวน์ /คมสัน (12:41) - Lolita (1962)/ จ้อย (42:56) - Lolita (1997)/ จ้อย - A Class to Remember (1994)/Director: Yoji Yamada/ จ้อย (19:41) - The Big Short (2015) / โจ๊ก (28:56)
Dennis A. Amith's Random Musings - January 22, 2017 @ California Bikes in Shimokitazawa @ Shibuya Crossing (Shibuya Scramble) @ Nakano Sun Plaza @ Yamada Yoji Museum in Katsushika
Por: Rafael Estrada Michel, Silvestre Villegas Revueltas y Patricia Galeana Visita nuestras páginas www.inehrm.gob.mx www.constitucion1917.gob.mx www.facebook.com/inehrm.fanpage Twitter @INEHRM
Press Conference Highlights „Chiisai Ouchi " by Yoji Yamada Hiroshi Fukasawa (Producer) Yoji Yamada (Director, Screenwriter) Haru Kuroki (Actress) Moderation: Anatol Weber #Berlinale2014
Music Video Movies: The Twilight Samurai, The Hidden Blade, Love and Honor Audio: Siddharta-Autumn sun I like Yoji Yamadas movies very much, especially The Twilight Samurai. So i decided to make a MV. Hope you like it. Please rate and comment! Nothing of the video and audio stuff belongs to me. Just fanmade.
Official trailer for Yoji Yamada's "The Hidden Blade."
Vance Kovacs and Justin Sweet are old friends that work together at Carbon Canyon Studios. Combined they have worked on such films as The Avengers, The Green Lantern, The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy, MIB3, Thor and more.
Japan Cuts 2016 - Nagasaki: Memories of My Son introduction http://www.japansociety.org/event/nagasaki-memories-of-my-son Introduction of Nagasaki: Memories of My Son by composer Ryuichi Sakamoto at the 10th anniversary of Japan Cuts Festival of New Japanese Film. August 9, 1948. Nagasaki, Japan. An aging midwife named Nobuko (Sayuri Yoshinaga) is visited by the ghost of her son Koji (Kazuya Ninomiya), whom she lost to the atomic bomb. From then on Koji visits his mother frequently to reminisce and catch up on lost time. Their biggest topic of conversation is Koji's kind-hearted fiancée Machiko (Haru Kuroki), who regularly visited Nobuko over the three years since Koji's death. Machiko and Koji both seem unable to fully accept Koji's death, but Nobuko slowly encourages them to move on. ...
ベルリン映画祭60周年 60th Anniversary Berlinale Berlinale 60.Jubiläum
NB : Pensez à activer les sous-titres français ! Touche à tout de génie, aussi à l’aise dans les sphères électroniques qu’en terrain pop, rock, world, new-wave, classique, bossa ou même cinématographique (ses partitions pour "Furyo", "Le Dernier Empereur", "Talons aiguilles" et plus récemment "The Revenant" ont marqué les esprits), Ryuichi Sakamoto n’a jamais perdu son âme. Son sens aigu de la mélodie et du beau se retrouve dans tous ses travaux, du plus commercial au plus expérimental. Bref, il n’y évidemment pas que le tubesque thème de "Furyo" dans la vie du compositeur japonais aujourd’hui âgé de 64 ans. Un musicien atypique ayant croisé le fer avec des gens aussi divers que David Byrne, Caetano Veloso, David Sylvian, DJ Spooky, Bill Frisell, Brian Wilson, Youssou N’Dour, Robert Wyatt...
A rare video of Kisshomaru Doshu teaching class in Hombu Dojo in Tokyo 1994. This video shows an insight into the class of Kisshomaru Doshu. Recorded by Niek Remkes
The objective of Aikido is to contribute to making a better society through the training of both body and spirit. 合気道を通じて心身を鍛練し、広く人類社会の向上をはかることを目的とします。
Kanshu Sunatomari brilliant study of body and mind blending, body position and tegatana. Master Kanshu Sunatomari was orn in Kagoshima 1923 and entred Kobukan dojo in 1942 as uchideshi. He opened the Manseikan dojo in 1954 in Kumamoto, Kyushu and became independent in 1959 with the blessing of O'Sensei.
Hong Kong director John Woo, right, and Japanese director Yoji Yamada pose for photographers during the awarding ceremony of Samurai Award at the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival in Japan
Yoji Fujimoto Shihan (www.aikidofujimoto.it) and Daniele Montenegro Sensei (www.aikidodanielemontenegro.com)
Yoji Fujimoto Shihan (www.aikidofujimoto.it) and Daniele Montenegro Sensei (www.aikidodanielemontenegro.com)
In this week's show we chat to Australian director Benjamin Gilmour about the difficulty of making his debut feature "Son Of A Lion" in Pakistan's remote North West Frontier Province. We also hear from veteran Japanese director Yoji Yamada about his new drama featuring a family torn apart by the Second World War. Plus we preview a new interpretation of Peter and the Wolf.
https://www.facebook.com/yojiofficial?fref=ts YOJI BIOMEHANIKA Re-Birth!! 2015.3.6 on Japanese iTunes (Available Worldwide Soon!) https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/the-place-for-freedom-single/id968684277 Director : Ninomiya”NINO”Daisuke(IKIOI) 2nd Director : Takahide Imaizumi(IKIOI) Dancer : OBA HAMUTSUN SERVE Finger Dancer K.E.N-DIGIT Poledancer Felina / MOCO Aerialfoop PILO / KOZUE Poledance/Aerialfoop choreography : YOSSY(EyeCandy) Cinematography : Yuta Echigo Lighting Director : Masanari Oike Production Design : Kazuki Tazaki Editor : Manami Kishi(IMAGICA) Colorist : Asako Harada(IMAGICA) Recording Engineer : Motohiro Mochizuki(IMAGICA) Sound Effect : Takatsugu Sato Costume Design : Kayo Hosomi Assistant : Natsuki Kozawa Masks and Hair : SAK...
In this week's show we chat to Australian director Benjamin Gilmour about the difficulty of making his debut feature "Son Of A Lion" in Pakistan's remote North West Frontier Province. We also hear from veteran Japanese director Yoji Yamada about his new drama featuring a family torn apart by the Second World War. Plus we preview a new interpretation of Peter and the Wolf.
Aquesta setmana s'estrena "Nagasaki, records del meu fill", de l'aclamat director japonès Yoji Yamada, que ens proposa un drama sobre la relació d'un mare amb l'esperit del seu fill mort a causa del llançament de la bomba atòmica