Винчанска култура - vinča culture
Винчанска култура, јединствена у историји светске цивилизације налазила се управо на прост...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: Kraljevina Srbija
Винчанска култура - vinča culture
Винчанска култура - vinča culture
Винчанска култура, јединствена у историји светске цивилизације налазила се управо на простору данашње Србије - где су и дан данас као и хиљадама година раниј...- published: 01 Apr 2012
- views: 1930
- author: Kraljevina Srbija
Vinca Culture
The Vinča culture is a Neolithic archaeological culture in Southeastern Europe, dated to t...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: billrogers72
Vinca Culture
Vinca Culture
The Vinča culture is a Neolithic archaeological culture in Southeastern Europe, dated to the period 5500--4500 BCE. Named for its type site, Vinča-Belo Brdo,...- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 6618
- author: billrogers72
Europe's origins lay in a cooperative peaceful neolithic goddess culture
Signs Out of Time - Neolithic Europe
The Story of Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas
Old Europe...
published: 21 Oct 2013
Europe's origins lay in a cooperative peaceful neolithic goddess culture
Europe's origins lay in a cooperative peaceful neolithic goddess culture
Signs Out of Time - Neolithic Europe The Story of Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas Old Europe is a term coined by archaeologist Marija Gimbutas to describe what she perceives as a relatively homogeneous European Neolithic culture in southeastern Europe located in the Danube River valley. A documentary on archeologist Marija Gimbutas, who found that Europe's origins lay in a cooperative, peaceful, neolithic Goddess culture. Portraying the life and works of one of the most prolific archaeologists of the twentieth century is a daunting undertaking. Compressing it into a one-hour documentary seems well-nigh impossible. A long-running prejudice of historical studies holds that civilization and written language were born together in the ancient Middle East amid an orgy of empire-building. Some of the oldest extant writings record the exploits of conquering kings. First, that Neolithic urban settlements greatly pre-dated the "first cities" of the patriarchal tradition; Second, that at least some of these settlements had no defensive walls, no military burials, and no artwork recording warfare; Third, that the decorative designs of the artwork of these cultures may actually be a sophisicated system of symbols through which ideas and values could be recorded and transmitted. Signs Out of Times surveys Gimbutas's life and early academic career, in which she combined an interest in folklore with a deep knowledge of European languages. This combination helped open insights that remained closed to scholars whose cultural focus was classically formed, and whose standard of "language" was Latin or Greek. Against the backdrop of her life, the film turns to Gimbutas's theories about language and symbolism in Old Europe. Her conjectures sometimes seem far-fetched, as when she states that two spirals are in fact snakes coiling into two divine eyes . But once we see some of the dozens or hundreds of similar pieces that Gimbutas studied - some naturalistic, others more abstract - the common symbolism becomes clear. Just as controversial have been Gimbutas's theories about a "prehistoric" age of the Goddess, in which matrifocal societies built cultures, developed symbolic language as well as decorative arts, and lived for centuries in undefended, unmilitarized cities. Gimbutas's views challenge the Hobbesian thesis that "primitive man" was brutish, violent, grasping, and incapable of living in society except under the thumb of a tyrant - and along with it the modern political structures which still assume that humans are naturally vicious and destructive and must be repressed by a strong government and social structure. Maybe the highest compliment I can pay the film is to say that after watching it, I went out and bought Marjia Gimbuta's Language of the Goddess, illustrated with hundreds of sketches and photos from her excavations. In the wealth of images that fill this book, Gimbutas's theories come alive, and the language of Old Europe takes shape before our eyes. In the Introduction to Language and the Goddess, Marija Gimbutas writes: "Some twenty years ago when I first started to question the meaning of the signs and design patterns that appeared repeatedly on the cult objects and painted pottery of Neolithic Europe, they struck me as being pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle - two-thirds of which was missing. As I worked at its completion, the main themes of the Old European ideology emerged, primarily through analysis of the symbols and images and the discovery of their intrinsic order. They represent the grammar and syntax of a kind of meta-language by which an entire constellation of meanings is transmitted. They reveal the basic world-view of Old European culture. Gimbutas's theories of contextual meaning - that the meaning of any given symbol can be understood only in relation to other symbols and finally to the context in which the symbols were used - has been echoed in modern linguistics and hermeneutics by writers such as Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer, both of whom saw the roots of linguistic meaning in the contrast among a set of symbols. Derrida, a contemporary of Gimbutas, wrote extensively on his theory of differance, which contends that words only have meaning in relation to other words - there is no "absolute meaning" of any word. Context and relation are determinant, and meaning is always in flux as new relations emerge. She goes on to tie this research to the study of ancient Goddess religion. "These systematic associations in the Near East, southeastern Europe, the Mediterranean area, and in central, western, and northern Europe indicate the extension of the same Goddess religion to all of these regions as a cohesive and persistent ideological system." http://www.reclaimingquarterly.org/web/gimbutas/gimbutas1.html- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 13
Vinča I deo,Kulturno i istorijsko blago Srbije 5.deo
Налази се на 14 километара од Београда, поред пута Београд-Смедерево и надалеко је позната...
published: 20 Mar 2009
author: yugosilvi
Vinča I deo,Kulturno i istorijsko blago Srbije 5.deo
Vinča I deo,Kulturno i istorijsko blago Srbije 5.deo
Налази се на 14 километара од Београда, поред пута Београд-Смедерево и надалеко је позната по налазима изузетне археолошке вредности. Праисторијски локалитет...- published: 20 Mar 2009
- views: 5169
- author: yugosilvi
LEPENSKI VIR i VINCA (epoha Neolita)
TV Beograd 1988.godine, reditelj Nikola Lorencin....
published: 16 Jan 2013
author: merimeri7
LEPENSKI VIR i VINCA (epoha Neolita)
LEPENSKI VIR i VINCA (epoha Neolita)
TV Beograd 1988.godine, reditelj Nikola Lorencin.- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 729
- author: merimeri7
Interactive Neolithic Vinca House Reconstruction
3D Reconstruction of typical Late Vinca culture house excavated by M.M. Vasic in 1912. Rec...
published: 18 May 2007
author: Vitomir Jevremovic
Interactive Neolithic Vinca House Reconstruction
Interactive Neolithic Vinca House Reconstruction
3D Reconstruction of typical Late Vinca culture house excavated by M.M. Vasic in 1912. Reconstruction is done according to Vasic's old plans, drawings and jo...- published: 18 May 2007
- views: 7813
- author: Vitomir Jevremovic
Vinca AID 2010
A sorry state of the vertical section of the world famous Neolithic site of Vinca - Februa...
published: 03 Mar 2010
author: Nenad Tasic
Vinca AID 2010
Vinca AID 2010
A sorry state of the vertical section of the world famous Neolithic site of Vinca - February 2010.- published: 03 Mar 2010
- views: 602
- author: Nenad Tasic
Vinča, praistorijska metropola-2. deo
Reportaža o izložbi "Vinča, praistorijska metropola", snimljena 01.12.2008. u galeriji SAN...
published: 07 Dec 2008
author: Aleksandar Rapic
Vinča, praistorijska metropola-2. deo
Vinča, praistorijska metropola-2. deo
Reportaža o izložbi "Vinča, praistorijska metropola", snimljena 01.12.2008. u galeriji SANU u Beogradu. Autor Aleksandar Rapić.- published: 07 Dec 2008
- views: 1730
- author: Aleksandar Rapic
Vinča, praistorijska metropola-1. deo
Reportaža o izložbi "Vinča, praistorijska metropola", snimljena 01.12.2008. u galeriji SAN...
published: 07 Dec 2008
author: Aleksandar Rapic
Vinča, praistorijska metropola-1. deo
Vinča, praistorijska metropola-1. deo
Reportaža o izložbi "Vinča, praistorijska metropola", snimljena 01.12.2008. u galeriji SANU u Beogradu. Autor Aleksandar Rapić.- published: 07 Dec 2008
- views: 5289
- author: Aleksandar Rapic
published: 08 May 2011
author: Magyar Eredet
VINCA CULTURE AND SUMERIANS BC 5000- BC 2300.- published: 08 May 2011
- views: 1185
- author: Magyar Eredet
Naakhum - Starčevo Fanfare ~ Винчанска Култура (Vinča)
The Vinča culture, dated to the period 5500--4500 BC, was the first known European ancient...
published: 11 Feb 2012
author: VikingFront91
Naakhum - Starčevo Fanfare ~ Винчанска Култура (Vinča)
Naakhum - Starčevo Fanfare ~ Винчанска Култура (Vinča)
The Vinča culture, dated to the period 5500--4500 BC, was the first known European ancient civilization that developed scripture and its own complex cultural...- published: 11 Feb 2012
- views: 639
- author: VikingFront91
Vimeo results:
0. Democracy without secrets.
• Nulpunt is a web application that aggregates all documents produced by the Dutch gov...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: nulpunt
0. Democracy without secrets.
• Nulpunt is a web application that aggregates all documents produced by the Dutch government and the public sector into an online database.
• Nulpunt asks users to register with this database and subscribe to feeds on topics of government information that he or she is interested in. From that moment on the user has access to all government documents relevant to the selected topics.
• Nulpunt makes it possible for registered users to comment on and share elements from these documents through third party social media and other channels.
• Nulpunt also provides the option to follow the activities of other users.
In the past years we have witnessed the development of an international democratization movement. From WikiLeaks to Occupy, from the Pirate Party to Anonymous, the demand for transparent government and political self-organization has become evident. We call this the demand for a democracy without secrets.
The Netherlands today has a basic transparancy law. In English it’s called: the Law on Transparancy of Public Authorities [Dutch: “Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WOB)”]. Conceived in 1980, it specifies how citizens requests for government policy information are to be dealt with when related to matters of public interest. But the law is seriously outdated, a product of the pre-digital era and embodying a traditional authoritarian bureaucratic culture in which access to information is seen as a favor to citizens, and not as their right. Responses to requests for information are structurally delayed and habitually negative, forcing the requesting party to enter expensive legal battles. A request for information can easily take up one-and-a half years or more. Access is easily denied, as the grounds for refusal are broad and lend themselves to abuse.
A new Freedom of Information Act is in the making. This law enshrines public access to information as a citizen's right, and impels public authorities to make government information widely, and quickly, accessible in a digital format. It broadens the scope of the information to be made accessible, to include all information held by public bodies or private bodies with a public mandate or financed by taxpayers money. If government nevertheless wishes to keep information secret, this exemption will have to be justified on a case by case basis. The new law will guarantee that in the future all public documents produced by government will be automatically accessible, and that these will be stored in a permanent electronic record. These are the first steps to what we call the Leaking State [Dutch: “De Lekkende Overheid”].
The problem is that in the hands of government this new law will lead to inaccessible databases. Only professional researchers will be willing and able to make their way through the dense bureaucratic thicket that obscures the information they’re looking for.
Meanwhile, the time invested daily by politically-aware citizens using social media, online forums and newspapers indicates there’s no lack of willingness for political participation. We just need a tool to enable us to do so directly.
Therefore we have developed nulpunt [“0.”], a website that works like a merge between Wikileaks and social media. In combination with the new Freedom of Information Act, nulpunt will force government to ‘leak’ all documents into its public database. Once there, users can search through this information stream, comment on, and share documents. It is a dashboard, a digital parliament, where we control and shape our politics.
As part of the registration process, the user sets up filters to limit the stream of documents to those dealing with the issues or sectors he or she is interested in. The user chooses to make his or her account either public or private. It’s here that the user also decides on the color of the marking tool: the main asset of nulpunt.
Once registered the user can start. On the left we see the inbox displaying a filtered list of documents matching the user’s interests. We can see how many comments have been added to each document by other users.
To view a document, click its title. This one relates to the Dutch government’s decision making process preceding its support of the war in Iraq in 2003. It has 24 comments attached. Each comment corresponds to a passage highlighted by one of the users. While reading the document and comments this user has become convinced there was never a legal mandate for war, meaning that it was waged illegitimately. With the marking tool the user highlights the part of the document that makes this evident, and in a comment explains why.
The new comment can be saved as a draft that only the author can see, or can be made public by clicking ‘Publish’. The user may use the 'Amplify' button to share the annotated selection to a variety of different media.
While some social media platforms try to keep users ‘locked in’ to their service, and
Hanging Gardens
A vacant structure in Detroit’s Midtown is now breathing new life thanks to the hard work ...
published: 24 Jul 2010
author: The D Show
Hanging Gardens
A vacant structure in Detroit’s Midtown is now breathing new life thanks to the hard work of some volunteers from one local agency. Ryan Schirmang, a creative project manager at Team Detroit, helped organize the Hanging Gardens, the first vertical garden project on an abandoned building in Detroit.
Schirmang recruited 75 eager volunteers from the Dearborn office and dispatched them to the Forest Arms apartment building at the corner of Second and Forest, near Wayne State University. The apartment building, chosen as the site for this year’s project, was ravaged by a fire in 2008 and is currently in the process of being rehabbed to its former glory. Read more about the building here.
Schirmang said the project grew out of two things he was thinking about at the time.
Volunteers planted English Ivy, Vinca Vines and variety of hardy, flowering plants into 200 Woolly Pocket gardens filled with organic compost. The pockets were then zip-tied to chains and hoisted onto pre-set hooks in the window frames via sky-lifts. When the lifts broke down, volunteers resorted to carrying pockets up the stairs. “It was kind of like walking after riding in a limo, but we managed,” said Schirmang.
The University Cultural Center Association (UCCA) and Greening of Detroit provided resources and expertise to help make the project happen. Greening sent out their head forester to help with the planting, while UCCA donated funds for the plant and soil, secured the building and assisted in the volunteer effort. Members of the organizations have also continued to water and fertilize the plants throughout this summer.
The Juliets, a Baroque Pop band from the Detroit area, entertained volunteers with a rich sound that seemed to complement the architecture. And Single Barrel Detroit, a group of artists that describe themselves as part urban explorer/part filmmaker, captured video of the band playing in and around the abandoned structure. Chris Turner, has continued to take daily photos of the building, with plans to assemble them into a time-lapse animation of the growth by the end of this summer.
Schirmang said the next step with the project is to begin swapping out some of the dead or dying plants with new ones. “It’s very much a learning process,” he said. All of the plants will be removed in late September and stored in a greenhouse over winter, where they’ll stay until they return to Forest Arms or another structure in need of life again next spring.
Documentario "l'ultima estate di Vinca" prodotto da "MAKECULTURE" DI Samuele Pucci.
Nei giorni tra il 24 e il 27 agosto 1944 il paese di Vinca, in Lunigiana, venne quasi tota...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: Official Channel of MakeCulture
Documentario "l'ultima estate di Vinca" prodotto da "MAKECULTURE" DI Samuele Pucci.
Nei giorni tra il 24 e il 27 agosto 1944 il paese di Vinca, in Lunigiana, venne quasi totalmente distrutto dal fuoco appiccato dalle truppe nazifasciste. La sua gente decimata.
Fu uno dei tanti, troppi episodi che si videro in Italia dopo l'8 settembre 1943, poi che ebbe inizio la guerra partigiana.
Le vittime di Vinca furono 174. Gente innocente uccisa solo perché incontrata lungo la strada; donne e bambini falciati senza pietà a colpi di mitra.
Nessuno ha mai avuto certezza del perché di questo atto criminale. L'ipotesi più probabile è che sia stata un'azione terroristica allo scopo di scoraggiare la popolazione a fornire aiuto ed appoggio agli uomini della resistenza che operavano nella zona.
Celso Battaglia, allora bambino di undici anni, sopravvisse alla strage, ma la sua vita fu segnata dal dolore. La sua testimonianza è raccolta in questo cortometraggio.
"MAKECULTURE"di Samuele Pucci -
Copyright © SamuelePucci/MakeCulture
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RED A.i.R Day 1, part 2 of 3
Public program: 'A Second Exchange'
Day 1, part 2 of 3 with Vinca Kruk & Gon Zifroni (Meta...
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: RED A.i.R. | Redlight Art Amster
RED A.i.R Day 1, part 2 of 3
Public program: 'A Second Exchange'
Day 1, part 2 of 3 with Vinca Kruk & Gon Zifroni (Metahaven)
Title: Redesigning the city
Date: Saturday 26 September
Location: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 78a
Participants: Alexis Blake (artist), Gideon Boie (BAVO), Vinca Kruk & Gon Zifroni (Metahaven). Moderated by Huib Haye van der Werf (NAi)
The first event of the public program focuses on urban planning, the development of the city's identity and imageries, and the role of Art in this. The idea behind this conversation is to bring together artists and cultural practitioners with a particular vision on the topic and who in their work challenge the current political and economic dynamics shaping the urban environment.
Vinca Kruk & Gon Zifroni (Metahaven) introduce Stadtstaat. A Scenario for Merging Cities, a mise-en-scene of an urban experiment that merges the cities of Stuttgart and Utrecht. In this latest project they formulate new visions and positions from the perspective of graphic designers dealing with the construction and representation of the public image of political institutions.
Youtube results:
Vinča - Čaša bola
Aranžer i Kompozitor: Ljubo Kešelj Studio: "Keš", Beograd....
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: Nedeljko Vinčić
Vinča - Čaša bola
Vinča - Čaša bola
Aranžer i Kompozitor: Ljubo Kešelj Studio: "Keš", Beograd.- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 111
- author: Nedeljko Vinčić