A Trianoni békediktátum (Magyarország szétdarabolása) aláírása
A Trianoni békediktátum (Magyarország szétdarabolása) aláírása Trianon palace in Versaille...
published: 24 Nov 2009
author: rudolfmbx
A Trianoni békediktátum (Magyarország szétdarabolása) aláírása
A Trianoni békediktátum (Magyarország szétdarabolása) aláírása
A Trianoni békediktátum (Magyarország szétdarabolása) aláírása Trianon palace in Versailles, near Paris. 4th of June, 1920, at 16:30 hours. Diplomats are gat...- published: 24 Nov 2009
- views: 591
- author: rudolfmbx
Première cession de l'entente pastorale de la région de l'Est
Première cession de l'entente pastorale de la région de l'Est : A L'ordre du jour la mise ...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Première cession de l'entente pastorale de la région de l'Est
Première cession de l'entente pastorale de la région de l'Est
Première cession de l'entente pastorale de la région de l'Est : A L'ordre du jour la mise en route des activités- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 19
Que Sera Sera - Barbara Millington with The Entente Singers
We always invite the audience to start singing with us in Que Sera, the Nostell Priory gro...
published: 03 Nov 2013
Que Sera Sera - Barbara Millington with The Entente Singers
Que Sera Sera - Barbara Millington with The Entente Singers
We always invite the audience to start singing with us in Que Sera, the Nostell Priory group certainly seemed to know the chorus!- published: 03 Nov 2013
- views: 21
K'rdech : http://rouleur2r.doomby.com & http://krdech-music.skyrock.com La Triple Entente ...
published: 03 Mar 2011
author: Krdech1030
K'rdech : http://rouleur2r.doomby.com & http://krdech-music.skyrock.com La Triple Entente : la-triple-entente.skyrock.com/ Souleymen : www.myspace.com/souleymen.- published: 03 Mar 2011
- views: 4001
- author: Krdech1030
it kills me not to know this [FrancexRomania]
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia Pairing: France x Romania Song: "Savior" by Rise Against Post-...
published: 03 Aug 2012
author: llTempestasArdens
it kills me not to know this [FrancexRomania]
it kills me not to know this [FrancexRomania]
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia Pairing: France x Romania Song: "Savior" by Rise Against Post-WWI/Little Entente angst. That's all. On second thought, I'm not at...- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 124
- author: llTempestasArdens
Barbara Millington sings 'Downtown' with backing by 'The Entente Singers'
Filmed at a concert for Pontefract Rotary President's Evening on March 8 2013. Venue The R...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: Tim Kent
Barbara Millington sings 'Downtown' with backing by 'The Entente Singers'
Barbara Millington sings 'Downtown' with backing by 'The Entente Singers'
Filmed at a concert for Pontefract Rotary President's Evening on March 8 2013. Venue The Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel.- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 123
- author: Tim Kent
Requiem performed by The Entente Singers (composed by Eliza Gilkyson)
Singer/Songwriter Eliza Gilkyson composed this beautiful Requiem in memory of the victims ...
published: 22 Oct 2013
Requiem performed by The Entente Singers (composed by Eliza Gilkyson)
Requiem performed by The Entente Singers (composed by Eliza Gilkyson)
Singer/Songwriter Eliza Gilkyson composed this beautiful Requiem in memory of the victims of the 2004 tsunami. The arrangement is Craig Hella Johnson's.- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 37
Angus and Julia Stone - For You (entente remix)
Free Download @ https://www.facebook.com/ententemusik#!/ententemusik/app_220150904689418....
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: littleNachtigall
Angus and Julia Stone - For You (entente remix)
Angus and Julia Stone - For You (entente remix)
Free Download @ https://www.facebook.com/ententemusik#!/ententemusik/app_220150904689418.- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 318
- author: littleNachtigall
Time Gentlemen Please - Se2 Ep 15 - Entente Lime Cordial
The Guv's reached the end of his tether. His wife's just got remarried - to a Frenchman - ...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: gwmaher
Time Gentlemen Please - Se2 Ep 15 - Entente Lime Cordial
Time Gentlemen Please - Se2 Ep 15 - Entente Lime Cordial
The Guv's reached the end of his tether. His wife's just got remarried - to a Frenchman - and now Vicky demands he closes down for the last time if his Barma...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 2470
- author: gwmaher
Passenger - Stolen Toys (entente. Edit)
[DL] https://soundcloud.com/entente/stolen-toys-passenger-entente https://www.facebook.com...
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: TheFuriousDestiny
Passenger - Stolen Toys (entente. Edit)
Passenger - Stolen Toys (entente. Edit)
[DL] https://soundcloud.com/entente/stolen-toys-passenger-entente https://www.facebook.com/ententemusik Follow me https://www.youtube.com/user/thefuriousdest...- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 371
- author: TheFuriousDestiny
He Came Singing Love - The Entente Singers
Sung by the girls only, filmed at our Nostell Priory Concert 12/10/2013. The 1st time they...
published: 22 Oct 2013
He Came Singing Love - The Entente Singers
He Came Singing Love - The Entente Singers
Sung by the girls only, filmed at our Nostell Priory Concert 12/10/2013. The 1st time they performed this piece was at Parceval Hall as a request. They were given the music, learned it in under 30 minutes & performed it brilliantly!- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 15
Vimeo results:
joie de vivre - 1907 (2013)
1907: siamo in piena Bella Époque, lontani dall’ultima guerra e ignari della prossima che ...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: silvia de gennaro
joie de vivre - 1907 (2013)
1907: siamo in piena Bella Époque, lontani dall’ultima guerra e ignari della prossima che sta per arrivare. “Joie de vivre” è il motto che sembra pervadere l’Europa, e in particolare Parigi, la sua capitale culturale. Licenziosità di costumi e sperimentazione in campo tecnico e artistico accompagnano quest’anno un po’ sopra le righe. A Vienna, Gustav Klimt è nel pieno del suo periodo dell’oro, a Parigi, Matisse getta scandalo con il suo “Nudo Blu” e Picasso dipinge Les demoiselles d’Avignon, il quadro che segna la nascita del cubismo.
Il tempo e lo spazio acquistano nuove dimensioni e l’automobile diventa protagonista dell’anno con il Raid Pechino – Parigi, uno dei primi eventi mediatici mondiali della storia. Ma dietro tutto questo, cominciano a radicarsi le problematiche che preparano i tragici eventi futuri: una grossa crisi economica mondiale e duri conflitti sociali. Con l’accordo anglo-russo nasce definitivamente La Triplice Intesa, determinando lo scacchiere su cui si giocherà la Grande Guerra.
A gettare un ulteriore ombra funesta, fu in quest’anno che a Londra fu decisa la costruzione della nave “Titanic”.
E il 1907, come il “Titanic, carico dello sfarzo della prima classe e del disagio degli emigranti nelle stive, va ignaro incontro al suo tragico destino.
1907: we are in the “Belle Epoque”, far from the last war and unaware of what is coming next. "Joie de vivre" is the motto that seems to pervade Europe, and especially Paris, its cultural capital. Licentiousness of manners and experimentation in the technical and artistic fields accompany this a little over the top year. In Vienna, Gustav Klimt is in the midst of his golden period, in Paris, Matisse throws scandal with his "Blue Nude" and Picasso paints “Les Demoiselles d'Avignon”, the painting that marks the birth of Cubism.
Time and space take on new dimensions and the car becomes the star of the year with the Beijing – Paris Raid, one of the first global media events in history. But, behind all this, the problems that prepare the tragic events of the future begin to take root: a major global economic crisis and harsh social conflicts. With the Anglo-Russian alliance the Triple Entente is born, determining the chessboard on which the Great War will be played.
To cast a further sinister shadow, it was in this year that it was decided to build the ship called "Titanic” in London.
And the1907, bearing the splendor of the first class and discomfort of migrants in the hold, obliviously meet its fate, as the Titanic did.
copyright: © Silvia De Gennaro – assaus.com
Youtube results:
The killing of King Alexander of Yugoslavia part 3 of 3
http://www.ceepackaging.com twitter : @ceepackaging https://www.facebook.com/pages/CEE-Pac...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: alanheath3
The killing of King Alexander of Yugoslavia part 3 of 3
The killing of King Alexander of Yugoslavia part 3 of 3
http://www.ceepackaging.com twitter : @ceepackaging https://www.facebook.com/pages/CEE-Packaging/135108923181666 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alan-Heaths-H...- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 3761
- author: alanheath3
'Let It Be' The 'Entente' Singers
Recorded at The Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel at a Concert for Pontefract Rotary, interesting to...
published: 15 Jun 2013
author: Tim Kent
'Let It Be' The 'Entente' Singers
'Let It Be' The 'Entente' Singers
Recorded at The Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel at a Concert for Pontefract Rotary, interesting to contrast this with the Chordiale version.- published: 15 Jun 2013
- views: 25
- author: Tim Kent
Entente régionale pour le déploiement des ressources incendies
Une entente régionale a été signée dernièrement à la MRC en lien avec le schéma de couvert...
published: 17 Jun 2013
Entente régionale pour le déploiement des ressources incendies
Entente régionale pour le déploiement des ressources incendies
Une entente régionale a été signée dernièrement à la MRC en lien avec le schéma de couverture de risque. L'accord assure maintenant le déploiement des ressources incendies de la Côte-de-Beaupré lors d'un feu, ce qui a pour effet d'augmenter la force de frappe. René Morel, directeur de la caserne Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré et président du comité technique de même que Christian Paré, coordonnateur de la sécurité incendie à la MRC nous expliquent concrètement ce que cette entente va changer.- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 0
Maybe [FrancexCanada]
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia Pairing: France x Canada Song: "Everybody's Stalking" by Badly...
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: xTempestasArdens
Maybe [FrancexCanada]
Maybe [FrancexCanada]
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia Pairing: France x Canada Song: "Everybody's Stalking" by Badly Drawn Boy Random France mood hit me and turned into a random Franc...- published: 28 Oct 2010
- views: 673
- author: xTempestasArdens