Bruce Schneier ( /ˈʃnaɪər/; born January 15, 1963) is an American cryptographer, computer security specialist, and writer. He is the author of several books on general security topics, computer security and cryptography, and is the founder and chief technology officer of BT Managed Security Solutions, formerly Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
A son of Martin Schneier, a Brooklyn Supreme Court judge, Bruce grew up in Flatbush, attending P.S. 139 and Hunter High School. After receiving a physics bachelor's degree from the University of Rochester in 1984, he went to the American University in Washington, D.C. and got his master's degree in computer science in 1988. He was awarded an honorary Ph.D from the University of Westminster in London, England in November 2011. The award was made by the Department of Electronics and Computer Science in recognition of Schneier's 'hard work and contribution to industry and public life'.
In 1994, Schneier published "Applied Cryptography", which details the design, use, and implementation of cryptographic algorithms. More recently he published "Cryptography Engineering", which is focused more on how to use cryptography in real systems and less on its internal design. He has also written books on security for a broader audience. In 2000, Schneier published Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World. In 2003, Schneier published Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World.
Eben Moglen is a professor of law and legal history at Columbia University, and is the founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of Software Freedom Law Center, whose client list includes numerous pro bono clients, such as the Free Software Foundation.
Moglen started out as a computer programming language designer and then received his bachelor's degree from Swarthmore College in 1980, where he won the Hicks Prize for Literary Criticism. In 1985, he received a Master of Philosophy in history and a JD from Yale University. He has held visiting appointments at Harvard University, Tel Aviv University and the University of Virginia since 1987.
He was a law clerk to Justice Thurgood Marshall (1986–87 term). He joined the faculty of Columbia Law School in 1987, and was admitted to the New York bar in 1988. He received a Ph.D. in history from Yale University in 1993. Moglen serves as a director of the Public Patent Foundation.
Moglen was part of Philip Zimmermann's defense team, when Zimmermann was being investigated over the export of Pretty Good Privacy, a public key encryption system, under US export laws.
NSA Surveillance and What To Do About It - Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier: NSA Surveillance and What To Do About It
The Battle for Power on the Internet: Bruce Schneier at TEDxCambridge 2013
DEFCON 20 Bruce Schneier Answers Your Questions
The State of Incident Response by Bruce Schneier
OWASP AppSecUSA 2014 - Keynote: Bruce Schneier - The Future of Incident Response
Bruce Schneier: Talks at Google
Security Guru Bruce Schneier on Heartbleed: TWiT 453
Bruce Schneier: The security mirage
Snowden, the NSA, and Free Software - Bruce Schneier + Eben Moglen
Bruce Schneier: NSA has gotten out of control
TEDxPSU - Bruce Schneier - Reconceptualizing Security
Bruce Schneier: Trust and the Surveillance State
[172] Bruce Schneier talks data-mining, surveillance & embedded computing systems
NSA Surveillance and What To Do About It - Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier: NSA Surveillance and What To Do About It
The Battle for Power on the Internet: Bruce Schneier at TEDxCambridge 2013
DEFCON 20 Bruce Schneier Answers Your Questions
The State of Incident Response by Bruce Schneier
OWASP AppSecUSA 2014 - Keynote: Bruce Schneier - The Future of Incident Response
Bruce Schneier: Talks at Google
Security Guru Bruce Schneier on Heartbleed: TWiT 453
Bruce Schneier: The security mirage
Snowden, the NSA, and Free Software - Bruce Schneier + Eben Moglen
Bruce Schneier: NSA has gotten out of control
TEDxPSU - Bruce Schneier - Reconceptualizing Security
Bruce Schneier: Trust and the Surveillance State
[172] Bruce Schneier talks data-mining, surveillance & embedded computing systems
TrustyCon 2014 - Joseph Menn Interviews Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier on the State of Encryption Today
[235] Bruce Schneier: ‘encryption makes the internet safer’; Celente on the economy
Bruce Schneier - Privacy, Security & the Future - Interview
RSA Conference 2012 - New Threats to the Internet Infrastructure - Bruce Schneier
DEFCON 17: Q & A with Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier at EWI Cybersecurity Summit 2010
Bruce Schneier on TSA
RSA Conference 2010 - Security and the Generation Gap - Bruce Schneier
Stop Watching Us Rally - Interviews with Bruce Schneier & Thomas Drake
Go_Open Bonus Footage - Full Bruce Schneier Interview
Bruce Schneier: Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive
Schneier on Security
Amazon interview with "Liars and Outliers" author, Bruce Schneier
Go Open - Bruce Schneier Part 1 Full Interview
Go Open - Bruce Schneier Part 2 Full Interview
Go Open - Bruce Schneier Part 3 Full Interview
Technology in Government - Interview with Bruce Schneier
DEFCON 20: Bruce Schneier Answers Your Questions
Interview Questions for Bruce Schneier -- International Security Expert
Bruce Schneier part 7 of 18 - Airport security
Interview with Bruce Schneier at Paranoia 2010