- published: 07 Jul 2016
- views: 137
Kessenich is a village in the Belgian province Limburg. It is a section of the municipality of Kinrooi, lying in the eastern end of the municipality.
Kessenich is the end of the Grensmaas, the part of the Meuse who forms a natural border with the Dutch province Limburg. This river separates Kessenich from Stevensweert. In the north lie the Dutch villages of Thorn, Ittervoort and Neeritter. In the south lies Maaseik. The region of Kessenich is dissected by several rivers: the Abeek, the Itterbeek and Witbeek on their way to the Meuse.
East of Kessenich is an area with several ponds, the Maasplassen. They were created by large-scale exploitation of gravel from 1949. The gravel layer with a thickness of up to 10 m, was deposited by the Meuse, which repeatedly moved to the east. In May 2008 ended the gravel mining and began the partial attenuation of the lakes. Now, some Maasplassen are equipped for recreation or nature.
Its name is derived from the Gallo-Roman Cassiniacum. Kessenich is also named as Kesnic (1102), Kasnech (1132), Casselin or Cassenic (1155), Kessenich (1219) and Cessenic (1224). Later, it's also identified on maps as Kessingen (1573) and Kesnick (1754). In Limburgish it's still called 'Kesing'.
Quint Elroy Kessenich (born November 1967) is an American sportscaster for ESPN and ABC television covering lacrosse, basketball, football, hockey, wrestling, and horse racing. He is a former All-American lacrosse goalkeeper. He attended the Johns Hopkins University from 1987 to 1990, where he was a two-time winner of the Ensign C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Award as the nation's best goalie. Kessenich played one year of professional lacrosse with the Baltimore Thunder in 1999, and played at the amateur level for the storied Mount Washington Lacrosse Club. He got his writing debut with a horse racing newspaper called The Saratoga Special, writing for brothers Joe and Sean Clancy in the famed horse racing town of Saratoga Springs. He is also a regular contributor to the lacrosse magazine, Inside Lacrosse. He is a color commentator with Joe Beninati or Scott Garceau for Chesapeake Bayhawks games on CSN Washington and ESPN3.
Kessenich attended Lynbrook High School in Lynbrook, New York, where he starred in soccer, wrestling (winning two county championships), and lacrosse.
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Brand in Senioreneinrichung - 1 Toter - 4 Verletzte in Bonn-Kessenich am 18.12.16 + O-Ton
Karneval in Bonn-Kessenich 18.02.2017
GA Reportage 06032017 Optocht Kessenich
18 jarige kessenich 2012
Sorry (arr. Rieks van der Velde) - Fanfare Play-in Kessenich 2016
ESPN/IL Analyst Quint Kessenich
Quint Kessenich's February Update
PKW auf Seite - 1 Verletzter - 3 PKW beschädigt in Bonn-Kessenich am 21.09.16
De Maasgalmkapel uit Kessenich speelt Blasmusik ist wie ein traum
Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EinsatzfahrtenUndSo in Brand in einer Wohnanlage für betreutes Wohnen in Kessenich sorgte am frühen Samstagabend (17.12.2016) für einen Großeinsatz der Bonner Feuerwehr und der Rettungsdienste. Fünf Anwohner rettete die Feuerwehr mit zum Teil schweren Verletzungen aus dem völlig verrauchten Gebäudeflügel im zweiten Obergeschoss. Für einen Anwohner kam jede Hilfe zu spät: Er verstarb an den Folgen seiner Verletzungen im Krankenhaus. Die unverletzten Bewohner der Wohnanlage betreuten der Betreuungsdienst und Notfallseelsorger. Mehrere Notrufe meldeten ab 18.15 Uhr einen Brand im zweiten Obergeschoss einer Wohnanlage für betreutes Wohnen. Mehrere Atemschutztrupps durchsuchten den stark verrauchten Gebäudeteil und retteten fünf Perso...
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IL/ESPN analyst Quint Kessenich recaps some of the most engaging storylines and exciting action from the first month of the season. First he runs down the games he loved this month. Then he highlights some impressive freshmen performances. Finally, he wraps up with a spotlight on standout long poles.
Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EinsatzfahrtenUndSo Ein PKW geriet bei einem Verkehrsunfall am 21.09.2016 in Bonn-Kessenich auf die Seite, wodurch eine Person verletzt wurde. Insgesamt wurden 3 PKW beschädigt. Alle Videos dürfen gerne verlinkt werden. Für sinnvolle und noch nicht beantwortete Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Falls Sie Videomaterial oder Bilder verwenden möchten, schreiben Sie mich am besten in Facebook an. Thomas Kraus
ESPN/Inside Lacrosse Analysts Quint Kessenich and Mark Dixon debate the hot topics in lacrosse. Including, Hopkins, Coaching Decorum and teams to make a late run.
Update: Today is 2-19-13, I never expected such a great response to this video. It really makes me happy to see the comments left. Even though this is not a travel realted video. This video is of hope, inspiration, giving, helping each other, the kindness of mankind, and it's just plain BEAUTIFUL! This video should be played after the safety demo on all airplanes and played on television during commercial breaks. If anyone has any questions about travel, travel tips, what type of travel videos you would like to see just ask or email me. Don't forget to check out my blog / website www.corpfa.com. Thanks, again for watching! Ps: the name of the song is "Give A Little Love" by Noah And The Whale.
The Bonn Minster (German: Bonner Münster) is a Roman Catholic church in Bonn. It is one of Germany's oldest churches, having been built between the 11th and 13th centuries. At one point the church served as the cathedral for the Archbishopric of Cologne. However, the Minster is now a minor basilica.
This video is a clip for the parents and students traveling with the Palmetto School of Protocol, Inc. to London during the summer of 2012. It highlights a few last minute departure tips and travel abroad planning information for a group of wonderful girls participating in PSOP, Inc's third travel abroad scholarship program.
10th anniversary edition. This youtube release has been digitally remastered to HD. Originally released in 2007. It went on to receive 5 international film festival awards! Tales From The Bug Whisperer E1 - WHO WANTS TO BE AN ENTOMOLOGIST? - is a practical and hilarious introduction to the science of Entomology (the study of insects). Tony Gustin, the creator of Tony’s Creepy Crawly Zoo, steps beyond his famous traveling exhibit of captive creepy crawlies and takes you into the world from which they came. A world that is as alien and bizarre as the most imaginative Sci-fi realms. Viewers of all ages will be sucked into Tony’s childlike over enthusiastic obsession with all that creeps and crawls. This video is definitely for anyone who loves to laugh while they learn.
Welcome to part 12a of our Germany tour. On this part we say a sad farewell to our new friends at Vine cottage and head on our penultimate journey before heading home. We go through Bonn on this leg of the journey, a busy city! Once again we are struck as to how clean and tidy the city is. Travelling through Germany certainly left us feeling embarrassed about the state of our once proud country. This part ends at a place called Kommern where we took a well earned break for drinks. Thank you for watching and please comment, like and subscribe.
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