The Brooklyn Free Store is Today Noon-Dusk


Join us this and each Friday (weather permitting) as we build our own community gift economy at the Brooklyn Free Store. The Free Store is a participatory event and there are many ways to be part of it. Just sharing (or taking what others have to share) makes you part of it!

The Brooklyn Free Store located at Lafayette & Marcy in BedStuy, one block from the Bedford-Nostrand G stop. All are welcome to come and share what they have or just take what they’d like. Expect crates of books, household goods,  as well as bags and bags of used and new clothing.

There is no obligation to share or anything. These items and others are being shared in the spirit of community and mutual aid, please participate with that in mind and respect others.

The Brooklyn Free Store is Postponed Today

The free store is being postponed. This will happen next week weather permitting.

Join the Resistance!

the system is guilty

5 PM convergences at Union Sq.

Monday 6:30pm at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn for a royal welcome!

Thursday 6pm in Bryant Park (no protest signs)
8pm Grand Central die-in

The Free Store is Happening Again This Week!


Join us this and each Friday (weather permitting) as we create our own community model of a gift economy at the Brooklyn Free Store. The Free Store is a participatory event and there are many ways to be part of it. Just sharing (or taking what others have to share) makes you part of it!

The Brooklyn Free Store located at Lafayette & Marcy in BedStuy, one block from the Bedford-Nostrand G stop. All are welcome to come and share what they have or just take what they’d like. Expect crates of books, household goods,  as well as bags and bags of used and new clothing.

There is no obligation to share or anything. These items and others are being shared in the spirit of community and mutual aid, please participate with that in mind and respect others.

The System is Guilty! Tonight We Take the Streets!


Once again the “justice” system has refused to hold police accountable for murder. Yesterday it was made clear that there will be no criminal accountability for anyone involved in the homicide of Eric Garner.

Meet in Foley Square 111 Worth Street at 5:30pm or at Sara D. Roosevelt Park Houston and Chrystie Streets at 7:30pm.

Remember it’s cold out so if you don’t have a good scarf you can always make due with a t-shirt. Be safe and watch each others backs!

No BedStuy Free Store Today, Instead:


As in past years there will not be a Black Friday Free Store in BedStuy. Instead you can get you Buy Nothing Day free store fix in In Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

Fight Corporate Greed
Join us on Black Friday, Friday, Nov. 28
between 1:00 and 3:00 PM for our
Black Friday Free Store
Let’s put the giving, sharing (& re-gifting) back [sic] in the holidays.
86th St. between 4th & 5th Aves. [BROOKLYN] in front of Century 21 [nr. R train]
Choose a free gift for someone (or yourself); bring a no longer wanted book, DVD, CD, knickknack, white elephant in good condition to give away (no clothes please)  Please be prepared to bring items not taken home with you.


There will also be a number of demonstrations throughout the city in solidarity with Ferguson and those resisting the racist criminal “justice” system.

At 1pm in Hereald Square:

Disheartened by the non-indictment of Darren Wilson; angered by glaring injustice towards Mike Brown’s family and others who have been killed by state-sanctioned law enforcement and vigilantes; uplifted by the realization that economic power is the root of productive communities, we will gather at Herald Square, 1pm on Black Friday to denounce multinational corporations and businesses that continuously erode the fabric of a peaceful society.

We thank Million Hoodies Movement for Justice for co-sponsoring this action.

stolen lives

From 2-4pm in Harlem Families of Those Killed by Police Say: “Enough is enough!”

What: Press Conference
Who: Parents Against Police Brutality
Families United 4 Justice
Mothers Cry For Justice
When: Friday, November 28, 2014, 2PM-4PM
Where: In front of the Harlem State Office Building
163 West 125th Street
(between Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard & Malcolm X Boulevard)

Support Bail For Ferguson Arrestees!

diego ibanez inset bratton nypd in blood

Support our friend Diego Ibanez, who is accused of splattering fake blood on NYPD Commissioner Bratton. Donate money to the OWS bail fund . Bail has been set at $20,000 in cash.

Those who have stood up and been arrested in Ferguson also need support.

Take the Streets Tonight! Enough of this Racist System!

Rally tonight at the north side of Union Sq at 5pm. 7pm we march!


In Solidarity wit Mike Brown, Ferguson and all targets of police / state violence.

Remember it’s cold out so if you don’t have a good scarf you can always make due with a t-shirt. Be safe and watch each others backs!

Mask up

The Free Store is From Noon ’til Dusk!


Join us today and each Friday as we create our own community model of a gift economy at the Brooklyn Free Store. The Free Store is a participatory event and there are many ways to be part of it. Just sharing (or taking what others have to share) makes you part of it!

The Brooklyn Free Store located at Lafayette & Marcy in BedStuy, one block from the Bedford-Nostrand G stop. All are welcome to come and share what they have or just take what they’d like. Expect crates of books, household goods,  as well as bags and bags of used and new clothing.

There is no obligation to share or anything. These items and others are being shared in the spirit of community and mutual aid, please participate with that in mind and respect others.

Enjoy the Brooklyn Free Store!


Join us today and each Friday (weather permitting) at the Brooklyn Free Store located at Lafayette & Marcy in BedStuy! We will be there from 12 noon ’til 5pm (at least.)

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