Posts by George Donnelly

The Most Powerful Way to Educate your Kids

My dad spent a considerable sum of money every month to send me to a Catholic grade school in Northeast Philadelphia in the 1980s. It was a decent working class institution. Our first subject in the morning was Religion. It went downhill from there. Discipline was emphasized. Actually, it was shoved down our throats. To tell you the truth, I was so bored that I, the eventual valedictorian when I graduated eighth grade, became a troublemaker. Wow, did I make trouble.

He spent all that money in the hopes of giving me a decent education yet, at home, he:

  • drank a dozen cans of beer per evening;
  • chain-smoked;
  • parked himself on the couch all evening without engaging in any kind of physical exercise;
  • lectured me on the evils of government yet went to his federal government job five or six days per week;
  • used intimidation and violence to get what he wanted from me and others.

Despite him spending his hard-earned cash on an education for me, his powerful example taught me a raft of debilitating beliefs that, to this day, interfere with my ability to achieve my goals, including that:

  • you have to do a job you hate for thirty to forty years just to put food on the table;
  • you can not live your principles and in fact may have to live their opposite;
  • making everyone around you miserable is acceptable;
  • violence and intimidation are legitimate ways to get what you want;
  • that I was not worthy of love and success;
  • your body is not to be cared for but to be abused with alcohol, tobacco, zero exercise and excessive eating.

Do you have kids? What kind of an education do you want to give them? What kind of an education are you actually giving them? Think about that for a minute and see if you can make a plan to close the gap, even if just a little. Your example, as the above video illustrates, is so much more powerful than your $25,000 per year private school, the summer camp, the scout troop or the martial arts classes.

I’m a dad now. My son is 7. I’ve realized that there is nothing more effective than my example to him – and it’s not something I can fake. I can read him a million books. I can send him to the best classes and buy him all the video games he wants. But there is nothing that has a greater impact on his life than the time I give him and the example I provide for him. Here’s how I make an effort to be a good example:

  • I am extremely slow to anger.
  • I wake early and work hard.
  • I read a lot.
  • I invite him to exercise with me.
  • I am very patient with him.
  • I make deals with him instead of using violence, intimidation or “Because I said so!” to get what I want.

By no means am I perfect. For example, just this afternoon I lost my temper with my son when he refused to eat an especially delicious and wholesome lunch, one that he previously told me he enjoyed. And, while I was writing this article, I rudely told him to be quiet.

Being a mom or dad is not easy. It is extremely challenging. Not only do you have to teach the right things but you have to be the right things. “Do as I say and not as I do,” is just another bad example. Translated, the lesson to your kids is that just nine words enable you to be a hypocrite and smile about it.

On a positive note, consider the above video. Consider the impact of one old woman. At this woman’s age, my maternal grandmother kicked me out of my grandparents’ home because I turned on a radio! Her example is all the more impressive given the comparison.

The children of today are the next generation. Their purchasing decisions, their behaviors and worldview will determine the progress of civilization and liberty in the near future. What are you doing to be a good example to children, be they yours or someone else’s? What good examples have you come across in others?

How are you working on being a better example to your children? Share your ideas and plans in the comments so we can all learn from them.

Photo Credit: Sam Antonio Photography via Compfight cc

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11 Reasons to Draft-Dodge the Libertarian Guerrilla Army

When do we launch the armed resistance? That is the question bouncing around the libertarian/anarchist social media scene and blogosphere over the last few days. At what point do we stop risking arrest, stop pamphleting, stop speaking out, blogging, YouTubing and all that other stuff in favor of picking up arms and dropping cops and IRS agents by the dozens?The post 11 Reasons to Draft-Dodge the Libertarian Guerrilla Army appeared first on Arm your Mind for Liberty.

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Why the Free State Project Expelled Chris Cantwell

This past week the Free State Project (FSP) made the news again and, as usual, not in the best way. The FSP board of trustees voted to expel a member – blogger and activist Christopher Cantwell – from the organization for violating the policy against promoting violence.

In late July of this year, it came to light that the Concord, NH police department represented Free State Project members as domestic terrorists in order to bolster its application to receive funding for an armored “Bearcat” vehicle from the federal government. Since then, FSP members have been hard at work to counter this government propaganda and, in fact, to obtain a retraction and apology from the Concord police.

Just a few days after this news broke, Chris wrote a blog post in which he said that “the answer [to things like the Bearcat issue], at some point, is to kill government agents” and “any level of force necessary for anyone to stop any government agent from furthering said coercion [tax collection in the context of funding the salaries of all government employees] is morally justifiable.”

His statements generated this communication from Jody Gevins Underwood, a member of the FSP board of trustees:

Dear Chris,

The FSP Board met last night to discuss your situation and what to do. Our decision is stated below, which includes our reasoning.

Whereas Chris Cantwell has made the following public statements, been offered the opportunity to retract, and has refused to do so: “It’s a terribly unpopular thing to say, but the answer, at some point, is to kill government agents,” and “any level of force necessary for anyone to stop any government agent from furthering said coercion [tax collection in the context of funding the salaries of all government employees] is morally justifiable…”

Whereas the FSP Board believes this view exceeds the right of self-defense

Whereas the Policy and Procedure for Removing Participants (passed 7/11/04) states:

Participants may be removed for promoting violence, racial hatred, or bigotry. Participants who are deemed detrimental to the accomplishment of the Free State Project’s goals may also be removed.

Therefore, according to the Policy and Procedure for Removing Participants, the FSP Board removes Chris Cantwell as a participant and declares him unwelcome to attend FSP-organized events.

In peace and liberty,


for the FSP Board

This has generated considerable anger towards the Free State Project. Facebook status updates have been running against them by a huge margin, for what that might be worth. But I have seen no public statement by the FSP board nor any interview with a member of the board – until now. This afternoon I interviewed Jody Gevins Underwood, the board member who signed the expulsion announcement. See the 17-minute interview above.

I was on Mike Shanklin’s Voluntary Virtues Roundtable discussion this past Tuesday and debated this issue with Chris. My first question to him was:

“Chris, you knew that the Concord police there had named the FSP as domestic terrorists. And then you wrote an article, you as an FSP member, saying that perhaps we need to start killing government agents — which is what domestic terrorists do. So I’m just kinda wondering, ‘What was going through your head?’ Because, me looking at this from outside, it looks almost like you were trying to sabotage all the great work that people in NH have been doing.”

You can listen to our conversation here: George Donnelly & Chris Cantwell Debate Defense, Non Violence, and Strategies For Combating Statism

I have been repeatedly and severely critical of the FSP in the past but in this situation, I don’t think that Chris left them with any other choice. Chris set up the playing board and the pieces. He made his move at the wrong time on the wrong issue. Whatever his personal motivations may have been, his action threatened perhaps the most important FSP (as an organization, not a community) project since its founding – to resoundingly disprove this propaganda that we are domestic terrorists.

His statements also went beyond what is apparently the very limited view of legitimate defensive violence held by a number of FSP trustees. According to Jody, only violence in immediate defense of life or limb actually counts as self-defense.

Bottom line, Chris should be admonished across the board for being so clumsy and thoughtless as to suggest domestic terrorism while the organization he is a member of is waging a campaign to get the government to retract its claim that the organization is a group of domestic terrorists. But most of the people who are speaking out in support of Chris, by my unscientific appraisal, don’t have the experience in founding or administering organizations required to understand that.

Why did the FSP expel Christopher Cantwell? (1) Talk of killing government agents absent any immediate threat to life or limb exceeds the board’s view of what is legitimate self-defense; and (2) He carelessly suggested people engage in domestic terrorism at precisely the moment when the organization he is a member of is waging a campaign to get the government to retract its claim that the organization is a group of domestic terrorists. That’s my sense of it after speaking with Jody Gevins Underwood, an FSP trustee.

Clarification: It never has been and is not currently my intention to accuse Chris Cantwell of being a terrorist.

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Syria and War in a Stateless Society (TAOL 0020)

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The Art of Liberty - the unauthorized radical libertarian podcast Today, we talked about how Tesla’s electric cars are challenging the state-corporate car-dealership alliance.

A decade later, Tesla now officially a threat to the auto industry

Watch This Texas Lawmaker Explain Why He Thinks It’s Okay to Be Corrupt

We also talked about how former general Wesley Clark warned us after September 11, 2001 about a Pentagon plan to invade 7 countries over the next 5 years, finishing up with Iran. It’s all about oil, he says.

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five Years

The Ron Paul Channel is out and it has haters! Surprise, surprise. We discuss whether it’s kosher for him to charge for his videos or not.

We took a question from listener Roger in French Canada (thanks Roger!) about episode 18. Roger’s worried that George is turning into a communist! John and George have some fun with this.

Finally, our main topic is Syria and war in a stateless society. How would war work in a stateless society? Would it happen at all?

Military strikes on Syria ‘as early as Thursday,’ US officials say

Thanks for listening!!

Oh, by the way, we’re moving the podcast to a new schedule. We’re recording Wednesday nights and publishing on Fridays. If all goes according to plan, we will have higher-quality audio as well as video of John and I doing the podcast to share with you. If time permits, we will present both the full podcast, as usual, as well as videos of us doing the podcast that are cut up into segments, so you can listen to only the parts you want, see our reactions as we talk and share only those parts of the show that you like the best. Thanks for listening!

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About the Podcast

The Art of Liberty is a 1 hour weekly podcast about current events and politics by John Tyner and George Donnelly, two highly opinionated, yet eminently reasonable, libertarian activists from opposite coasts. We record every Wednesday evening and release a new episode every Friday.

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How did I Evolve to Voluntaryism?

Mike Shanklin, an old liberty friend who runs Voluntary Virtues invited me to do an interview yesterday. Check out the video above. We talked about my evolution from a conservative to an objectivist and then voluntaryist. We talked about my business Shield Mutual, the agora’s first defense agency. We discussed Gandhian nonviolence, the self-ownership principle and some of my recent controversial videos, such as “Want Peace? Set Aside your Guns” and “The Self-Ownership Principle is Bollocks.” I had fun!

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Crime and Punishment in a Stateless Society (TAOL 0019)

The Art of Liberty - the unauthorized radical libertarian podcast Under what conditions in our oft-promoted libertarian stateless society, will a person’s freedom be taken away? How will people be punished for committing crimes – real crimes, not victimless crimes – against people or property? Will there be pre-trial confinement and bail? House arrest? Will there be prisons? Just how different from the current state injustice system will the stateless libertarian dispute resolution system be? Listen to this week’s episode to find out!

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You can now also listen to the podcast on YouTube. Click here for this week’s episode.

About the Podcast

The Art of Liberty is a 45-minute weekly podcast about current events and politics by John Tyner and George Donnelly, two highly opinionated, yet eminently reasonable, libertarian activists from opposite coasts. We record every Monday morning and release a new episode every Tuesday morning.

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Mea Culpa, I Totally Abandoned these Projects

change ahead I screwed up. I dropped the ball. I start so many projects over here in my office overlooking a bamboo forest that I don’t actually finish them all. I have learned to filter myself before trying to put every seemingly good idea I get into practice. Because sometimes, those ideas suck. And sometimes, I just don’t have the time, patience, manpower, assistance or money to do them justice. Here are some recent projects where I just totally failed to deliver.

Quimbo Accompaniment

In May of 2012 I promised to return to southern Colombia to accompany farmers whose land is being taken from them by the Colombian government and a European multinational. I didn’t and I haven’t even edited the video I took on my first trip. Three people donated $190 to defray my costs and I have now refunded those donations.

An American Crisis Pamphlet Series

In April of 2011, I proposed creating a series of eye-catching, substantive modern libertarian pamphlets on the most pressing issues of the day. I partnered with a graphic designer and raised $2,300. We produced the first three pamphlets and then I found out that the printer couldn’t print them because they weren’t quite formatted right. Then the designer couldn’t figure it out and crucial deadlines passed. The project fell apart and I’ve been trying to find the motivation to resurrect it ever since. In the meantime I refunded half of the money raised and another big chunk of it I never actually took receipt of.

I have decided that it is the time to resurrect this project. I still have $720 of donor funds left and I will use these to defray my costs. The original plan was for 16 pamphlets. I am shooting for 10 this time and I may add more if there is a demand. What 10 topics should be covered? You tell me!

I am looking for a graphic designer right now. Know a good one? Have him or her contact me at Hopefully the designer will have done pamphlets in the past and have a sample I can look at.

We Won’t Fly

We Won’t Fly was an overnight success in 2010. We made the administration defend TSA scoping and groping on national TV and we shut down the TSA for Thanksgiving weekend. But then what? Where do you go from there? To be honest, of the tens of thousands who flocked to our message of dignity and liberty, most were complainers. Very few were interested in any kind of ongoing constructive work on the issue. I still keep my toe in the project in case I can have an impact but I’m about ready to resign from it. I’m convinced that the correct path here is an organization that is focused on respect for the 4th amendment.

Agora I/O

Agora I/O had two very successful online conferences in 2011 and then I stopped. But I am going to resurrect it in March of 2014. Stay tuned!

Are there any other projects I forgot about? Do you think I owe you money? Speak up. I don’t like to leave things unfinished. I stand behind all of my actions, or inactions as the case may be.

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Is Absentee Ownership Practical? Moral? (TAOL 0018)

The Art of Liberty - the unauthorized radical libertarian podcast Absentee ownership is taken for granted in today’s society and indeed by most anarcho-capitalists. Whatever you can legitimately obtain and keep is kosher, according to proponents of absentee ownership, be that a tiny self-sufficient homestead or a global corporate empire spanning multiple industries with tens of thousands of employees.

But without state protection in the form of limited corporate liability, subsidies and the inefficient state monopoly court system, I don’t think absentee ownership on any kind of large and expansive scale can be practically sustained. Furthermore, I question the morality of one person or a small oligarchy maintaining control of large swathes of land or other precious resources. The earth is, at some level, the common property of all human beings. Everyone needs access to the basic resources required for carving out a living.

Give our 18th episode a listen. Who makes more sense? George? Or John?

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About the Podcast

The Art of Liberty is a 45-minute weekly podcast about current events and politics by John Tyner and George Donnelly, two highly opinionated, yet eminently reasonable, libertarian activists from opposite coasts. We record every Monday morning and release a new episode every Tuesday morning.

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Stop Scaring Ourselves (AYMFL 0010)

We are defeating ourselves by hyping the power of the forces arrayed against our efforts for liberty. We need to build ourselves up, not continually knock ourselves down with fear after fear after fear. Whether it’s Agenda 21, the NDAA, “black-bagging,” indefinite detention, the NWO, GMOs, economic collapse, fluoride or something else that scares you silly, the first step is to relax and remain calm. If you hype the threat to other people, if you make them scared, you reduce the chance that they will find the courage to speak out, resist and build alternatives.

We need all hands on deck speaking out and building alternatives if we are going to win this struggle for liberty. Stop scaring ourselves. Don’t fear-monger. Encourage people, instead.

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Ask me a Question on Air! Call (641) 715-3900 ext. 255888 and leave me a voicemail with your question so I can play it on the air.

About the Podcast

The Arm your Mind for Liberty podcast and video blog is a weekly show about implementing radical liberty in your life for greater happiness and prosperity. A new episode is available every Thursday.

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Who’s the Bad Guy? The Government or the Corporations? (TAOL 0017)

The Art of Liberty - the unauthorized radical libertarian podcast The left says the corporations are the bad guys. The right says the government is the bad guy. Which one is it? We solicited opinions from dozens of libertarians and we analyze them in this episode. I had a blast recording the conversation with John. This is episode 17 of The Art of Liberty podcast and I hope you enjoy it!

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You can now also listen to the podcast on YouTube. Click here for this week’s episode.

About the Podcast

The Art of Liberty is a 45-minute weekly podcast about current events and politics by John Tyner and George Donnelly, two highly opinionated, yet eminently reasonable, libertarian activists from opposite coasts. We record every Monday morning and release a new episode every Tuesday morning.

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