In military and law enforcement terminology, a sniper rifle is a precision-rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms. A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and chambered for a military centerfire cartridge. The term is often used in the media to describe any type of accurized firearm fitted with a telescopic sight that is employed against human targets, although "sniping rifle" or "sniper's rifle" is the technically correct fashion to refer to such a rifle.
The military role of a sniper (a term derived from the snipe, a bird which was difficult to hunt and shoot) dates back to the turn of the 18th century, but the true sniper rifle is a much more recent development. Advances in technology, specifically that of telescopic sights and more accurate manufacturing, allowed armies to equip specially trained soldiers with rifles that enable them to deliver precise shots over greater distances than regular infantry weapons. The rifle itself could be based on a standard rifle (at first, a bolt-action rifle); however, when fitted with a telescopic sight, it becomes a sniper rifle.
Gun Gripes Episode 73: What is a Sniper Rifle?
Destiny: The LDR 5001 - Amazing Legendary Vanguard Sniper Rifle - Review & Gameplay
Snipers engage Taliban with M40 Sniper Rifle
Shooting the Monster Sniper Rifle! The M107 Barrett .50 Caliber Rifle
Mosin Nagant PU Sniper
Top 10 Sniper Rifles in the World 2015 HD
Shooting the biggest sniper rifle ever
Sniper Rifle Ballistic Test! | Zombie Go Boom
Building A Sniper Rifle On A Budget
Marine sniper engages Taliban with Barrett M107 .50 cal rifle
Small review of my suppressed .338 lapua magnum sniper rifle.
OVER 450 FPS Nerf Mod!!! : LS4B custom "Sniper Rifle"
U.S. Marines - Barrett M82/M107 Sniper Rifle Live Fire Range | AiirSource
Gun Gripes Episode 73: What is a Sniper Rifle?
Destiny: The LDR 5001 - Amazing Legendary Vanguard Sniper Rifle - Review & Gameplay
Snipers engage Taliban with M40 Sniper Rifle
Shooting the Monster Sniper Rifle! The M107 Barrett .50 Caliber Rifle
Mosin Nagant PU Sniper
Top 10 Sniper Rifles in the World 2015 HD
Shooting the biggest sniper rifle ever
Sniper Rifle Ballistic Test! | Zombie Go Boom
Building A Sniper Rifle On A Budget
Marine sniper engages Taliban with Barrett M107 .50 cal rifle
Small review of my suppressed .338 lapua magnum sniper rifle.
OVER 450 FPS Nerf Mod!!! : LS4B custom "Sniper Rifle"
U.S. Marines - Barrett M82/M107 Sniper Rifle Live Fire Range | AiirSource
Sniper - Part 10 - Budget Sniper Rifle
Destiny - Is Black Hammer The Best Sniper Rifle?
USMC Scout Snipers vs small boat (Barrett M107 .50 BMG Rifles)
The Top 10 Best Sniper Rifle in the World Test By Discovery
SRS-A1 Sniper Rifle by Desert Tech
Far Cry 4 - Part 4 - Sniper Rifle! (Let's Play / Walkthrough / PS4 Gameplay)
Destiny - EXOTIC PRIMARY SNIPER RIFLE - XUR Location - 26th December
Battlefield 4 | Best Sniper Rifle Analysis
SUPER DEADLY Russian military SV 98 Sniper Rifle
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Paintball Sniper Rifle - Tiberius Arms T4 Review w/ First Strike
Long Range Tactical Match / Sniper Rifle setup.
Ignite Black Ops Tactical Sniper Pellet Gun (REVIEW)
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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare: MORS Sniper Rifle Gameplay - (Online Multiplayer CoD AW)
Best Sniper Rifle (DayZ Overpoch)
SNIPER 101 Part 44 - Cleaning Your Extreme Range Rifle
The Barrett M107 .50 BMG Caliber Sniper Rifle - Close Look and Shooting Demo
Terraria 1.2 Let's Play - Episode 50 - Sniper Rifle
SNIPER 101 Part 14 - Scopes for Extreme Long Range Shooting - Rex Reviews
THE GUN SHOP || KRYSAE SNIPER RIFLE || Post Nerf (Mass Effect 3)
real examples of a budget sniper rifle
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lego sniper rifle instruction part 2
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SNIPER 101 Part 8 - Semi-Automatic Sniper Systems - Rex Reviews
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Unturned: UPDATE! (SNOW + 50 CAL SNIPER)
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