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       .logo a{background:none;}      Call Sales 1.877.425.2624       Navigation Menu     SOLUTIONS INTELLIGENT PLATFORM INDUSTRIES CUSTOMERS PARTNERS CAREERS               Access Cotendo portal  Cotendo Portal Our primary focus is customer support. During this important transition period, the Cotendo portal will remain operational.     Akamai completes its acquisition of Cotendo  Press Release Read news of acquisition close.    Akamai to acquire Cotendo  Press Release Companies sign agreement for Akamai to acquire Cotendo.     Akamai Acquires Cotendo Akamai® is the leading cloud platform for helping enterprises provide secure, high-performing user experiences on any device, anywhere.  Together, Akamai and Cotendo help remove the complexities of doing business in a hyperconnected and increasingly mobile world.  The combination of the two companies' technologies and teams is expected to increase the pace of innovation in the areas of cloud, mobile optimization, and mobile cloud applications.  Combining Akamai and Cotendo enables enterprises and content providers to benefit from:  a comprehensive, global platform and proven portfolio of leading-edge services innovation focused on cloud and mobile optimization best-in-class customer support services  Mobile Revolution There is a mobile revolution and brands want to be on the winning side. Luckily, technologies such as Cotendo and the Akamai Intelligent Platform power solutions like Aqua Ion Mobile, allowing brands to engage customers like never before while providing the highest quality mobile experiences.     "As enterprises have embraced the move to the cloud and seek solutions for an increasingly mobile world, Akamai has added important technology and operational expertise across its global platform. With our acquisition of Cotendo now complete, we are excited to extend the value of our combined teams and offerings to customers."  Paul Sagan President and CEO, Akamai     Quotes  "As enterprises have embraced the move to the cloud and seek solutions for an increasingly mobile world, Akamai has added important technology and operational expertise across its global platform. With our acquisition of Cotendo now complete, we are excited to extend the value of our combined teams and offerings to customers."  Paul Sagan President and CEO, Akamai      Cotendo Support Phone USA866.254.0779 EMEA+972.9.8653888       #footer_area .sociallinks{width:185px;} #footer_area .sociallinks a{width:20px;} #footer_area .sociallinks a.twitter{background-position: -21px 0;} #footer_area .sociallinks a.linkedin{background-position: -41px 0;} #footer_area .sociallinks a.rssxml{background-position: -103px 0;} #footer_area .sociallinks {background-position: -62px 0;} #footer_area .sociallinks a.akam-blog{background-position: -83px 0;} #footer_area .sociallinks a.slideshare{background-position: -125px 0;} #footer_area .sociallinks a.pinterest{background-position: -148px 0;} a{color: #A1A1A1;}{font-size:0.6em;margin-bottom:10px;background-color: #474A4C; color:#a1a1a1;} .connect .btn{padding:0.5em;} @media (max-width : 960px) { #footerwrapper .connect{ min-width: 100%;} footer{ min-width: 100%; padding-top: 10px;} #footerwrapper .connect{ padding: 5px 0px;} .wrapper,.content{width: 100%;} .connect-1,.connect-2{ float: none; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 5px 0px;} .connect-3{ margin: 5px 0px ; padding: 5px 0px;} .copyright{float: left;} .hide-mobile{ display: none;} .footer-links{ float: none;} .footer-links a{ display: inline-block;padding:5px 0;}{ margin: 10px 0px;} }   var dep_id=16522;    Connect   Follow Us:                         

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  Akamai® is the leading provider of cloud services for helping enterprises provide secure, high-performing user experiences on any device, anywhere. At the core of the Company's solutions is the Akamai Intelligent Platform™ providing extensive reach, coupled with unmatched reliability, security, visibility and expertise. Akamai helps enterprises around the world optimize the web experience with SaaS cloud computing solutions including web application acceleration, mobile and web performance optimization, web media delivery and content delivery network (CDN) services. Akamai's cloud security solutions protect online assets against threats such as SQL Injection and DDoS attacks for maximum information security. Akamai removes the complexities of connecting the increasingly mobile world, supporting 24/7 consumer demand, and enabling enterprises to securely leverage the cloud.  © 2014 Akamai Technologies

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