St. Louis Weather


Saint Louis

High: 32°
Low: 23°

Scattered Clouds

Dew Point: 0°
Visibility: 10.0 miles
Humidity: 31%
Pressure: 30.57 in. -
Sky: Scattered Clouds
Wind: SW 10 mph
Wind Chill: 17°

Forecast for the next twelve hours

Saint Louis MO Weather Underground - Section Title Here
3  pm
6  pm
9  pm
12  am
3  am
Clear Clear
Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy
Clear Clear
Clear Clear
Clear Clear


Forecast data from the National Digital Forecast Database

4Warn Storm Team Forecast

by Meghan Danahey

Updated today at 2:02 PM

This Afternoon: High 26. Arctic air makes for a bitterly cold day. Winds won't be too strong, but there will be enough of a breeze to result in a wind chill in the teens. Mostly sunny and dry. Winds: WSW 5-10 mph.

Tonight (New Year's Eve): Low 20s. Mostly clear and cold. Around 21 at Midnight, so bundle up if you're out and about for New Year's celebrations! Wind chill readings in the teens. Winds: WSW 5-10 mph.

Thursday (New Year's Day): Low 19/High 38. Partly cloudy. Not quite as cold. Winds: WSW 10 mph.

Friday: Low 29/High 40. Increasing clouds. Not as cold. A little rain is possible across the southern part of the area. A mic of rain, sleet or snow is possible Friday night into Saturday morning. Winds: Light and variable.

St. Louis Weather Maps